June 22, 19.28 a . ~====~ . ==~==========~~~============~~~~ Northwestern Stud·ent 3,000,000 Touriata Will Motor to .Canada · Naval Officers Leave 11DDIBB SCHOOL W ILMET T E LIFE on Cr.uise to Halifax Fifty-five young men, student officen of , the Northwestern Naval unit, left Evanston at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, June . 19, for Boston, Mass., for a ·two weeks' naval cruise. All expenses for the trip are paid by the Ka\·y department: The stud~nt3 will board the bat~ shitt "Wyoming" at Boston and immeIllinois electric light and power comdiately proceed to Halifax. Nova panies are serving 71.9 per cent more Scotia. After a three day visit at that customers than they did in 1921. port they will proceed to Portland, Me., for a three dav visit before returning to Boston July 4. They \·,rill leave the "Wyoming" ·on July 5 when they will be furnished sufficient funds for the return trip to Evanston. which trip they will he atlo,Yed to make at their convenience. This cruise is in the nature of a reward for their work in the course of naval science and tactics during the past year, and will give them an opportunity to observe in actual practice some of the things about which they have been studying. During the cruise they will be under the supervision of officers of th~ regular Navr and trained in the duties of junior officers. This training wilt include the operation and actual firing of the 5-inch guns of the "Wyoming." Of the fifty-five student officers making the trip, twenty-t\\·o are from· the north shore district. fi,·e being residents of Wilmette. Nearly 2,500,000 American motorists r toured .in Canada last year, r.eports the j Chica2'o' Motor club, and early season figures indicate that the total this year will be boosted tO' around 3,00,000. Last year 227,758 Canadian motorists toured in the United ' States. In 1gzs this total is expected to be lifted to half a million. :Moral·· Seestou l·Jy 1 to 8eptem1ter 1 D·rlar tile S·mmer, Ia addition' .t o oar repiar Stenorraplale aad Commerelal Uaes, we rtn short, lateasiYe eo·rses In Grertr SllorUlaad for lllgll eellool and eollere tt·deats; also rnlew and speed work for experleaeed eteaograpllers. . · Studtnu enttr an11 rimt; individual instruction Tile reeord of oar sehool j.stUles ·s In soUeltlag tile patroaare of those who are seeking the Yerr best In baslness tralalag. Watson Business Sehool SZI Davia SL T elephoae University 3886 Evaastoa, IU. on We Invite You to Visit the ··NORTH SHORE'S" Most Extensive ·ShowiDI ol Arms-trong's n.n'. Adam Elson, 944 Sheridan road. Edward L. Fielding, 2304 Chestnut a\·e. Eugene E. Husting, 1620 ·wa!'hington Maurice Osborne, 1428 Foster a\·e. William G. Peacock, 128 Sixth st. Pres.ton Farley, 300 Abbotsford Kt'nilworth. rd., Gains. Honorable Mention for Swat-the-Fly Poster Elizabeth Epp. daughter of 1\[rs. Anna Epp. of Locust road, was giren honorable mention in the recent Cook county health poster contest sponspred by the Chicago Tuberculosis institute. More than one hundred contestants were entered in the contest. " ·hich was for seventh and eighth grade pupils in Cook county schools. The poster made by Elizabeth EllP had as its chief feature the pi'ctnre of an enormous flv with the " ·ords "Swat! ~\\'at! Swat!"· in large letters underneath. The poster was on display at tl1e Chicago Tuberculosis offices at 360 1\. ~ichigan avenue. Health Derby for Babes Feature at State Fail" Arrangements have been completed for giving physical and mental examinations to a thousand babies at the Illinois State fair in Springfield in August, according to an announcement made by Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director. Over $500 are offered in awards to high scoring children. T\\'ins, triplets and families of six children are eligible to compete for special awards reserved for them alone. Registration is open on a state-wide basis and a silver loving cup will be presented to the mot·her of the state's most healthy baby. TELEPHONE GREENLEAF 1941 A Representative is at ,our service to furnish estimate without obligation. · Consult our Contract Department HOLD FINAL MEETING The final meeting of the Quadrangle Association of Northwestern univer sity alumnae, for this season, was helcl Monday evening, June 11, at the home of the president, Mrs. Edson B. Fowler. In Wisconsin, school teachers ar~ required to give thirty minutes instruction a month to children on accident prevention, reports the accident prevention departmenj of the Chicago Motor club. l'loor·o·leum Stores 1009-DAVIS ST. Just West of Viaduct EVAIISTOII