Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 59

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June 29, 1928 of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections In said ·court before said day and may appear on the " hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance prov,ides for the collection of said assessment in ten ( 10) annual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of six per centum p~r annum as pro~ided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. A. D. 1928_ CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of . the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. L39-2tc SPECIAL ASSESS)IENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WILliETTE SPECIAL ASSESSliENT NO. !So Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board of . Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the first .a lley west of Eighth Street from the south curb line of Lake Avenue t.o the north line of Central A venue be improved by grading, paving with concrete and otherwise improved in the Village Qf Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook CountyJ Illinois for an assessment of the cost of said improvement, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, (Docket No . . 235), the final hearing thereon will be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections In said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of . six Per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvementlt of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. L39-2tc SPf~('IAL A~S}~SS:\IEXT ~01'1('}~ WILM.ETTE curb ~iine of· Tenth Street be Improved by grading and pavIng with Portland cement concrete, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village and said Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois for an assessment of the cost of said improvement, according to benefits, and an assessment therefor. having been made and returned to said Court, (Docket No. 237), the final hearing thereon will be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. A 11 persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten ( 10) annual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local ImJ provements of the Village of W'ilmette, Cook C(nmty, Illinois to make said assessment. L39-2tc SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT · :NO'I'l('}~ LIFE ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE SfECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 218 d~y ~ ¥ I VILLAGE OF WILl\IE'I'TE SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT NO. 238 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the central eighteen (18) feet of the first alley north of Forest Avenue from the west line of Sixth Street to the east line of Seventh Street be improved grading and paving with Portlandby cement concrete, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village r.lerk of said Village and said Village haYing applied to the County C'ourt of f'ook County. Illinois " f or an assessment of the cost of said improvement, according- to benefit:;;, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to s!'lid Court, (Dockf't No. 238). the final hearing thereon wtll be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1928. at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may :tpnear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) an-] nual installments with a_nnual thereon at the rate of s1x per interest centum per annum as provided by law. 22 A. D~~e~ 9 ;r,ilmette, Illinois, June nd. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of l:-ocal Improvements of the V11lage of \\rilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. 39 2 _______________ L__ _-__tc :SPf~('ft\1, :\SSESSlUENT NOTJ('E Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the Pr~sident and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the roadway of Gregory Avenue from the west line of Park A venue to the east line of Fifteenth Street, and the roadway of all intersecting streets to the outer lines of Gregory Avenue, be improved by cleaning the old macadam pavement, spike rolling or scarifying, removing excess material, reshaping, rolling and preparing the rnacadam for a foundation for paving, and paving the concrete two same (2) with inches asphaltic ·thick and otherwise improving same in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Cll'rk of said Village and said Vi llag{' having applied to the County Court of Cook County, IIUnois for an assessment of cost of said ing the to benefits, and improvement, an assessmentaccordtherefor having been made and returned to said Court, (Docket No. 239), the final hearing thereon will be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on t~e hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collec·tion of said assessment in ten (1 0) annual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum as provided by law. Dated Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local ImprovementsCook of the Village of W.ilmette, County, Illinois to make said assessment. L39-2tc PROVIDE su~MMARY· OF POSTAL RATE CHANGES The following is a comprehensive' resume of the revision made in many· of the · postal rates, which become e~f · J 1 1 ecttve u Y : First class letters-2 cents an ounce or fraction. Post cards-1 cent eac 1. Second class-(mailed by other than publisher)-l cent each .2 ounc~ or fraction of 2 ounces (no limit). Third class-10 cents each 2 ounces or fraction of 2 ounces. Boo'<.s, (except librarv hooks), catalogues (24.J h pages or more), se·eds, etc., 1 cent eac 2 ounces or fraction, up to and including B ounces. B . ulk tllt.r(l class-Miscellaneous (20 lhs. or 200 separately addressed and identical pieces. 12 cents each pound or fraction. Books. seeds, etc. (not less than 1 cent each.) Bulk, 8 cents each pound or fraction. Apply to postmaster for l)Crmit for the two foregoing. Matter mailed at bulk rates cannot be registered or insured or sent C. 0. D. It should be separated by states and offices. Fourth class-Includes printed matter, merchandise and all matter (other I d d tha1.1 first c ass, secon c 1 ass an second class transient matter) weighing in excess of 8 ounces: . Local deliverv-first pound 7 cent~; for eacll ad(lt'tt..Otlal _? potttlds, 1 cent. First zone-(up to 50 miles), first pound, 7 cents; for each additional pound, 1 cent. Second zone-(up to 150 miles), first lh., 7 cents,· for each additional lb., 1c. Tl · d ( l50 300 ·1 ) fi t 11r zoneto tnt es , rs pound, 8 cents; for each additional pound, 2 cents. Fourth zone-(300 to 600 miles), first f h dd' · t pound, 8 cents; or eac a tttona poui1d, 4 cents. Fifth zone- (()00 to 1.000 miles). first f 1 del'( I pound, 9 cents; or eac 1 a I JOlla pound, cents. Sixth zone-(1,000 to 1,400 miles). first pound, 10 cents; for each aclditt'onal {)OUtld, 8 cents. 1 N01'1CE EYt>ry property owner in X ew Trier Township i1-1 notified to cut hi:- thi:41el'. Any person not heeding thiR warning- and allowing thistle~ to go to seed will be pro:-e("uted and fined. .JOHN BAL~lES, Thistle f'(Jmmb: :-<it·n~r. HootNGibson M Will . .Make ch· ext OVIe ID ~PF.f'L\1~ VII,J,AH"E Of' WIJ,)JF.'I"fE AS~ES!'DIEXT YO. . Hoot Gtbson, famous \\·estern motion picture star · wi ll make his next 1cago o 2!16 J - Notice is hereby g-1\·en to all persons interested that 1he President and noard of Trustees of thE' Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, having ordered that the central thirteen . (1:}) feet of the first alley south of Walnut Avt-nuf' from the west curb line of Fifteenth Street to the east line of Sixteenth Street be improved by grailing and Jlaving with c·onc:rete, In the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinanc<' for th E' same beIng on filp in the otnce of the Village · Clerk of said Village a 'ld said Village having applif!d to the f'ounty Court of Cook County. Illinois for a'l n::;spssment of the cost of said improvemf'nt, according to hP'leftts. and ::~n aro:;RPf'lSm"'nt therefor having been made and returned to said rourt. (Do('ket No. ns>. the final hearing- thereon will be had on the ninth day of July, A. D. 1928. at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the busine::;::; Qf the Court will permit. All persons desiring m!'ly file objections in said court before ~-;aid day and may appe~r on the hearing and make their. defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in ten (1 0) annual installments with annual interest thereon at the rate of six per centum p,e r annum as provided by law. Dated · Wilmette, Illinois, June 22nd. A. D. 1928. CHARLES N. EVANS Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois to make said assessment. L39-2tc -----------------SPE'CIAL ASSE8S)IE:NT NOTICE VILLAGE OF WIJ, ~fETTE SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT NO. 237 Notice is hereby given to all persons Interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, In the County of Cook and State of Illlnois, having ordered that the central eighteen (18) feet of the first alley north of Oakwood A venue from the west curb line of Ninth Street to the east I · VILLAGE OF WIL"l\IETTE SPECIAL ASSESS~IENT NO. 240 Notice is hereby given to all person~ interel;ted that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, in the C'ounty of Cook and State of lllinoi~. having ordered that Tenth Street from the north line of Chestnut A Yenue to the north line of the Village of Wilmette be impi'Oved by grading, pa,·ing, curbing-, construC'ting · sidewalks . and otherwise improving same, in the VIllag-e of Wilmette Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance fo'r the same being on file in th~ office of the Village Clerk of ~aid Village and !'aid Village having applied to the County Court of Cook County, 111~no~s. for an asse:;;smen~ of the cost o.f l'a)(l 1mprovement, accordmg to benefits, and an a~~eRsment therefor h~ving been made and rf'turned to s~ud Court, (Docket No. 240), the fina:l hearing thereon will bo had on the 16th da.v o.f .July: A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M. or a::-; soon thereafter aR the bm;iness of the Court will permit. . . All persons desiring may file obJPctwns in said court before said day and m~·.v a pnf'ar on the hearing and make the1r defensf'. S~id ordinance provides for the C'OIIt>ction of :-;aid asRe::;::;ment in ten (l 0) annual installments with annual interest then·on at thf' ratt> of six pe1· centum ppr annum M~ prnvided by law. D!l ted. Wilmette, Illinoi~, June 2Rth, A. D. 1928. picture at the Chicago rodeo at Soldier's Field, July 29 to August 5. A deal to this effect has iust been malle . · ·. . . , between Gtbson and Tex Au~tm, man1· t f th d agmg <tree or 0 e ro eo. Last summer, B. M. Bower, who has written more cowboy novels than any . · d l tvmg other aut h or, atten d e d . t h e ro · .. eo and ,tater wrote a ~ovel e.~1t1t~ed l~ocleo: one of tl~e senes of Chtp ~f the Fty 111 g U." Gtbson bou!?"Jlt the ptctu:-e . . rights to this novel and wttl turn Jt into a film here. The famous movie star will bring a small company from Hollywood to take the pr_incipal parts in the picture and will use the regular scenes at the rodeo for the sensational thrills which arc expected to make the picture the Seventh zone-(1,400 to 1,800 miles), first pound, 12 cents; for each additional pound, 10 cents. . Eighth zone-(over 1,800 tmles). first ound 13 cents. for each additional P ' , ' j pound, 12 cents. For parcels mailed on rural routes the foregoing rates wilt be 2 cents per parcel less for parcels for fi local de. · th t sectvery an d f or th ose tn e rs, 1 ond, and third zone.;, and 1 cent per parcel less in each of the rem.aining zones. Library books-first, second and third zones and states, 3 cents for the first pound or fraction; 1 cent each additional pound or fraction. Libraries or associations entit led to mail books at these rates should apply to the postmaster for permit. Shortpaid matter-first class matter mailed short paid more than 011e rate is subject to the deficient postage, plus 1 cent for each ounce or fraction of an ounce. Special delivery-first class, 2 pounds or less, 10 cents; over 2 pounds, not over 10 pounds, 20 cents; over 10 pounds, 25 cents. Other classes, 2 pounds or less, 15 cents; over 2, not over 10, pounds, 25 cents; over 10 pounds, 35 cents. Special delivery must be so endorsed. Special handling-fourth class, 2 pounds or less, 10 cents; over 2, not over 10, pounds, 15 cents; over 10 pounds, 20 cents. Special handling must be so ·endorsed. Special delivery-special handling must be so endorsed. Registry-indemnity not exceeding. $50, 15 cents; $100, 20 cents; $200, 30 cents; $300, 40 cents; $400, 50 cents; $500, 50 cents ; $600, 70 cents ; $700, 80 cents; $800, 90 cents; $1,0'l0, $1. Fee for return receipt, 3 cents. greatest in which he has ever ~p pea red. The acted parts of the picture will be taken at Soldier's Field in the , mornings and the camera meu witt , 'd' l "sh?ot at the bronk. · n mg, re a~ racmg and 9ther events Ill the cowboys contests in the afternoon. Efforts are being made to arrange to take pic. . tures dunng the mght contests. Gibson competed in many western rodeos before going into the movies f h b b k a~1d was rated as one o t e est ron nders and 3teer wrestlers. MARY WANTS TO GROW UP And now America's sweetheart goe.s and does it. Mary Pickford, recently returned from a trip to Europe with her husband, Doyglas Fairbanks, stops in Chicago enroute to the Pacific coast long enough to have some of her golden curls cut off. Mary says she wants to stop playing the little girl parts and to play the grown-up roles. <;HARLES N. EVANS . PerRon appointed by the Pre~ident of the Board of Local Improvt>ments of the Villag-e of Wilmette, Cook County. Illinol~, tn make said assessment. L40-2tc

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