WILMETTE LIFE Aupst 3, 1928 N. S. B~ard Adopts New Commissio·n Rates by each party, the same as if a sale of each property had been made. What Shall Constitute Sale PriceRule 36. All charges herein provided for ' the sale or exchange of real estate and the sale of leaseholds and buildings, shall be based upon the sale price, meaning thereby that if the sale is made subject to a mortgage or mortgages, the sale pr1ce shall be construed to mean the price of the equity plus the encumbrances. Selling or Exchanging Improved Residf>ntial and Improved Business Property -Rule 30. In selling or exchanging improved residential and improved business property, the charge shall be not less than five per cent (5%) on the first $10,000 of the sale price, and three per cent (3%) on the excess selling price over $10,000, but no charge shall be less than $50. Lake Forest Vacant Adjoining Onwentsia Golf Club 200x235 This piece of vacant has an abundance of beautiful large trees and is located in a very exclusive section on private road, having as neighbors owners of nine and ten acre estates. There is a very fine clay tennis court so situated on the property that it will not interfere with the location of your home. This is one of the season's best buys at The North Shore Real Estate Board, following in the footsteps of the C~i cago Real Estate Board, voted at ~ts last meeting on July 16 to chan~e 1ts rates of commi~sion. , The · Chicago Board took action several weeks ago and consideration of the matter by the ·North Shore Board resulted in the decision to change the rules so that they would conform with those in the Windy City. The new rates are as follows :- $90 per foot LIST YOUR PROPERTY . WITH Us We have other clients wanting to buyEight North Short Pl'opertiea aold by ua dul'ing July. Croshy & McKendry 566 CENTER ST. WINNETKA TEL. WINN. 2032 Selling or Exchanging Cooperative Apartments. For selllng or exchanging cooperative apartments the commission will be five per cent (5%) on the first $15,000 of the selling price, plus three per ce nt (3%) of the excess over and above $15,000, the selling price to include any portion of the encumbrance which has been alloted to the apartment being sold or exchanged · For Selling Leaseholds of Buildings, or Land with Buildings-Rule 32. For selling leaseholds of buildings, or land with buildings, or parts thereof, charge for the unexpired term of the lease the rates provided in Section I or II of this Article, as if a new lease were made for a like period, plus 4 per cent of any cash or other consideration paid by the purchaser for the leasehold interest and improvements. For Selling Ground ·L eases Without Improvements-Rule 33. For selling ground leases without improvements, the Agent shall charge the same rates as prescribed in Section I or II of this Article, as if a new lease were made for a like period, plus 4 per cent of any cash or other consideration paid by the purchaser for the leasehold interest. Sale of Fixtures, Merchandise or Other Property-Rule 34. If, in connection with the sale of a leasehold interest or otherwise, any fixtures, merchandise or other property shall be sold, the Agent shall be entitled to r eceive 20 per cent of the cash or v~lue of the consideration paid, which sha,l be in addition to any other compensation · paid the Agent under any other Rule of these By-Laws. Exchanges-Rule 35. In case of exchange of property, a full commission, based upon the sale price, shall be paid Selling or Exchanging Industrial Property-Rule 31. In selling or exchanging industrial property the charge shall be not less than ftve per cent (5%) on all sales of $1,500 or over, and six per cent (6%) on all sales of less than $1,500, and no charge shall be less than $50. Selling or Exchanging Unimproved Residential and Unimproved Business Property. In selling or exchanging unimproved r es idential property and unimproved business property, the charge shall be not less than five per cent (5%) on all sales, and no charge shall be less · than $50. Selling or Exchanging Acre or Farm Property. In selling or exchanging acre or farm property the charge shall be not less than five per cent (5%) on all sales of $1,500 or over, and six per cent ( 6%) on all sales of less than $1,500, and no charge shall be less than $50. In Selling or Exchanging all Properties Located Outside the Corporate Limits of any City, Village or Town in Cook County. In selling or exchanging any properties both in Cook County and outside the corporate limits of any city, village or town in Cook County, the charge shall be not less than five pe r cent (5 %) on all sales of $1,500 or over, and six per cent (6%) on all sales less than $1,500, and no charge shall be less than $50. TJle aboYe schedule does not apply to the handling of subdivisions where tl]e charge shall be a matter of contract. 21 Acres 1, 21 5 feet on Waukegan Road, 40 feet of concrete, attractively · wooded, north of Glenview. Rolling. Price $3,750. L. C. Pelott has purchase<} at public vendue the property at 815 Gregory avenue, Wilmette. This property was formerly the estate of ] ohn H. and Helen M. Long. The property, Mr. Pelott states, be improved for resale. The consideration was not disdosed. L. C. Pelott Buys Property Court Is Novel Feature at 81 S Gregory; to Resell of Evanston Apartment A novel court is to be one of the features of an other new apartment building which is to be constructed at the southwest corner of Noyes street and Sherman avenue in Evanston. It wil1 have forty-nine apartments of four, five and ~ix rooms. The court will be seventy-five feet wide. It will contain a sunken garden, pools, miniature bridges. and a putting green for tenants whose minds turn to golf. This building, resigned by Architects Cable & Spitz, will occupy a site 165 by 200 feet. Like many other apartment structures now under construction, it will be of English architecture. wm Business Frontage Located and priced right, in the business section of Glenview in sizes of 50 feet and up. $16,500 Six Room English Cf?lonial at Golf, on corner lot, attractively landscaped, electric refrigeration, modern in every respect and priced to' sell. 2 years old. MAKE BREAKFAST NOOK GAY One way of ~olving the prob]em of decorating the breakfa. s t nook, which is separate.d from the kitchen by an arch or partia] partition, is ·to decorate the walls with a gayly Qatterned paper and paint the woodwork a slightly deeper: shade than that which is used in the kitchen. In this way some contrast is afforded and the character of the breakfast room is strengthened and given added vividness and life. For Sale~~Glencoe Choice vacant on Skokie Country · Club and in other very desirable locations from $I oo to $I 7 5 per ft. WYATT. & COONS Glenview 81 . Central 3921 Ernest M. Kitnball Room 1725-140 S. Dearborn St. Ttltphone Randolph o88o or Gltncot ·170 ,.