Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1928, p. 60

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WILMETTE LIFE 'June 29, 1928 ' nree Court Deeiaiona Clarify Driver Liability March to Boost Their Summer Playgrounds The responsibility of a motorist, where an it1jury has been done another, has been clarified by the terms of three recent court decisions ~ccord ing to the legal department of the American Motorists' association in co .. operation with the Automobile club of Illinois. The first, and considered of major importance to the motorists, holds him responsible when he parks hi s vehicle on a dangervus 1 curve and _ei ther directly or indirectly cause.; injury to another. The second held that a motorist was responsible when a wheel became _ detached, striking a pedestrian. The third decision is to the eff~ct that the driver of an I autOQlobile is liable to a licensee, riding in his car, only for willful injuries. The deci ~ ion involving the question of parking on curves was rendered by the Penns.rh·ania Superior cout:t . Two hundred and sixty children from th e Yattman park playground paraded through the Cent.ral busine~~ distwhich held the defenJ ant-motorist rict last Fridav morning aci\rertising th e fun facilities to he had on that playground. Headed by ~ftss May Vvttcher, responsible despite the fact that the instructor at Vattman, the children left the park at 10 :30 o'clock and, carrying Aag.s and hanners, proceede~ through plaintiff did not strike the parked car the business district and marched several blocks in the residential area surroundmg the park. Parents ot some of put wrecked his machine in attempt- the children provided cars for an additional sixty children who were .too young to und:rtake tl~e march. Sof!le ing to avoid it. The court held that of the young.;;ters appeared in fancy dress costumes de nictimr even·thmg from the Amencan I ndtan to Harlequm. the mere fact that there was no contact between the plaintiff's automo1 bile and the parked one, did no.t re- TO pLAN BENE f J T two and one half hours ride from Chicago. lieve the defendant-owner from liaIn October, 1919 misfortune came in bility. Garden Fete in August at Home of the form of a fire and then came the In the case where a wheel became Mrs. Minna Schmidt to Aid Chicago opportunity to purchase onel hundred det~ched from a moving vehicle, strikJunior School for Boys · d h" h acres of land in Illmois un er w IC Declaring that heart disease now ing a pedestrian. the Connecticut Su(Contributed) law the school is incorporated. outranks tuberculosis as a drain on preme court sustained an $8,750 verThe North End branch, Friend of In 1922 the school moved to a hun- human re.;ources, Dr. Isaac D. Rawdict of the lower court on the theory . J · h 11 atl dred acre farm magnificently situated on lings, state health director, announced that it was the duty of the motorist ch 1cago 1 w1tor sc M oo lCen·dt gre h~ v .the F ox nver · · Ill .. where to- t h'ts wee k t h at 15,044 persons succum b · · 1asSci near El gm, to give his automobile such close f 1 d 1 M avon:_ )}' rs. t ~~na m~ · ;~~ day it serves more than fiftv in such ed to heart disease in Illinois last year~ supe_rvision and inspe~tion as would h 1 1 manner as to make Chicago"}u~ior 1 as gtvetdl over do . emE ler t eau uc; school an increase of 329 over the 1926 prevent such an accident. In its ver-- I 2 71 1ome'd an groun · F urt h ermore, t h e morta 1' 1 dict the court placed the burden of Sh d f s m G dvansf on. t t 0 b~ 1 t he umque )Oys ' sc h oo 1 o f t he country. fi gure. tty en an roa · or a ar en e e c It offers a complete school curriculum indicates that fully 150,000 people in proof on the motorist to prove that 2 combined with home influences and sur- the state are no\oY living impaired and the in spection had been made of his held August · There will be dancing, cards, swim- roundings unequaled elsewhere. Its grad- deficient lives account of that disorder vehicle. the benefit of a doubt being ming, booths at which ice cream, sand- uates leave. not merely fitted for high which frequently reduces th_e producgiven the suing plaintiff. A New Jersey motorist. sued by the wiches, and lemonade may be purchased; school entrance, but with a well molded tive ability of its victim.; oYer long administrator of a licensee-passenger. fortune tellers and various other enter- and firmly wrought foundation of life. periods of time. "If heart disease were confined to was held in the third case to be not tainment. Buffet supper will be served. . The schoo~ is maintained by s~bscripresponsible for the passenger's d·eath .Mrs. Emma F . Stross and Mrs. ]. R. t10ns, ~o~1~ttons, and _funds ratsed by . the aged, the rapid rise in the mortaliwhere the pas~enger had been invited \Volfenden of the Sovereign hotel, are the actlvthes .of ~he dtff~rent branches ty from that disorder would be a bv a third party to go for a ride. the general committee chairmen. Among of th~ orgamzatton ";~tc~ have bee,n source of encouragement rather than The driver. who was also the owner those helping w.ith ~rrangements are establtshe.d, known ~.s Fr~ends of Cht- concern to health officers," said Dr. of the machine, had not extended the Mrs. George Karnes and Mrs. Edgar cago Jumor .School._ . It IS h?p~d that Rawlings. "After rounding out a full invitation. The New Jersey Supreme Foster Alden of Winnetka, Miss Maud fund.; to butld addtttOna! bUlldmgs to and useful life one means of exit court held that unless the motortst Carleton, and Mrs. Ralph Graves of accommodate !11 ore appltcat~ts and to would be as good as another and a had been ~u.!lty c;>f willful lnjurv that Chicago. Proceeds are for the Chi- take care of gtrls as well wtll soon be rising perG_entage of fatalities at the he could not be held re.5ponsible, in- cago Junior School for boys near Elgin. secured. upper age strata would indicate an asmuch as the passenger that was The Chicago Junior school, among increa.;ingly efficient saving of life at killed was a "mere licensee." the newer institutions devoted to the Wilmette Golf Club Has its beginning and during the time of Commenting on the three decisions. development of youth, began in a mea- . Fourth July Program greatest service. · Si Mayer. preside.n t of the associa- ger way in 1913. It is now the materi· The semi-final round in the grounds tion, and president of the Automoalized dream of a boy w ho 1 ived 111 a committee trophy tournament at the I H, E. Poronto: 901 Elmwood avenue, bile club of Illinois, pointed out that crowded city district, where boys who h h b L· A 1 a Wilmette Golf club will be held this w o as een 111 os nge es on there is a growing tendency on the are neglected between the ages of 10 morning. It will be eighteen holes short business. trip, is expec~ed home . part of the court to hold a motorist to strict accountabiliy where damage and 14, can easily grow into desperate play, handicap by holesup system. the .last of _thts week He ts accomcriminals before they are twenty. Ther-e will also be a low net foursome pamect b y h t.5 son, H . E ar 1 P o ro n t o, Jr . or injury to a third person is conHe told his dream to a man and his Sunday morning, eighteen holes, medal -ocerned. "The motorists, as a whole. Mr. and Mrs. William P. \\.hite will be protected by a strict rule of wife, who bought the land as a first play, handicap. In the afternoon a twolaw which makes everv other motorist step in making his dream come true. ball mixed foursome, eighteen holes, (Beatrice Metzel) of Winnetka are receiving the con~ratulations of their respotnible for all o.f his wrongful The dreamer, two boys, a tent and an medal play, handicap will be run off. American flag took possession of the The play for July 4 will include a friends upon the birth of a son, Witacts." Mr. Mayer declared. one hundred twenty acre farm at \Val- driving contest, class handicap, and flag liam Parish White. Jr .. on June 6. halla, Mich., Memorial day, May 30, contest. In the driving contest each -oBay Saint Louis Bridge 1913. · class will drive from the first tee in Mrs. C. E. Berndt and children, of on Old Trail Finished It was decided that this farm home and regular play either in the morning or 1409 Maple avenue. with her mother .Travelers over the ·old Spanish trall school should not duplicate the work of the afternoon. The class ·h andicap to and sister, Marjorie. are spending the will be glad ' to hear that a highway regular instituti9ns that in supplying the be played in the morning is an sum 111 er at their cottage near Estes bridge has recently been completed need for a home and school, they would eighteen holes, medal play, handicap Park, Colo. _ _ across Bay St. Louis, between the also make every effort to supply a~ event. There will be a prize for low 0 near as possible the home atmosphere, gross and one each for low net in Mrs. Frank Sherritt and her daugh. towns of Bay St. Louis and Henderson Point. Mis!\issippi, says a bulletin influence and training to those unfor- classes A, B. C. and D. The flag con-~ ter Joan have arrived from Coral issued by the touring bureau of the tunate children who, through the loss test to be held in the ~lft~rnoon .will be Gables, w'here thev have purchased a Chicago ~fotor. club. Although the of one or both parents, have been de- a four-hall forced f!l-IX em, e.tghteen winter home, and are now at the · 'distance between these two points is prived of these privileges; that love of hole!;, medal play, wtth a handtcap. al- Sovereign hotel. not Quite h,·o miles... yet, before the the flag should be taught and that in- lowance of one-hat.£ of the comb111ed H E L' tt -:-o- · · g from his completion of the bridge, east and dividual effort, ambition, self respect, handicaps. Husbands and wives may 1 west traffic was obliged to follow a and achievement are the foundation not play as partners. hom.e i~ srpt~uis \odr:ytvf~r a visit of stones on which America is built. long- detour around the bay or depend APPLAU E about a fortnight with his daughter. I n time a dormitory was bw'lt an..~ on ferries. tJ .S FOR SOPHIE Mrs. William Balhatchet of 725 seventeen boys were received. It proMiss Sophie Tucker, well known 111 Seventh street. The Old Spanish trail, exte~ding -oeast and west across the contment, gressed ·and soon there was a waiting Chicago and elsewhere, continues to bears annually a heavy traffic burden. list to enter Chicago Junior. But the draw the applause in London, where, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs, Mr. and In the past the numerous streams anrl long distance from Chicago made visits it is said, no issue of a daily or Sun- Mrs. N. A. Schwall o.f 722 Ridge avelr~w-lvinfl marshes bordering the Gulf expensive for the relatives and in 1917 day newspaper i~ seemingly regarde.d nue, .~!1d their childrt_n, Frances and of Mexico. have presented serious they were offered the use of a farm at as complete unless her name be in it Nicholl\s, Jr., have returned from a difficultie.; to the motorist. Royalton Heights near St. Joseph, Mich., not fewer than six times. 1fi3hing trip at Land O'Lakes, Wis. . ' . Heart Disease Is on Increase Among Young, Says Expert .. .. of t I f'"

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