July _ 20, . 1~ WILMETT ·B TRYiNG IS 'BEST W e are practicing for the track meet. We all want to win ' some ribbons. We ~re trying very hard. We have to prctctice broad jumping, running, and throwing the ball. I am not so good in them but I try to do my best, because trying is the only way to win. We pr~~tice every day. Geraldine Hoffman. Vattman playground PRACTICES HARD ·w e 11ave been practicing_ for the track meet since Monday, }Jlly 9. The events are broad jumping, racing and ball throwing from ten years up. We are all trying to win at least one ribbon if not mpre. We are trying very hard. Of course I am not very good. We have much fun in practicing. Loretta Steffens, Vattman playground L .IFE 1 Children's Classes · · . Have Great Time Learning to Swim Every day except Sunday, Mrs. Caldwell ·and M~. Stone, playground directors at the Beach, have. a swimming class from 3 until 4 o'clock. At this ti.me all you can se$! in the water is splashing from the people who have learned how to swim. The splashing is mostly children crawling and kicking their feet or someone holding them, but they have great fun. Mrs. Caldwell teaches the girls of all ages and Mr. Stone teaches the boys' swimming classes. Quite a few of the girls of ;Mrs. Caldwell's class have fishes for swimming 50 yards. Friday, July 20, the children of the swimming classes are going to have their pictures taken and they may be in the WILMETTE LIFE so all the children of the swimming classes be sure to be there and have your pictures taken. Evelyn Funk, Beach playground S\VIM..ING I.S fUN I have been down to the Beach three times this ·year. At the beach they have fliers, bars, teeters· , and swings. It is fun to play on them. But it is more fun to play in the water. You can dive, swim, float, chase paper and play with a boat or log and have lots of fun. Mr. Stone ·teaches us how to swim. Robert Hill V ATTMAN WINS AGAIN The Vattman girls played the Beach girls in kickball, July 9. Vattman had a full team of nine girls with 'two substitittes. The Beach did not have a . full team but nearly. We kept ahead one point all the time and the score eDded 29 to 26. Vattman won. J an_ e Ellen Brandt, Vattman playground LUCILLE IS GOOD CAPTAIN The girl's kick ball team will play Laurel Saturday, July 14. We played the Beach last Saturday and Vattman won 26 to 29. Lucille Hoffman is our captain. She surely makes a very r.-ood ~aptain. \Ve hope we win Saturday. Olive Davis, Vattman playground BEACH DAYS ... - VILLAGE GREEN LOSES The Village Green played Vattm.m Monday afternoon in baseball at the Vattman playground. · The Vattman team was visitor to the tune of 11 to 7. J er01:ne Chicinie was umpire and Rags Shapker Takes the pitchers for the · Village Green were Albert Ramer and Ralph HoffPrize at Pet Exhibit man. ·Pitching for Vattman was done Rags, a member of the Shapker fam- by Dick Huck. ily, took the first prize in a walk Tuesday at the \i\'ilmette Pet Show at the Wilmette Beach. - There were five entries, one pigeon one rabbit, one horned toad and tw~ dogs, of which Rags was one. Mrs. Caldwell got scratched by the rabbit, which took second, and Toko, the other dog, took third prize. Ned Shapker, Beach playground . COME TO VATTMAN V attman had a doll show Friday July 13 at 2 o'clock. Each child mad~ a doll of a spoon, stick, fruit, or vegetable, or flowers dressed in crepe paper of all colors. We had judges to JUdge the dolls. Vvr e had a lot of fun ~Yho.ev~r does not come to the park IS m1ssmg something. Come to Vattman park. Edith Brandt, Vattman park PRACTICE FOR MEET Every day Miss Skidmore comes and teaches the Juniors and plays with them. They are now practicing for the tr~ck ~eet, J ~ly 18. I hope our park Will wm t~1e sdver cup again this year. "Ve won 1t last year and if we win it !hree years right after each other, it 1s ours for keeps. Gilbert Hoffman, Vattman playground your children wm have twice as much fun at the beach with bright btach playthings. See our unusual beach collection for children. Sail Boats Brightly painted boats from .. .............. . . SOc up Speed Boats "Flying Yankees" $6.00 · $10.00 Kiddie Floats Funny horse, dog and frog swimming floats $3.75 - $5.00 Beach Pails With colorful patterns 25c - 3Sc EVANSTON CHIEF GIVES OATH . The E":at:tston Chief of Police has JUst. admn~1stered the oath to 135 J um?r Pohce and 5 girls. They are ~elpmg to run the playgrounds durm~ the summer. The girls wear white Sailor pants and middies. Come on boys and girls, get busy, we can't Jet Evanston beat us. James Keenor, Grade 5, Logan school. SEES HOOVER, SMITH The night of July Fourth, Evanston h~d only a little performance. Then tt began to rain. Of course we r~n to our car. July fifth was a good mght to have the fireworks. They started out with the band. Then some bombs. '.fhey had Hoover and Al Smith in sparklers. They had chickens and cat fights, too. Billy Grinnell MISS SKIDMORE TEACHES :Miss Skidmore came Monday and all Juniors and Seniors are glad, as each has a teacher now. Miss Witcher was busy with both Seniors and Juniors to tend to and now has only the Seniors. Miss Skidmore has the Juniors. Virginia Green, Vattman Park Do· Children Love to Draw? Of course they do. in letting them attend drawing classes there is a .real advantage, for they may gain a cultural experience · that is not open to the same extent in latter years. Life's responsibilities and cares becloud the adult's v1s1on. The child is free to res.p ond to every whim of nature's form and color. Its imagination has not been fettered by the conventional things, so it may easily lay a foundation at this time that becomes difficult to attain in the future. CHILDREN'S BOOK NOOK Gayneck · · · · · · $2.00 Dhan Gopal Mukerji-awarded the John Newbery Medal :-¥_ ay 1928.' -------- Famous Oz Books ·· $1.75 Bruce · · · · · · · $2.00 Terhune RARE STAMPS Unique collection of foreign stamps-flags. coats-of-arms, portraits of rulers, and postage stamps~ - SUMMER SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION Evening School· 7:30-9:30 .~ THE EVANSTON . ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS · ~. · ~ · .., tl } . ·Chandler's 630 Davis Street Evanston . Uuiv. 123 Wilmette 724 CARL SCHEFFLER, Director Carlson Building Tower, Church and Orrington Telephone Greenleaf I 674 i71111111111111111111111111111111111111111111niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIII~ -