Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 8

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. WILMETTE LIFE I June 29, 1928 ~~~§iE~~~~~~~~~~~;r ·' Bueball Here Sunday; GREAT FOURTH PLANNED ·~ w!,'::~e·s~icJ~~b F:~ FOR WD.Mm'E CITIZENS Patricia Gown and Bonnet Shop 507 DAVIS ST., E VANSTON PHONE GREE NLEAF 1918 ~ Summer Clearance Largest Reductions Prices below cost ~ DAYTIME AND AFTERNOON DRESSES $19.75 to s45 Value~ I . I I I up ·to $100 , I ~ DINNER AND EVENING GOWNS $25 to $65 formerly up to $125.00 ~ team will get into action. again Sun(Continued from Page 1) dav afternoon on the Vtllage Green diamond with some strong Chicago show, a magician, and a ventriloqui~t sem i-pro nine providing the oppo~ition. are added features . . Two Sundays h~ve pa~ed by wtthout Fireworks at Dyche stadium, £\·the semblance or a b,all game, beca~se anston. at 8 o'clock will conclude the of the ~\· eather mans. adv~rs~ anttcs, da\·'s pro,gram. Ticket.s may b~ purl and a btg turnout of tans ts expected chased at a reduced pnce at \Vtlmette w~en "play ball" is sounded at 3 o'clock drug store.; before July-~- Part of. ~he thts Sunday. . 1 proceeds go into the \\ tlmette Legto!1 1 On Fourth <?i July morning t~e \Vtl- j Sen·ice f~nd. I mette team ·wtll mo\·e up. to \\ mnetka Officials for the racing e\·ents are: ' to engage the stal~\·arts or the norther- 1 Yillage president Earl E. Orner I ly suburb, returnmg to the home 1 honoran· rtieree; Commander S. ; gro~nds in ~he afternoo_n to stage a I\ anlnw~u;~en. referee; D. ~f. Davi ~. ~atmee pertormance wtth .the same 1 tarter: G. \Y. Gathercoal, announcer; I n~ne as a part of the commumty Fourth D. Leach, s. Peterson·, L. J orr, L. ot Jul_y_ program. . · Schildgren. C. Edmondson, R. B. TWJ!tght games are bemg played -\llen · and HarrY Hopp, clerks of the e,\·ery Thursda_y evening at the Yillage : ~ours~: Paul A: .Hoffman. D . C. Stone, (.Jreen west or the Hmvard school. Hans von Rein sperg, E . C. Cazel. 1 \\"illiam Jame s. Ru.; se tl Johnson, \V. ; Westmoreland Plans Big E. Richmond. Bert O'Connell, and I f ~far - hall O'Connell. judges. Fourth Fro ic or ots · Prizes are to he awarded by the 1 \\.e stmoreland Country club is ar- followine : C. Chri tensen. C. B. Coc~ ranging a big time for the kid dies on l ran J . (. Anderson. H. 0. ~Iohr. · July F ourth . There will be two hours ! G. ·Daih·. John Bod(lie. Dr. \Y. \~ · oi e:ntertainment-fiH big act -, be- Hawkin . . F . V . Liopin. P. ~fcXam1e. ! gi·nnit;_g ~t 3 o'clock. . J. 5. J3arcu s. and G. B. Ba-sler. . .-\ J . o clock supper wtll be se rved The race:' \\·ill he ooen only to re ~tin the grill and there will be dancing dent s of \\"itmette. Xo spiked shoes 1 rr:om 5 :30 to 9 _o'clock, followed ' by a I will he allowed. One per.;~n ,will_ not btg firework dtsplay. he (:l)igible for more than tour pnze s. The regular dinner that day will he 1 · I se rn:d from 6:30 to 8:30 o'clock. \f r and ~fr s. Edward Zipi have There \\·il! be special goli e\·ents for , 0 jd ~heir home at 2-+3 \Yan,·ick ro~d. tht men or the club throughout the Kenilw orth and have m o \·ed to b19 . da~-Hinman avenue. Evan ston. where they i . ha\·e taken an apartment. ' ~Ir. ~nd ~frs. Robert \\". Tan -itt \ -o1 have left \Vilmette for their sum,..,1er ; Phylti .- Carleton. daughter of Dr. · h~~e at Silver Cliff club, Athelstane. ! and ~Ir s. Hub~rt Carle~on of 1103 \\ ts . ~fr. and ~frs. D. U. Brach oi 1 Fore st a\·enue. ts returmng Thursday Chicago have taken the Tans ill home from Camp Juniper Kn oll near El~~ at 602 Lake avenue for the summer. horn. \ \"is . 1 I II c. I 1 T q. l 1 1 I, COATS AND SUITS DOES YOUR STUCCO LOOK BAD? We can renew and waterproof it at low ~ost with MINW AX, the perfect stucco finish. Min wax ts quickly and economically applied and comes in a range of many beautiful colors. $25 to $65 formerly up to _ $125.00 .. · ~ ~ Have your home renewed and waterproofed } and keep out the destructive element3. ~ " CLUB FROCKS SUMMER SPECIALS Tub Silks· Voiles· Linens W. C. HUGGINS Building Service 100 13TH ST. WI~METTE PHONE 3558 $19.50 t.o $35 ~ Carpenter and Cabinet Work Are You Contemplating Having Those AI tera tions and Repairs Done Now? . HATS $5.00 formerly up to $30.00. ~ Remodeling and Porches Screened Patricia GOwn and :Bonnet Shop 507 DAVIS Sr. , EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 1918 G.W.SAXTON 546 Sterling Rd., Kenilworth, Kenil. 3495-1847

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