Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1928, p. 9

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] uly 13, 1928 WILMETTE 1 LIFE 9 ANNOUNCE WINNERS IN Ma.cCracken Will . JULY .4 FIELD EVENTS . .Turn on chieago Legion Playground Board Holiday Field Events Attract Hundreds of Entries Thirty races and athletic contests of various kinds were held on the afternoon of July 4 at the Village Green on the occasion of the Community celebration sponsored by the American Legion and the Wilmette Playground and Recreation staff. Prizes were given to the winners of the first six places in each event. These prizes included books, candy, ice cream, shoes, tires, flour, and many other cash donations from ~1 ilmette business men and residents. Following is the list of winners of the first three places in each event : ENJOY POOL PARTIES Aerial Beacon 'on top af the Roanoke. Since the warm weather, many WitTower, LaSalle and Madison streets. This is the largest ae::rtal beacon in mette children have been enjoying the .the world and will be visible to flyers pool at the home of Mr. and ·Mrs. Edfor a radius of 100 miles. It is located ward]. Schager, 1050 Chestnut avenue. 520 feet above the sidewalk. The dedi- · They hav~ had a "·pool party" almost \ Vhen Secretary of Commerce cation will be held from the north every afternoon. Herbert Hoover, Rt:publican candidate steps of the Field Museum in Grant for Presiden!, pass'es through. Chicago park and all Chicago has been inv.i ted Air Lines will cirde the beacons. S.u!lday e~enmg, Jut~ 15, on his. way to to witness the ceremonies. Two bands, The exercises will start at 8 P. M. VISit Pres1de~t Coohdge he will hav.e the Naval Band from the United States and the beacon liglit will be turned ·on · an OJ?POrt~mty to o~serve what Ch1- Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, at 9 P. M. by William P. McCracken, cago ~~ domg towar,d tts plans ~o make I Illinois, and Schiff's Aerial Beacon Jr., of Winnetka, Assistant Secretary that city the worlds largest atrport. Band will play martial airs for the oc- of Commerce for Aeronautics. City, That same evening is scheduled for casion. Planes .from the National Air state and federal officials will be the the dedication of the Chicago Central Transport Co., and The Grey Goose, guests of honor. A erial Beacon I Twenty-five yard da.sh for girls under , 8-Elsie Von der Lippen, Mary Jane Orr, Winifred Hoffman. Fifty yard dash for boys under 17Claude Hill, Hugh Saxon, Ed Schuett. Twenty-five yard wheelbarrow race for girls 10 to 12, inclusive-Ruth Pavlicek and Winifred Earry, Betty Hitchcock and Florence Reed, Virginia Miller and Inna Ball. Twenty-five yard dash for boys under 8- Paul Lang, George Borre , Donald Hoffman. Fifty yard dash for girls 8 a nd 9D orothy Davis, Josephine Cost, Marcella Brockhauser. Fifty yard three-legged race for boys under 16- Art Meyer and Ed Schuett, Oti ~ Toop ~ ~ml Fra nk Eager, Anthony Schinler a nd Robert Golden. Ball throwing contest for wome n over 21- R. B . DeVinny, Josephine Skidmore, Mrs. W a de. Fifty ya rd dash for boys 8 an d 9Walter Von R ein sperg, H a r old Ball, Harold Kummer. Fifty yar d dash for girls 10 t o 12, inclusive-Elsie Von R einsperg, D olly Bell, Olive Da vis. T wen ty-five ya rd wheelba rrow r ace for boys 10 t o 12, inclus ive-Cha rles O'Connel! a nd Stu:trt Fitz H ugh , Howard Ball and Bill ·wade, J ohn Sper des and Albert An derson. F ifty yar d three-legged r ace fo r g irl s nn der 16-Virginia B rowning and Dolly BPll , Oli n~ Da vifl and 1\Ia rcella Brorkh au~er , Betty Hitchcock a nd F lore nce Hee d. Fifty yn r d daf:h for boys 10 to 12, inC'lu~ i ve--rnu l So ul ~. Howard Ball, Di lly de. ~e v enty-five y a r d dash f or g irls 13 to 1;), i nc lu ~i v<.>-1\fary Balmes, 1\Iarga r t Dicld1am, Vivian Barr . F ifty yar d potato and S]100n rae fo r boys u nder 14· ~Hugh Saxon, Howard Da ll. George B rown ing. Fifty yard r el:"t y race for h usband and wi fe-1\fr . a nd M r s. D. l\f. Da\'iS, l\I r. and )Jrl'. St nch el, Mr. and M rs. Cha rles Dn h nck e. S0ven t y-f,ive ~·a rd daf'h for boy s 13 t o 15, incllt f' i\'f'-Clau de H ill , H ug h Sa xon , George RoylPton. f:; vent y- fh·e yard d a~h fo r gi rls 16 t o 20, in<'l us h e·-TTazel Kroll, N')r ma Ander!'On , Jane Krier . F ifty ya rd Pack race f or boys und er 16--Ciaude H ill , George Boylston , Rex Martin . Fi fty ynnl potato a nd spoon r acE> for girls under 14- L ena Orr, D or oth y Vollm a n , H eien .Tannes. One hundred yard daf:h f or boys 16 to 20, inclusive-J a m es H offm a n, Milton G ll.\' , Geor ge L urliger . Fifty yard dash f or la dies 21 a nd over ·-:\Trs. Schleier , 1\Ir ~ . Ba il ey , Mrs. L . F. Todd. Ba lloon r ace open t o any boy or girl und er 21- Bob Kreu sch, Lore tta Steffens, Howard Bnll. · One hundred yard dash for men 21 and ov er- L. Sta chel, Ander son, ' R. A. EYan s. Fifty yard daf:h for wom en over 35l\frf;. D. M. Da vis, Mrs. Barr, Mrs. Wade. Fifty yard three-legged race for hu !":ba nd and wife-Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ·· Todd, 1\fr. and Mrs. Stocke ll, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. G. Schiefer. Twenty-five yard dash for women over 160 pound~-Mr s. D. M. Davis, Mrs. W. H. Wolfe, Mrs. Brockhouser. Twenty-fiye yard dash for fat men with wai st measure of at least 43 inches - J. Borre, Mr. Lascelles, John Barges. Fifty yard l"ack race for girls under 16-Josephine Costo, Elsie Von Relnsperg, Mary Balmes. One hundred yard dash for men 35 and over-D. 1\f. Davis, Lowell Todd, Charles Dahncke. Tug-of-war-Army defeated navy. Dr. W. W. Hawkins, captain of army team. WHO ARE .THEY? Wilmette's Most Popular Young Couple Will Be the King and Queen of Wiltnette Day!· A Young Miss and a Young Man Som· e young couple of Wilmette's younger set will be the lucky ones. And what a day they will have! The merchants of Wilmette will be their hosts on Wilmette Day. They will be outfitted from head to foot with clothing specially selected for them; they will have their own decorated float for the Wilmette Day parade; they will award the various prizes for events conducted during this day; they will bave a driver and car at their disposal during the entire day-in fact, many, many interesting things and honors have been planned for them, that will make the event one they will long remember! Any young man or young Miss between the ages of 12 and 18 is eligible for the contest. A voting card is given with every 25c purchase at any Wilmette store that belongs to the Chamber of Commerce. A space is provided to write in the name of whom you wish to vote for. " ·a ASK YOUR MERCHANT FOR THESE CARDS. RULES OF THE . CONTEST: 1. The girl who receives the largest number of votes, and the boy who receives the largest number ~f votes will be declared the winners of the contest. 2. Only contestants between the ages of 12 and 18 years are eligible. 3. The contestants mu's t be residents of Wilmette. 4. Votes must be deposited in a ballot box. furnished for this purpose, tn the office of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. 5. Saturday, August 4th, will be the last day of the contest. All the entertainment, all the honor, and all the good time that can possibly qe crowded into one day will reward the winners! BE Sl!RE TO ASK FOR YOUR TICKETS, AND VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE! "r· Wilmette Chamber of Commerce Room 6 - ,- Cox Buil~ing - - Wiltnette

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