June 22. 1928 (Continued from page 60) WILMETTE LIFE 61 ... thereon at the rate of six per centum 100 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmt'tt e, Illinoi~ . June 22nd. ALL METAL CHILD'S BED, MATm e tte, in the County of Cook and State of Illinoi s, h a \·ing· ordered tha.t the cen- A. D. 192 . tres::; & bedding. $&. Tel. Winn. 393. f'HARLES X. E\.A)JS tra l thirteen (H) feet of the first alley 100LTN39-ltc P· ·rson appo inted by the Presisouth of Walnut A\'enue from the dent of the Hoard. of Local Im- FOR west cur b ' lin ' of Fiftt-enth Str ee t to the SALE-OVERSTUFFED PLUM pr o\·t ·111t>nts (1f tlw \.ill age of , mohair bed-davenport and chair. Ph. t-as l lim· of Sixteenth StreN h e impro\' d Lectures and recitals of interest to \o\'i lm l·ttt·, l'ook l'onnty, lllin ois h~· grading and p a ,·ing with vonc r eti.', Gle ncoe 1335. 100LTN39-ltc the general public and student alike to mak v sai d asst·ss mt:"nt. in the Yillag-l' of vVilm ette, Cook Coun ty, are planned as weekly featu.res of the L0!l-~tc Illinois, tlH: ord i nan ·t· for the · same b lOt W'J'D. TO DUY-HOUSEHOLD GDS. Northwestern university summer ing on fil l' in th e ofllc of tlw \'illag ' I'I Prk nf sa id Vi ll age and said Vi\l agv WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND school, ·by Dr. Clyde L. Grose, director haY in g applied to tlw Co u nt ~· Court of ~I'E('L\1 , ASSl:SS1Jlo::X'f XOTICE furniture and other house hold goods. Cool< Co unt y, Illin ois for an assf'ssnwnt _ Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- of the summer .session. In contrast to ture store, 1004-6 Em('rson St., Ev- the pulicy of former years, most of the of thf' cost of sa id impro\'em(·nt, a ccord\'ILLA GF. .(H' " · TJ,11F.TTE a n ston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc lectures will be given without an ading to ben fits, and an assessnwnt th ereSl'E(.'L\1, ASSF.S~OIE:XT ~0. 232 for having been made and r eturned ~o' __ mission charge. said Co urt , (Dod<('t Xo. 2:~6), t lw fina l Xolice is h erc·J,y g in·n to a ll persons 10~ FOR SALE-JIISC. Among the widely known speakers hf'nring thtrc·1m will bE' h ad on the ninth inten'st(·d th at th P r es id ent and Board day of .July, A. D. 1!t28. at ten o'clock of Trust ees of th e Village of Wilmette, FANCY DUCKS AND CHICKENS, MILK \vho will be heard is Dr. William · A. :\T. or as !loon th('reaftH as the bu s i ~ in the County of Cook a nd State of fed. Fresh dressed . Delivered to your Montgomery McGovern, distinguished n e!'s of tlH.· Court will permit. llli nois, having ord er ed that th e cend oo r on Fridays. A ll per!'on: de::;iring may · file objections tral eight een (18) feet of the first alley 4-5 lb. spring duc:J< s ({j ........ 50c lb. orientalist, who will speak Thursday in sa id eo ur t bt-f() rt- ~ai d day and m ay south of Laurel A vt'nue extending from 1 1h-3 lb. s pring chickens @ .... 55c lb. and Friday, June 28 and 29, at Fisk app var on the ht-ar ing and make their the west line of Fifth StreE't t o thP 'White shell breakfast eggs @ .. 50c doz. hall. His first lecture will be "To east lin (' of Sc~ venth Street, (except PAULSON BROS. POULTRY FARM defense. sa in Disguise," and the second, Said ordinance Jll'O\'iclf:·s for the collec- across Sixth Street which is already Glenview Rd. Ph. Glenview 113J1 Lha_ tion o~ sa id assessm~ nt In ten ( ~0) an- , paved) be improved b:-; grading, . · 102LTN39-ltp "Secr~ts of Amazonian Jungles." His nual mstallment s w1th a_nnual mterest draining and paving with concrete, genius for foreign tongues allowed him thHeon at th e r a t.e of S IX Per centum in the Villag(' of \Vilmette, Cook County, ROUND OAK DINING ROOM TABLE, to find his way into the sacred city of PN annum as pronded by law. Illinois th e ordinance for the same be4 leaves, 7 chairs; odd chairs; linDated 'Yilmettt- , lllinols, Jun e 22nd. ing on' fil e in the office of the Village oleum; ironing· board, elect. irons; Lhasa in Tibet five years ago, and his A. D. 1 928. Clerk of said Village and said Village dishes ; picture frames ; baby's spring experiences as told in the first of the CHARLES )J. EYAXS having applied to the County Court of and mattress; carpet sweeper. Also lectures attracted wide attention. P erson appointed by the Presi- Cook County: Jllinois for an assessment lumber. Tel. Winn. 2256. 102LTN39-1tc To Talk on Politics dent of the Board of Local Im- of the cost of said improvement, accord- METAL WEATHER STRIPS 14~uRprovements of the Yillage of ing to benefits, and an assessment therenished and instaHed. :!\-lost reasonable July 2 Prof. A. R. Hatton of the W'ilmette, Cook County, Illinois for having been made and returned to prices this time of the year. Call for to make said a ssessment. said Court, (Docket No. 232), the final estimate. Buckingham 0089 or Wil- Northwestern political science departL39-2tc hearing thereon will be had on the ninth mette 701-J. 102L39-1tp ment, the foremost authority on muni- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - day of July, A. D. 1928. at ten o'clock cipal government, will lecture on uParA. M. or as soon thereafter as the busi- PITTSBURGH GARBAGE INCINERties and Platforms of ·1928." ness of the Court will permit. ator, automatic, used very little. Very SJ·F.('IA L ASSESS)[E:XT XOTICE All persons desiring may file objections cheap. 327 Leicester Rd., Kenilworth. He will be followed by Owen LattiIn said C'ourt before f-laid day and may 102LTN39-1tp more, son-in-law of Dean Thomas F. YILLAGE OF WILJIETTE appP!1r on the hearing and mak e their d('fense. NEVER USED $120 PORT ABLE SING- Holgate, who will lecture on "Caravan SPF.('J AL ASSESS:'\IE:s-T XO. ~36 Said ordinance proYidE>s for tlw colle<'er sewing ma<'hine, electric light for Routes in Mongolia and Turkestan." tion of said a!'l'f'Sl' mPnt in ten ( 10) annight Ae\~:_in_!:. $55. Ph. Winnetka 3037. His wife, Eleanor Holgate Lattimore, ~otice is hereby given to all persons nual instn llment!-i with ::~ nnual int('rest 102LTN39-ltc will also speak from the experiences interested that the President and Board thereon at th e rat E> of six per centum o f Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, per nnpum HS provided by law. 1 :\JARSHALL FIELD SPECIAL BABY she had during several years' residence in the County of Cook and State of D'lt('d \Yilnwtt (' , lllinois, Junf' 22nd. , buggy; 1 b:u.;sinet. Call at 328 Sheri- in Chjna. Illinois, having ordered that the first A. D. 1928. dan ~. d., ·w inn . 102LTN39-1tc Later Count Otto Von Stolberg, alley west of Eighth Street from the CHARLES X. E\.AXS south curb line of Lake Avenu e to the P t- rson appointed by thE· Presi:.. 1 GE::'\T'S SUIT, SLIGHTLY WORN, $10. foremost living authority on Bismarck, north line of Central A venue be imdent of th e Board of Lo<'al TmKniel<erl' for boy eight-7 pairs for will speak on "Bismarck (!nd His proved by grading, paving with conl)rnn·ments of th e Yillage of $2.50. C'all Kenil. 1212. 102LTN39-1tc American Friends." He is now in ,,.. ilmett f', C'ook Count~·. Tllinois l'rete and otherwise improYed in the Yillage of Wilmette, Cook County, to make said assessment. A MAKGJ... E FOR SALE. IN PERFECT Washington collecting material for Illinois, the ordinance for the same beL3!l-2tc ('O n. Real-i. Ph. Wil. 3509. further writing about the famous Geri ·.g on file in the office of the Village 102LTN39-ltp man chancetlor. C' lerk of said Village and said Village having applied to the County Court of GIRL'S BIC'YC'LE. REGULAR SIZE. ALTo Present Recitals Cook County.J Illinois for an assessment most new, $12. 327 Leicester Rd., Kenilworth. 102LTN39-1tp of the cost of said improvement, accordEvery property owner in New Trier Schools of music and speech will ing- to benefits, and an assessment there- Township is notified to cut his thistles. present recital programs each week for having been made and returned to Any person not heeding this warning and 103 WTD. TO BUY-MISC. which also will be open to the public. said Court, (Docket ::'\o. 2~5), the final allowing thistles to go to seed wlll be WAXTED-CLEAN. WHITE RAGS, 10c Three visiting lecturers will appear h e-a ring thereon will bE> had on the ninth prosecuted and fined. JOHN BALMES, day of July, A. D. 1928, at t en o'clock per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. under the auspices of the school of Thistle Commissioner. 103 LTNl4-tfp education: J. M. Artman, general A. :\1. or as soon th('reaft er as the busi--·-nf' ss of th(' C'ourt will permit. ~0~.~~~~~=~=~~~~~~ secretary of the Religious Education All persons desiring may fil(' objections "t F.X('H ANGE d' f in said court before said day and may association ; Paul H. Vieth, trector o appt-ar on the hea ring and make their research of the Internatiq,nal Council cld ense. of Religious Education; and Lut~c:r .A. Said ordinance proYid t-~ for the collecWeigle, d~an of the Yale dtvmtty tion of said asst'ssment in ten (10) anWELL BUILT 7 ROOM NEW BRICK ntt a 1 installments with annual interest home, 3 large bedrooms, 2 tile baths school. tlwreon at th e rat e of six per centum Several other features are planned Continued from Page 63 and shower, maid's quarters on 1st lk r annum as provided by law. ftoor, 2-car garage attached. H. W. by Dr. Grose to increase the a ttracDatNl 'Vilmt'tt t:>, Jllinoi s, Jun e 2~nd. oil he~t. ele~ic refrigeration and dish- tiveness of the summer term. · Educa.\. ]). 1928. washer. Tile roof copper metal work. 100 FOR ~AJ.E-HSEHLD. GDS. C H --\RLES X EL<\SS Owner will t~k e north· shore or Chi- tional, cultural and commerCial tours P<·rson appointed by the Presito places in Chicago, such as the Field cago vacant as part payment. d t- nt of th e Board of Local Im - LEAVING CITY, MUST SELL AT ONC~. compl('te household goods including fine proY<:ments of th e Yillage of museum the Board of Trade, the walnut , mahog., white enamel, reed " ·ilmett e, ( 'ook C'ounty, Illinois o stockya~ds, the Chicago libraries, the furniture; oriental rugs; fine Cauldon to mak e sa id assess ment. steel mills, Hull house, Lake Geneva & Haviland chlna, glassware; lamps: L39-2tc REALTORS and Yerkes observatory, wHl be held andirons; kitchenware, washing machine ; girl's bicycle; Cadillac tour. car. 110 Davi~ St. Unive~~~tl ~~~~~ each week under the direction of Prof All . pric t~d to sell. Tel. Winn . 43~ . SPECIAL ASSESS)IE~T :XOTICE Leon C. Kranz of the physical educa1195 Hamptondale road. 100LTN39-1tc tion department. Tennis and golf VILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE tournaments will be conducted, and FOR SALE-1 FULL SIZED CAUCASPECIAL ASSESS~IEXT NO. !83 !':ian walnut bed, spring and mattress, Ravinia is expected to prove the at dre~er to match with large bevel plate traction for students it has been in the mirror, also ~mall writing desk and oak Xotice is hereby given to all persons past. table. Very rea s. 1038 Greenwood Ave., interested that the President · and Board Wilmette. 100L39-ltp Registration in the college of Iibera of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Fortv-five students received diplomas arts, the graduate school, the sc~ools Illinois, having ordered that the cen- FOR SALE-OVERSTUFFED DAVEN- at the St. Francis Xavier school's of education. law, commerce and JOUr tral eighteen (18) feet of the first alley port and large chair to match, taupe graduating exercises held in St. Francis natism will be held Monday, and irl north of Lake A venue from the east mohair, $25; Simmons metal walnut line of Sixth Street to the west curb bed without springs, $5; two mattresses , Xavier church Friday evening, June music and speech will start Saturday line of Fifth Street be im15, at 8 -o'clock. and continue Monday. Numerous early $3 and $5. Ph. Wilmette 4300. proved by grading and paving with ·100I...TN39-ltp The program for the evening was as inquiries about the course . indicate Portland cement concrete pavement, follows: the registration will probably surpass in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same be- ~lUST SACRIFICE BEAUTIFUL MA- Processional . ....... "March Song" the 2,000 of last year. Terms are for son and Hamlin Grand Piano. Used ing on tile · il! the office of t~e V~llage only a short time. Write Wilmette "Veni Creator" ........ . . .... .. Choir six and eight weeks. Clerk of said Village and satd Vtllage Life A-20. 100LTN36-4tc Distribution of Diplomas and Allocu- - - - - -·- - - - - - - - - - having applied to the County Court of tion . ..... Reverend Bernard Brady Cook County, Illinois for an assessmeut nf the cost of said improvement, accord- FOR RALE-SECTIONAL BOOKCASES, Praver of Thanksgiving . . . .... Choir .Jack Harrison, Priscilla Jones, James Kathleen Kelley, Franch:; Kelley ing to benefits, and an assessment thereeight sections. Fumed oak in perfect Ber{ediction of the Blessed Sacrament Joyce, Mary F. Koenig, Patsy Krafthefer, Ver for having been made and returned to cond . 910 Forest Ave., 'Vilmette. said Court, (Docket No. 233), the ~nal 100L39-1tc "Ave Verum" . .. ... . . ... . . ..... Choir non Laskey, Helen Lynch, Jean Miller, hearing thereon will be had on the nmth "Tan tum Ergo" ·.... .. .......... Choir Harriet McDermott, William Moony, Robert Moran, Robert May, Agnes day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock Recessional ... "Praise Y e the Father" Maguire, Catherine Pearson, Laurence FOR SALEPORCH FURNITURE, A. M. or as soon thereafter as the b~si rug lamps, screen, dining room table. Diplomas )Vere given to the following Pohlman, Jane Perkowitz, George ness of the Court will permit. Ba;gajns in rare antiques. Ph. Winn. students: All persons desiring may file objections Payne, Alfred Rohol, Kennedy Ross, 58. 100LTN39-ltc in said court before said day and may Mary Beth Arden, James Black, George Mary Jane Rich, Ferdinand Retch ~tppear on the hearing and make their FOR SALE-HAND CARVED WALNUT Browning, Jack Broad, · Robert Berger, mann, Girard Schllback, Vincent ~ng, defense. . table, 28 inch hexagonal top. Also ma- Gertrude Birmingham, Dolores Chatatd, Catherlpe Schmidt, Rita St. Clair, :Mar Said ordinance provides for the collechogany vanity table. 221 Warwick Rd. Mary E. Collyer, Bernard Dempsey, Gus garet 'l'owles, Albert Vercruyssen, Jack tion of said assessment In ten ( 10) anKeit11worth 392. 100LTN39-1tc Ellas, Kathleen Harvey, Paul Jiustlng, Wledltn, Lester White, Donald Zeck. nual installments with annual interest Lectures, Recitals of Summer,Session Open to the Public I NOTICE Advertisements Classified 1 IE o1E o§fc©ll\t~~®&llfcyCC© 3 45 Get Diplomas at Saint Francis School This Year