Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1928, p. 40

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40 'V ILLAGE OF WILMETTE PROPOSALS WILMETTE of the Vlllage of Wilmette, for a spm of not less than ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal wlll be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid In bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said Improvement, when collected, In accordance with the provisions of the ordinance therefor, and In the manner prescribed by law, which boJldS will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, In a sum equal to fifty (50) per centum of the contract, price, conditioned for the faithful perfopnance of the con" tract. · Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES MeDON ALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. --------..-------L-43_-_1_tc SP}~CL\L LIFE Dick Bums :pan Franco I. 0. 0. F. II (17, 21, 7) Edgar Polley St. Johns II (21, 21) George Cramer Ed Cramer Methodist (21, 21) Lowell Todd Bob Blasdell I. 0. 0. F. IV (16, 15) Di ck Burns Dan Franco July 20, 1928 Earl Salzman Erwin Brammer Terminal ' (21, 12, 21) Emil Salzman Erwin Brammer 'St. Johns I (11, 15) Fred Prochnow John Prochnow Pre~byterian IBeach .Day Program The program for the .weekly beach day for Wilmette children for next Friday afternoon wlil be : Deep Water Walking Race-11, 12, 13 years. Side Stroke-Boys 10 and under. Side Stroke-Girls 10 and under. Side Stroke-Boys 11, 12, 13 years. Side Stroke-Girls 11, 12, 13 years. Side Stroke-Boys 14, 15, 16. Side Stroke-Girls 14, 15, 16. Three Legged Race-Under 16. Water Leap Frog-10 years and under. Water Leap Frog-10 years and under. Watermelon Grab-14 years and under. Results of last week's beach day postponed until Tuesday of this week are : Horse and Rider Contest under 16: George White and Paul Soule, first ; Bob Moore, Jack Holmes, sec.ond; Chest er Hanson, Robert Meter, th1rd. 40-yard dash boys, 10 and under: David Weinstock, first; Billie Condie, second. 40-yard dash girls, 10 and under: Mary Jane Donahue. Breast Stroke, boys 11, 12 and 13 years : Robert Meter, first; Warren Cozzens. second· Jack Holmes, third. · Brea~t Stroke, girls 11, 12 and ~3 years : Mary Lauer, first; Win~ifred Barry, second ; Mary Finlayson, thtrd. Breast Stroke, boys 14, 15 and 16 years: George White, first ; Robert GrumaJ>, second. Breast Stroke, girls 14, 15 and 16 years: Virginia Werden, first. Water Leap Frog, boys 11, 12 and 13 years: Bob Moore, Jack Holmes, first; Paul Soule Warren Cozzens, second; Robert Mete~ Chester Hanson, third. Water Leap Frog, girls 11, 12 and 13 y ears: Winnifred Barry, Virginia Werden, first; Mary Lauer, Mary Finlayson, seco~d ; Marguerite Gaston, Lillian Hoar, third. Duck Race, girls or boys : Jack Holmes, first; Robert Meter, second; Virginia Werden, third. · Peanut Grab: · George White, first; Virgi~ia We. den, second; Winnifred Barry, third. . Those receiving points for entermg events were: Chester Hanson, Warren Cozzens, David Weinstock, Paul Soule. For paving and otherwise improving the ftrst alley north of Lake A venue from Wilmette Avenue to Seventh Street (except across the Central twenty-two (22) teet ot Tenth Street, Ninth Street and Eighth Street respectively). Wilmette Special Assessment No. 229 Wilmette, Ill., July. 18, 1928. Sealed proposals for grading .and paving with concrete and otherwise improvIng the central eighteen 08) feet of the first alley north of Lake A venue from the east curb line of Wilmette A venue to the west curb line of Seventh Street (except across the Central twenty-two (22) feet of Tenth Street, Ninth Street and Eighth Street respectively), in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois In accordance with the ordinance and specifications for said Improvement, wlll be received by the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Wilmette until sE-ven thirty o'clock P. M. on Thursday, the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928 at which time said proposals wlll be publicly opened, examined and declared by said Board of Local Improvements In the Council Chamber In the VIllage Hall. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals wlll be furnished at the office of said Board of Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Lu·!al Improvements and must be addressed to the Boatd of Local Improvements of the Vlllage of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois and endorsed "Proposals for Improvement of first alley north of Lake A venue from Wilmette A venue to Seventh Street," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than (10) ten per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal wlll be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor wlll be paid In bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said Improvement, when coiJected, In accordance with the provlelons of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law, which bonds wlll bear Interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, in a sum equal .to fifty (50) per centum of the contract, price, conditioned for the faithful performance of the c@ntract. ' Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Board of Local Improvements reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the VIllage of Wilmette. IA3-ltc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE PROPOSALS I (11, 6) James Dusham Tom Thursby Congregational (21, 21) Rollin Simonds E. M. Simonds I. 0. 0. F. I (21, 21) Harry Trego Fred Radner St. Joseph (18, 18) Ralph Klinge Victor Deinlein R. A. P. (21, 21) Wilmette ·Ice I (14, 6) Willard Uttenreuther Ursal Sutto11: August Wallowitz · All Stars (21, 16, 21) R. R. Arnold !Curtis Colgrove Presbyterian II (16, 10) Henry Von der Hoff George Thursby Wilmette Ice I (21, 21) o. o. F. ·III (17, 21, 15) Arthur Hill::> Homer . Whitehouse 1. ASSESSMEN'l' NOTICE WflmPtte Sllecial Warrant No. !!0 NOTICE: Public notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Cook County, Tlllnols, has rendered judgment for a Special Assessment upon property beneflted by the ronowlng improvement: Concrete pavement, a concrete sidewalk and a connected sy~tem of vitrified t11e pipe storm water sewers to be constructed in Locust Road and . other streets in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, as will more fully appear from the certified copy of the judgment on file in my omce; that th~ warrant for the collection of such assessment Is in the hands of the undersigned. Said Special Assessment is payable in ten (10) annual in~tallments. The amount of the first tr.stallment Is $29,176.00, and the amount of each of the second to tenth Installments inclusive, is $28,600.00. All of said installments bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, and the first installment Is due and payable on the 2nd day of January, next, and one installment is due each year thereafter. All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount of the assessment at the collector's office, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, within 30 days from the date hereof. Dated this 20th day of July A. D. 192'!. EDMOND H. KERR, Collector. L43-1tc St. Johns III (21, 21) Arnold Kllebe AI Prochnow St. Johns III (3, 8) Ursal Sutton August Wallowitz All Stars (5, 10) R. R. Arnold Curtis Colgrove R. A . P. (21, 21) Arnold Kliebe Al Prochnow St. Joseph (21, 21) Vic I'ninlein Ralph Klinge I. 0. 0. F. I (10, 6) Willard Uttenreuther I. 0. 0. !<-.. III (21, 21) Arthur Hills Homer Whitehouse Harry Trego Fred Radner K. of C. (5, 8) Andrew Thalman . Pete Thalman . Presbyterian II (11, 21, 21) George Thursby Her:try Von der Hoff ... Wilmette Ice II (21, 18, 16) Henry Hoffman E· xclusive NORTHEAST GLENCOE Horse Shoe Games ·rues·lay Night League Won Lost Pet. I . 0. 0. F. I . . . . .... ... .. . 1 1 500 St. Joseph ....... ........... 1 1 500 R. A. P ... .. .... . ...... . .... 2 0 1000 ·wnmette Ice I ...... .. . ... 1 1 500 All Stars .. . .. . .. . .... .. .. . . 1 1 500 I. 0. 0. F. III ............ 1 1 500 Presbyterian II .. . ·......... 1 1 500 St. Johns III ..... .. ... ... .. 1 1 500 Wilmette Ice II . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 K. of C. . ... .... 1 000 Thurs(lny Night L('ague Won Lost Pet. Methodist . . . . .. ... ...... . . . 2 0 1000 Congrega tiona I ...... . . . ... 2 0 1000 Terminal .. .. . . ............. 2 1 666 I. 0. 0. F. IV ... . ..... ... . 2 1 666 St. Johns li .. ..... .. . ...... 1 1 500 St. Johns I . .. ...... .... . . . 0 2 000 I. 0. 0. F. II .... . .... . .... 0 2 000 Presbyterian I ... ... ....... 0 2 000 Last Week's Games Terminal A. C. St. Johns I (21, 21) (14, 11) Erwin Brammer Fred Prochnow Emil Salzman John Prochnow I. 0. 0. F. II (21, 18, 19) (19, 21, 21) N For grading and paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise Improving the first alley south of Maple A venue from Fourteenth Street to Fifteenth Street. Wilmette Special Assessment No. 230 Wilmette, Ill., July 18, 1928. · Sealed proposals for grading and pav-· lng with Portland cement concrete and otherwise Improving the first alley south of Maple Avenue from the west curb line of Fourt~enth Street to the east line of Fifteenth Street In the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance and specifications for said improvement wlll be received by the Board of Local Improvements of said Vlllage of Wilmette until seven thirty o'clock P. M. on Thursday, the 2nd day of August, A. D. 1928, at which time said proposals wtll be publicly opened, examIned and declared by said Board of Local Improvements In the Council Chamber in the Village Hall. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals will be furnished at the omce of said Board of Local Improvements in said V.lllage Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Vlllqe of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illlnols, ancl endorsed "Proposals for Improvement of the ftret alley south of Maple Avenue tr01n Fourteenth Street to Fifteenth Street," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements Georgian Colonial Brick well located on a large lot, 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, sleeping porch, attic space, large living and dining rooms, breakfast room, well planned kitchen with electric ventilation and refrigeration, Oil B.urner (your choice) will be installed, 2 car garage, beautifully landscaped. Everything is here that scientific construction knows. Terms arranged to suit. EW LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH Us · We have other clients wanting to buy. Methodist Lowell Todd Bob Blasdell I. 0. 0. F. IV (21, 10, 21) Dick Burns Dan Franco Presbyterian I (19, 13) Tom Thun~by · James Dusham I. 0. 0. F. IV (21, 20, 21) Give us your listing Edgar Polley St. Johns II (8, 21, 14) Ed Cramer George Cramer Congre~a tlonal Crosby & McKendry 566 Center Street Winnetka Tel. Winnetka 2032 (21, 21) E. M. Simonds Rollln Simonds Terminals (16, 21, 14)

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