Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1928, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE -] uly 2(), 1928 ·······················-~·-······ ··········-~---····· - TEATRO del· LAGO uNo Man#' Landn Sheridan Road Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Phone Kenilworth 3980 .. 3981 MATINEES: SATURDAY~ SUNDAY SATURDAY ~ SUNDAY DOORS OPEN 1:30 SHOW STARTS 2 P. M.~ CONTINUOUS Evenin~s -----·-····-~-----·····-~·-········-················· I I Bill-O-Fare Sut.urtltty, July 21 "Stop That Man" and "A Thief in the Dark" . ........ .. . . ... .......... Tea!ro "Harold Teen" . ... .. . ........... Vannty "The Drag Net" ..... . ......... Norshore Sun<lny, July 22 "Half a Bride" . ............... Norshore "Harold T ee n" ....... . ............ Teatro )Jondny, July 23 ·. "Sadie Thompson" .............. _. Vars1ty "The Drag Net" ............... Nor~hore "Half a Bride" ..... . ....... : . .. Nor~hore 'fuestlay, ,July 2-l "Chinatown Charlie" and "Mountains of Gla<:ier Park" ... ... Comm unity House "Jialf a Bride" .......... . ...... Norshore "Th e Drag N et" ...... _.......... T eatro "Sadie Thompson" .. .. . ... ....... Varsity Wedner;day, ,July 2» "Diamond Han(lc uff:-;" . . .. ... ..... . T eatro "Sadie Thompson" ............. -. Varsity "Half a Bride" . _ __... Not·shore . 'l'hursclny, July 26 '"The Hawk'H Nest" ..... . .... -. Varsi~y "Half :1 Bride" ___ ... _. _... . ... Norshore "Hi!i Tiger Lady" .. . ....... .... . T eatro J.'rl·lay, July 27 "The Patsy" . . __ _... __ Community House " WP- Am e rican~" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T eatro "Half a Bride" ...... . _.... _... _Nor:-;hore "The Hawk's Nest" .. . .. . ....... Varsity Varsity Will Sh()w "Harold Teen" and "Sadie Thompson" Durinr Week· Doors Open 6:30 Show Start. 7 p. m. SATURDAY,"JULY 21 TWO FEATURES ~~sTOP THAT MAN" BARBARA KENT and ARTHUR LAKE ~~A THIEF IN THE DARK" GEORGE MEEKER "TALL TIMBERS" Oswald SUNDAY, JULY 22 ------------------ ~~HAROLD TEEN" ARTHUR LA~E and MARY BRIAN "THE FIGHT PEST" Chase Comedy "ROGERS IN SWITZERLAND" WILL ROGERS Fox News Daily News MONDAY and TUESDAY, JULY 23 and 24 "Chinatown Charlie" Is on Comm!Jnity House Bill ~~THE DRAG MET" Smith Comedy Paramount News GEORGE BANCROFT "SMITH FARM DAY" WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 ~~DIAMOND H~NDCUFFS" . ELEANOR BOA DMAN "HOPO " Bowers Comedy "FIELD DAY" Koko Fox News THURSDAY, JULY 26 ~~HIS TIGER LADY" "NAVY BEANS" Fable ADOLPHE MENJOU and EVELYN BRENT Juvenile Comedy Paramount News FRIDAY, JULY 27 ~~wE AMERICANS" GEORGE SIDNEY Adams Comedy Oddity "SLIPPERY HEADS" Sleeping Death SATURDAY, JULY 28 ~~THE MEWS PARADE" SALLY PHIPPS "PAWN SHOP" Charley Chaplin Comedy Paris Creations In Color Pathe Review SUNDAY, JULY 29 "" HE HAWK'S REST" MIL TON SILLS , "LADIES PREFERRED" Mermaid Comedy "BATH TIME" Sportlight Fox News Daily News NEXT WEEK-SKIRTS, HALF A BRIDE, CHICKEN A LA KING, SADIE THOMPSON, PAINTED POST. COMING SOON-A CERTAIN YOUNG MAN, HAPPINESS AHEAD, BUCK PRIVATES, HOLD 'EM Y.f\LE. Johnny Hines will be seen in "Chinatoy.·n Charlie," one of his best productions at the Community House next Tuesday, ] uly 24. The picture is. full of gag5 and la~ghs, and is refreshmg\y free from the usual comedy formula. Good melodr;:tma, a few thrills, colorful backgrounds and a sple Hlid supporting cast will appeal to theater goers. A scenic picture, "Mountains of Glacier Park," will also be shown at the Community House next Tuesday. "The Patsy," with Marion Dav~es and Lawrence Grey is the Commumty House attraction for Friday of next week. Miss Davies give.; an exquisite portrayal of Patsy. Her impersonations of Pola Negri, Lillian Gish, anrl Mae Murray are captivating. Direc- Esther Ralston and Gary tor King Vidor has made a fine balance Cooper in Norshore Film of comedy and drama in this picture. "An 'ugly duckling' story, but clean "Half a Bride," starring Esther Raland amu.;ing" says one critic. ston and Gary Cooper, is to be shown at the Norshore theatre for one week "SUNNY DAYS" ENDS RUN . beginning Sunday. In this picture we "Sunny _Days," one o~ th~ two must- find Esther Ralston playing the part cal comcd1es now showmg m the loop, of a blonde jazz baby (if she may be is to he taken away fro~. the F?ur ·called that) cast on an uninhabited Cohans next week. The Greenwich island with a real man. Her experiVillage Follies," fr~sh from a run ~t ence up to date has been with shoddy ' the New York W111ter Garden, wtll imitations. How and why she learns open at the Four Co~ans on Sunday, to aopreciate the genuine article and July 29. Included 111 personnel of what she does when he will have none the "Greenwic~ Village Follies" t~is of her is what you learn when you see season- are: M1ss Grace LaRue, M!ss the picture. Evelyn Lav· Doctor Rockwell, Mtss It is a nice, romantic lightweight Blossom .Seeley, _ and her team-mate, comedy drama that isn't particularly Renny F:elds .. ;\.cco~mts of ~octor convincing, but doesn't pretend to be. ~ockwell s actlvt~tes 111 the new G. V. Miss Ralston is still ornamental, F · state that he ts a wow. . though heavier than she · was. Gary Cooper is splendid' as the man who .. reACTRESS IS ALSO WRITER fuses to be bowl_ed over by her char~s. Virginia Bradford is said to be one The film has been well ..directed and of two known actresses who have been intelligently staged. newspaper '"'·riters. Jacqueline Logan On the Norshore stage next week is the other. Miss Bradford was writ- Frankie Masters and the Jazz Coling copy on film for her home town legians will entertain in a production paper in Memphis, Tenn., according to calfed "Carnival Nights." De Mille studio attaches, when De Mille met her and suggested the screen JACKIE COOGAN WILL TOUR career. Starting with "The Wreck of the Hesperus," she climbed to a point Jaskie Coogan is preparing to make where she is playing featured 1 roles at an eastern stage tour, according to the Pathe-De Mille studio. recent reports from Hollywood. It is understood that the varsity drag and "The Street Angel," now in its third other numbers are to be on his proweek, is said to have broken all records gram. Jackie is now ta1Cing .a course for attendance at McVicker's - theatre, of training under Fanchon and Marco, including the weeks when Paul Ash stage dancers, in preparation for his was there. tour. Mary Brian and Art~ur ~ake. will be seen in "Harold Teen, whtch 1s. to b.e shown at the Varsity theatre th1s Fnday and Saturday, July 20 and 21. The picture revolves ~round Harol~, his conquest of the ctt~ and ?f hts "sweetie" Lillun~s, and h1s eludmg of the school vamp, Giggles. These and the other char.acters in the film, first came into fame in Card Ed's celebrated newspaper comic strip of the same name from which the picture is adapted. "Sadie Thompson," one of the six best type of picture s, is coming to the Varsity for three days next weekMonday Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 23, '24, and 25. "Sadie Thomp~<:>n" has been praised highly by the cnttcs. It is the film version of the stage play "Rain," and what Jeanne Eagels hrought to the role of the stage Sadie, Gloria Swanson hands the lady of the screen. "She has never done anything better nor looked less pretty," says one critic about Gloria. "Not for eighth-grade intelligence, but real stuff for persons of normal, healthy mentalities," says another about the picture. "The Hawk's Nest," to be shown at the Varsity Thursday and Fri_ d ay of next week, is an interesting and colorful melodrama of Chinatown, excellently acted by Milton Sills and Doris Kenyon. "Hawk's Nest" is a Chinatown cafe, with a mysterious unknown owner. His competitor, Dan Daugherty, is a scoundrel and the picture tells the story of Dan's efforts to wreck "The Hawk." Doris Kenyon, as the bewitching dancer, is lovelier than e,·er. Milton Sills is ably supported by Montagu Love. .. ,,

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