· · M:. and Mrs. W. T. Ha~man WILMET -TE l.II!E Mrs. W. W. Branigar and her daughter, Katherine, of Leicester road, Kenilworth, returned several weeks ago from their winter home at Gu~f Hills, Biloxi, Miss. Miss Mary Bramgar returned last week from Miss Bennett's school, in Millbrook, N. Y., where she has been attending school June 2Z, 1928 ' l Miss Margaret Korrady, daughter of of 1~ Ashland avenue entertained Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Korrady, formerand Mrs. Arthur F. Winters and ly of Kenilworth, has returned from daughter, Virginia, of Fond du be, Stoneleigh school, Rye Beach, N. H., Wis., last week. Mrs. Hapeman has where she has been attending school tllis past year. recently visited in Waukesha, Wis. ---oMiss Marjorie Baker of Pawnee, Ill., has been a guest of 'Mrs. Edwi'n L. Belshe, 530 Forest avenue, for the past week. -oM r. and Mrs. S. C. Orr of Piqua, Ohio, have been visiting their son, Lea J. Orr during the past week at his home at 1002 Greenleaf avenue. ·--o- Home and Gardea Oub Visits Battey Estate The Home and Garden club of Kenilworth, on the occasion of its meeting last week, visited the estate of Paul L. Battey of Glencoe, peony expert, who has one of the most beautiful gardens on the north shore. Next Monday the club wiJI meet at the home of Mrs. Charles . Howe, 240 Kenilworth avenue. Mrs. Maud Jacobs of the Garfield Park Experimental' station is to be the 5peaker of the afternoon. At that time the members of the Wilmete Garden club will be the guests of the Home and Garden club. Miss Frances Oleson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Oleson of Kenilworth, is leaving ~his week for a trip abroad. Miss Frances is going with a group of girls from Illinois and Northwestern universities, chap~roned by Mrs. Saunders. The girls are planning to stay abroad alJ summer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~ .. Miss Mae Louise Merriman, Kenilworth, ha5 returned from Cleveland, for the past year~Ohio. This year Mae Louise attended , Mr. and Mrs. Karl B. Korrady, who the Shaw High school there. for the past year have been residing at --othe Orrington hotel, returned to Kenil M rs. Herbert Taylor and Mrs. Frank worth on Monday. They will occupy Ketchum of Kenilworth have issued the Harry Harrisons' home on Ahbottsinvitations for a luncheon and bridge ford road, this summer. Margaret is at Sunset Ridge Country club, June 23. 'I planning for the visit of several of her friends this summer. -oHomer Johnson and his sons, Homer and Horton, of ~enilworth, have been fishing in the north woods. Mrs. Johnson and the other children have gone to their summer home in Wisconsin. Mr. Johnson and the two boys will join them later. --o-Mr. and Mrs. Sidn~y Ball and their daughter, Adelaide, formerly of Kenilworth and now of Indian Hilt, have just returned from the east where th ~~Y attended th.e commencement exercises of Wells college. Paisley. Ball was one of the graduates. -oM iss Elizabeth Eckhart, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart of Kenilworth, just returned from a house party in Bloomington. ¥iss Mary E 1i z abet h Humphreys entertained three girls at her summer home for about four days. -oM iss Mary Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Fowler of Kenilworth, had as her guest for the past week, Miss Jane Spencer of St· . Louis. · -oMr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe and family of Kenilworth left Saturday, June 16, for their . summer home in Portage, Mich. BUPMOBILE Invading All Markets with Their Grace and Beauty Phone Plaoae tor for a · Demonstration SI4S5.oo D~moastratlon -oM iss Katherine Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Benson of Kenilworth, gave a garden party for thirtytwo New Trier freshmen on Tuesday night June 12. The boys and girls danced on the terrace to the music of Tony Prince's accordion. F. 0. B. Detroit FJn.panengt>r, 4·door fi'.-dan. f'ntom .-qalpm.-nt lnelade~ ehrome· plated eowl bore, eowl light, anct rear light, fender wells, I dlse wheels and trank rat'k. -oM iss Pauline Spiegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Montie Spiegel of Kenilworth, gave a surprise tea on Sunday evening, June 10, for Miss Betty Gates of Winnetka, in honor of her birthday. -0- Used Can of Merit · 11!8 B·ld; Bro~gham--C wire wbt>eiJJ-perf~ct ............... . . tl,!U.OO Jtt7 Chrysler Royal Coup~ 7! . . . . . . . . ....................... . . . l87i.ot H·pmoblle Straight 8 "t8" Roadstu Dtmonstrator-Really a new ear. lHt Natll Sedaa-perteet nnnlng ordf'r, .. . . . . ..... .. .. ... . .. . . t i7i.OO "H·p" 4 el·b sf'dan-v..ry tlean . . . . . ...... .. ........ . . . . . .. . ... t uo.eo .Jordan tedan--t'ood eoadltlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .............. t lli.N RIDGB MOTOR SALBS 1823 Riqe AYe., EYanaton Plaone Greealeaf 4111 Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Seery and family of Kenilworth left. Saturday night, June 16, for Santa Monica, Cal. They are planning .. to reside there :ndefinitely. -oMn. Thomas Coyne of Kenilworth entertained her luncheon club at Indian Hill Golf club, last Friday. After luncheon the guests played bridge. ' What is more important than good·brakes? teste3 0~ 0~,-s 1\0.t\)e ~ ~ _...~1 ee cU,-o.te ~oW(iC P ERFECT BRAKE ACTION has never been more essential than in this day of complex traffic conditions. The increasing number of cars on the streets and roads and· the general speeding up of movement call for rapid, positive control. Motorists have been quick to recognize the necessity of the accurate, scientific check which our new brake testing machine supplies. On an average, more than a score of cars are checked here daily. With the opening of the touring season the demands will be even heavier. May we suggest, therefore, that you drive in for your free brake test early, and avoid the possibility of disappointment at the last moment before you leave on your summer trip? It takes but a moment. Drive your car onto the testing machine, obtain an instantaneous reading on all wheels (checking equalization accurately), drive off. Let us adjust your brakes if you wish, but there is no obligation to do so. Highway pol~ce i~ n~arby states are stopping cars without warning ·to demand official brake tests. Better be safe than sorry--drive in now for our free positive check test. +_...~ cOS" PLATE 2212 W. Railroad Ave. at Noyes St. Phone Greenleaf 2122 Galtrlel S···lten Loekbeed HJ4ra·Ue f· Wlleel Bea41:J: aa4 Otller lleellaaleal Bnket BVAIISTOR Lorraine DriYIBI' Llrlltt Wettlnpo..e A.·tomoUTe Brake Kokomo Veatllaton