50 WILMETTE LIFe August 3, 1928 N. S. Board Notes I~~~~CF.s 1 SKOKIE LANE A small ·aubdiviaion of a private nature, highly restricted, close to Skokie Country Cub, attractive- At the regular dinner meeting at Glengables Tea Room on July 16, there were 36 members and 4 guests present. The application of Florence Cook of Bills Realty, Inc., for Active Associate Membership having been approved by the Membership Committee was accepted hsY the Board. The Sports Committee reported that an outing with golf and swimming may be arranged for at Lake Geneva in August. William J. McDowell gave a talk on the Chicago World's Fair Centennial Celebration, showing slides of the Fair in 1893 and other Fairs held subsequent to that year. New Homes to Coat $64,MTwo Commercial Garqea Account for $13,000 Expenditure. Sixteen building permits were issued in Winnetka in July. Five of these were ior new residences, the total cost of which is $64,000. The ~rand total of all building authorized under the sixteen permits is $87,750. Six of the permits were for private garages, costing $3,150; two were for . commercial garage:; costing_$13,000 and three were for alterations to residences costing $7,600. The five permit s for new residences were issued to Smith & Brown, for a two story, eight room frame and stucc(h with attached garage, at 305 Ridge avenue, cos ting $16,000; L. B. Dean, for a two story frame and brick veneer with attached garage at 1225 A3h street, cos ting $12,000; Irwin ~~ ve rs for a two story, six room, brick ve~ ee r with attached garage, on Oak street. costing $11,000; Gregory Fahey, for a two story, six room frame, on Cherry street , costing $10,000 and to Raymond Anthony, of \Vilmette, for a two story, 7 room frame and brick veneer, with attached garage, costing $15,000. ly planned. AYerage size of Iota 621j 2 x141 with prices ranging · from $6,250 to $8,000 per lot. of the N. S. Board Play at Glencoe Course All Improvements Completed and Paid For The last regular golf meeting of the North Shore Real Estate Board was held at the Glencoe Municipal Course on Thursday, July 26. After luncheon play was started. These bi-monthly meetings are the .basis of the handicaps for the annual tournament, and it is necessary to take part in three meetings to be eligible to enter the tournament for the President's cup. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Avenue Glencoe 702 Earl R. Green Purchases Residence in Kenilworth Earl R. Green of Green & Son 5, contractors, has bought the re sidence at 315 Warwick road, Kenilworth, from William Salmen & Co. C. I. Pennoyer of Hill & Stone was broker. Edward Zipf Buys Fifty Acre Estate on the North Shore Edward Zip£, pre.s ident of Zip£ Broth- . ers Coal company and former pre5ident of the village of \Vilmette has purchased the fifty acres timberland estate of Virginia L. Fitzmorris in Lake county, near Lib ertyville, for an undisclosed consideration. The estate, known as Dawson farm, ha s fronta g-e on the Desplaine5 ri ver and is he::n·ily timbered. There is a main home and a caretaker's house on the property. The estate is near the properties of Samuel Insull, William M. Reay, and others. A. R. Schnaebele and Jay Cairns were brokers. Edward and Alice S. Zipf have sold to Anna L. and William A. Wieboldt the eight-room brick colonial home on a lot 75 by 180 feet at 243 Warwick road, Kenilworth. Mr. Wieboldt is president of the Wieboldt stores. P. V. Jewell of the Winnetka office of Quinlan & Tyson represented all parties. Eric E. and Anna Skoglund and Adolph and Hilda Lundstrom have sold to Orlin T. and Hallie N. Hard the vacant property, 80 by 145 feet, on the east side of Sheridan road, Wilmette. For Immediate Sale Will Take a Loss of OUR SERVICE INCLUDES Selling and Leasing of Residences, Lots and Acreage Complete Financing Connections Insurance In All Its Branches $26,000.00 Home Special . $ 6,000.00 Indian Hill Estates Owner compelled to sacrifice new 7 room brick, three bedrooms and 2 baths on second floor, maid's room and bath on first ·floor. H. W. Hardinge burner, many added features, including 2 sty. liv. room, smoking rm. in basement, 2 car heated garage, etc.; inspect and submit your offers. Keys at this office. East Winnetka A modern stucco home, on extra width wooded lot, containing 8 rooms, 3 baths, 2 large glazed porches, hot water (oil) heat, double garage. The entire property is in the pink of condition. House freshly decorated and yard has private hedge, fruit trees, shrubs, besides' playground for the children. Splendid value ·in this property at $26,000. Ray Nilles Purchases Bungalow on Eighteenth Kroll and Smith of Fourth street, Wilmette, report the following sales : Ray Nilles of Wilmette has purchased from G. W. Meyer the stucco bungalow at 116 Eighteenth street. S. Van T. Jester has bought from Phillip Maher of Chicago the six room residence at 529 Sunset road, Winnetka. SECRETARY ON VACATION Miss Gertrude Wagner, secretary to Superintendent Frederick E. Clerk of New Trier High school, began her annual vacation of a month last Wednesday. She plans to go to St. Louis. NEW CHANNEL DEVISE An overflowing cleansing device which enables one to keep the over~ow c~annel f!ee from dirt and germs as an mterestmg feature of some of the newer lavatories. 543 Lincoln Ave. WINNETKA