Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 58

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S8 WILMETTE LIFE June 29, 1928 SPE UL.,.A.88B8SKENT NOTICE the Vlllage ol Wllmette, Cook County, Illlnols, the ordinance for the sa.me beVILLAGE OF WILMETTE AN ORDINANCE Ing on ftle in the om~ of the Vlllage SPBCUL ASSESSMENT NO. Ill Clerk ot eald VIllage and said Vlllage ' AN ORDINANCE FOR THE APPRO- having .. applied to the County Court of Notice is hereby given to' all persons PRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE WIL- Cook CountyJ Illlnois for an assessment METTE PARK DISTRICT FOR THE of the cost of said improvement, accord- interested that the President and Board (Continued from page 57) FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, Ing to benefits, and an assessment there- of Trustees of the Vlllage of Wilmette, 1929. for having been made and returned to in the County of Cook and State of BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of said Court, (Docket No. 229), the final Dlinols, having ordered that the full 81 81JXXBB BE80BT8 Commissioners of· WILMETTE PARK hearing thereon wlll be had on the nlnth width of the ftrst alley north of Maple DISTRICT: day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock Avenue from the west curb line of WAUNITA HOT · SPRINGS SECTION 1 : That the following. A. M. or as soon thereafter as the busi- Fourteenth Street to a line two hundred GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. and forty-six (246) feet west of FourHotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for amounts be and they 'are hereby appro- ness of the Court wlll permit. All persons desiring may flle objections teenth Street, and the central eighteen lbrht housekeeping, US per mo. Swim- priated out of the funds coming to the mlng golf, pool, riding bones, tennis, hands of,. said Board of Commissioners, in said court before said day and may (18) feet of that part of Bald alley lying danclnc, . J)icnics, fishing and hiking. by virtue of a tax levy of said District appear on the hearing and make their between said line two hundred and fortyL. P. Stlt&er, Mgr. 82LTN33-Utp for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1929 defense. six (246) feet west of ·Fourteenth Street Said ordinance provides for the collec- and the east line of Fifteenth Street be and from other sources, for the followtion of said assessment in ten (1 0) an- improved by grading and pavlng Ing purposes, namely : tl WTD. TO BUY-HOUI~ES nual installments with annual interest with Portland cement concrete, in the GENERAL FUND thereon at the rate of six per centum Village of Wilmette, Cook County, WANTED FOR REMOVAL-2-story For salaries of Secret a r y, Illlnois, the ordinance for the same beTreasurer and Attorney ....... $ 650.00 per annum as provided 'by law. frame house, must be on east Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. ing on file in the oftlce of the Vlllage side, north of Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wil- For lighting of Parks . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 Clerk of said Vlllage and said Village mette 801. 96L40-ltc For water to be used in Parks . 750.00 A. D. 1928. having applied to the County Court of For Special Assessment against CHARLES N. EVANS the Park District Real Estate Person appointed by the Presi- Cook County, Illlnois for an assessment tt ANTIQUES 75.00 For wages and expenses of the dent of the Board of Local Im- of the cost of said Improvement, accordPolice . service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00 provements of the Village of Ing to benefits, and an assessment thereA SPECIAL SAJ~E IN COLORED Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois tor having been made and · returned to sandwich glass and Hitchcock chairs, For wages of laborers and other said Court, (Docket No. 231), the final labor expense . . . . . .. . .... . . . . 12,125.00 to make said assessment. maple teaster, bed currier and Ives L39-2tc hearing thereon wfll be had on the ninth prints. Cher_ry hl.ghboy and · corner For construction and maintenday of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock ance of Parks, exclusive of cupboard. A. M. or as soon therP.after as the busllabor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000.00 808 Washington St., Evanston For expenses · of collecting and ne~s of the Court will permit. 1 bl. S. of Ma,l n St., east of Ridge SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE disbursing entire appropriaAll persons desiring may file objections 99LTN40-ltp in said court before said day and may tion .. . . . . .. .. .·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400.00 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE appear on the hearing and make their JUNE SALE OF UNUSUAL EARLY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. !SO defense. American and English antiques includ- Total General Fund to be raised Said ordinance provides for the· collecIng many lovely objects suitable for Notice is h.e reby given to all persons by taxation ... ...... . ......... $19,000.00 wedding presents and bridge prizes. Interested that the President and . Board tion of said assessment in ten ( 10) anThe Little House of Interest, 312 South For maintenance and other ex?f Trustees of the Vtllage of Wilmette, nual installments with annual Interest m the County of Cook and ·State of thereon at the rate of six per centum Ave., Glencoe. 99LTN40-ltp penses of Bathing Beach, InIllinois, having ordered that the first per annum as provided by law. cluding conduct of Refectory Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. HOOKED RUGS, UNUSUAL SELECand Bath House ........ . ... . 8,000.00 alley south of Maple A venue from the tion, large sizes. Reasonably priced. The foregoing to be paid out of west curb line of Fourteenth Street A. D. 1928. Glenview Borders, Warren. Glenview, to the east line of Fifteenth Street funds derived from income of CHARLES ~. EVANS be Improved by grading and pavIll. 99L40-4tc operation of Bathing Beach, Person appo.inted by the Presiing with Portland cement concrete, Refectory and Bath House. dent of the Board of Local ImSOJ...ID MAHOG. ANTIQUE DAVENIn the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, provements of the Village of port, cherry dresser, other furniture. For Purchase or Condemnation Illinois, the ordinance for the same beWilmette, Cook County, Illinois Ing on file in the office of the Village Call Glencoe 165. 99LTN40-ltp of Real Estate and improveto make said assessment. ment of Parks . . . . . . . . . . .... 214,000.00 Clerk of said Village and said Village L39-2tc having applied to the County Court of ltet FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. For necessary costs and expenses and legal services . . . . 10,000.00 Cook County, Illlnols for an assessment SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE of the cost · ot . said improvement, accordFOR SALE-BLACK FLEMISH OAK · The foregoing to be paid out of ing to benefit!!, and an assessment theredining room furniture, mahogany bedfunds derived from the sale of VILLAGE OF WILMETTE for having been made and returned to bonds of May 1, 1928. room set. sofa, chairs, book case, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. !II said Court, (Docket No. 230), the final SINKING FUND limited edition Scott & Victor Hugo. hearing thereon will be had on the ninth Also misc. articles. Ph. Highland Park For the payment of the principal Notice is hereby given to all persons day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock .o f bonds of the Issue of June 1130. 100LTN40-ltp 1, 1923, as follows : A. M. or as soon thereafter as the busi- Interested that the President aad Board of Trustees of the Vlllage of Wilmette, ness of the Court will permit. CURTAINS, DRAPES, FURNITURE, Bonds Nos. 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, All persons desiring may file objections In the County of Cook and State ot 97, 98, 99, 100, 101 .... . . ... .. $10,000.00 baby buggy & gas stove. Very inexin said court before said day and may Illinois, having ordered that the cenFor the payment of the principal pensive. Call Kenilworth 1499. appear on the hearing and make their tral eighteen (18) feet of the first alley of bonds of the issue of May 100LTN40-ltc defense. north of Lake A venue from the east 1, 1928, as follows: Said ordinance provides for the collec- line of Sixth Street to the west curb FOR SALE-6X12 GREEN CHENILLE Bonds Nos. 201. 202. 203, 204, of Fifth Street be Imtion of said assessment in ten ( 10) an- line 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 2l0 211 rug. Bargain. Wlnn. 969. nual Installments with annual int~rest proved by grading and paving with 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 ' 217' 100LTN40-ltc 218, 219, 220 . .. ........ .' ..... :$20,000.00 thereon at the rate of six Per centum Portland cement concrete pavement per annum as provided by law. In the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County' HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS; WICKDated Wilmette, Illinois June 22nd Illlno~s. the ordinance for the same be! et· turn., garden & rustle furn., rugs. Total levy for principal of A. D. 1928. ' . lng on file if! the oftlce of the VIllage 419 Maule. Winn. 100LTN40-ltc Bonds · · · · · · · · · . . $30,000.00 Clerk of said Vlllage and said Village INTEREST FTT'XD CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the Presi- having applied to the County Court of JOl WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS For the payment of interest on Bonds of the issue of June 1 dent of tlie Board of Local Im- Cook County, Illinois for an assessment 1923: ' provements of the VIllage of of the cost of said improvement, accordWANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND Wilmette, Cook County, I1linol· Ing to benefits, and an assessment therefurniture and other household goods. Tnterest due December 1, 1929 .. $ 1,890.00 for ha vlng been made and returned to to make said assessment. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- Interest due June 1, 1930 . . . . . 1,665.00 L39-2tc said Court, (Docket No. 233), the final ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- For the payment of interest on hearing thereon will be had on the ninth Bonds of the issue of July 1 anston. Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-trc ·- day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock 1926: ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE A. M. or as soon thereafter as the busiInterest due January 1. 1929 . . . $562.50 Itt FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ness of the Court will permit. Interest due July 1, 1929 . . . . . . . 562.50 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE All persons desiring may file objections HANOVIA MERCURY ARTIFICIAL For the payment of interest on SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. !It In said court before said day and may Bonds of the issue of May 1 Sun lamp, Including goggles and ina.ppear on the hearing and make their 1928: . ' structions for operating, $225. Write Notice Is hereby given to .all persons defense. Wilmette Life A-45. 102L40-1 tp Interest due November 1. 1928 . . $ 4.760.00 Said ordinance provides for the collecInterest due May 1, 1929 . . . 4,760.00 interested that the President and Board tion of said assessment in ten (10) an101 WTD. TO BUY-MISCELLANEOUS IInterE>st due November 1. 1929 . . 4.760.00 of Trustees of the VIllage of Wilmette nual installments with annual interest nterest due May 1, 1930 . . . . . . 4,760.00 in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the cen- thereon at the rate of six per centum WANTED-CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, tOe tral eighteen (18) feet of the first alley per annum as provided by law. per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. Total levy for interest on bondWilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. 103LTNl4 tf ed indebtedness ........ ... $23.720.00 south of Laurel Avenue extending from A. DatPd D. 1928. ~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~-~P Total for Corporate purposes $19,000.00 the west line of Fifth Street to the CHARLES N. EVANS (except 104 EXCHANGE Total for Principal on Bonds . . 30,000.00 east line of Seventh Street, Person appointed by the Presi· Total for Interest on Bonds . . . . 23,720.00 across Sixth Street which is already dent of the Board of Local Impaved) be Improved by grading provements of the Village of draining and paving with concrete' Grand Total to be raised by Wilmette, Cook County Illinois taxation . . .... $72,720.00 In the VIllage of Wllmette Cook County' (Q) If to make said assessment. . SECTION II. This Ordinan·c e shall be Illinois, the ordinance for' the same be: L3!l-2tc BEAUTIFUL 6 APT. EACH APART- m force from and after its passage and lng on file In the oftlce of the Village ment 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ex- due publication. Clerk of said VIllage attd said Village ceptionally large rooms. A-1 construcPASSED b:v the Bo::~rd of Commlssion- having applied to the County Court of SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE tion. Income $10,800. Want 6 or 7 P"R of WTLMETTE PARK DISTRICT Cook CountY., Illfnois for an assessment room house in Wilmette in trade. June 11, 1~28 . ' of the cost of said Improvement, accordVILLAGE OF WILMETTE Apartment well financed and rented. ing to benefits, and an assessment t~re H. W. HOPP, SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 284 What han' you to trade? Cash not ~ecretar:v of the for having been made and returned to necessary. WTLMETTE PARK DISTRICT. !':afd Court, (Docket No. 232), the final Notice Is hereby -given to all persons L40-ltc hearing thereon will be had on the ninth Interested that the President and Board day of July, A. D. 1928~ at ten o'clock of Trustees of the · Village of Wilmette, A. M. or as soon thereafter as the busi- In the County of Cook and State of SPECIAL ASSESSl\IENT NOTICE ness of the Court will permit. . 1108 Davis St. University 8080 llUnois, having ordered that the cenAll persons desiring may file objections tral sixteen {16) feet of the first alley 104L40-1tc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE tn said court before !laid day and may south of Lake A venue from the west SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 119 appear on the hearing and make their curb line of Fifteenth Street to the defense. east line of Sixteenth Street be Notice Is hereby -given to all persons Said ordinance provides for the collec(Q) If grading and paving interested that the President and Board tion of said assessment in ten (10) an- Improved by BEAUTIFUL NEW 7 ROOM BRICK of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette. nual installments with annual Interest with Portland cement concrete and in the residence near lake. 3 large bedrooms, In the County of Cook and State of thereon at the rate of six per centum otherwise Improving same, VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, 2 baths, 2 car garage and maids' quar- lllfnois, having ordered that the central per annum as provided by law Illinois, the ordinance for the same beters. Exceptional construction. Owner eighteen (18) feet of the first alley Dated Wilmette, Illinois, Jtrne 22nd. ing on file in the oftlce of the Vlllage wm trade for N. S. vacant, smaller north of Lake Avenue from the east A. D. 1928. · Clerk of said Village and said Vfllage curb line of Wllmette A V{'nue to the home or small apt. building. CHARLES N. EVANS having applied to the County Court of west curb line of Seventh Street (exPerson appointed by the Presi- Cook Count;L Illinois for an assessment cept across the central twenty-two (22) dent of the Board of Local Imof the cost of said Improvement, accordfeet of Tenth Street, Ninth Street and provements of the VIllage et ing to benefits, and an assessment thereEighth Street respectively) be imW'11mette, Cook County, Ilrlfnois 1108 Davia St. University 8080 proved for having been made and returned to by grading and paving to make said assesament. 104L35-ltc with Portland cement concrete, in said Court, (Docket No. 23-4), the fl:nal L39-2tc hearing thereon will be had on the ninth Classified Advertisements WILMETTE PA.BK DISTRICT . - 1f 1f &cdl<e; E olE o§itruilltt~~~&ll ttyCCco 1f 1r &cdl<e Eo Eo Sttunllb ~<e&llity CC<OJ

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