WI L ·M E 'f T E. VOL. XVII. NO. 42 WILMETTE. ILLI NOIS, JULY 13, 1928 L IF .E PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc 1U!-1236 Ce tr l A Wil · · March H, 1924, at the post office at wilmette, Illinoi~t 19En8terbe~ast~ seco~~ matter , 'U~derv:he Act~e~t~:Zr~~·~o':s· ., · 'U Sunp ..on prwe c,z~ss ~.oo a uear. ·seek King and Queen for Annual Wilmette Day SCHOOL DiSTRICT HAS 12.350 INHABITANTS Figure Does Not Indicate Popu- A stolen car belonging to Alfred T . Merchants Co-operate in Select· lation of Village Since Large Sihler, 931 Lincoln avenue, Highland The excessive heat of last Saturing Most Popular Boy and Park, was recovered by the Kenilworth day and Sunday caused thousands of Areas Are Excluded Girl in Wilmette police on Sheridan road Thursday eve- north shore residents to seek relief at ning of last week when Milton E. beaches. Attendance records were . There .ar~ 12,350 persons living with- Gross, 4855 N. Rockwell street, Chi- the Royalty will attend Wilmette Day broken in several instances. !,_n the hmtts of the Wilmette scl\ool cago, was arrested on a charge of festivities this year. The King and At the Wilmette beach the attendd i s t r i c t, according to school census speeding. Gros3, who at first declared Queen will be there. . ance jumped from 434 on Thursday figures just compiled. Women take Plans were announced this week for that the car belonged to his uncle , and 861 on Friday to 2,008 on Saturthe honors for numbers, for of this later admitted that he had stolen it day, when the heat wave struck. Sun- a popularity contest, which promises. numbe~ 6,525 are fel!!ales and 5,825, from the bu_siness district of Highland days registered attendance was 2 526 to be the outstanding feature of Wil~ males. · Park, where Mrs. Sihler had parked the. largest in the history of the be~ch: mette Day, the annual community The total figure-12,350-cannot be the machine for the use of her hus- Thts number does not include those festival sponsored by the Wilmette taken as an accurate estimate of the band when he returned from Chicago who did 11ot use the lockers and other Chamber of Commerce and which is population of the village, since the on the train. 1 leach facilities. There was an esti- scheduled for \Vednesday, . August 8. school district does not correspond mated attendance of 3,000 at the Wil- The contest will select the King and · Sergea_tl! Fellows and Officer Grifprecisely with the limits of the village. Queen of Wilmette Day. mette beach on Sunday alone. It takes in nothing east of the canal fith, of the Kenihyprth police departAccording to preliminary arrangement, took the prisOJ1Cr to the Win4,000 at Winnetka aJld nothing west of Ridge road, exments made by a special Popularity netka Bureau of Identification and The total attendance at the Win- Contest committee, this cept Kenilworth Gardens. interesting obtained fin~er prints. Gros::; has no netka beaches on Saturday and Sun- contest to select the most popular boy 4,543 Under 21 Years fonner record. so far as it is known . day approached the 4,000 mark. The and girl (between the ages of 12 and In the entire school district there Judge Rothermel, police magistrate, Maple ave_nue beach reported about are 4,543 persons under twenty-one fined Gross on a char~e of speeding- 1,200 for each day. At the Elder Lane 18 years) residing in Wilmette, was years, 1,022 under six, and 3,521 be- and reckless dri'{ing. The automobile beach the attendance was about 800 formally launched th . .> week and wtn · continue until August 4. It is a vottween six and twenty-one, according stealing charge was held open until on Saturday and 700 on Sunday. to the census. Glencoe's beach took care of about ing proposition, with each merchant in August 10 when the defendant is The village was divided into two 1,000 residents on each of the two the village supplied with ballots to be 3cheduled to appear. Meantime he sections, east and west, in taking of days, and this approached a new beach given in exchange for purchases in the census. Following are the census will he paroled to his brother. \\'ho attendance record for the village. At accordance with rules of the contest, figures for males and females in each also lives in Chicago. Kenilworth between 400 and 500 peo- as stipulated in an announcement on section: · ple sought relief in the lake on Sat- page 9 of this issue of Wn.~tTTt LIFE. Census Table Special Honor Guests Robert B. M. Wilson is urday and again on Sunday. Persons On Wilmette Day the two fortunate EAST the Kenilworth beach patronizing Home from Mexico Trip Males Females found it necessary to park their cars young people will be the cynosure of all Robert B. M. Wilson, 839 Park ave- a considerable distance west of Sheri- eyes. They will travel in a specially Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,300 . :·. ... 4,001 Under twenty-one .... 1,231 .. . . . . 1,311 nue, \\'ilmette; accompanied by Wen- dan road because of the crowded con- provided motor car, with chauffeur at their disposal throughout the day. Under six . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 ... . . . 211 rlell Hobbs, a Northwestern university ditions near the beach. student of Kalamazoo, Mich., returned They will be outfitted from head to Between six and Avoid Accidents foot by Wilmette merchants, have a 989 ...... 1,100 from Mexico last week. They had twenty-one There W~!'e no .accidents or fatali- prominent place in the Wilmette Day been spending six months there inWEST at any of the regular north shore ties Males Females vestigating mining properties. Return- beaches, but a man was drowned near street procession, make the awards to Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,525 ...... 2,524 ing- by way of Vera Cruz and Havana, Scqtt's pier, a private pier in Winnet- winners of field events and in the Under twenty-one .... 1.064 . . . . . . 937 Cuba, they were guests of United ka, and another man suffered the same Children's parade, and, in a word, will Under six . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 . ..... 242 States Ambassador Judah at the lat- fa.te at the water-filled gravel pit at be royally entertained throughout the ter city. Between six and Rtdge road and Park place, Wilmette. day, even to enjoying a sumptous evetwenty-one . . . . . . . . 737 . . . . . . 695 Stories of t}le drownings are carried ning repast at the expense of the Chamber of Commerce. Movie Ballot Ordinance elsewhere in this issue. Name Contest Committee· to Be Enacted Tuesday Dr. Pittman to Preach Committees charged with the duty Formal action in establishing Tuesof carrying through the popularity conCongregational Sermon day, September 25, as the date of a test include: ,Dr. Hudson H. Pittman, pastor of special election in Wilmette on the Votes and vote tabulation-Louis the First Congregational church of proposition to operate motion picture Redke, chairman; and Philip Braun. Springfield, will preach at the , Wil- theaten here on Sundays, will he Ticket distribution-E. C. Cazel, mette Congregational church next taken by the Village board at its reguchairman; William Taylor, and A. C.: Sunday morning, July 15, in the ab- lar meeting Tuesday evening, July 17. Pearson. sence of the Rev. \Villiam E. McCor- The ordinance establishing the elecFloat and Prizes-Paul McNamee~ mack, who is away on a month's va- tion, now in course of preparation in chairman; John Schneider, .and Miss cation. Other visiting ministers for the offices of Villag-e Attornev Charles Irene Strickler. the month are: the Rev. George T. H. _Tack~on, will be adopted by the Entertainment and program-F. A. McCollom, field secretary of the Con- truste.es at that meeting. Wilson, chairman; A. S. Van Deusen, gregational church extension board and A. C. Wolff. who will preach on July 22, and th~ Publicity-J. M. Carrico, chairman; E. L. Nygaard Returns ' Rev. Charles E. Reidt, pastor of the B. B. Udell, and E. \V. Weber. ' First Congregational church of Fond from Trip to Wisconsin Finance-E. C. Cazel, chairman; du Lac, Wis., who comes to Wilmette E. L. Nygaard, superintendent of Paul McNamee, F. A. Wilson, Louis To come for the Sunday morning service on the Kenilworth Public scl:wols, and his Redke, and J. M. Carrico. Ju1y 29. familv returned to their home at 1336 right to the point-we do Details' of other Wilmette Day feaGregory avenue, Wilmette, Sunday, tures are being worked out carefully the right kind of printing! after a two weeks' absence. They by a score or more of Chamber of Vacations Deplete "Regs" snent some time at their cottage at Commerce committees, with the result at Wilmette Post Office Humhircf. \Vis .. and also attended the that the community holiday, now less LLOYD HOLLISTER Four carriers and one clerk at the N. E. A. convention at Minneapolis. than a month in the future, promises Wilmette postoffice are taking their fhey made the trip by car. to surpass in variety of activity any INC. ey are: Harvey annual vacations. Th_ similar project ever staged in the vilVACATION IN NORTHLAND WILMETTE 4300 Roth, Arthur Procknow, A. M. lage. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nord and their Schaefer, and Jake McDaniel. carriers The day will be inaugurated with a and Frank Balmes, clerk. - Their va~ daug-hter. Alice, 829 Park avenue, are great street procession with scores of cations began Thursday, July 5, to last at Ephriam. Wis . for an outing of (Continued on Page 6) two or three weeks' duration. for fifteen days, Sundays excl11ded. HEAT JAM~ BEACHES Recover Stolen Car· When T hie/ All Attendance Records Shattered as Week-end Torrid Spell Brings Rush Tries Out Speed of Bathers to Lake Waters ' LAUNCH POPULARITY CONTEST IN VB.LAGE ·- " ' '