June 22, 1928 WILMETTE L.- JF·E · 21· Miss Reba J. Hurn, Legislator, Guest of C. R. Smiths State Senator Reba ]. Hurn, of Spokane, Wash., is a gue5t at the home ~f her sist~r, Mrs. C. R. Smith, 1728 Highland avenue. Miss Hurn is making Wilmett~ her last stop on a nine months' trip around the world. She is a gradqate of Northwestern university,. class of 1905 and arrived here in time to attend th~ Alumni Dav exercise5 at the university last Satur·day. Miss Hurn began her trip on the west coast, visited the Hawaiian isla~1ds , the Philippines, Japan, China, India and other southern Asiatic countries, ~n.d eight countries .in Europe. She vtstted the Indian national as sembly at Delhi and the Turkish national a5sembly at AnPora. The ferment and unrest in Asia and in ·the Balkan states of Europe imrressed Miss Hurn more strongly than anythi_ ng else with which she came in contact on the trip. Miss Hurn is the onlv woman state senator that WashingtOti has ever had. She expects to return to Spokane shortly after July 4 to resume her duties. ATTENDS COMMENCEMENT E. L. Nygaard, superintendent of the Kenilworth Public schools, returned \Vednes'day from Oberlin, Ohio, where he had ~one the previous Thursdav. Mr. Nygaard attended the graduation exercises at Oberlin college, where his nenhew wa s a member of the class of 1928. . Recreation Events Team standings in the men's athletic leagues sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board, following last week's games, are : Playground Ball \Von Lost Pet. Ridge Electric .. . . . . ....... 5 · o , 000 Wilme tte Ice . . . ... . .. . . . . .. 4 0 1000 St. Joseph . ....... . .. .. . .. . 3 2 600 Terminal ....... . . .... .... . . 3 2 600 Baptist .. .... . .......... . .. 3 2 600 K. of C. . . . . ... .... . ....... 2 2 500 Em~·Jish I .. utheran .......... 2 4 333 All Btars ........ . ......... 1 3 250 P..resbyterian . . . .. . . . .. .. . . 0 5 000 American Legion .. . ....... 0 4 600 RosENBERGs Dol'is StTeet- Downtown E.wnston .Rosenberg~s for· Jantzens! Horseshoes Won Lost P et. T. 0. 0. F. IV .. . ......... 5 1 833 Congregational . ......... . . 3 1 750 I . 0. 0. F. I ......... .. ..... 3 1 750 Methodist ........ . .. .. .. . . . 3 1 750 'rerminals I .. .. ·. . ..... .. :. 3 1 750 I. 0. 0. F. II ....... . . . .. . 2 1 666 !1t. John's II ... . . . ..... . ... 2 1 666 St..John's I .. .. .... . .... . .. 3 2 600 St. .Tohn's III ............. . 1 1 500 Wilmette Ice I .......... .. 2 2 500 I. 0. 0. F. III . ........... 1 1 500 St. Joseph I . ............. 2 1 333 Wilmette Ice II ............ 3 1 250 St. Joseph II .... .. ... .. .... 0 0 000 Presbyterians ii . ..... . . .. . 0 4 000 K. of C. . ... ....... ..... ... . 0 2 000 Terminal II ...... .. ... . 0 3 000 Pre~byteria n I II ........... 0 1 000 Blonde or Brunette IYour Color Harmony Color harmony mabs one costume more striking than the other. Jantzen colors will reftect your personality, your charm. Jantzen swimming suits fit you lightly, comfortably, smoothly without a wrinkle. Jant~n MOTOR IN EAST Frederick E. Clerk, superintendent of the New Trier High school, left Friday of last week with his family for a motor trip to Washington, D. C., New York, New Enghnd, and other eastern . points. Mr. Clerk eJ5pected to be back at the end of this week. TEACHER AT LAKE FOREST Miss Marian E. Cotton, director of Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall entertained the New .Trier High school music de- the membe.r s o{ her bridge luncheon partment, is teaching at Lake Forest club at her home, 1040 Elmwood avecollege during the summer months. nue, Thur.sday of this week. Suits for Men and · Women . . ....... $6.08 $6.50 Mi..ea' Jantzena, $5.00, $5.50 Children'· Jantzena, $4, $4.50 Infanta' Jantzena, $2.50, $3.08 Youtha' Jantzena, $5, $5.50 Newest Is the Jantzen "Twosonte" YOUR GREATEST CONCERN when storing your Furs is absolute 1afety. Our newly installed Vault-most modern of all-is proof against FIRE, THEFT and MOTHS. Besides, all Furs are insured. Come su this new Vault. ~~men $6.50 Solid colors, .bright hues, distinctive stripings to give a one-piece suit the appearance of a two-piece suit while retaining the simple advantages of the one-piece. Blond.! We Clean, Remodel and Repair BEACH CAPES of rubber at $4.95: a bag to match at Sr.oo. Rubberized sateen capes in bright colors, $8.95. and Flannel Robes at $ 1 2. 9 5. BATHING SHOES with crepe rubber soles and heels. Women's sizes, 3 to 7· at $1.25; Children's shoes without heels, 75c. DIVING CAPS in pastel colors -a great variety. Bathing Belts, webbed or rubber coated, 25c. FLOATS-Frogs, ducks, dogs at $]·95· · Swim Jubes ~t $1.65. Alligator Floats, $Jo.oo. Labich Brothers 1717 Sherman Avenue GREENLEAF 2882 1800 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago Managed bJI Oharlsa LGb4o", jormerl11 of Belclc l'tw Store Web Foot Suits Jantzen Suitr · lot Womtn trnd Gitlr § Art Sold ~ Onlg tit § Rorenbtrg~r ~ Artistic Hand .Hooked Rugs Made by the Mountaineers of Maine These exquisite hand hqoked rugs come in oval and oblong shapes. The designs are fashioned i~ a variety of beautiful blended col~r ings of blue, rose, lavender, green, etc. They make charmtng gifts and are offered at the very special price of $20 each. I $1.95 "' $4.95 All-wool bathing suits for rhe entire family. Economically priced and thoroughly dependable and · serviceable. in § Evanrton g Titiaal 1""""""""'""::2!~~~~~~}i!~i::·llllllllllllllllllll 1=====-= Or Clair ·Studios 71 0 2 SHERIDAN ROAD PHONE BRIARGATE 7892 Estimates Furnished Decidedly . Different Guaranteed to Please with elastic knit stitch. Women's sizes 3 6 to 46 at $3.95; children's sizes 28 to 36 at $3.50. &thing Suit Stction-Firat Floor !:;:~i~i;s~:::~tj!~~:t!~~~:~~~~r ~~~; 1======- ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf. ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll