Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1928, p. 39

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: July 20, 1928 a7 FOR BENT-APARTMENTS 77 WILMETTE LIFE FOR SALE-HOUSES 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES 39 99 ANTIQUES p LIVE IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING 2-3-4-5-room apts. In the Lfndencrest Bldg. In-a-door beds, tile baths, showers. Ready for immediate occupancy. · ! QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 67LTN 40-tfc FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc 5 R~I. MODERN APT.; LIGHT; GARd en ; garage. Reas. rent. Call 325 ""·ashington Ave., Glencoe. 67LTN43-ltc FOR RENT- 3 RM. APT. NEAR tmnsp. Ph. Winnetka 3026. 67LTN43-ltc 4 R~I. APT., WITH GARAGE. ALL mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. 67LTN43-ltp G8 FOR RENT-FURNISHED APTS. FOR RENT-AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or ..enant evenings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. 68LTN38-tf:p .o Jo'Olt RE.NT-Jo..,UR~ISHED HOUSES Owner Going to Europe FOR RENT-FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE., east side Hubbard Woods, 3 baths, sunporches, large wooded lot, gar. Oilhot water heat. Will consid~r any period of rental up to a yr. lease, very attractive home at reas. rent. Available at any time. Days call Winnetka 2400. Evenings call Winnetka 2542. 70LTN42-tfc PAUL SCHROEDER & 8 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, 2 EXTRA LAVAtortes : large . glazed porch, hot water SPLENDID VIEW OF INDIAN HILL gas heat. 2 car garage, landscaped 75 Club. English type of stone stucco and foot lot. Located in finest part of timber construction. Floor plan detown. Price $32,500. signed to meet modernistic trend. Living room with beamed and planked ceiling, connecting with dining room by !luge. open tile porch. Breakfast nook Wilmette 273 kitchen with electric refrigeration: lava~ 1177 Wilmette Ave. 7'iL43-ltc tory and toile t. 4 moderate sized chambers with large HOOKED RUGS, UNUSUAL SELECclosets and 2 baths, one mural painted. tion, large sizes. Reasonably priced. "Ye Olde Tavern" lounge room with naGlenview Borders, Warren. Glenview, t':lral fireplac,..e. 2 car attached garage, Ill. 99L40-4tc 011 heat, lot o0xl40. Remarkably priced at $29,500. Reasonabl e terms. Unique CAN WE OFFER AT $10,500 A FIVE rm. stucco bungalow on a heavily FOR SALE-ANTIQUE TABLE AND and modern d etailing. chairs, porch furniture, etc. Fixtures, wooded lot 50x170 ft. There are 2 beddining rm. table. Ph. Winnetka 58. :ooms, large screened porch, 2 car gar. 99LTN43-ltc :J blks. to steam station arid 4 blks. to ·public ~chool. Owner will make easy 460 .'Vinnetka A H'. Winnetka 1800 100 Jo..,OR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS t erms. 77LTN43-ltc UPHOLSTERED CHAIR $20, MAHO~ any dresser $20, full sized Simmons bed, spring and hair mattress $20. NEAR LAKE A~D TRANSP. NEARLY Spinet desk $15 and chair $3, tea wagon I~C. new 8 rm. brick Colonial on beautiful $6, fireless cooker $4, linoleum 6x10 $4, grounds 75x210 with choice pine and 410 Linden Ave., Wilmette Wilmette 407-8 fruit jars 35c a doz., section book cases. maple trees, unusual shrubbery. At77L43-ltc Ph. Wilmette 1234. 100LTN43-ltp tached 3 car brick garage, beautiful tile sun and breakfast rooms. Huge livHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE, ing and dining rooms. Colonial stairincluding antique twin walnut beds case, 4 sleeping rms., 2 baths. Com100 years old. Also piano player. missary room. Oil h eat, metal weather Shown mornings and evenings. 1008 strips and awnings throughout. Ex- SUBSTANTIAL 6 ROOM: STUCCO RESIGreenleaf Ave., Wilmette, Ill., 1st floor. quisite fixtures and finish. Colonial dence, 2% blocks to depot; wooded lot Ph. Wilmette 3030. lOOLT~ 43-tfc throughout. This choice property is a garage. Price $12,000. ' r e al hom e ; nothing in this section can :\Iodern 6 room home with 3 enclosed FOR SALE-FURNITURE AND STOVES equal it at $3fi,OOO. Financed to suit. porches, hot water heat, garage exand bric-a-bracs. Between 11 o·clock Shown by appointment only. cellent condition. $16,500. ' and 4. Mon., July 23. Weingarten, 860 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ~ <1_@_~ .100LTN43-ltp 0 IITl.~l1©Iffi~ ~©o - Exclusive Agent o . o FOR SALE STEINWAY DU-ART 418 Linden AYe., Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 698 340 Lmden Ave. Wilmette 68 piano, good as new, cost $4,500, will sell 77LTN43-ltc 77L43-ltc for $2,000 cash. Write Wilmette Life, A.-72. 100L43-1tp (Q)wceirll©cwlkdiiTil~ CGcwll~ CClllll~ Special Antique Sale IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO FURNISH ·your summer cottage with early American antiques. Odd chairs $2.00 and up. Spool bed $8.00, posters $15.00 to $25.00, rugs, glass, pewter, old prints, tables, couches, rockets, corner cupboard in pine and cherry. A house full to choose from. Some very choice glass and Cur.,. rler and Ives prints. Bring your summer guests and see my collection. Visitors welcome. 808 Washington St., Evanston, 1 blk. S. of Main, east of Ridge. 99LTN43-ltc Ml©1ID~tt & IFll<ID.lffi®Irity V ®Iry §®llcdlcwm HUBB.ARD \VOODS . co. MI JJ©lln FOR RE~T-NICEL Y FURNISHED 6 FOR ' SALE-ALMOST NEW 6 RM. rm. house, screened porch. Close to hous~, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, lavatory, sun transp. and lake. Reas. rent. Ph. A GENTLEMAN'S CHARMING LITTLE parlor, breakfast nook, kitchen & butWinn. 1028. 70LTN43-ltc COUNTRY PLACE. 3 MILES SOUTHler's pantry. H. W. heat with oil burnWEST OF DEERFIELD STATION ON FOR RENT-FURNISHED 8 R~\1. HSE., f'OU~TY LINE ROAD. er, Frigidaire. House is in wonderful NEAR 1\IISnewly d ecorated. Screened porches, STON HILLS COUNTRY CLUB. condition. High, well wooded, landfeQced in yard. Close to transp. and 8 acres with over ·700 feet frontage on scaped lot, 2-car garage. Price $18,500, lake. Ph. Winnetka 1028. whtch is less than cost. For inspection road. Very attractive re-modeled farm tel. Winn. 156. 77LTN43-ltc 70LTN43-ltc house. 7 rooms, modern bath, extra lavatory, electric light and range, FOR RENT-5 R:\1. HSE. FURNISHED, furnace heat. 2 wells with automatic garage, to small party for mo. of Aug. pump, septic sewerage. Large barn Ph. Winn etka 630. 70LTN 43-ltc with accommodation for cows, horses and garage space. Chicken house. aze Ve., encoe 72 FOR RE:s-T-GARAGES 8 Rl\I. HOUSE, VERY ATTRACTIVE FOR RE~T-1 CAR GARAGE $6 A MO. 110 South Dearborn St., Chicago living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 mod. baths, 629 Park Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wilmette 77TN20-ltc ~~a~:~h~eautiful grounds, $21,000. $7,2345. 72L43-ltc ERNEST M. KIMBALL 770 Bluff, Glencoe Ph Gl 170 7i FOR SALE-HOUSES · encoe 77LTN43-ltc UNUSUAL 7 ROOM ENGLISH COT- - - - - . . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . Winnetka Bungalo\v tage, located midst trees and shrub- FOR SALE-6-ROOM: BRICK, H. W. HT. and bath, lav. first · floor-being conbery. H. W. heat with auxiliary structed. 5 minutes to Northbrook StaBryant gas heater, also Pittsburgh autoCHARl\IING 7 ROOM BUNGALOW t!on, lQ minutes to steam transportamatic' heater for domestic use. Moist with huge living room and fireplact. H. tiOn, Glencoe. Finished to suit purair rtdiator covers, Chamberlin weather W. heat, garage, 75 foot lot. Inquire chaser. $14, 750-small down paymentstripped. New York .blue flag stone at 877 Elm Street. Phone Winnetka balance comfortable terms. Telephone terrace and walks. Beautifully dec1689. 77LTN43-ltc Owner-Room 600, 30 North Dearborn orated throughout, best type of conSt. Franklin 6201. 77LTN-ltc struction. Price $30,000. FOR Si\LE FOR $18,000.00 HUBBARD WOODS FOR SALE-FINE LIVING RM., DINing rm. and bed rm. furniture, set of Vickems, .black floor lamp, etc. Ph. Highland Park 1130. 100LTN43-ltp FOR SALE-COMBINATION RADIOLA and Victrola, No. 160, in beaut. mahog. case, cheap. Tel. Glencoe 1359. 100LTN43-ltc PRACTICALLY NEW REED PORCH furniture. Bargain. Tel. Wlnn. 423, lOOLTN 43-ltc FOR SALE-LARGE ICE BOX IN splendid condition. Reas. priced. Ph. Kenilworth 127. 100LTN43-ltc FOR SALE-FURNITURE, VICTROLA, garden· hose and iools. Ph. Glencoe 978. 100LTN43-ltc FOR SALE-75 LB. ICE BOX $10. Baby's play pen. $2. Sanitary cot and pad. $5. Ph. Wilmette 2576. 100L43-ltc FOR $15. SALE-MAHOGANY Ph. Wilmette 2812. DRESSER, 100LT43-ltc . A DECIDED B.ARGAIN J. L. FLOYD CO. H IA Gl $13,000 101 '\,\.TD. TO BUY-HOUSEHOLD GDS. WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND · furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fuml· ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St.. Evanston. Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc . INTERESTING BUYS 6 sunny rooms; hot water oil heat; large enclosed sleepipg and breakfast porches; 2 car garage; beautiful elm and oak trees. All for $13,000 Wonderful value in brand new brick ; 3 large master bedrooms and maid's room, 3 baths, 2nd floor; .toi-lav., lst; gar. attached $23,500 True American Brick Colonial ; 5 bedrooms ; 3 tile baths : toi-lav. : sun rm. : spacious thruout ; tile roof; steel constr. ; metal lathing; copper gutters, etc. : choice east sec. ; 2 car gar. . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 Adjoining Indian Hill Club; attr. 8 rm. brick : almost new : 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2nd ftr. : toi-lav., 1st; immense liv. rm. ; beautiful lge. slp. pch.; heated 2 car gar. ; abt. 1h acre lot; only . . . . $55,000 iS 543 Lincoln Ave. FOR SALE-VACANT HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Eim St., Winnetka Winnetka 1544 WILL BUILD HOM:E FOR RESPONSI- 102 FOR SALE-MISC. 77LTN43-ltc ble party in Deerfield. Lot 60x136 3 ----------------blocks to transp. Write Wilmette Life FOR SALE-MODEL YACHT, ANY A-16. 78LTN12-tfc child would be proud to own; length, I ft., awnings, glassed in pilot house, run 82 by electric motor, real bargain. Tel. SUMMER RESORTS Wilmette 1899. 102LTN43-ltc S:\IALL CASH PAYMENT WILL BUY comfortable 6 rm. home surrounded by WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS FOR SALE-1 FORD COUPE, 1 BUFlarge shade trees. Sip. pch., garage, oil GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. fet, 1 bicycle, all In good cond. Ph. heat. Conv. to everything. $18,000. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for Wilmette 3428 evenings. 102LN43-ltc Just substantially reduced. Splendid 9 light housekeeping, $35 per mo. Swim· rm. home with view of lake, 3 baths, ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, sip. pch., oil heat. canvassed walls dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. CLOSING OUT A:LL SUMMER DRESSES at below cost. Jeauette K. Marks, 332 L. P. Stitzer, 1\lgr. 82LTN33-14tp throughout. Large well-landscaped Washington Ave., Wilmette. grounds. $44,000. 102LTN43-ltc FOR RENT- SUMMER COTTAGE, furn. at Post Lake nr. Pelican Lake, STEEL BOAT. 18x5, WITH OUTBOARD north Wis. Good boating and fishing ; motor, complete, $150. Will take radio nr. golf course. Tel. Winn. 2878. or sm. roadster as part pay. Tel. Winnetka 1617 Ph. Winnetka 2a4 746 Elm St., Winnetka 77LTN43-ltc 82LTN43-1tc Winn. 2482. 102LTN43-1te 77LTN43-1tc ~~~~~~~~~~ 89 BEAUTIFUL NEW 5 RM. HOUSE WITH FINE BRICK AND STUCCO RESID. studio living rm. and 2 car garage. Splendid condition, 9 rms., 3 baths, 2 Grounds 75x175 with 68 trees. 2 blks. slp. pch., oil heat, 75 ft. frontage. 3 from transp. $13,000. Might consider blocks from transp. Priced very low trade. · at $32,500, on easy terms. WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES 103 WTD. TO BUY-MISC. WANTED TO RENT ABOUT A 6 RM. WANTED-CLEAN, WHITE RAGS. tOe per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wtlmette. house in one of the No. Shore towns 103LTN14-ttp with prospects of buying la.ter on if satisfactory. Write Wilmette Life A69. 89LTN4~-ltc 96 WANTED TO BUY-HOMES lMir~o IFllllllll<eir 9 lHiwmmce~ IHI@lk~IID~@Im University 8240 746 Elm St., Winnetka 77LT43-ltc & 522 Davis St., Evanston W ANTED-6 OR 7 RM. HOUSE, PREFerably 4 bedrms.; not over $20,000; Winnetka 1617 have $5,000 cash. Write Wilmette Life, 77LTN43-1tc A-91. 96l...TN43-ltc JJcermlk~ Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson, who have been living at the Georgian hotel, are leaving the last week in July to make their home in Boston. The Patterson. family were .residents of Wilmette for many years.

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