WILMETTE LIFE known if more may have been counted out. The anomalous situation brought about by the Crowe-Galpin-Eller capture of the majority of the ward committeemen, is that the campaign to; elect the men who won nominations in spite of fraud, is to be conducted by the County Central committee, elected by these ward committeemen. On its executive committee are : Homer K. Galpin, chairman; State's Attorttey Crowe; Bailiff Bernard W. Snow; and Morris Eller. Each of these has some subordinates in office and followers under indictment charged with election frauds. · Members of the State Central committee interested in the success of the Republican ticket are giving grave consideration . to the Cook county situation . It is even suggested that a citizens' committee be formed to conduct the campaign for election of Judge Swanson, Republican candidate for State's Attorney, who promises vigorous prosecution of the men indicted for elect.ion frauds. , Aua0st 3, 1928 The Voters' Columr hy Hoyt Kiaa This week the Crime Investigators turned the lights into Homer K. Gatpin's ward, the 27th, and four· men are locked- up charged with ballot box stuffing. All offenders to date are followers of the Crowe-Galpin- Eller wing of th.e Republican party. The recount of primary votes reduced by several thousand the votes for candidates of this faction and found for candidates of the Deneen group · several thousand votes that were not counted for them. The court has still to determine, if it can, how many falsely marked and changed ballots were added to the vote given the Crowe-Galpin- Eller candidates. The Deneen group secured two additional ward committeemen through correction of the fraud. It is not Wilmette Women's Ball Champs Win from Evanstonians A 13-5 victory over the championship team of the Evanston Bureau of Recreation league brought a colorful close to the Women's Summer Playground ball league, sponsored by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. . The champion Horsefeather team, which has won the cup in each of the sports leagues conducted f?r. women during the past year, admtmstered the defeat to Evanston's team last Thursday evening at Boltwood park, Evanston. The team had on the previous Monday defeated the Hoodlum team of Wilmette, runners-up in the championship decision. . More than forty women were registered in the playground ball league during the past season, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announced, and a total of more than 1 100 women took advantage of the three leagues which were conducted during the winter and spring on a.t experimental basis to determine the demand for women's sports. Expressing himself as very pleased with the showing made last winter, Mr. Davis announces that the program of women's activities will be greatly enlarged for the ensuing fatl and winter season. T·l·phoM tmd mflil «d«a illld: Telephones: er...w,.. wa..u. 1111 Roaen Park 1122 BOOKS 11aia 'ia a liat of boob for light aammer readiaa With Malice Toward None Honore W illaie Morrow A nonl of thr last two years of the Civil War preceding the fall of Richmond, by the author of Forevu Fru. William Morrow ~ Co. . . $:1.50 l ·· Wilderness House Foxht11l Daingerfield Appleton ...·..··..·... $:1.00 F~rewell to Youth Storm JGmtlon The author has delineated unerringly the confusion made by the war in the Jives of a whole generation. Knopf ................ S:z.so Dtllflrecl lD ~ ton loadl C. 0. D.. lmmedlatelJ or u dealred wltbla C'O daJI at prta.at prteea. It ordered lD 5 daya. Prlcea adnace each month 15 to 25c. All coal aold oa appronl. Utlltll Ctal BIYirltfCIIIeate, lilt. LaSalle lllDe Bepreaentatlna, Wholesale Dlstrlbuton ·ertlt Slltrl Brattll, 510 Greenleaf AYI., TeL WUmettt tU. N.S.P. Keep thta ad, cet credit SLOO lnt ·1oae1. IIJ Ye· LI·IW OlltklriMI PHalatttal C.al, Hn Ceal, C.kl. Et... Dlntt fro· ···· fer caall: law· SSe .. $1.00 · T··· Mr. and Mrs. 'vV. C. Seng announce the . birth of a son, V\' endelyn III, at the Evanston hospital last Tuesday. Mrs. Seng was formerly Rose Mill en, daughter of ~fr. and Mrs. John Millen, 1128 Greenleaf aYenue, \Vilmette. --oMr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne of Kenilworth entertained guests at dinMr. and Mrs. Charles N. Nelson and ner and ·the dance at the Indian Hill Country club Saturday evening, July family, of Kenilworth, are touring east. They expect to go to Niagara Falls 28. and Canada before returning home . -o-o-.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Jenks of Mrs. Sanford Holden of Kenilworth Kenilworth, with their sons, Oakley and Bill, have gone to the north woods entertained a few friends at luncheon on a fishing trip. and bridge on Wednesday, August 1. -o-<>-Mrs. George Richards returned to Miss Betty Nellegar is expected Kenilworth recently after spending a home this week from Big Win Lodge, few weeks in New York. Lake Muskoka, Canada. The Little Yell ow House BHtrice Burton Hue is a drama of human Jon and human romancr--the story of a lovely girl and what her lift brought btr. · Doubleday. Doran ..··..· S:1.oo Semi--annual Hilltop in the Rain Jamtl Suon Childera Appleton ..·......·.... $:1.00 Soothes and Refreshes CLEARANCE SALE This big twice-a-year event offers 100,% of our entire stock in five under·priced groups for quick selling. GROUP ONE The Rungates Club John Buchan An unusual collection of adventure stories. Houghton, Miftlin Co. . . . . S:z.oo The Secret of Mohawk Pond NGtGlit Sumn" Lincoln A mystery story. Appleton ........... ·... $:1.00 Motorists' Eyes Eyes strained by hours at the wheel and irritated by exposure to sun, wind and dust are instant .. ly relieved by Murine. It soothes . away the tired, burning feeling; clears up the bloodshot condition. Carry it with you on motor trips to refresh and protect your eyes. Also keep a bottle of Murine in your locker at the country club for use after golf, tennis, swim .. ming and other sports. A month's supply of this beneficial lotion costs but 6oc. Try it! booA· $7.85 Other Sale Prices The Balloon Buster N orrm~n S. Hall Tht Incredible Lift and Adventures of Frank Lukt of Arizona, America's Second /1cr. Doubleday Doran ........ $:1.00 $8.85, $9.85, $10.85, $11.85 Numerous styles, colors and leathers from which to select your foot·wear needs-at a worthwhile saving. All the popular leathers are included as well as the staple ones. All Sizea Are Included in Each Group, But Not in ,EGch Styli Lady in Marble Robert E. M cClurt A dramatic and fascinating tpiaodt in the Paris life of an Evanston couplt. Doubleday Doran ·...·.. $2.50 Write Jlarin· Co., Chicaf10. for FREI! CMJ E11· B·~~t~tfl tmtl E11· C·· fiRWWPEJl SHOP DOWNTOWN EVANSTON LORJYS-8001(8 Finl Floor-D.Jia 8t. IJRIJVf, f.;;~uR EYEs 630 Church Street In The Carlson Building