Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1928, p. 47

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June 22, . 19~ . WILMETTE LIFE desires records which may be taken out with the phonographs. Records and . ~ other contributions will be collected if Cake, coffee, cigarets, chocolate bars, the donor will call Kenilworth 127 or ' and men's clothing will ' be distributed Kenilworth 4363. \ .' Monday afternoon at the Great Lakes Naval Training station by Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Comly, formPrentiss and Mrs. Frank Nason. Mrs. erly of Kenilworth .and now of EvansPrentiss and Mrs. Na.s on are · working ton, ·are being congratulated on the as a committee for the Kenilworth birth of a daughter, Saturday, June 16, Neighbors in distributing these articles. at the Eva~1ston hospital. . Two phonographs will be taken to -a-t!te disabled veterans which were obMrs. Richard Wolfe of Kenilworth tained through an article published in had a3 her -guest last week-end, her · the WILME~ LIFE, WINNETKA TALK, mother, Mrs. Newgard, whose home is and GLENCOE NEws. The committee now in Milwaukee. ' . Kenllworth Women .to ' Take Gifts to Vets ·. . -------- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. F. Biesemeier, for their summer home in Leland, 804 Central avenue, were in Minneapo- Mich. They wilt spend the entire lis this week where Mr. Biesemeier summer there. attended the convention of Rotary -oInternational, June 18 to 22. They Mrs. Edwin Hedrick and her two motored to Minneapolis. .daughters, Phebe and tJ:ario~. of Ken-o-ilworth, are leaving ] une 27, for LeFenn G~rmer, son of Mrs. L~a . J. land Mich. where they plan to spend Orr of Wilmette, who .has been bvmg th 'umme; · ' at Castle Eerde, Omnen, Holland, for e s · -amore than a year, visited Mr. (\nd Mrs. Christie of Scotland, during the month Robert Burns, son of · Mr.. and Mrs. of May. Robert Burns of Kenilworth~ recently -ogave a dinner dance for members of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison and the ei&hth grade of the Joseph Sears family of Kenilworth left last Sunday school. . ----------~----------------------~-- on all Firestone Built TIR ' ' P·R ICES REDUC EVER hefore have you had a tire-huyinr op· N portunity like this. Pricea on theae four famous tires have been lowest ia histoi'J. Now they are further reduced-and you ret the henefit of eur service. Because of the complete Firestone victory over rubber restriction and the reduced prices on raw rubber that resulted, Firestone has been able to reduce prices to us and we immecliateiJ pass these lower prices on to you. Our startling reductions apply on every size of the four world-famous Fireatone-huilt Tires, shown here. The Firestone Gum-Dipped Tire ia The Tire Supreme-holding all recorda for apeed, safetJ and endurance. The world's first practical low·preasure tire was the Fuii-.Size Gum-Dipped Balloon pioneered and developed by Firestone. It wu an outltanding contribution to the rapid development of the mod· ern fait and hich j,o~red car. No manufac:t.rer · has been ·a hle to daplicate this tire in ~omfort or in the amazina mileaP records ~ eatablia.ed. The weU-kaowa Old&elcl Tire ia priced lower than any oth· ataaclarcl tin. For oyer four ,...... it wu aold. h,. the OW&eld Tire CompuaJ' at pricea higher than were ukecl for other atandard Fireatone ecoDOIDJ' of prodactioa and diatriltutioa enahlea ua to ..u this tire at moat attrac:ti.e pricea. In the mecliam-pricecl field, the C~urier Tire and Tube are unequalled. Ne.er hefore have we seen a tire huilt like thia ODe-Gveraize, I'UI'ted-witla rut-protected aiclewalla-at pricea far helow many unknown, untried braDcL. Jt....-. The Airway ia o&ered to the owner· of lirlat cars at a price that cannot be duplicated anywhere. These Firestone-built Tire· aerv-; every purse and purpose. Back of every tire we sell atancla our servite-riving organization and full value ia assured. .,.so ·Is-s· 2.9 X 4.40·2.1 S1 X OLDFIBLD 2.9 X 4-40·2.1 COURIBR 2.9 X ss-oo S1 X $,. AIRWAY 2.? X 4.40·2.1 ~40..2.1 15 5-2.5·2.1 $.2.5-2.1 S1 X 5-2.5·2.1 $J3·Z5 SJJ-50 '5·'5 Wilmette 691 OTHER SIZES PRICED PROPORTIONATELY LOW We Save You Money and Serve You Better Wilnlette Battery & Electric Service 740 -12th Street Sinclair Filling Station

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