Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1928, p. 16

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I~Sc~tes===========!~etDS VOL. I. NO. 25 1 ·J U N· 10 R . L1 ·FE WILMETTE, ILLlNOIS, JULY 6, 1928 INQlTIRING REPORTER. What would you like to ha ,. m the program - Friday mornings ? Don Campbell : Plays or musical programs. Ned Shapker: Plays or musical programs. Virginia Moyer: Talks on vacation. Miles McDonald: Thrilling stories. - J(te Hayt's, StcJlP summer school Told by the Pupils .I Published weekly by the school chrldren of Wilmette -under aupervision of Wilmette PlautJround and Recreation Board. Dramatic Club in Presentation Q/ 3 One-Act Plays Howard school was the scene of great activity the evening of June 11, when the Dramatic club, under the direction of Mrs. Pearl Jones, put on three oneact plays. The club was orgAnized in January and met the last period each Monday afternoon. The object of the class has been to develop self-assurance and ability to stand before the class and talk. The children of the class deserve a great deal of credit as their plays will long be remembered by those fortunate enough to have rec ived an invitation to attend. Walter Haas, in white trousers, b~ue ooat and silk hat, did the announcmg for each play. Wylie Jones was in the background as make-up man. The first play was "Who Am I?" by Carl W. Price: The cast was : Madeline Brooks ... Charlotte Harvey Enid Rossiter .......... . Helen Green Dr. Rossiter . . . . Lawrence McHale Gertrude ....... Janet McConnaughey The second play was "Pink Tea." The entire cast were dark-skinned: Mrs. Black ... . . Lauretta Anderson Mrs. White . ......... . . Edna Stiles Mrs. Ble-w . . . ...... Kathlyn Welter Mrs. Redd .......... Majorte Iverson ~Irs. Brown ... Flora Holm Hansen 1\:ln;;. Green ....... . Clarice Newhagen 1\lrs. Rose ... . .... . . Dorothy Vollman Mrs. Grey .. . ....... Louise Eldredge Pansy .... ... .. . . . ........ Ruth Smith Saratoga . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isabel Haskin Mrs. Rochester-Lincoln ...... ... .... . A lice Edmonds The third play was "At Harmony Junction." Station Ag nt . . . . . . . . Albert Lind Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ralph Meaker Tramp ... . . . .. . . ... Henry Specht, Jr. Stranger ....... . ... ... George Jon s The plays were a great success. SA George Jones, Howard A Treasure Hunt '---------(An Original Story) "Let's have a treasure hunt," said Ned to Jack. "All right," said Jack. "Let's .get,so~e other fellows, too, and some girls. So Ned and Jack went out to get !';ome other children. They invited Billy, Betty, .Jean, Ed, George, and Sue. Altogether there WE're eight children who were to meet the following day by the old oak tree in the wood~ · k They were each to dress m a spoo ey ·costume and each carry their own lunch. EYeryone was at the oak at 9 :30 o'clock the next morning. Ned and Jack had Billy and Bet.t~ P irate costumes on. were twins so they dresse d very neat 1}· alike in black outfits, covered from head to toe except a place was cut for them to :o;et>. .Jean and Ed were sister and brother. They dressed like ghosts. George and Sue were cousins.. They dressed like colored people. "Now we are going to pretend we came Smith's e out are going in to John hunt for gold. tribe We and will w go into the deeper part of the woods," ~aid Xed, who had planned ..:verything with I Arrange Programs for Seventh Grade Summer Sessions I .. !....-----------------I Thursday, June 28, Billie Klein was absent from summer school because of illness. Chester Hanson was absent from summer school because of inclement weather. Mary Alice Hayes of 6A is taking summer school with the seventh grade becam;e of her high scholarship in ~o;ixth grade. Ruth Seymour entered summer school, Monday, June 25. Personal Notes The seventh grade summer school, under the direction of Miss Perring, has a program every Friday during the last period. We expect to have quite a few g"oo·d times. · The volunteers for this week are: Chester Hanson, Frank McCabe, and !V£ary Alice Hayes. This is the first Friday we have had a program but we expect everyone will have something for it before the end of the school. The seventh grade summer school program is as follows: 9 :00-9 :40 Grammar 9 :40-10:20 Arithmetic 10:20-10:40 Recess : _ : Spelling and Penmanship 10 40 11 :00 20 Supervised Study 11 ·.20-12 St -Mary Finlayson, 0 1P I · Jn Which Albert Allows He'll Be No Trick f lyer A trick flier is many times killed, but thev win a great lot of money. 'Vhen I was sick with the flu my nurse told me about a boy she knew and he \Vas a trick flier when he grew up. His mother died and he was left all alone with his father and he ran away with his mother's prayer book and her picture. One day he got in with the bu!':iness of trick flying. One day he was flying over a river in Washington, D. C. and hiR plane caught on fire and he was ldlled. I " ·ould not be a trick flier for anything. Albert Carpenter, l\liss Smith's room, Central ·lver CU p for AWardS S1 Good School ·Attendance · Through the kindness and generosit~ of Carl Renneckar, neighborhood drug f gist thE: fourth and eighth grade~ o Sal~t Joseph's school have each been awarded a beautiful silver cup for regula~ attt>ndance. The. average daily attend t ance of the fourth grade for the. pash year was ~6.2 per cent; that of the elght gradt> 96.3 per cent. \Vhile tht-se figure:-; arP very good we hope to do still better next year. The pupil~ of Saint Joseph's school, in particular those of the .four~h and dghth gradt>s, wish to thank their kind bentfactor for the honor conferred. on thf'm. This is only one of the vanous ways in which Mr. Renneckar }las shown his interest in our Rehool. We hope to enoy his continued interest in the future. Beach Amusements Fine; Lois Looks Forward to Says Albert Carpenter Having a Role in Play In the summer we play every day. Some of the children in the block. have a play this year. They are havmg it Saturday at 7 o'clock. Last year they had the "Littlt> Red Riding Hood" play. This year tlwy are having the "'Cinderella" play. We are tnvlted. Imogene, Eleanor, Jean, Ann, and Howard are in it. Imogene is going to s e if my sist r and I can be in ·next year. -Lois Ann Ro::;en, Third Grad They are planning this summer a new to the :Howard school which will take <'are ot the increase in membership. T}}e Incoming st-vt-nth grade is a great deal larger than the st-venth last year. The architect has been plauning tor it. -Bruce Meaker, 7B Howard ~ddition GETS GUN AS GIFT One of m:\ !',lend's parents went to Germany and brought back two twin guns for their 1 ~n and me. I got it .Yt>Sterday at nofJn. -James O'Neil, Grade 3, Central Katherine Thompson entered summer .Tack. "I have some confetti," said Jack . school, June 26. ··,~:-e'll all get ~ome and we will scatter Frank McCabe is planning to It-aYe it where\'E'l' we go ~o we won't get lo~t like John Smith did." summer school to go to camp. So that is what they did. Jack ga,·e Rosie Russo is planning to leave this ~:: ach a handfull of confetti and then tht>y set off, dropping the confetti. Jack w eek. said: Ned Shapker had a boat fight and "One drop~ his first, then when his i~ race with tht> S. S. CaYeman Wednesday, gone some one will <;ontinue where he but he wal-l beaten. left off." -John Cutler, Summer school, Stolp They all agreed and in that way they saved a lot of confetti. Betty had her watch on anfl she said it was time for lunch so they all sat down under a large elm tree and ate the lunch his or her mother had put up for them. It was a cold day in winter. Little 'Vhen they were finished they a 11 !': et .Tean was on her way to Patsy's birth- out again. They had gone no nwre than day party. thref' yards when they ~aw ~omething Her mother wa~ driving her in their . up in a tree. They all stared. Tlwn old-fashioned Lincoln. They were now Rilly said, in front of Patsy's house. 1\Irs. Thomson "Tt is a monkey." stopped the car. . 'Th<'~' nil _laugh e.<l. GPovge snid h e "Jean, d ear," she ~aid, "you mu~t wall< would <"limh th trt-e ancl g· t' t it and that's honw after the party because I am going what ht> did . They took it alnng and clown town tonight. Be sure not to leave had a lot of fun. When Betty ~aid it your good mittens at Patsy's." wa~ 5 o'clock, 'they all followed the When the party was over Jean thanked confetti bnck to the old oak. They then Patsy, took her mitten:;: and started td went home. They had a <'lub met-ting go home. There were ~·nne, boys who on Saturdny nnrl the monkt-y, Trilisy, were throwing snowballs from behind the wns a member. bushe~. · They threw some at Jean and - Betty Ro~en, 4th Grad e then tool< off her mittens. She ran home crying to her maid. Then the maid came running out and got the mittens from the boys. And that is the end of my :-;tory. -Betty Jane RosE.>n, Mrs. Smith~s room 'Vedne~day, while Ned and his crew were lazily paddling about in his cnnoe, th ey ~potted the S. S. Caveman "trutting proudly about in the water. "The Hnrs~ Fly," Ned's boat, started fa~t and hard after the Cavt-man, thus There are swings down at the beach. ~tnrting a rnce and 'var. One time I was swinging and a boy Aftt-r racing Rbout a half n mile the came along and pu~hed me off. Ont- · ·'Hot'S~' Fly" caught up with the CaveSunday I wa~ watching some boats race. man nnd stat·ted a wat<'r fight with They were turning vei"Y sharp cornen-; nacld!P~. After fig-hting n few minutes, and water ftt-w wny up on the · ~hore. I "\.,." rl ht·nkt> his paddles and tht> "Hor!':e got all wet. \Yht'n 1 waR on the high- Fly" fPll behind. flier~. I ft"ll off nnd hurt my hf':lcl. I --Xed ~hapl<et-, 8th Gt·ade, Stolv think the bench amusements · are nice. -Albert Carpenter, Central Summer EX,JOY HF-ACH PARTY Schoof The Howard 6B grade hRd a beach party on June 13, 1928. We planned PI,AX Bl:ACH DAY what we were to haYe. We had as folMr. Davis said. "Friday will be Beach lows: cookies, marshmallows, pickles, Day. We are to have races and, we hope, buns, mustard. and wiener roast. We a good crowd. That is, if the weather Played ball. We had sides. When Miss permits. If it doesn't, we will have to Scheidler went away for awhile we wnit till next Friday." ruined a few fellows. We surely had a The races are as follows : 10 years and fine time. u nd<'r, 11, 12, 13 :.ve~=~ rs, 14, 15, 16 years ; -Rudolph Kasper, 6B Howard hurdlt> races for all ;1~es; swimming under water and dead man's float. PLAX SCHOOL ADDITION -Kelly "~elter ' During the last year the Howard school enrollment has increased so much CHAMP PRIZE WINNER ·we w"nt to Billy Crawford's party that the School board had to plan for a anfl I won eight orizes and Billy Craw- new addition. It will probably have a ford's brother won a pen, and so did I. swimming pool and other things which add to make it one of the finest schools Bobby Cutter won a ring. on the north shore. The addition will -Lionel Toeppen, Miss Smi~th's room, be made on the north end of the building. Central - -Jerome Nevins 7A Howard I · . Betty Tells Sad Story About Some Unruly Boys "Sorrell and Son" FI.lm Str1 ·kes F ancy 0 f J 0 hn Tuesday I went to see "Sorrell and Son" and it was very inter ·sting. It is the story of an ex-officer in the Briti~h Anny. After the Armistice was signed he comes home to find his wife leaving, but his son, "Kit," is still there. They have many adventures and "Kit" turns out to be one of the greatest surgeons of Englann by showing his skill in a daring brain oper~tion. His fathH, while in the war. was hit by a !':hrapnel. and at the end he dies of the inft·ction. · -.Johri Cutler, Stolp Summer ~chool Gives ·Thrilling Account Vattman Park Baseball of Desperate Sea Battle Nine to Meet Beach Crew The Vattman park indoor baseball team will have its first game Tuesday, June 2, at 2 o'clock The opponents will be the Beach team. The game is to be played at Vattman. It promises to be a very goocl game bee a use the Beach won the championship last year. We hope to win it thiR year, though. After. we J)lay thl" Bench we go to Laurel playg-round to play LaurPl. -Dick Huck, Vattman XED NEEDS REPAIRS Ned Shapker with Bob Dunn and myself had a canoe race with Frank and hi:-; trusty !':ailors, who only had one PRddle ann board. Frank had a handi· cap of Rbout 100 yards but that did not bother us, for we caught up in a very short time. When we were alongside of Frank we started to splash tht-m and cra<"ked an oar in two so we had to g-o ba<'k to the shore. Ned said that today he was going downtown with Miles McDonald and get some new paddles. -Philip Osborn, Stolp ' r ------------------------------ POOR ROVER I had a little dog, I always called him Rover. When I would say Rover, he would come and jump on me. When I came home from school and rang our bell he would bark. He seemed to know when I would come home from school. One day Rover was chasing a car and was run over and died. Jack Stein, 6B Howard

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