WILMETTE LIFE June 22, 1928 Many l+{orlh Shore . Young People Take Wedding Vows Union Church Is Scene of W eddiqg of Kenilworth Girl Charming among the June weddings was that of Miss Phyltis Ruf, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Arthur William Ruf of Kenilworth, and Claude Kelsey Sanders of Evanston. . The setting for this event was the Kenilworth Union church. The service was read by the Rev. Herbert Willett at 8:30 o'clock, Saturday evening, June 16. A reception followed immediately at . the bride's home, 236 Cumnor road. The bridal party included Miss Helene Seibold, maid of honor; the Misses Katharine Stolp, Betty Harwood, Frances Stevens, Betty Taylor, Lois Basset, and Mrs. Arthur Ruf, bridesmaids; Clifford Smith, best man; and the ushers, Frank Sanders, Walter Sanders, Granville Revere Lewis, Fred Bruce, Jack Reasner and Basset Ruf. The · bride was gowned in ivory satin made with a bodice of lace with tight fitting, long sleeves. Old lace bordered the peacock-shaped train over which hung the loni{ tulle veil with its coronet of lace and tulle fastened with orange blossoms. Her bouquet was of roses. sweet pea:;, and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor was attired in green chiffon and the dresses of the bridesmaids were of yellow moire trimmed witb tulle, long in back, with bustle bows of green, and an oldfashioned flower on the shoulder of each. The bridal attendants all carried shower houquets of m ixerl flowers to carry ouJ the color of the frocks. The mother of the hride wore peach chiffon and Mrs . Sanders was in brown lace. Among the out-of-town guests were the following: Mr. and Mrs. James G. Minert. Mr. and Mrs. Ira N. Davenport, 'Miss Juliette Brown, and Dr. a no 'Mrs. William Hane\'. After returning from ·their wedding trip, the Sanders wilJ he at home at 310 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. J~ne Virginia Thompson · Christiansen-Hruttman . Ramsey Becomes the Bridt of Philip Kemper W~dding June 16 Event An. nounces Plans Miss Fae Lorirle Christiansen became the bride of Leslie Harry Huettman ·saturday afternoon, June 16, at · Miss Virginia Thompson has chosen Christ church, \Vinnetka. ~{iss Chris- ~1:onday, June 25, as the date of her . tiansen is the daughter of Mr. and marriage to George \Villiam Delana of ~rs. E A. Christi;wsen of the Linden Sycamore, Ill. The wedding will be a ~rest apartments, and Mr. Huettman small, quiet affair in the home of ~[iss ·s the son of ~!r. a_nd_ Mrs. Fred Thompson' parents, 1115 Fore · t a\·eHuettman of 84.) ~{Jchtgan avenue, nue, \\.ilmette . Wilmette. · The Rev. Hubert Carleton will read The Rev. Morton C. Long of Monti- the service at 11 :30 o'clock , following cello, Ill., performed the ceremony. He which a wedding breakfast will b~ had read the service for the father and served at the Edgewater Beach hotel. mother of the bride when they were Mrs. John Thompson will be matron married. Miss Gladys White of Chi- of honor and Edward Delana, } r., will c~go was the bridesmaid. Royal Gun- be best man. The parents qf the mson of Seattle was best man, and the bridegroom, ~[r. and ~Irs. Edward ushers were Ward Green of N'?rwalk, Delana of Sycamore will be present at Conn.; Arthur Haven of Htghland the wedding. Park~ and Robert ~ick of Ev~nston. After a trip to Michigan the couple After the receptiOn followmg the will be at home after August 1, at 680 ceremony the Huettmans left for N'ew Hinman avenue Evanston. York City where they will board the A number of ~ffairs have been gi,·en Carmania for Europe. They will retur!t for Miss Thompson during the past in September. few months. The mothers of the On Saturday preceding the wedding, kindergarten group and of the third .Mrs. H. E . Pollard, of Winnetka, gave grade children gave teas for her and a 5hower for the bride. Other enter- pr~sented her with gifts. Beginning tainments during the week included a April 14, with a luncheon and kitchen luncheon given last \Vednesday by shower given by 1f rs. E. B. Taylor and 1fiss ~atalie Redfield at the Lake Mrs. C. Boyle, a series of luncheon Shore Athletic club, followed by a showers followed. matinee party. ~1iss Gladys \Vhite April 28, Mrs. R. A. Strader of 1542 gave a linen shower for the bride last Stony Island avenue, Chicago, enterFriday afternoon at a bridge lunch- tained. :Miss Helen Butz, 802 Lake eon. Friday night the bridal ,party street, entertained ~fay 19; Mrs. Lawrwa s entertained at the Stevens hotel, ence McClu.re, 219 Broadway ga\·e a Chicago at a dinner given by the par- miscellaneous shower May 26. Miss ents of the bride. Betty Shapker gave an evening bridge June 13. and a sister-in-law of the brine. ~Ir s . John A. Thompson, enterDevere- Doig Wedding tained June 15. with a hosiery sho\\·er. The marriage of ~{iss Jane Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Ramsey of \ViJmette was solemnized Saturday morning at high mass in St. Francis Xavier's church. The bridegroom was Philip H. Kemper, son of Mr. and ~[rs. William S. Kemper of Chicago. Attending the bride . was Miss Laurette Healy of Chicago as maid of honor. The bride was given away by her father. }. Raymond Barrett was best · man and the ushers were brothers of the bride, Charles E. Ramsey and Jack C. Ramsey. Hardin VanDeursen of High 1and Park sang three .;olos during the ceremony. The altar was banked with pink and white peonies and roses anrl large baskets of the flowers 'were placed at the altar rails. Miss Ramsey wore an ivorv-tinted satin dress with a bouffant ~kirt, a tight bodice, and long sleeve:; of tulle. The over-skirt was of tulle embroidered in seed pearls. The tulle bridal veil was caught to her head with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas and roses. Miss Healy wore a shaded green taffeta gown in bouffant style and a green hat to match. She carried pink roses. The breakfast and reception wa given at the Georgian hotel. The young couple went south to Signal Mountain, Tenn ., and will he at home after } uly 1, at 7.351 ::\orth Rohev · . trect, Chicago. for June Wedding H 1 B df e ena ra ord Weds at Union League Club v\'hen ~[is s Helena Crews Bradford nf Winnetka became the bride of Gar o I d Clairmont Jeni son Saturdav evening, } une 16, she was simp ly gown-ed in white satin embroidered with pearls. Her veil hung from a coronet nf Rrussel.;; lace and she carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilie s of the valley. Her .;ister, Miss Virginia Bradford, who was her only attendant. wore a gown of pale green chiffon and carrierl pink .roses. Just previous to the ceremony, which was performed by candlelight at th~ Union . League club, Mary Mitchell Maier. soprano, sang "Perfect Love," Jame s Mitchell sang "Loves Coronation" and there was a duet. "At Dawning." A reception followed immediately after the ceremony had been performed by the Reverend ]. Findlay Browo and later there was supper and dancing. The rooms in which the ceremony was performed and the reception held, were decorated with many palms and summer garden flowers. Among the out-of-town guests were Mrs. G. } enison. the mother of the groom, Mrs. Ralph Crews of New York !ind Thomas P. Bradford and his daugh~er, Isabel, of Springfield, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jenison left fo'r northern Wisconsin where they will spend· several weeks. They wi11 make their home in Oak Park Solemnized in Michigan Marriage of Helen Bruch Takes Place in New York Tn New York City on Saturday, June 16, in the Bride's chapel of the Little Church Around the Corner, Helen Bruch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruch of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette, was married to Robert Frazier Lewis, son of the late Mr. · and Mrs. Robert H. Lewis of Hartford. Conn. The Rev. Randolph Ray officiated. The hride was given in marriage hy her father. . Marcia Louise Bruch was her sister's onlv attendant and Richard Lewis of Hartford served his brother as best man. A wet. 1ing breakfast at the Hotel Roosevelt for eighteen intimate friends and relatives followed the ceremonY. Miss Bruch is a graduate of Wellesley college of the class of 1924 and Mr. Lewi5 was graduated from Yale in the class of 1921 and is connected with the engineering dtpartment o£ Dillon, Reed and company. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are honeymoonin~ in the White mountains and upon their return will make their home in New York City. Mrs. Newell S. KniR"ht. Tr. of Kenilworth and Mr. and Mrs. Dwinelt Slate·r. formerlv of Kenilworth. were among the guests. Mrs. R. C. Whitsett and familv, 830 Oakwood avenue, motored east ·to be p_resent at the graduation of Ralph Whitsett, 1r., from Princeton universi. ty Jane 19. 11iss Frances Devere became the bride of James Doig, son of Mr. and ~fr s . John S. Doig, 820 Oakwood avenue, \Vilmette. Saturdav afternoon. The ceremony was performed in the garden of the home of Miss Devere's mother. ~fn. ~fan· Devere, at "\Valnut Glrn," Burmingham, Mich .. hy the Rc:,·. Stephen A. Lloyd, formerly pastor of the \Vilmette Congregational church and now pastor of a church in Pontiac. Mich. Miss Rosalind Devere. sister of the bride. was maid of honor. and Edward Purnell of Evanston was Mr. Doig's best man . Mr. and Mrs. T . B. Hardwick of Wilmette and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green of Barrington. formerly of Wilmette. ,..,·ere among the number of guests who motored to the wedding. The bride wore a simple frock of Palest orchid chiffon and carried a bouquet of white roses and orchids. Her maid of honor was dressed in varied . .;hades of rose colored chiffon and her bouquet was of pink roses. The ceremony was performed beneath a bower of peonies and sp ring hlossoms. The Doigs wilt spend a month motoring throul{h the east to New York City. Washington, D. C., and the White . mountains. After their trip they wtll return to Evanston to reside. Olga Stopka to M aery Lester Ball Tomorrow Tomorrow afternoon, ~Ii .;s Olga Stopka is to marry Lester F. Ball of Aurora. ~Iiss Stopka is the daughter of Mr. and ~frs. L. Stopka of 1536 Lake avenue. Dr. Horace J. Smith of the Wilmette Methodist church will read the service in the home of the bride. The maid of honor will be ~fiss Helen Stopka, the bride's sister, and the best man will be Charles Darling of Aurora. The flower girls will be niece~ of the bridegroom, Naidie and Barbara John.;ton, of South Milwaukee, Wis. Out-of-town guests at the wedding will be Mr. and Mr~. E. H. Ball, parents of the bridegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ball of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston of South Milwaukee, and Mrs. Charles Darling. Among the parties given for Miss Stopka was an evening bridge party given last Saturday hy Miss Marian Blunt of Wilmette and a bridge party ;ast Wednesday evening given by Miss Josephine Cox of Evanston. After a motor trip to Canada, Mr. Ball and his bride will make their home in the vicinity of Wilmette. I To Marry Tomorrow Miss Leonore Dingee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Dingee, 912 Lake avenue, Wilmette, will become the bride of J. Brewster Kimball at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening. The ceremony will take place in the home of the bride. ~he Rev. Horace G. Smith of the First Methodist church, Wilmette, will officiate. Miss Dingee is a member of Alpha Phi sorority at Northwestern university where she attended school. Mr. Kimball is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kimball of Glencoe. He is a member · of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and attended Beloit college. Announce Marriage Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ballard announce the .marriage of their daughter, Day MacSherry, to Montgomery Major, Wednesday evening._ June 13. ~r. an~ Mr:s. Ma.ior are on th~ir weddmg. tnp and wtll be at home 1 rter July 11, at 215 Ni!}th street. · Miss Ellen Henderson, formerly ·a member of the New Trier High school faculty, was married Wednesday afterno~>n to I. H. Tarsons of Rockford. Mtss Henderson was married in her home in Rockford. On Wedding Trip Mrs. Jessie M. Smith of Ames, Iowa has announced the marriage of her daughter, Helen Mary · . to Dr. Fred G. Harbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Harbaugh of 1219 Forest avenue. Dr. Harbaugh and his bride are motoring to Boston where they will spend the summer. After September l. ~hey will be at home at Lubbock, Texas, where the hridegroou1 is an instructor of veterinary and anima} husbandry in the Texas Technology college.