June 22, 1921 WILMETTE LIFE Make Williams, Contest Awards at Com'mencement Prizes were awarded last Thursday evening for the Williams prize essay· contest, which is held every year by Henry P. Williams of Glencoe and is awarded at the commencement exercises of New Trier High school. Mr. Williams was· unable to attend t~e exercises himself this year, so, in ~us absence, Frederick E. Clerk, supermtendent of the school, awarded the prizes. The first prize in the poetry group was awarded to a group of poems by Jane William Philbrick, and "Flame Darts," by Herma Emma Logan, was awarded the second prize. Kingsley Karnopp won the first prize in the short story group. He wrote under the name of John Dough. Robert Cairn Davie, writing under the name Mandarin, received second prize in this grouo. The third- group of this prize conte~t was the miscellaneous group. First prrz~ was won br, the essay "Thoughts m Lmcoln Park, by Peter Pan which was just the pen name for Madelon Maye Beall. Second prize was won by ] une Heyda with her contribution w~.fy Brother." Her nom de plume was Leona le Brun. Two plays handed in, both of which w_ere considered very good, and thus gtven honorap]e mention. One was "Symphony" by Marporie Braymer and the other, "Over the Teacups " b; Jane Philbrick. ' \Vith the exception of Kingsley Karnopp and Marjorie Braymer all those winning prize~ or receiving mention were in the graduating class. " In · rea test or Not long after Goodyear announced this new tire - it became general\ly known as "The World's Greatest Tire." This new tire has an All-Weather Tread specially designed for balloon tires; it does a\vay with all existing ideas of how long a balloon tire should wear; it gives better trac· tion, more non-skid. Now-we know something about tires. · We tested this one, looked it over, cut one up, tried it for · everything we could think of. We've watched it for months. Take our wo~d, ,, Junior Net Stars Form League on North Shore . A triangle tennis league has been arranged with Junior players of the Skokie Country club, . Winnetka Tennis club and Indian Hill Golf club as participants. The schedule has been announced as follows: June 24-Skokie at Indian Hill club; July 8-Winnetka at Skokie; July 22-Indian Hill at Winnetka; August 5-Skokie at Winnetka; August 19-Winnetka at Indian Hill~ August 26-Indian Hill at Skokie. The possible candidates for the team from Indian Hill club are: BoysHughes Dallas and Francis Stanton; Girls-Barbara Holden, Helen Fulton, and Jean Armstrong. A prize will be awarded the club winning the large.;t number of matches. Individual orizes will be awarded team members. - North Shore Women Aid in Giving Picnic for Blind The Chicago Woman's aid gave its annual picnic for the blind of ·Chica~o Tuesday, June 12. After an automobile ride through the city parks, a picnic luncheon was served in Jackson Park and several hours of entertainment followed. The men ancl women were called for in automobiles and taken to their respective homes and to the Industrial Home for the Blind. Among t·he many women who gave the use of their cars, and their services, were Mrs. Maurice R. Rosen of Wilmette, Mrs. Albert Pick. Sr., and Mrs. Emanuel Hirsch, of Winnetka: and Mrs. Frank Seiden, Mrs. Harry Misch, Mrs. Ben Bowsley, Mrs. Harry Rubloff, and Mrs. Max Wolff, of Glencoe. Among the parties given for Mrs. John Watters, formerly of Wilmette and now a resident of Evanston, who is leaving for a trip to Europe, was a party given Tuesday of last week by Mrs. P. V. Bright of 731 Ashland avenue. it is the world's greatest tire. We have your size. It costs no more than ordinary ti.res. Come in and see it. More people ride on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind. WILMETTE MOTOR SALES P. J. SCHAEFER, Prop. 515 FOURTH STREET PHONE WILME'I"I'E 636