June 22, 1928 81 SlTU~\TION WIL~ETTE W ANTED-JIALl: 87 FOR RE:X'f-APART~IE:STS LIFE FOR ' SALE-HOUSES I 63 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES CARPENTER WORK, SCREENS, PCHS., glazed porches, garages, additionsdone reasonably. Tel. Winn. 2420. 61LTN39-tfc EXP. fo!' lawns, whttewa~h basements, clean li5)li~ GARDEN:ER, etc. COLORED, Ph. CARE wmdows, 4721. Refs. University 6tLa9-ltp IHinmnnm ~rm A w®mnm® (Just south of DaYis) THE FIXEST APART~IE~T BUILDI~U IX EVANSTOX And now something n ew and distinctin· in apartment aeeommodations. In a suburban em·ironment at 1519 Hinman A ,·e. you may enjoy a spacious home made de. light fully indi\'idual with your own furnishings, yet with some of the distincli\'e featu1·es of our finest hotel:-;. The apts. are spaciou s consisting- of 5-G-1 rooms. A large luxurious liYing r oom 26xl7 with Be lg·ian marble wood-burning fireplace, a charming reception room and g·allery, dining· room of most interesting conception, large master bedrooms with roomy dressing rooms and beautiful faience colored tile bath with marble thresholds. All these permit a mode of commodious effortless li\'ing that is sure to soh·e the problem of your dom es ti<~ establishment. Close to X. · w. Un i\·ersity, school ehui'ches, shopping center~ and excellent transportation. Doorman and Otis ele\·atnrs with uniformed operators will sen·e you . Xow leasing. Rental office on premi::;es. Open · e Yenings. Phone Sheldrake 4821 67LTN39-ltc E~PERIENCED COLORED ~L\~ DEstres · position as houseman, butl e r, gardener or porter. North Shore references. Phone Greenleaf 5712. 61LTX:~9-1 tp EXPERIENCED UARDEXER ·wAXTS work by the day or week \\.inn. 2864. 61LTX3-t-tfc .... I 6t :SI1'. WTD.-JL\LE A~Jl FE.U.\LE H.-\ \~ ILA.ND REAI/fY CO. RED BRICK COLONIAL HOME AND garage on a completely landscaped lot 69x210. 1st floor contains Uvlng room, dlnlng room, kitchen, sun porch, breakC©ll©IIDnte1n fast porch, flag stone terrace. On the second floor are 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, glazed and heated sleeping porch. 3rd floor has maid's bedroom, bath and 4 BLOCKS TO LAKE storage room. The owner Is leaving Four blocks to main electric and town and has reduced price to ' titeam depots, village and schools; 3 bedrms., encl. sleeping porch ; 1 tile bath; sun room; hot water heat with oil burner; attached heated garage; lot 50xl50 ; beautiful shade trees; small REALTORS ]layment down , balance like rent . Glencoe 702 337 Park Ave. POSSESSION ANY TIME 77LTN39-ltc IE (U\t W iimum®ttk<ID. IB)lfn~lk $19,000 l\ REAL BARGAIN $26,500 W1\LTER P. SMITH & CO. COLORED COUPLE, COOK, HOl"SEman-chauffeur. Tel. UniY. 9426. 62LTN39-ltp YOUNG COUPLE . DESIRE POSITION as cook and 2nd work, houseman and gardener. Ph. Kenil. 490. 62LTN39-ltp 63 BOARD A~D ROOll EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 747 Elm St., Winnetka· Ph. Winnetka 81 Phone Winnetka 577 OPE~ ALL DAY SUNDAY BALANCE LIKE RENT. NEW BRICK 77LTN39-ltc home, 6 rooms, H. w. heat, many un ----------------usual features, garage side c:Irive, large lot. Must be sold account sickness and moving. IN A BARGAIN GRADUATE NURSE WITH PLEASant home will care for elderly or ner\'OUS woman. Write 'Vilmette Life A-49. 63LTX3!.1-ltc LARGE PLEASANT ROO:\l, GOOD meals, near transp. 1023 )lain St., Wil. 63L39-ltn 68 FOR RE~T-ROO:us TWO CON~ECTING ROO:\IS A~D oath; also 1 large dble rm., running wattr; for summer months. Tel. Glencoe 884. 376 Park A \'enue. 66LTX39-ltc FOR RENT-Rl\1. IN PRIVATE HO:\IE. East side, . young man ; conYenient to all transp. Ph. Wilmette 2098. 66L:3t~-1tc PRICE LOCATION QUALITY OF HOME 7 CRQSBY R~LT~~KENDRY 566 Center St. .H.UOM BRICK ON BEAUTIFUL wooded lot 100x190, all. In A-1 condition. Facing park, close to school and transportation. H. W. heat. One-car garage. Offered at the very unusual prtce of $17,500. Only $3,000 cash required, balance arranged. REALTORS 1177 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 273 77L39-ltc FOR SALE-6 RM. FRAME HOUSE now under construction in choice part ot Deerfield. For information call Win netka 2643. 77LTN37-3tc iH J:<'OR SALE-VAeA:ST .;.;.;.._ __;;;....;;....;.;.......,,.._~~~------ ACREAcEEsTATE FURNISHED ROO~I FOR 2 ADULTS employed; light and pleasant; hot and cold running water; garage space if · desired. Phone Wil. 776-l\I. 66L~5-tfp FURNISHED ROOl\IS. ALL ('O~V. Near transp. Reas. 629 Park Ave., 'Vilmette. Ph. Wil. 2345. 66L3!J-lte FOR RENT-2 SI~GLE BEDROO:\fS. 4 blocks from "L." All con \·enie ll<'t>S. Ph. Wil. 3587 for information. 661..39-llc PLEASANT ROO~I, LIGHT AXD COOL. Xr. station. Tel. Winn. 315. 66LTX39-ltp PLEASANT to transp. 1 ROO~l. H. W. HT. CO:XV. Tel. Winn. 502-:\L 66LTX39-ltc QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. FOR REXT-1 R00:\1 KITC'HEXETTE, c lose to transp. Call after 5 P. ~l. Ph. Wilmette 4397. 661.."~!.1-lte ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED. C'OME and see. 731 lOth St., WilmsJt'1.'38-2tc FOR RENT-LARGE COOL FRO~T room near transp. Lady I>ref. Wilmette 3730. 66L39-ltc ROOl\J FOR RENT-725 PRAIRIE AVE., near transp. Call Wil. 442. 66L39-ltc FOR RENT-APARTME:STS New Building ... THE CHAUMONT APT.S. EVANSTON N. E. COR. GROVE ST. AND CHICAGO AVE . Faclnc- Raymond Park 3 &: 4 RMS. WITH 1 & 2 CHAMBERS You will appreciate the large, airy rooms that characterize this unusual building which Is approximately a copy of a structure erected centuries . 11go in old Blots ln the heart of the Chateau district of central France. Spacious living rooms and chambers with complete dinette and kitchenette equipment. The decorative appointments are decidedly out-of-the-ordinary, and will appeal to those who wish cheerfulness and the real luxury of a home. Bathrooms are of g'enerous proportions with colored tile and showers, lighting fixtures are all specially designed, a llberal number of base plugs provided. The llving rooms are equipped with woodburning fireplaces and have wall becls for that extra guest. Electrical refrlgenitlon Included in the attractive rentals. Inspect these apartments today-agent on premises. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Squa.re University Z600 67LTN39-ltc FOR RENT-4-ROOM FLAT, H. W. HT., $45 a month. 1826 Elmwood Ave. 67L38-2tp Phone Winn. 2032 VERY EXCLUSIVE, ADJOINS EQUAL 77LTN39-ltc Iy beautiful estates. Artistically ·land ------------------scaped, wonderful gardens of shrubs and flowers and an abundance of trees. Really a natural park. Beautiful spa cious home having 5 baths and separate servants· quarters. You can sell 2 or FOit SALE--BEAUT. ~EW 8 RM., 3 3 estates and retain the original home bath, English type orick re::~id. , lot :1t practically no cost. 90x182, ~outh fmnt m·. Skokie Golf club. This Is a safe investment and a deEn~··y room light and ~pacious. 2-car lightful place to live while it is growa! tached gara~a.e. By a builder of ing into money. Liberal terms can be N .' E. COR. SHERMAN AVE. & MAIN tmn-ed reliability. $42,500. arranged. Here Ill South Evanston's most conn~ 19>_ n~ venient location, you will find well-arranged apartments of 3 rooms--consist©lliS.!\.Iffi~(Q)Iffi ~ ®IffilliS.~ REALTORS Ing of a large llvlng room with roll· 566 Center St. Phone Winn. 2032 Inc. a.way bed, chamber, dinette and kitch78LT~39-ltc Winnetka Winn. 1617 enette. All apartments have outside 746 Elm St. rooms which provide an abundance of 77LTN39-ltc light and . air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches and shopping facllltles within immediate access. Electrical refrigeration included In moderate THIS CHARMING ENGLISH HOME rentals. See the!!e apartments today. has 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd fh·. and a maid's rm. and bath on I'st 1GO FEET 0~ CENTER STREET AT $250 per foot. One block . from Indian flr.; heated Run room and breakfa:;t Hill depot. Own{'r anxious to sell. Fountain Square University 2600 room and open ~leeping por·ch ; hot 67LTN39-1 tc water oil h eat; weather::;tripped and thoroughly insulated; 2-car garage ; 75 c FOR RENT-QNLY O~E LEFT, 5-RM. ft. perfectly landscaped lot in choice modern apt. Holl-away bed, frigidaire, northeast section. REALTORS near transp. Low rent. Franklin Exclw~i ve Agents Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1800 67LTN38-tfc REALTOflS 78LTN39-ltc 720 E!!11 St., Winnetka Ph. Winu. 254 FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 77LTN39-ltc apartment, steam heat, janitor l'iervice, near transportation. Call Wilmette WIDOW :\lUS1' SELL BEAUTIFUL home site near lake .harbor and park 1800. 67LTN33-ttc in Wilmette, surrounded by the most exclusive homes. Deep lot; a real barFOR RENT-3 LARGE ROO:VI FLATS, ~IODEHX 6-ROOM ST'CCCO, :: BLKS. gain at $185 per foot. heated. Adults. 716 Ridge Ave ., near from steam and electric stations. Nice 67 L 39 -ltc Washington St. lot, garage, excellent location. Price University 8080 reduced to $12,000. Terms. Let us 1108 Davis St. FOR RENT-FIVE ROO~I FLAT 1806 78L39-ltp show you. Walnut AYe. Ph. Wil. 57a or 1334. 67LTN39-ltc TQ) i\IAT TL .(Q)_ 4-RM. APT. OR FOR SALE, 8-Rl\I. HSE. ; ll.\iil o 75 FOOT BUSINESS FRONTAGE ON 2 garages, all mod. impro\·., nr. transp. REALTORS Main St., Wilmette, one block from 67 LTN 39 -1tll 340 Linden AYe. Tel. Glencoe 32 5-JX Phone Wilmette 68 depot at $175 per ft?ot. Will divide. 77L39-ltc 88 FOR RF.XT-Fl.RN. APARTllENTS REALTORS FOR RENT-AT LOWEST POSSIBLE 1157 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 640 rate, for immediate .o ccupation, cool, IN SPLENDID LOCATION IN S. W. 78LTN39-ltc comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, Winnetka, near Indian Hill Club and WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPONsummer or longer. Complete hotel Country Day sch., surrounded by fine ~ible party in Deerfield, lot 60x136,. 3 service. Ice and electricity free. homes, 7-rm. house, 4 bedrms. ; large blocks to transp. . Write Wilmette L1fe Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call living porch and slpg. porch; heated A-16. 78LTN12-ttc hotel (University 8700) or tenant eveoy gas; fine trees and beautiful garnings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. den. Price $18,500. SUMMER RESORTS 68LTN38-tfp 8! WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS FOR RE~T-LAROE ROO:\f WITH REALTOR GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. pri\·a te oath, 3rd floor, in printte home, 954 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for spact' for ear. Call Wil. 1253. Tel. Winn. 1300 light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swim68LTN39-ltc · ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, 77LTN39-ltc dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. L. P. Stitzer. MJtr. 82LTN33-14tp l"OR RKN'f-HOUSES 69 ----------------ANTIQUES 99 FOR RENT-7 RuO:i\1 HOUSE, 731 11TH St. Large yard, ga1·., $110. Flentye, WINNETKA A SPECIAL SALE IN COLORED 729 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmette l!:i·28-tfc A new 6 rm. franae with 3 bedrms., very sandwich and Hitchcock chairs, maple large living rm. ; Ia v. on 1st ft. ; gar. teaster, bt:d currier and I\'eR prints. in basement. Deep lot, beaut. shrubs. Cherry highboy and corner cupboard n HOUSES 808 WaRbington St. 10 FOR RE~'f-FGRNISHE $16,500-$1,000 cash. . 1 block south of Main St. 6-ROOM FURN. HOUSE IN HUBBARD fC'IofC'ott!~,,n~tiD TO) ~«3\n~\Vccdt\c 1% blocks efu:it of Ridge Woods. July and Aug. Completely lJ:a ~ ~U,~ ~~\V<Wt U.c~ VJJ Evanston furn., screened pch. : garage ; nice yard 99LTN39-ltc REALTORS with sand box for · child. Close to transp. $150 per mo. 1066 Tow-;r Rd. 480 Winnetka Ave. Tel. Winn. 1800 WANT ADS ON PAGE II 77LTN39-ltc MORE Tel. Wlnn. 1863. 70LTN39-ltc New Building SHERMAN MANOR APARTMENTS EVANSTON IHI JJ CROSBY & McKENDRY WINNETKA $25,000 Iffiilll~niTilce~~ IF Ir@Iffi~te1~® lE oiEo§itilllll{t~~®~llityC© IIEINSEN _ RE.t\L'l'Y CO. Best Buy on the Shore E. E. Stults Realty Co. ~o Jf @illliill~it@illl ~ ~@o r;-a AN UNUSUAL OFFER F. Coletnan Burroughs & Co. FOR SALE FRANK A. REID