Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1928, p. 55

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July Zl, 1928 17 WILMETTE LIFE FOB SALE-HOUSES FOB SAJ,E.-.BOUSE8 55 8t WTD. TO BENT-HOUSES FOB BEN~APABTXENT8 LIVE IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING (Q)]f 2-3-4-:5-room apts. In the Llndencrest Bldg. In-a-door beds, tile baths, SUBS'l'ANTIAI.. 6 ROOM STUCCO RESI·wE HAVE CLIENTS FOR UNFURNshowers. Ready for Immediate occudence, 21h · blocks- to depot. Wooded ished or furnished houses available this pancy. lot, garage, $12,000. fall for a year or longer. We welAttractive 10 room home in best N. E .. come early listings. 4 LARGE section, large liVing room, sun room, 2 NEW ENGLISH BRICK. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 bedrooms, 3 baths, attached heated gamaster bedrooms a'nd bath on 1st floor · 67LTN 40-tfc rage. This is the best small reside~ce 4 master bed.r ooms, 2 sleeping porches', in town for the money. Only $27,000. 2 haths on 2nd floor; servants' quarters FOR RENT - FINE 3 AND 4 ROOM Easy terms. , Winnetka 8240 with bath, garage, 100 foot wooded lot. modern apt. Roll-away bed, Frigidaire, 89LTN44-ltc Owner must sell. Reduced to $37,500. near transp. Low rent. Franklin Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. 743 Elm St. Winnetka 2850 DO WTD. TO RENT-FUBN. HSES. 67LTN38-tfc 77LTN44-ltc WANTED TO RENT-5 OR 6 RM FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 310 Linden A w. Wilmette 68 furnished house for 1 year from Sept apartment, steam heat, janitor service, 77L44-ltc 15. 2 adults. Wino. 1470. 90LTN44-ltc near transportation. Call Wilmette r 1800. 67LTN33-tfc FINE BRICK & STUCCO RESID., t·6 WTD. TO BUY-HOUSES splendid condition, 9 rm., 3 baths, 2 ---------------FOR RENT-5 RM. FLAT WITH BATH. slp. pch., oil heat, 75 ft. frontage. 3 Reas. 171 Prairie · Ave. Ph. Wilmette blocks from transp. Priced very low at 4227. 67L44-ltp IN "WILMETTE, :KCA R TRANSPORTA$32,500 on easy terms. OENTLEMAN DESIRES SUBSTANTIAL tion, we offer a large 7 room stucco home in Kenilworth, Wilmette, or Win 4 Rl\1. APT., WITH GARAGE. ALL home having 4 bedrooms on 2nd floor; netka not less than 6 master bedrooms. mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. billiard room on 3rd floor. Sleeping Must have ample grounds. Will con 67LTN44-ltp porch and S],m porch ; lot 75x184 with sider Riparian rights. Write Wilmette an abundance of shrubs and flowers. 746 Elm St. Wi'lnetka Wino. 1617 Life A-79. 96LTN44-ltc S RM. APT. N"EAR TRANSP. $50 PER Lot worth $12,000. This property is 77 mo. Ph. Winnetka 3026 or 1136. vacant and must be sold at once. ANTIQUES 67LTN44-ltp Priced low at $22,500 or offer. Terms to suit. AN IDEAL HOME, OVERLOOKING &8 FOB RENT-FURNISHED APTS. Skokie Country Club, consisting of 9 rooms, 3 baths, sun parlor, sleeping A HOUSE FULL TO CHOOSE FROM FOR RENT-AT LOWEST POSSIBLE Bring y')ur summer guests and see my · Jrch, gas hoiler, Kelvinator, 2-car atrate, tor Immediate occupation, cool, collection. Visitors welcome. 808 University 8080 comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, 1108 Davis ~t. tached garage, beautifully landscaped Washington St., Evanston, 1 blk. S. of 77L44-1tc summer or longer. Complete hotel grounds 85xl50. $36,000. Terms. Main, east of Ridge. 99LTN44-ltc service. Ice and electricity tree. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call 337 Park AYe. Glencoe 702 HOOKED RUGS, UNUSUAL SELEC hotel (University 8700) or tenant eve77LTN44-ltc Uon, large sizes. Reasonably priced. nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. Glenview Borders, Warren. Glenview, 68LTN38-ttp ~-----------------------------------------------------------Ill. 99L40-4tc 2 BLOCKS TO LAKE, LARGE WOODED 69 . FOR RENT-HOUSES lot, 8 room English tapestry brick, unusually large living and dining rooms, FOR SALE AT LESS THAN COST, 100 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT FROM OCT. 1ST. 7 RM. nearly new house in Hubbard Woods. brE'akfast nook, butler's pantry, lavahouse, H. W. h eat, sun porch, 1 bath, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lavatory, sun FOR SALE-MAH. DAVENPORT, $10 tory; large screened porch with awnheated gar. 3 blks. from depot, beauporch and breakfast nook. H. W. heat, ing. House beautifully decorated on 2 cribs with mattresses, each $2.50 tiful wooded lot 150 ft. front by 246 oil burner, Frigidaire, beautiful high canvassed walls; imported fixtures and mah. desk, $5 ; 1 Simmons double bed ft. deep on Happ Rd. south of Willow. lot, 2-car garage. Price $18,500. Winhardware; oil burne r, Frigidaire, 2-car with mattress, $7.50 ; % bed with matPh. Wilmette 892Y-1. 69LTN44-ltp netka 156. 77LTN44-ltc heated garage. This is a beautiful home tress and single bed, each $3.50 ; 1 in a lovely location at $41,000. Terms 5 RM. FRAME BUNGALOW, KENIL. breakfast set, $7.50 ; Ritcher cabinet, 4 I!OOM COZY COTTAGE. H. W. HEAT. can be arranged. $6,500. $1,000 cash, $75 mo. Tel. Univ. $10; Ice box, $7.50; Dining rm. table· Economical. D epot 2 blks. $45 per mo. 4420. 77LTN44-ltc and 6 chairs, $20 ; side board, $7.50 for· Sept. 1. Tel. Winn. 2482. ·wmow rug. 9x12, $5; electric dish: 69LTN44-ltc Zl66 Center St. Winnetka 2032 washer, $10 ; copper wash boiler, $2 77LTNH-ltc , ..E:'locipede, $2. Ph. Wilmette 2744. FOH RENT-7 RM. HOUSE WITH SU~ 100L44-ltc pnrch. Qui~>t location, near transpot·taMY BEAUT. HOME, 1180 OAKLEY C.IVING UP HOUSEKEEPING AND OFtion. Ph. Wilmette 2871. 69L44-ltc Ave., Hubbard Woorls. 8 rms., 3 baths, fering for sale-Oriental rugs, dining 2 slpg. porches, 30 ft. living rm. with 70 FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES room suite of 10 pieces, bedroom suite screened terrace porch adjoining. Site of four pieces, also chairs, hall clock, 120xl60. 2% blks. from school & transp. table~. library desk and other hous& m1 Call mornings Winn. 1594 or Calumet furnishings. 1123 Chatfield Road. Ph. FOR RENT-FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE., 6480, Baumgartl. 77LTN44-ltc vnnnetka 1252. 100LTN44-ltc east side Hubbard Woods, 3 baths, ~EW 7 llOOM BRICK HOME ON 50 foot lot in a most convenient section sunporches, large wooded lot, gar. OilHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE, of Kenilworth. 3 bedrooms and 2 tile hot water heat. Will consid~r any including antique twin walnut beds baths on 2nd floor. Maid's room and FOR SALE-ALMOST NEW 6 RM. period of rental up to a yr. lease, very 100 years old. Also plano player. lavatory on 1st floor. H. W. heat, 2-car house, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, lavatory, sun attractive home at reas.. rent. A vailShown mornings and evenings. 1008 g:1rage. ME'tal weather stripp d. An parlor, breakfast nook, kitchen & butable at any time. Days call Winnetka Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette, Ill., 1st floor. unusunl nllue at $20,000. Terms. ler's pantry. H. W. heat with oil burn2400. Evenings call Winnetka 2542. Ph. Wilmette 3030. 100LTN 43-tfc 70LTJ.H2-tfc er, Frigidaire. House is in wonderful condition. High, well wooded, land- FOR SALE - MAHOGANY DRESSER, FOR RENT SUMMER COTTAGE, scaped lot, 2-car garage. Price $18,500, $15. Ph. Winnetka 2812. lOOLTH-ltp furn. at Post Lake nr. Pelican Lake, which Is less than cost. For inspection University 285 north Wis. Good boating and fishing; 1564 Sherman AYe. tel. Winn. 156. 77LTN44-ltc 77LTN44-1tc 101 WTD. TO BUY- HSEHLD. GOODS nr. golf course. Tel. Winn. 2878. 70LTN44-ltp WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. 73 FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES 6 ROOM HOUSE SUN AND SLPG. Highest prices for same. Crost FurniEAST SIDE, NEAR DRIVE. 8 ROOM pchs. ; extra lav. on 1st fir. ; good toe. ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evbrick Colonial. Huge living and tiled in Winnetka. H. W. heat; 2-car gar., anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc sun rooms. Unique breakfast room, 4 small down payment, bal. like rent. STORE OR OFFICE IN THE LINDEN sleeping rooms, 2 baths, unusual kitchen Priced at $13,000 for quick sale direct Crest Building. Suitable for Notion with supply room; oil heat. Interior from owner. Tel. Wino. 1430 or 2300. lOZ FOR SALE-MISC. Store or Gift Shop. Reasonable rental. done by well-known artist. Grounds 77LTN44-ltc 75x204 with fine Pines and Maples. FOR SAJ....E-1 FORD SEDAN, 1 BUFHundredA of perennials and shrubs FOR RENT - 6 RM. COTTAGE. PH. fet, 1 bicycle, all in good cond. Ph. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 Glencoe 253. 77LTN44-ltc artistically placed. House has awnWilmette 3428 evenings. 102LN44-ltp ings and is metal weather stripped 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE-VACANT throughout. 3-car brick garage. Own- iS 103 WTD. TO BUY- liiSCELLANEOUS er moYing, has priced house to sell. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1\:f.ust he seen to realize value. WANTED CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp "'Wilmette 698 OUT OF TOWN OWNER WILL SACRI418 Linden Aw. 77LTN44-ltc fice 100 ft. of Sheridan Road riparian 104 EXCHANG" E I right property in Kenilworth at $475 per ft. In a location which is develop- WILL TRADE CALIFORNIA FOR CHIFOR THOSE DESIRING A HOME OF ing very rapidly which makes this an cago or Sub. property. What have you the finest construction and design, we OVERLOOKING BBAUTIFUL ESTATE, unusual investment opportunity. for Hollywood double bungalow clear? are priviliged to offer a new brick very private and exclusive. Large Address owner, 1249 Maple Ave .. Wilhome of attractive English archit· ~ture. . grounds ; close to schools and transmette, Ill. 104LTN44-ltc In one of the finest and most co.tveniportation ; 5 l::lrge bedrooms and 2 ent locations in Winnetka. 8 spacious slet>ping porches; extra large living liiSCELLANEOUS rooms including 4 master bedrooms and room and sun parlor each connecting 1564 Sherman Ave. University 285 lOi 2 tile baths. Also maid's room and bath by large arches providing wonderful 78LTN44-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - with separate stairway. Breakfast nook entertaining space; 3 open fireplaces; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and screened porch. Electric refrigeralibrary; butler's pantry; Frigidaire. ..79 ____ A_<'_I_tE_,A_G_E_&_E_s_T_A_T_E_s_ _ __ BOSCH AND LOMB MICROSCOPE AND tion, gas H. W. heat, 2-car heated gaOffered at n. real bargain with terms. l ACRE VACANT AN HAPP RD. NR. Corona portable typewriter missing rage. Lot 64x155. Unusual value at from office of Dr. R. B. Stolp. 1159 If you are seeking a delightful home 'Villow. Term~. Call Morton Grove $39,000. Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. Reward for in a good section see 153 before 6 P. M. 79LTN44-2tp return, no questions asked. 105LTN44-ltc 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 _s· ____ s_u_M_M_E_B_B_E_s_o_B_T_s _ _ __ 77LTN44-ltc FOR SALE-SILVER PLATED B FLAT University 285 1564 Sherman Ave. WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS tenor saxophone in good condition. Call 77LTN44-ltc GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. FOR SALE - NEW 6 RM. HOUSE ON Hotel 83 per day, American. Cottaares for Glencoe 1064. 105LTN44-ltc Lake Michigan, 8 miles north of South FO.R SALE-COMFORTABLE 7 ROOM light housekeeping, '35 per mo. SwimHaven. Electricity, running water, home ; garage ; beautifully wooded ming, golf, pool, riding honea, tennis, CLOSING OUT ALL SUMMER DRESSgentile, terms. Ph. Midway 3393. es at below cost. Jeanette K. Marks, dancing, picnics, ftshlng and hiking. south front lot. Owner left town. 77LTN44-ltp 332 Washington Ave., Wilmette. L. P. Stltser, :Ugr. 8!L'l'N13-14tp $14,000. Winnetka 1470. 77LTN44-ltc §JP)~n<a\n~ w §&ll<e QUINLAN & TYSON. INC. wnrnumcettk& Fred'k. B. ,_fhomas & Co. WANTED GLENCOE RESIDENCE ·· ANTIQUE SALE WINNETKA EAST LOCATION \\rALTER P. SMITH & CO. SACRIFICE Crosby & McKendry wnnn OC.®lillnll'W ©IMtiiD Owner Going to Europe llmlcdln ~Jill IHInlln Iffi <ID.lf ~ ~n HUBBARD WOODS §1ITffi~lf1t .c& (G@ll®®~ llml«;o HUBBARD WOODS A GOOD BUY TO RENT QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. Your Hotne in the Woods REWARD §1Iifi1&lffc .c&t CG©ll<e<e~ llllll~o Crosby & McKendry

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