Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1928, p. 27

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July Z/, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE Zl Rev. H. G. C. Hallock ·W rites on Chinese Monkey-God Legend r" called in heaven to which great Buddha was summoned. The monkey-god even tried to mock this, the self-existent one! Buddha Make. Bet The echo of the Darwinian dispute "'I have heard that you are a great is more than nine-fold; its legends and jumper, is it true?' asked .the Buddha. its various aspects rebound as often as ·rn bet you can't leap 'o ut of my hand. antagonist and protagonist have an If you do I'll make you King of heaidea and the breath to expound it. The ven.' Chinese had an idea about the common "The monkey eagerly answered, 'I anc.estry . of man and monkey before can turn over 108,000 li in one somerDarwin's great-great-grandparents saw sault, why shouldn't I leap out of your the light of day. hand?' Then the monkey-god turned The Rev. H. G. C. Hallock, mission- a somerset to the five white pillars-: ary to China, has become interested in limits of the universe-and wrote his the "proofs" of the theory, according name on one, to show he'd been there, to his letter written June 20 to the and turned a somerset back in trieditor. He says he has handled photo- umph. graphs of an islander with a tail four· "'Didn't I turn out of your hand?~ inches long, and in Japan he has seen asked the monkey-god. a stuffed calf with a human face. " 'See what you wrote on my finger!' The Chinese of old say that a mon- the Buddha answered, and showed key, except for his face, became not Monkey his name on his finger-one only a man but a god, and has his of the pillars! Monkey gazed amazed. temples and is worshiped in China. "Buddha seized him, put him under The legend of the monkey god, ac- a mountain, fed him with hot iron to cording to the Rev. Hallock, follows: punish him for his many sins, and said, 'After ·a number of years a monk Hatched From Stone "The Chinese say he was hatched, by named Dang Sen will come and free gentle zephyrs, from a stone egg on you. You shall follow and guard him a rocky mountain, to be · a delight to as he goes for the books of Buddha the uppergod. But, alas, he was a from the \V estern Paradise.' Years trouble-maker. He was ambitious ami sped; all came true; Monkey reformed, his exploits caused him to be acclaimed became true to his title, 'The holiest king of the animals and to wax strong. in. the heaven,' and people began to · Through Long-Wang he got an iron worship him." rod which he could expand at will to span the sky or contract so as to fit Milan Models Its Street in his car, a magic wand. Pu-ti Cars After Those in U. S. taught him how to fly and how to What may be the precursor of many change himself into 72 different shapes. \Vhat he cou!d not do is hard to say. changes in tramway transportation in But as he gained in power, and his Europe is sensed in the modernization friends sa'id he was worthy to rule policy of Milan, Italy, with its street railways, modeled after the street railheaven, he wished to do so. ways of the United States. "Many kings made league with him Americans traveling in Europe have and c_ e lebrated it with feasting. But found it very hard to become accustomour monkey got drunk, and while un- ed to the obsolete type of cars, methods conscious he was taken to hell. He of paying fares, and delays caused by awoke, overcame the powers of hell poor methods of operation. Many note and escaped. He was accused to Y oh with interest the new equipment and \Vang who thought to keep Monkey policies of the modernized Milan sysquiet by bestowing upon him the title tem, patterned after the American "Heavenly Horse-Keeper." He was systems. e1ated; but learning it was an empty Installation of a few modern type title, he, in fierce anger, smashed cars has proved so satisfactory that 460 heaven's gate and overturned the more have been ordered built, the throne. · change in the system of collection of "The upper-god called upon the hosts fares to prepayment collection, and the of heaven and hell to overcome the frank adoption in Milan of American monkey; but in vain. After the mon- rolling stock will, it is predicted, have key's victory the upper-god, in fright a considerable effect in Europe toconceded monkey's demands mad~ wards standardizing transportation. him a god, conferred upon hi~ a real title, and allowed him to live in heaven ·Miss Lillian Doing began her duties in a grand castle. But monkey-god as registrar at the New Trier High was not godly! He would steal steal- school this week. She was formerly ing and eating the peaches of ever- secretary to Supt. Fre~erick E. Clerk. lasting life and, from Lao Chun's pal- She has returned after a year's leave ace, stole and ate his pills of immor- of absence. . -atality. Doubly immortal, proud of his powers, he constantly mocked the Miss Evelyn Johnson, of the New other gods. He became unbearably Trier High school office, has been overbearing. A great conference was visiting at Sycamore, Ill. 1 You've always wanted ·a garden like this! old-fashioned backyard garden brings new and everA changing delight, from melting of the snow in the spring until long after the last leaf has fallen in autumn. N ~he Perhaps a shady, winding path, with a bench where one may sit amid the gorgeou$ colorings of blooms and foliage on long afternoons and evenings. lsn' t there, in your own yard, a space that could be made into a delightful spot like this? Think of the added pleasure it would afford to all beneath your roof-family and . guests alike. Our suggestions will be gladly given · · ·without charge. OUR. CATALOG GLADLY SENT ON REQUEST Tllepbone HigbZ.nd Pul J~J IN Landsca.p·e Gardenin6 Prairie Avenue HIGHWOOD. ILLINOIS What Phone Number Do You Call for SERVICE? Phone Numbers Go' Here Experienced Mechanics and ample facilities equip us to serve you most efficiently. REPAIR WORK PARTS STORAGE NORTH SHORE GARAGE 611 MAIN STREET, WILMETTE Pictlwe of AUTO STORAGE GASOLINE & OILS Car owners us!ng our storage facilities have found that we know how to render the utmost :in courteous and efficient service. ~ II' Picture of it's electrically operated we have it and are prepared to repair or replace it. Wm. F. Steinhoff Thomas Klr:kwood Goes Het·e Goes Here We are authorized sales and service agents for the world famous and popular MAY'lAG WASHERS ( We alao handle a complete line of quality) oils and gasoline. 11!' A D A B .t\ D I 0 8 1 5 R.idge R.oad Our radio engineer has been affiliated with luding radio manufa~turers' laboratories. We service propuly any radto. · Authoriztd dtaltr lor FtUla LINDEN CREST GARAGE 3 3 2 Linden Ave. Ridge Bleotfte aad Radio Sbop Phoae 695 Phone 477

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