] une 22, 1928 the site of the Improvement. Said park·ways shall be leveled, smoothed and hand-raked and all stones, broken con· crete, tile, and rubbish of eve~:y description removed from the site of the improvement. There shall be removed, including all grub~ing of roots, one (1) foot below the subgra~e of the roadway or the finished grade of the parkways where located, sixteen (16) trees seven (7) inches in diameter and over. The excavations where said trees are removed shall be backfilled with earth, and all wood, brush and rubbish shall be removed. All catchbaslns and manhole catchbasins shall be constructed of concrete composed by volume of one (1) part Portland cement, two (2) parts sand and four (4) parts gravel or crushed stone mixed with sufficient water to form a quaking ma,ss. Said catchbasins and manhole catchbaslns shall have an inside diameter of four ( 4)' feet and sidewalls and bottoms six (6) inches thick. Said walls shall be drawn in at the top to fit and support the cast iron covers hereinafter provided for. Each of said catchbasins and manhole catchbasins shall be provided with an asphaltic coated cast iron cover consisting of a frame weighing two hundred seventy-five (275) pounds and a perforated lid weighing one hundred twenty-five (125) pounds. Each catchbasin and manhole catchbasin shall be _prQvided with a vitrified tile sewer pipe elbow eight (8) inches in diameter, set in the wall of said basin, and each of said catchbasins and manhole catchbasins shall be connected to said drains hereinafter provided fo·r or to existing stormwater drains. The locations.. depths, details of construction and conn£;ctions and openings of said catchbasins and manhole catchbasins are more fully shown on said plates numbered 2 and 3. Excavations shall be made to receive said catchbasins and manhole catchbasios and all openings around same shall be back-filled with earth and flushed ·with water. All drains and all connections for catchbasins and manhole catchbasins herein provided to be constructed shall consist of salt-glazed, vitrified hub and spigot tile sewer pipe, and shall be Iaiii with joints of mortar composed by volume of one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts sand, mixed with sufficient water to form a quaking mass. Said drains shall be laid in trenches excavated theref'or. The depth of the tile pipe drain refers to the depth of the flow line or the inside bottom of said tile pipe drain. Said trenches shall be back-tilled with earth and flushed with water. The locations and depths of said draine and connections are more fully shown on said plates numbered 2 and 3. The existing manhole and catchbasin covers shall be adjusted to the finished grade of said proposed improvement where located, by cutting down or building upon the present masonry, using new brick laid in a mortar composed by volume of one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) parts sand mixed with sufficient water to form a quaking mass. Each of said manholes shall be cleaned of all ear!h, broken masonry and rubbish. Upon the subgrade prepared as herein provided shall be constructed a one ( 1) course reinforced concrete pavement of the thicknesses shown on said plates numbered 2 and 3. The concrete for said pavement shall be composed by volume of one (1) part Portland cement, two (2) parts sand and three and one-half (3~) parts gravel or crushed stone, mixed with sufficient water to form a quaking mass. All of said pavement seven (7) inches thick shall be reinforced with forty-two ( 42) pounds of effective electric welded steel fabric to each one hundred (100) square feet of pavement and all of said pavement ten (10) inches thick shall be reinforced with one hundred twelve (112) pounds of effective electric welded steel fabric to each one hundred (100) square feet of pavement. . The wires bf said steel fabric shall have a uniform spacing, which spacing shall not exceed six (6~ inches center to center of wire5i and shall extend to within three (3) inches of all joints, but shall not cross joints. Adjacent pieces of said fabric shall be lapped four ( 4) inches when the lap is made at right angles to the center line of said pavement, and twelve (12) inches when the lap is made parallel with the center line of said pavement. There shall be constructed transverse expansion joints three-eighths (%) inch thick in said pavement seven (7) inches thick and transverse expansion joints one-half (%) inch thick in said pavement ten (10) inches thick, filled with asphaltic felt, which said joints shall be spaced thirty (30) feet apart in said pavement seven (7) inches thick and said joints shall be spaced forty ( 40) feet apart in said pavement ten (10) inches thick and in each case normal to the center line of said pavement, and the felt in said joint shall extend one-half (%) inch above the top surface of said pavement. Said expansion joints, shall each be provided with three-quarter (%.) inch round smooth steel bars, two (2) feet Ion~. placed through the joints, spaced two (2) feet apart and Imbedded in the concrete WILMETTE LIFE of said pavement four ( 4) inches below. the finished surface of said pavement. Said bars shall extend sixteen (16) inches into the concrete of said. pavement on vne side of .said joint, and the remainin~ portion of said bar into the concrete of said pavement on the other side of said joint. The latter shorter portion of each of s~id bars shall be coated with grease, and mserted in a one (1) inch· in diameter metal pipe, said pipes being ten (10) inches in length and made from twenty (20) gauge metal. One end of said pipes :-;hall be closed with a cork, or in a manner to keep the concrete out and provide an open space at least one (1) inch long in which said bar may slide. There ~:;hall be constructed a longitudinal joint formed in the concrete of said pavement in Sixteenth Street, alon&: the center line of said pavement, as shown on said Plate numbered 3. Said longitudinal joint shall be made of V-shaped asphaltic painted sixteen (li) gauge metal six and one-half (6%) inches wide after being pressed into shape. Said longitudinal joint shall be provided with five-eighths ( %) inch round deformed steel reiRforcing bars, four (4) feet long, ::;paced five (5) feet apart throughout the entire length thereof, placed through the joint, imbedded in the concrete of said pavement four and one-quarter (41,4) inches below the finished surface of said pavement and extending equal distances on each side of said joint. There ~:;hall also be constructed a longitudinal joint along the center line and from end to · end of the pavement te n (10) inches in thickness hereinabove provided for. Said longitudinal joint shall he made of one-half (¥.!) inch thick asphaltic felt extending from the bottom of the concrete to one-half (%) inch above the top of the pavement. Said longitudinal joint shall be provided with three-quarter ( % ) inch in diameter round steel reinforcing bars two (2) feet six (6) inches long spaced two (2) feet six (6) inches apart and imbedded in the concrete through said joint four and onequarter ( 414) inches below the finished surface of the pavement. One end of ~ain bars shall be coated with cup grease and painted with two (2)' coats of hot a::;phalt. Where said pavement is herein provided to be constructed around cast iron covers, said covers shall be separated from the concrete of said pavement by three-eighths (~) inch thick asphaltic t:elt expansion joints and extending from the bottom of said covers to the surface nf the finished pavement. Said concrete pavement during construction shall be protected from rain, hot sun or wind and frost hy burlap, and said pa \'ement shall he cured by the use of two (2) pound~ (1f calcium chloride to each square yard of pavement. The location, widths and details of construction of said pavement. jolnts and curb and integral curb are more fully shown upon plates numbered 2 and 3. Trenches of the widths and depths and at the locations as shown on said plates numberen 2 and 3 shall ~e excavated .or formed to receive the satd curb heremafter provided , for. The bottom or subvrade of said trenches shall be thoroughly ~ompacted by tamping before the concrete of ~aid curb shall be placed. The integral curb herein provided to be constructed in this improvement alon~ the edges of the concrete pavemen~ seven (7) inches thick ann th(' curb herem pro\"ided to be constructed along the . edges of the concrete pavement ten (10) mshes thick herein provided for, shall be con~tructed of concrete composed by volum(? e) of one (1) part Portland cement, two 1 · part~ !';and and three and one-half (3 ~) parts gravel or cru~hed stone, excepJ )he exposed portions of said curb an ntegral curb to a thickness of one-half Ph) inch which shall be finished with a mortar coat composed by volume of one (1) part Portland cement and two (2) arts sand. All of said concrete ~nd ~ortar shall be mixe~ with sufficient water to make a quakmg mass. Transverse expansion joints thr~e eights (%) inch in width and filled wtth asphaltic felt shall be construct~d through the width and depth of satd ·urb and integral curb as extensions of ~aid transverse joints in said pavement. · The locati'On, dimensions and . details of construction of said curb and mtegr~l curb are more fully shown upon satd plates numbered 2 and 3. . .· The concrete pavement herem pro\tded for shall be connected with existmg pavements wherever located and t~e existing brick pavement in West Railroad Avenue, wherever the proposed. concretf' pavement shall connect therewith, shall be adjueted to meet the propo~ed concrete pavement, and . the said . bricl< pavement, from the satd connectiOns to the middle of the paved roadway of West Railroad Avenue, shall be removed and the bricks composing said pavement shall be cleaned, turned and relaid on a concrete base, adjusted to meet the proposed pavement, and the present concrete base of said brick pavement shall be adjusted by placing new concrete thereon, composed by volume of one part Portland cement, two parts sand and three and one-half parts crushed stone, mixed with sufficient water to make a quaking mass. The said new concrete shaH be sprNHt uy1on the present concrete base and thorough· and solid cast bronze lantern type ftx· ly compacted by ramming until free tures mounted thereon, . aria ln·talled mortar appears upon the surface. T~e and connected as a part of the proposed finished top surface of the concrete improvement. foundation shall be even and uniform The foregoing three (3)· rel~forced con· and shall conform to and be six ( 6) crete ornamental electric street Ughtlq Inches below the finished grade of the atandards or lamp posts and solid cast completed roadway. Upon said concrete bronze lantern type fixtures mounted foundation shall be spread a layer of thereon shall be located, set and con· clean sand two (2) inches in depth and nected ·as shown on said plate numupon said sand cushion shall be laid the bered 3. Each of said above standards cleaned bricks. After being .laid, the ahall be set In one-half (~) ' cubic Yard sarrie shall be rolled and tamped and the of crushed stone. All new materials shall joints completely filled with asphalt be of the same kind as those now in use. filler. All existing cables where disconnected All existing structures within the lines for the making of said proposed Improveof said improvement shall be removed ment shall be reconnected so as to confrom the site of said improvement. All stitute a completely ·connected system, old lumber, brick, concrete and other all within the VUlage of Kenilworth, building materials or structures shall be County of Cook and State of Illinois. completely removed from the site of said NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN TO proposed improvement. PERSONS INTERESTED, that the All sand herein prov.i ded to be used ALL President and Board of Trustees of the for concrete or mortar shall be clean, Village of Kenilworth, County of Cook coarse, shar-p sand. Said sand when and State of Illinois, having ordered dried shall pass a screen having four that the improvement above described ( 4) meshes per lineal inch, and not more be made the for the same than twenty-five (25) per cent of said being on' file In ord!nance the office of the VIllage sand shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) Clerk of said village the said .vilmeshes per lineal inch. Said sand shall lage having applied and to the Superior contain no vegetable nor other deleteri- Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an ous matter, nor more than two (2) per as.essment of the cost of said Improvecent by weight of clay or loam. ment according to the benefits, and a All gravel or crushed stone herein special assessment therefor having been provided to be used shall be clean, dur- made and returned to said Court, Genable, tough gravel or crushed limestone, eral Number 477106, the final hearing free from vegetable or deleterious mat- thereon will be held on the second day ter. ThE! size of said crushed stone or of July, A. D. 1928, or as so.n theregravel shall be such as to pass a two after as the business of the said Court (2) inch round opening and shall range will permit. All persons desiring may from that size down to a size that will file objections in said Court before said pass a one-half (lh) inch ring. Not more day, and may appear on the hearing and than five (5) per cent shall be small make their defense. Said ordinance proenough to pass a screen having four vides for the collection of said assessmeshes per lineal inch. ment i'n ten (10) annual installments, l All cement provided for herein shall with Interest thereon at the rate of five be first class American Portland cement per centum (5%) per annum. and shall be so ground that ninety-two Dated at the City of Chicago, and at (92) per cent will pass through a stand- the Village of Kenilworth, County of ard number 100 sieve, having ten thou- Cook and State of Illinois, this thirtysand (10,000) meshes per square inch. first day of May, A. D. 1928. Briquettes made from mortar composed SAMUEL E. ERICKSON, by volume of one (1) part of said PortClerk of the Superior Court of land cement and three (3) parts of clean Cook County, Illinois. torpedo sand, exposed to air for one (1) RALPH R. HAWXHURST, day and immersed in water for six (6) JOHN O'CONNOR, days, shall develop an ultimate tensile GEORGE C. RICHARDS, strength of two hundred (200) pounds Commissioners heretofore apper square inch. pointed by the Superior Court of All brick herein provided to be used Cook County, Illinois, to make shall be first class hard burned sewer said report and assessment roll. brick. ELMER E. JACKSON, Village Attorney. All water used in the mixing of conL36-4tc crete or mortar shall be clean and free from iron, acid, alkali, or vegetable matVILJ.,AGE OF WI.LMETTE tE!r and suitable for the purpose for PROJ·OSALS which it is used. All calcium chloride herein provided For paving with sheet asphalt and to be used in curing said concrete pavement shall be in the form of loose dry otherwise improving Lake A venue from lumps or · flakes, and fine enough to be the ea~t line of Ridge Avenue to the spread easily by mechanical spreaders. northe~ !';t line of Michigan A venue. Said ·c alcium chloride shall conform to (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 215) the following : Wilmette, Ill., June 20, 1928. Sealed proposals for paving with sheet Passing three-eighths ( %ths) . inch asphalt and otherwise improving the ~ieve one hundred (100%) per cent. Retained on one-quarter ( 1.4) inch roadway between the gutter flags of sieve not more than twenty (20%) per Lake A ve.nue from \:.he east line of Ridge cent. Avenue to the northeast line of Michigan Passing twenty ~20) mesh to the inch Avenue (except across the right of way sieve not more than ten (10%) per cent. of the Chicago and North Western RailThe 'chemical composition shall conform way and except across the tracks of the to the following requiremnts: Chicago, North Shore and Mtlwaukee Calcium chloride (anhydrous) not less Railroad), and including the roadways than seventy-five (75%) per cent. of intersecting ~treets to the outer lines Magnesium chloride, not more than or line 0f Lake Avenue (except Main · one-half of one (1%) per cent. Street and Sheridan Road) in the Village Sodium chloride, not more than one of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, in ac(1 %) per cent. All of said electric welded steel fabric cordance with the ordinance and specifiherein provided for shall be manufac- cations for i'a id improvement will be retured from cold c;lrawn steel wire having ceived by the Board of Local Improvea yield point of not less than fifty thou- m~>nts of said Village of Wilmette until sand (50,000) pounds per square Inch 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 3rd and which shall bend cold one hundred nay of July, A. D. 1928, at which time eighty (180) degrees a~ound a pin, the liPid proposals will be publi.cly opened, diameter of which is _equal to the di- examined an(l declared by sa1d Board of ameter of the wire specified without Local Improvements in the Council ·: racking on the outside of the bent por- Chamber in the Village Hall. tion. The ~p~cification::~ for said improveAll said electric welded steel fabric ment and blank proposals will be furshall be free from rust, scale, paint or ni~hed at the office of said Board of Local coating of any character which will tend rmprovementR in said Village Hall. lo prevent proper bonding of the conPropo~ali' must be made out on blanks crete. Said wire shall develop an ulti- furni~hed by said Board of Local Immate tensile strength of seventy-fiV<· provements nnd must be addressed to thousand (75,000) to eighty-five thousand the Board of Local Improvements of the (85,000) pounds per square inch. Said Yillage of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, wires shall have a uniform spacing of and ennorsed "Proposals for Improvement o..;ix (6) inches center to center of said of Lake · Avenue from Ridge Avewire. All cast iron castings for covers herein nue to Michigan Avenue" and all must be accompanied Jlrovided for shall be made of tough gray proposals iron made from new pig billets, contain- by cash, or a certified check payable to lllg- not more than ten one-hundredths the order of the PreRident of the Board < 0.10) per cent of sulphur. Said castings of Local Improvements of the Village of shall be true to pattern, free from flaws. Wilmette, for a sum of not less than ten All castings while hot shall be coated (10) per c<>n-tum of the aggregate of the with an asphaltic paint. Said cast-iron proposal and no proposal will be conshall conform to the following test- siderefl unless accompanied by such check a test bar one and one-half Olh) Inches or cash. In diameter and fifteen (15) Inches long The contractor will be paid in bonds Hhall be used. Said test shall be on an and vouchers payable solely out of thf' unsupported length of twelve (12) Inches, assessm.ent for said improvement, when with load at the middle. The minimum eollected in accordance with the probreaking load so applied shall be two thousand nine hundred (2,900) pounds visions of the ordinance therefor, and with a deflection of at least one-tenth In the manner prescribed by law, which bond:;; will bear ·interest at the rate of (1 /10) of an Inch before rupture. 'l'here shall be moved from their pres- six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract ent locations in West Railroad Avenu~> three (3) reinforced concrete ornamental may hP nw:uded will be ·required to electric lighting standards or lamp post!-' (Continued on page 60) I. · - . !IU