WILMETTE LIFE . FIREWORKS!! june~, 1928 --------------------~1 SWIMMERS PROGRESS A. V. a aDeusen · SELLER OF GOOD FOOD Meats 514 Ceau-al A.veaue aad lZtb Street Phoaes Grocery 510-511-51~-513 SPECIAL-JUNE 29th to JULY 7th NATIVE RIB ROAST OF BEEF. 40 Lb ........................ ·......... · c Special for Saturday, June 30 only. Will you please give your order Friday? JONES' DAIRY FARM HAMS. \ Vhole or one-half. Lb ................ . FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER STEAK. Lb ...... .............. . ............. . NATIVE POT ROAST OF BEEF. I-ll). . ................................ . EGGS. Guaranteed fresh. . 57C c~~i~~EL:o~~~ .~~~t.~s:. :.e?. ~t~~~~~:i~~.~t. ~~is 38c CEREALS. 24 i ·C Richelieu Rolled Oats. Bn \- the finest Oats n1ade. 3-lb. -oz. pkg ....."'. . . . BEAUTY TOMATOES. Large Xo. 3 cans. These 'rotnatoes are Richelieu quality. A. carload got wet and the cans had to be cleaned so they \\'ere put under Beauty Label. Dozq $2.40; can Beverages: Canada Dry Ginger Ale. 48 hots. in case ...... $7.55 Budweiser. Doz. $1.60 Richelieu Concord Grape Juice. Qt .. 60c; pt. .. 35c :\1 ission Orange Juice. Pt., 48c Hav's 5 Fruit Juice, Pt. . . 7Sc Ric-he lieu Logan berry Juice. Pt.. 16-oz. bot. . . .... 4Sc Ma Brown Preserves. Any and all kinds. 16-oz. jars. Doz .. $3.50; )ar . ... . . ... .... .. .. 30c Doz ............. ~ .... . RICHELIEU COFFEE. Sprague. \Varner & Co. take tnore care in the blend, roast. and appearance of this coffee than any. I kno\Y of. 1t is snpretne. 3-lb. can, $1.68, 1-lb. can .............. . 20C Redwood Salmon. This ts old Salm on. which is alwavs. better than new. and it is the finest quality of Red Alaska Salmon. Xo. 1 tall, 38c; ~o. 1 Aat, 46c; Xo. ~ flat , can ....... . .. 30c Sardines: Gondo li er Boneless. T.arge can ........ ..... 30c Triumph. X o rwegian Smoked. 2 cans ... . _ 25c Richelieu. Dry and \Yet Shrimps. Can ....... . .. .. ... . . .... 25c Wright's Supreme Mayonnaise Salad Dreating. Full qt. jar, SOc Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Large 10 ~-oz. can .............. 24c Plymouth Rock Tuna Fish. No. 1 large can, 45c; No. ~ can . . ...... . ............. 25c Richelieu Crab Meat. There ts no finer quality. and the price is verv low. No. 1 can, 75c; No. ~ can . . ...... ... . .. 40c Richelieu Whole Ripe Figs. Prese rved. 1-lb. can . .... . .. 2Sc Nuts: Bull Jordan Almonds. Lb., SOc Shelled Pecans. Lb. _......83c Shelled English Walnuts. Lb., ..... . .. .. ............. 64c Libby's can Corned Beef. N:o. 1 De Luxe Salted Peanuts. Lb., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33c . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32c Richelieu Orange Pekoe and Pekoe Tea. For 'iced T ea. ~lb. can ....... .· . . . . . . . . . . . 43c Orloff Caviar. 3 cans . . .... $1.00 Cheese: New York Old Full Cream. Lb. . . ... . ..... .. .... .... 43c Swiss Gruyere. Solid. Lb., 40c Pabst-ett. Pkg. . ......... 2Sc Price'· FlaYoriq Extract·: Almond, Lemon, Orange, Vanilla. 8-oz. bot., $1.31; 4-oz., Household Supplies: P. & W. Ammonia. Qt. .... 33c P. & W. Ammonia. Pt. ... 23c Galvanized Pails. 12-qt. 27c Braided Cotton Clothes Lines. 50 feet ...... . . . ......... 3Sc No. 10 Broom. Each . ..... 60c Richelieu Matches. 6 boxes, 29c Sahara Toilet Paper. 12 large rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Sc Johnson's Floor Wax. No. 1 Solid . . . . . . . . .... . 57c Peacock's Silver Polish . 8-oz. jar ......... .. ... ..... . .. 22c 7Zc; 2-oz. ......... , .... .38c Coach Edgar Jackson T eachea Bea!n· Cntil :\·l onday you can buy tickets ning, Advanced, Classes a~ New Traer for the Fourth of July Fireworks Natatorium display at Dyche Stadium at dr?g , stores in \Vilmette at a reduced pnce bv which · vou help Wi lmette Post Swimming classes at t~1e ~ew T~ier 1 No. 46 of ·the American L~gio~1. If · High school natatoriun~ a~e n~akmg it rains vou won't lose, as thts dtsplay rapid progress under . the . dtrectton of will be· shown on the first rainless Edgar B. Jackson, swmumng coach at the school. A gallery of spectator~ night thereafter. If you wait. to b_uy tickets at K orthW(JStcl c1 untverstty · is present each day to watch !he swimmers and those who are learmng stadium vou will have to pay the regular ad~ission fee. . to swi m. Get vour tickets at reduced prices ' Classes hav.e been arranged to suit before .July 2-. the needs Qj all ages and private ~n struction is given to tho se who de,;tre it. The instruction. is arranged. so 1 that pupils may enter at any tune and progress just as fa st as they are able. At present the ages run from three to fifty- five years. Although the teaching of beginners i:;; emphasized advanced swimmers and divers At a meeting held at Winnetka also , fimt a group to suit their parI Communitv Hou se Tl~ursday evening. ticular needs. June 21,- a sub-committee of t_he Each year accidents happen t_o chilWin'netka Scout committee met wtth <lren and adults in the town shtp \\.·ho a su b -commt'tt e e of the executive. are not prepared when the boat ttps, b_?ard of t~e North Sh~re Area coun: when thev slip from the pier, when . ctl reque~tmg that \~mt~etka troop ,, the" step ~into a hole, or ,...-hen a. swift be taken 111t0 full and acttve membe:-1 ··e 1 t catches them una,,·are s. The ship in the ~ort_h Shore Are~ counctl. ~~~~~ ; hoard ~t ~ew Trier. realizin·g I The sub~com.mtt.tee: followm~ ou_t that such accident s happen frequently the stand.mg l!lvttattOn of Decem be,, each year, decided to p~O\·irle . opp_?r1926·. agam retterated. a! the annual tunitv for in struction tn swunmmg meetmg of thed. cWo~nc!l km ~ecem1e~i nnder the supervision of a ~wimming 1927, welcome mn~t a mto u I h 1 has had over twentY vears fellowshio with the other tovms of the coac . w 1 0 c · · · North Shore Area co~ncil. cx,rf,~te~.ree,~- Trier natatorium is a fitThis mea.n:;; that Wm!1etka Srnuts. tcn~d. sterilized. tile -lined lake of wa'" both. those cont1ected w1th the Cot!:- tcr twentv-five by sixty feet. It ~s mumt!' Hou se groups and the Chnst tested dailv and is tempered . to smt church group. will .have all of the the needs of those who are beginner~ advantag{'s of. ralite s, conferP!lce~:, A campaign is 011 to develop famt camps, etc., enJQy~d h~- ot her North lie s of swimmer .~ in the township and Shore Scouts dunng the past two the slogan which has been adopted ts years. It opens the ,,·ay for a fuller "Be at home in and around the fellowship for \Vinnetka Scout leader s . t , . . h . . ar grOW'." \\a er. w1t sttm 1 I and comtmtteemen Ill the other north ~hare towns. particularlv 111 COllllection with monthly ISa Scoutmasters rouncit<\hles. training conferences. and similar activitie s for Wilmette Post No. 46 American Le the enrichment of the Scouting pro· 1 d 1 gion and the auxiliary furms 1e a p eas I P'ram in hoy life . ant evening's entertainment and refresh Kext fall the vVinnetka committee. ments at the recreation room at Naval <'~" well a-; committees of other north Hospital Great Lakes to two hundred shore villages. will set out to raise a disabled veterans on Monday, June 25. quota as its share of t~e exoemes of Entertai nment consisted of piano num the ~orth Shore counctl budget. . bers, dances by ~liss Olive Chase. num \Vinnetka Scouts are atte~ch_ng hers bv the vagabond band. accordio1 lamn North Shore ;:~t the Cah tt -tn- music.· singing. and a magician. the- Woods west of Glencoe. anc. are Following are those who attended signing- up to attend Camp Checa ugau from \ i\Ti lmette: Mr. and :Mrs. C. in ~fichig-an. Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Edmond son, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Leach. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dahnke, Mr. and Mrs. F . V. Lippen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chase, 1Jr. and Mrs. S. Van Inwagen. Mr. The fou rth and final round of the and,~frs. Paul Kier, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. clire<'tor'o;; trophy tnnrnam~'nt at the Richmond. Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Johnson, f\r orth Shore ('...olf club will he played Dr. and Mrs. \ i\T. W. Hawkins, Dr. and this Saturday. June 30. There will also Mrs. George A. Stone, Mrs. T. L. D. he a blind bogey with prizes for winner Hall. Mrs. H. W. Hopp, Mrs. E. ]. and runner-up. McArdle. Harry Flentye, 0. G. Daily, A total of twenty-seven prizes will be O live Chase, Dick Hopp, and Jack Net awarded to golfers at the North Shore son. club on July 4. Following is a list of the prizes to be given: Lo ,\- gross, thirty -six holes, classes A, B, C, and D. A special election is being held 11 - Low net. thirty-six holes, classes A, Glenview today, Friday, on th e pro,po B, C, and D. sition of iss uing bonds in the amoun Low gross, eighteen holes, classes A, of $25.000 with which to build a new B, C. and D. morning play . village hall. The Civic association of Glenview of Low net, eighteen holes, classes A, fers to add $10,000 to the proposed $25, B, C, and D , morning play. 000 to be raised by the bond issu~, Low gross. eighteen holes, classes A, and also to donate the site for the new B, C, and D, afternoon play. municipal burlding. Low net, eighteen holes, classes A, B, C, and D, afternoon play. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lowell ·of Lowest combined score of odd hole5, 900 Ashland avenue have gone to either morning or afternoon round. Europe and will not return until SepWinner of blind bogey. tember. Best ball twosome for women to be -o-played in foursome after 4 o'clock m Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klunder gave a the afternoon, nine hole ~vent, one-fourth party last Saturday night in their home combined handicap. at 909 Chestnut avenue. Winnetka Boy Scout Units Become Pa. rt I of North Shore A rea 0 o· bl d v A e eterans re Wilmette Legion Guests ,. ' 1 North Shore Golf Club .ve Prizes July 4th to Gl .~ \I (' '. {~ Glenview Special Vote To Decide Bond Issue ·I I·