Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 44

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WILMETTE L'IFE June 29, 1928 I Church News and Announcements Indians Come Back Dinner Celebrates Silver Wedding of Edwin B. Knudtsons (Contributed) "No thank you," said Edwin B. Knudtson, of 1141 Chestnut avenue, when invited by a friend to come and spend the evening of Sat~rday, J un~ 23 at his home. "My Wife tells me w~ have a date with John Brashear tonight." Mr. Knudtson, who is president of the First National bank of Wilmette, is a trusting fellow, (borrowers please note) and evidently suspected nQ hidden 'motive behind the invitation. which was for dinner at the Riverside Inn at Wheeling, but when he and Mrs. Knudtson entered the room, to be greeted by the music of the "Wedding March from Lohengrin," and escorted to their places at the head of a table laid for twelve, under a running fire of confetti, (not the Irish va~iety), their faces showed very plainly that they felt their trust. had Qeen rotsplaced. The occa sion of the party, which was tendered them by a group of their friend5, was the celebratio11 of their silver wedding anniversary, and as 1 they took their places under a bower of roses, the bride bearing a sumptuous bouquet, the gift of the company, their expressions of complete bewilderment were sufficient evidence that the entire proceeding was a perfeet surprise to them. After dt'ntler, following some of the toast.; peculiar to the anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Knudtson were advised that the ceremony of matrimony, like vaccinat'ion, should be renewed at intervals of not over twenty-five years, in order to avoid the danger of affinities or companionate marriage, and accordingly they were remarried and sentenced to a further term of twcnty-five yea rs, and then, as a reward for past performance, presented \Yith the a!)propriate number of s ilver clolIars. Mr. Knudtson, as a banker, ~eeme cl to appreciate the intrinsic value of the package of "iron men/' an_g made a very neat little spee.ch of thank s, stresst"ng thet'r pleasure 1.11 l)et.tl . f! . , "taken 1 . 11 " by thet'r frt'ends and re· f tl · 'd t f tl · 1 e lllCt en s 0 countmg some 0 letr married life, concludipg with "We have had both joys and sorrows, hut far more sunshine than 5hadows." The instigators of the celebration were advised that. subject to good be- · havior, the y, were invited to Mr. and Mrs. Knudt son's golden wedding, on f · · · the condition .of urm shmg the requt1site number 9f gold coins for the occasion, hut most of them being of Scotch ancestry,. and remembering that gold dollars were no longer ~oinecl, the ~inc! invitation was unantmou.,Lv dechned. Following the conclusion of the wit, humor and verbal fireworks, the party returned to Wilmette and Strong." The Intermediate department, under the direction of Miss Georgia WatCorner of Ninth street and Greenleaf ave. son, will study the Republic of Mexico. Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church of Wilmette extends a very cordial invitation to you to join us in our Sunday morning worship. Morning Church service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9 :30 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at 5:30 P. M. Rev. Clyde R. Wheeland, B. D., will pre11ch another of his splendid sermons July 1 at the regular morning service. Sermon subject: "God's Faith in Man." The music tor Sunday morning will be as fol1ows : Organ Prelude : . "Adagio" (Sonata in E minor) . Hogers Solo: "'.J'he Lord Is My Shepherd" ... Liddle Rose Lutiger Gannon Organ Offertory: "To a Water-Illy" .. MacDowell OrJran Po~tlude: "Gloria" (12th Masl") ..... . Mozart Erma E. Hounds,· organ ist Sunday l"C'hool at 9 :30' A. M. H.alph H. Rict', s upt'rlntendent. During the summE-r month~ th e Adu1t, Young Peoplf', Senior and Intermediate depal-tmt>n tlS will meet in the Sunday :-;chool :wditorium for the aHHPmbly worship Hervice, followerl by the regu1ar cla:-;s periorl:-;. The BeginnerH, Primary and Junior de· partments m ee t ns us ual in their regular places. The Adult Bible dar-;ses meet at 10 o'dock on Sunday morning immediatt'ly following the assembly wor·ship Re t·,·ic<>. Mrs. E. L. ~khulz lead!::l the Woman'r-; 'cla.ss which meets in thl:' rear of the churc·h auditorium. All women of the chur<'h and eo ngregation are welcome. Th P m en'H BiblE> class during the summer will be taught by the ,.n rious membPr~ a ltt>rnnting each unday. Some inter Hting discul'Hions ar·e in .store and a ll mt>n of the church ar·e co rdially in' iterl. Th E> class meets in the SPcretary's office upstair:-; a ftpl' :tHst:'mhly worship. Th e Christian Endl·a \'Ol " :-;oeiet ,. will meet at the ehureh twxt Sunday :it fi ::lO P. M. (; ne Dunc.:a n-Ciark will hf:' the lt'ader. A ft f' r th e u:-;ua I dbc ussion hour the young pt-oplt> will go to thf' beach for Ruppt>r. You nrf' cc,rdially invited to attend ~coutmastC:'t' At' 11 o'clock the Rev. William E. McCormack, associate minister, will preach on "The VaUant." Paul Steen, tenor, will sing. Annie May Hayes Bivona, organist, will play. Mrs. Amy Les1ie Toskey is director of music. Tuesday afternoon the Wekeacafila Camp Fire Girls will hold their last meeting of the season at the church. Tuesday evening at 7:30 the Sea Scout Ship will meet in the Forecastle. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W . Meyer, M . A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Church te1ephone 3111 Services Fourth Sunday after Trinity 9 ::10 A. l\1. Sunday school · and Bible classes. 9 :30 A. M. Confessional service for communicants. 9 :45 A. ~1. First sE>rYice and Holy Communion. 11 A. !\T. Second Re n·i ce and sermo~. The Lord's Ruppf'r will be celebrated on Sunday morning n ext at the 9 :45 o'clock 8en ·ice. Those desiring to receive thP Sacrament will pl eas· announce this to the pastor at hi ~ study on Friday afternoon or eYeni ng next. The preparatory or <'Onft:' Ssional service for rommun.i ca nt s will hE>gin at n :~0 o'clock. Not a Sunday passE-s but that a numher or \'isitors attend our ser\'ic.es. times thE>se are 'Vilm ette pE-ople Some-~ connertE>d with sonw otlwr ehurch in the villagf', hu~ ~nor often t~ey haw no ·hurch atfll~a.twn s h Pr · Still more often they are nsttors from out-of-town. Our chureh is always glad to have visitors at its sen-icE>~ and we aim a lways to bring ~ome t? then~ a messnge helpful 11 for their s pintual fe. The year is nlmost half gone and thf:' obligations of thf' year ought to h' half ca rri edrsout. a ll ofwhen our memh will 'Ve hearhope this that in mind theY think of their ('OntriiJutions and their offerings for missionary a nd ht>nHolent purposes. : Congregational Church Tf>n Boy R<·out:-; of 1'mop fi, with their l<'1·ank B. Heynolds, left :\fonday mot·ning, .Tune 25, for a two I to four· Wt'~' ks' <::lmping trip nt C'amp ThP Sundar sE>rmon topiC' will be ":\Tal<C'hE>caugau, Whitt>hall, !\fi<'h. ing thP Vision Plain.'" Dr. Allison hopes that all who :Hf' in town will dt'ftnitely Girl Scouts expecti ng tn go to camp set aside this 11 o'<'lo(')< h"tr ea<:h .co ,un1urmg < · J · to ' , . orcoh ..; ·'IJ too·e ,.., th "' " r· · t1 w s11mmer p 1ea:-;e rt:'port to :\!iss dn' Reba Mi chener concerning the physical PX:>mination required before they go. The mid-week meetings will co ntinu t> 011 Wednf'sdaYs nt 8 P. :\1. .-\n hour of prayer and Jlrals e and Christian f<·llowThe C'hurch otfl<.:e is open daily, except Saturday, from 9 :30 to 11 :30 A. M. ship iR nvailahl in the mid st of the Calls for serviC't> of any kind may ·be wt'ek's duti f's and pl easures. registered there. Phone ·wilmettl' 157fi or On Jutw 22, forty we re present at the Wilmette 688. Xorth Short> hotel, EYanston, for the annual banquE>t. closing tht:- season's work of our B. Y. P. P. Lois Phelps, chairn1an of the co mmittee, presided . The Wilmette, IllinoiR H. Y. P. t . quartet sang two numbers. The- Fourth Sundoy After Trl11lty Th P address, "The Adventurer ('hooses," !I :45 a. m. Sunday school. was by of .T. Wi!Jard :\TcCrossman. Joseph Johnson, superintendent. vi1'e given pres ident th e R Y. P. e . of 11 a. m. Morning worship. Ameri ca . Sermon: "Missing the ~lark." Our regular sessions of Sunday sehool The annual picnic of the Sunday school end .July 1 and all are urged tu partieiwiJI be held Friday afternoon and eve- pate in our Summer Home school. All ning In Washington park. The co m- are t o have the same Jessons this year. mittee on arrangements consists of the :\lr. carlson, Mr. Guthridge, or ~li8s fo1lowlng: Arthur Stark, C'has. F. Bm.ndt, Buethe will he glad to E-Xplain details Mrs. Cha~. F. Brandt, Mr::;. Frank \V. of the plan. Let everyone join in. Staab, and Miss Ethel Wollard. There wi1l be games :md raceR, priz..eR and ea ts. Fifty acres of hills. woods and beach Everyone out for a good time. at Sawy'r, Mi ch., eonstitute the sPtting for our Baptist Young Pf'onle's assembly. The · Luther leagu-; will meet imn1eoi- the week beginning August 25 . It Is a ately after the picnic. This is an im- worthwhile program, and we should be oortant meeting, since the new offit·erH represented by a de1egation. will be elected at this time. There probably will be no mid-w eek mee ting next week because July 4th falls on Wednesday. ··· ., B W mette aptist Resident3 of north shore towns have been hosts recently to the descendants of tribes who originally peopled the now fashionable and exclusive Indian . l b · Ht 1 1 c u sec tiOn. Several chieftains cooperating with Ben]· amin Bills of Bills Realty Inc. 'f ld' have brought back a touch o o Indian romance and legend to the north shore in real life as they brought it to millions through the film classic "The Vani5hing American." Chief Whirling Thunder, whose English name is Robinson Johnson, is a Winnebago from Tomah, Wis. The chief was educated in the Tomah high school and special Indian schools. He is an instructor in Culver summer school. Chief Lone Star, a Chippewa, also from Wi3consin, is one of the best Indian dancers in Chicago.Chief B N · f A · a is ell egay, a avaJO rom nzon ' w · f N · known as a smger 0 avaJO songs. Chief Evergreen Tree, a pueblo Indian from New Mexico, has a remarkabh.' f b' d gift o( imitating the calls 0 lr s am1 animals. I Evangelical Lutheran !\f r. and Mrs. C. A. Lundberg have returned from Childs City, lov;a, where they had been visiting for a few days, I · l 1010 El d to t 1c1r 1omc at mwoo avenu e. They took with them their sons, Charles and Lawrence, and Mrs. E. Carlson and her daughter from Lawrenee, Ill. Mrs. Carlson is still visiting ,~vith Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg. of the month, will be Corporate C~mmunion Sunday for the Boys' and Girls' Communion 1eagues. w.l I The rector gives an address at the rounded out the evening with bridge. Convention of Churchmen and C. 1rchBesides Mr. and Mrs. Knudtson, women m ee ting in Racine, Wis., to<.lay. there were present Mr. and Mn. John This is one of the fine churches in The Wilmette Baptist church is loWilmette. During the summer months ca ted at the corner of Wilmette and ForIt extends an eApecial invitation to Yisi- est aYPnues. tors and strangers in Wilmette to attend Its services of worRhip at 11 o'c1ock on Au~ustine's Sunday morning. 1t offers a cordial and friendly hospita1ity and inspiring and reSunday, Ju1y 1, will be the fourth Sunfre~hlng service to an who come. dny after Trinity. There wil1 be Ho1y Communion at 8 A. M. and Holy ComNext Sunday morning at 10 o'clock the munion with address at 11 A. M. Church school will convene in three deThursday, July I) partments: The Primary department will Today, Friday, June H29, is est. Peter's 8 p. m. Mid-week Prayer meeting. be directed ln its summer program by Day. '£here w111 be o1Y ommunlon Min Bertha C. Wheelock. The Junior at 8 A. M. "For our citizenship is in heaven; from department, under the direction of .Mr. whence also we look for the Saviour the A. J. Coburn, will study "Stories of the Next . Sunday, being the first Sunday 1 Lord Jesus Christ." Phil. 3:20. ' St. Church w. Brashears and Mrs. F. L. Murray of Wilmette, James Brashears of 886 Elm street, Winnetka Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Roy A. Thompson, pastor Page, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Rice, 809 Chestnut court (Winn. 2304) and Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Lawson Snnllay, July 1 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school pupils, par- of Evanston. ents and friends leave from the church for Glen View Mr. and Mrs. W. S. \Vhite of 1129 Forest Preserve. l1 :00 a. m. Open-air service at Glen View. Sheridan road have been entertaining 3 :30 p. m. Program at Glen View. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brandt of Indian7 :15 p.m. Gospel service in the <;hurch. apolis. They spent a week in the Whites' summer home at Pentwater, Tuesday, July 3 8 p. m. Swedish service. Rev. Richard Mich. Car1son from Seattle, Wash., will preach. -o- Ft.rst Scandt·navt·an Ev. I Miss Ruth Holdaway will return Sunday morning to her home at 723 F Sh h b d . orest aven~e. e as. een atten mg the nat10nal conventton of Alpha Phi sorority for the past week.

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