June 22, 1928 "If We Build Now~We'll Be In By Fall" "Only a few days ago we were merely talking about a house. We looked around for a site, found one that looked just right, an.d now we've started to build. Houses go up so fast in summer that we'll be able to move in before cold weather comes." Those who act at once can do as this Evanston family is doing. Even if you are j.ust talking over the prospect of a North Shore home, there is yet time to secure a site ·and take advantage of the year's best building seas<m.. ·. :lJibeit winter comes-you will be perfectly located, convenient to everything that has made the North Shore Chicago's most favored residence section. ·. .-1\l· ' .. Here are a few of the homesites we are offering! Large wooded corner on Bluff Street, Glencoe, 2 blocks to school, 8 minutes to station. Suitable for several homes or small estate. $33 ,000. Open to offer. $ ro6 per ft. 8o ft. lot in Kenilworth, restricted section of fine homes. Anxious to sell. 7 o ft. Corner in Winnetka, 1 8o ft. deep, two to four blocks to lake, school or trains. Only $1 2,ooo. We can show you exclusive offerings in fine residence , neighborhoods all over the North Shore. This territory we cover completely, as we have for the past 44 years and are ready to act .promptly in your behalf. You will find our accurate data on values and trends, and profit possibilities, as well as ready .financing assistance, helpful in making your plans materializ~. + I Suppose you come in and let us show you some of the splendid opportuntttes now offered. Do it at once, if you expect to build for fall occupancy. For 44 years specialists in North Shore residential and business sales and rentals. First mortgage loans and investmen~s. Insurance of all types I I Chicago, 40 N. Dearborn St., Central 0227 Evanston, Fountain Sq., University 2600 Winnetka; 714 Elm Street, Winnetka 219 9 Wilmette, 424 Linden Ave., Wilmette 460