August 3, 1928 WI L,M E T T E LIFE ducted by the Rev. F. R, Tmmp, who wlll be residing at the Rectory, 1103 Forest Dr. D. L. Edwards, pastor of the First avenue, where he will be available for Presbyterian church of Enid, Okla., will any · who need his serv~ces. preach for us again Sunday morning, Monday, August 6, will be the comAugust 5, at the .regular church service at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject: "Walking memoration of the Transfiguration of with Cod." A cordial invitation is ex- Our Lo1·d. Th()re will be holy communion · tended to strangers, visitors and all who at 8 ,a. rn. have not a church home elsewhere to come and worship with us. Mr. and Mrs. F. ]. Newey of 436 The musi<:aJ program for the mul"lting i:s as follows : O.rgan Prelude"Toccata" .. .. . .... . ... . ......... tl'Evry Solo"'l'hine Is the Greatness" ..... Galbraith l\liss llushQusc Organ Offertory"A ve Ma1·ia" ·. ........... . ....... Franz Organ Postlude"Marche Pontificale" ...... .. . Lt?mmens Ern1a E. Hounds, organi st and director. · Catherine Bushouse, ::;opranu. Assembly wor::;hip of the Sunday ::;chool at 9 :30 a. m. in the !:;unday ::;chool auditoi'ium. Classes for all ages under graded im;truc tion. 'l'hc adult clnsse::; for men and women m eet at 10 o'clock. At a m ee ting of the Ex culivc committee . and chainnen of the variom; Spol<es of th e Wom en'::; ::;ociety it was decided to ha vc the usual annual bazaar and t ea in the early part of November. The church office i:-; open daily, excc·pt Haturday, from !} ::W to 11 :30 a. Ill. Calls for service of any ldnd, in<:luding pastoral ~ervic , can be furnish ed at all times by COlllllltlllicatillg' \vith the chUI'Ch S('t'l'dary, Mrs. Nellie S. Boltwuod, Phone Wil. 157G or Wil. 6S8. First Presbyterian Lake avenue and their daughter, Miss Harriet, have gone to spend the month of August at Alpine Lodge, Egg Harbor, Wis. Thomas Ballantyne and Mrs. Ballantyne, formerly Miss Katherine OUR GRADUATES ARE WORKING. You SHOULD BE, SOON. Newey, residents of Evanston, are Send for Our Special Circular, uMnro. Facts., staying with Miss Helen Newey for the month. _j!:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Cor. Wabash Ave., and Monroe St., Chicago 56th Year I' ALL TERM Sept. 4, '28 Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Secretarial Training, etc. Experienced Teachers, Day and Evening Sessions. . NEW SUMMER FROCKS It will prove a real pleasure to make selections from · this assortment of crisply fresh, new washable frocks. At a time when merchandise is quite unfortunately "picked over" in most instances, this summery presentation is, indeed, unusual and refreshing. Dotted Swiss Frocks-$20 and $22.50 Youthful new modes in white and colors. Neatly tailored and finished with deep shadow hems. Baptist Church The annual beach party of the Wilm e tte Bapth;t church is to be hdd Tuesday, Aug-ust 7. All of the Bapti:-it families "'?trc expeet etl to be pn·Hent. Bring your suptwr with you. We at at 6 :30, th e committee will fumish kc eream. The re will be an evening bonfire, game:; and song:;. Next W ednesday will be th e last of th·e · ~e1·ie::; of Prayer m et·tings eouduetpcl by the Hev. U. D. Allison. Th e topic will be, "The First Letter of John." Thi.· will be the last mid week m eeting until S pt e mber 5. Sunday, Dr. AlliHon })I' ad1es on th e topic, "Cities of Refuge." The morning· worship bt?gin::; at 11 o'clock. The child1·cn's scrmon fm· next Rumlay will be, "The Man Who Spealu; with Hi::; Feet." !} The church office i:-; opt·n daily from to 12 and fl'Um 1 to 5, HaturdayH, from !J to 12. The Wilmette Baptist chureh is the church with the lighted cross at the eorner of Wilmette and Forest avenues. The Wilmette Bapti:-;t chureh baseball team will play ::tt the Village Gree n Monday and Frid::ty evenings at 7 :30. Dintity Frocks-$14.95 and $20 Cool dimity frocks in white and pastel shades. Simple designs and skilful workmanship. Jlll ethodist C burch The pa~tor and his family have gone on their vacation. During the month of August, the pi·e4tclwr each Sunday morning· will be Dr. William D. Schermet·horn, professor in Garrett Biblical InstitutC', and teacher of our own Men's Bible c la ss. Dr. Schermerhorn's meHHages are well worth while, and it is hoped that a lar~ congregation may be present each Sunday m.Qrning. Colored Voile Frocks-$13.75 Two-piece styles in lovely pastel shades. Daintily finished. Tub Silk Frocks-$14.95 Sleeveless frocks made from silks selected from our own stocks. Attractive patterns. ~ .. The Men's class is enjoying a series of addrfRReH on international :-;ubjects by a. group of foreign students. Womeq as , well al'l men are cordially invited to attend the~e cl::tss sessions throughout the .:;ummer months. Dr. Daniel Stecker will rt'nclt?r any pns-toral service def'lired during the pastor's absence. Any calls of special n<>ed may be arranged with him through the churc·h office by calling Wilmette 2348. The church office will be open every day throughout the month of August. Separate Sweaters, $8.75 upwards Knitted Dresses, $18.50 upwards A New Assortment of Franklin Knitted Frocks ~ St. Augustine's Church Next Sunday, August 5, will be th<> ninth Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m. and Holy Communion with ad{lress at 11 a. m. Sunday, August 5, being the first Sunday in the month will be Corporate Communion Sunday for the Boys' and Girls' Communion Leagues. After next ~unda.y, the service:-; for the remaining Sundays in August will be con~ EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. 1624 Orrington Avenue EVANSTON