Give Your Family Every AdvantageOWn a Home on the North Shore is the choicest of family treasures. Consider every feature of location and environment that makes the home a joy forever-and youtll decide on the North Shore. HOME A / . North Shore Homes now for sale: WINNETKA '~ Here, the home's social benefits are multiplied. Everything that makes family life worth while is .near at hand-playfields, schools, churches, congenial neighbors, sport facilities of all kinds. Moreover, values in this favored region steadily increase because of restricted area and a constantly expanding population. Some most attractive North Shore homes are now on the market. Quinlan ·8 Tyson have exclusive charge of many of them, for owners have 'learned that this organization has the most complete facilities for bringing buyer and seller together. That is why they usually co.1ne here first. You will save time by coming here first, too. COLONIAL NEAR LAKE Amid huge oak trees faacinating home: 8 fine rooms; · 5 sleeping rooms; sunroom; 3 baths; large living room, fireplace; electric refrigeration, oil burner. Attached double garage. A big bargain only $28,ooo. Term1. HUBBARD WOODS NEW ENGLAND BRICK timber trim. 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, br1akfast room, electric refrigeration, open porch, attached garage, everything the very latest. Quiet, beautiful home section. Excep tiona[ value. $2 3,500. Terms. ~ · / Make this your headquarters, if you are looking for a home. See our lists -consult our officers. If you want first choice of homes available for summer, better investigate at once. For 44 years specialists in North Shore residential and business sales and rentals. First mortgage loans and investments. Insurance of all types Chicago, 40 N. Dearborn St., Central 0227 Evanston, Fountain Sq., University 2600 Winnetka, 714 Elm Street, Winnetka 2199 Wilmette, 424 Linden Ave., Wil~ette 460