WILM!TTI LlFE ---::o. ..... . .,.__.,_ . ] une 22, 1928 GJe ., 8 I lUI· Sol.cl. l.or l' lie Th~ 5() feet of bu·lnes~ v·e·nt front.ing on Park ·venue jqat west of the Glenco~ State b"nlf: has been sold by the Chicago Trust Company, trustee, to George A. McCorkle, lawyer, City '~=:::!!!:!:=:=~=:!~~=~!!!~~~=---=~~_::.~:: · ·so,ooo interest for loans on homes , 10 ~nd 15 year pl~nt~. atra. ht or w\th pre-payment privileges IHN r pqr A. 6.p UJ\Nk[JlS Llrl CO. " f UNION ~tcNIUAl lltl INIUhANCl CO. · I I I ' It" I l l II " II 1 , t! f - 0 ' . . M u II h! · £ o rn h 1n c 'I A ~ a , J J 0 , 000 ~ 000 - - - - Square building, Chicago, at a a:eported price of $50,000. Mr. MeCorkle des:sled the property to the State Bank and Trust Company of Evanston as trustee. The property is unique in that it has business front·age on two streets; it runs through 125 feet from Park avenue to Tudor court. It . is planned to improve this site with a three-story brick store and apartment building of Colonial architecture . , A thre~ -s tory brick stucco and half timher business and apartment building adjacent to this property on the we s t is . just being completed; so that the vacant just sold was the last vacant business f rontagc on the north side of Park avt'nue east of Vernon. The Tudor court frontage faces the long park stretch of property belonging to the Glencoe Women's Library club, whose members are soon going to erect an attractive club building. Business frontage in Glencoe is re stricted to one vrry small area. and the market for it has heen very active re ct.mtly. · Paul lleinsen 0f tht· Heinsen Re:.lty company of Winnetka represented the sellers a1Hl \V. ] . Pickard of Mrs. Fullt'r's Real Estate company of Evanston represented the purchaser. Hall Hanley Prepares for Northwestern Coaching School A number of the outstanding football coaches in the country are on the staff of the summer coaching school to be conducted by Northwestern university August 13 to 25. Course,s in football, basketball, track and athle.tic administration are to be given. Dick Hanley, head football coach at Northwestern, witt have charge of. the football course. Supplementary lectures will be given by such we.ll known grid experts as Jess Hawley of Dartmouth; Arnold Horween of Harvard; J udgc Walter Steffen of Carnegie Tech and Duke Dunne, line coach at Harvard. Cnach Hanley's series of lectures plu~ his field demonstrations provide a complete study of the sport from the viewpoint of a Warner exponent. The course covers the technique of individual play and team play plus the principles of coaching, training, conditioning and the care of . injuries. Arthur Lonborg, who made his entry into the Big Ten this year as heart basketball coach at Northwestern, wilt conduct the basketball course. Coach Lonborg had an unusually successf11l. season winninP" twelve games out of st'venteen. · H~- is a product of Kansas universitv where he studied under Dr. Forrest Allen. During his entry into the coaching profession he has won 84 games and lost fot1rteen. Coach Frank Hill, track coach at Northwestern, will handle the track pro~ram in the summer school. Coach Hilt will attend the Olympic · games and wilt bring back fresh impres.sions 0f the ~reat performances which are certain to be seen at the games. Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilson. director of athletics at Northwestern and a leading fi~re in middle western athletics. will give his oopular course in Organization anri Theory of Athletic I Departments . His course proved hiJZ~ ly popular last year ·and many of hts students have already signified their I intention of continuing it during the comin\!' summer. I Students attendin~ th~ summer 1 school will live in the fraternity hou3es on the lake front. Golf tournament· amon\! the members of the school ·wilt be sta~ed frequently d!}rin!! the two week neriod. A number of course· atone- the north shore will he· avail1 able for v_la_y_._ _ _ _ __ LET PLY HE FUNDS R YOUR HOME re naadna are rrying you, come in Don't put otf building your home because you fttl you haven·t the necessary funds. We ha e helped build aay Ltt n. Or if funds a talk with u Wehavemo Ev~nst na struct · or on improved rty at 5~% and 6ro ecrsoaal and ttltpbont o first Y. W. C. A. Plans Drive For Members Next Fall ~Irs . \Yheaton :\ugur. chairman ot EALES ATE L AN DEPART~NT the central branch of the Y. \V. C. :\. in Chicag o. called a two day conference for \Vedne day and Friday morni ng of this week. Tht- newly organized mem bership ~·ommittee made pla ns fo r t h e fall member_hip drive. ~!r . and ~!rs . \V. H . Evan .s and her two daughters. Elizabeth and Elea no r . o f 6.30 "Greenleaf avenue. left last ~f on dav to motor to Au Sable Camp, GavlarZ t. ~lich .. where thev will rema. :n until the end of J ulv . -The Ge o rge Cook of \Vilmette v.: itt x~upy t heir house whi!e they are go ne . A K ANY Orrington at Davis Ev ton, Illinois WILMBTTE of Linde n Cre..:t had as her gue ·t· last week, ~l i s· Antoinette Anderson. a classmate of ~lis.:; Thayer at the University 0f Illinois. ~1iss Elean o r Thaver - o-- PHONE WD..MSTrB 31 oo