Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1928, p. 59

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28 August 3, 1928 t7 FOR, RENT-APTS. WILMETTE ·LIFE FOR RENT-APARTMENTS FOR SALE-HOUSES WTD. TO BUY- ...HOU8E8 ~n or ~5. tc R, $8 EW~IID~fc©Iril AJP) fal.Jrttmm®IIDtt~ FOR IMMED. & OCT. 1ST OCCUPANCY 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. . ... ..... $52.50 941 Chicago Ave., 2 nns. . ........ 60.00 1320 Chicago Ave., 2 rm~:;. . ....... . 65.00 803 · s impson St., 3 rms. . ........ 70.00 624 Lee St., 3 rm~. . ....... .... ... . 70.00 2110 Sherman Ave., 3 nns. . . . ..... 70.00 910 Elmwood Ave., 3 rms . ...... . . 70.00 2204 Sherman A ve.4 3 rms. . ....... 72.50 2249 Ridge Ave., 3 rms. . ..... ... .. 72.50 804 Seward St., 4 rms. . .. . ... .. . . 72.50 806 Clark St., 4 rm ~;:, .... . ......... 75.00 1309 Oak Ave., 4 rm:-:. . ... .......... S2.5 0 1125 Davis St., 4 rm ~:;. . . .... . . ...... 90.00 1617 Ridge Ave., 4 rmK .. .... .. .. .. 95.00 830 Gufficld Pl., 6 rm:-;. . .... ...... 75.00 ~020 Sherman Ave., 5 rm>J. . . ....... 80.00 800 Seward St., 5 rm~. . .. ...... 85.00 729 Seward St ..J. 5 rm:-;. . ........... 90.00 912 Elmwood Ave., 5 rm:-: ........ . 95.00 8310! SOimkpsAon ~t5., 5 rms. . . . . .. ... 100.00 1 u a .. ve., rm~ . . .... .... .. . .. 115 . 00 2000 Harri~:;on St., 5 rm:-:.. ...... . . . . 135.00 1116 Mapl e Ave., 5 nns . ....... .. .. 140.00 100!) Grove St., 6 rm :-:. . ........... 110.00 845 Ridg0 Ave., 6 rm:-: ............ 130.00 160fi Ridge Ave..._ 6 rm:-; . ............ 150.00 tc N'. 4. tc K. tc ,L te tc - ~- tc IN EAST SIDE HOME. LARGE LIV. rm., bedrm., kitchen and bath. Private entrance, porch. Convenient all transp. WOODED CORNER 78 FEET WIDE. 'Vii. 204. 67L45-ltp English brick, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. Close to all schools, transportation, and -4 HM. APT., WITH GARAGE. ALL the lake. Large living room 17x34. mod. improv. Tel. Glencoe 331. Reas. Extra large dining room, breakfast room, lavatory. Service stairs, 2-car 67LTN45-ltp attached garage. Specially priced at · $32,000. Terms. FOR RENT-5 ROOM FLAT AND bath, reasonable. 171 Prairie Ave. Ph. 'Vilmette 4227. 67L45-ltp 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 77LTN45-ltc 68 }"'OR REN'f-FURN. APTS. ----------------FOR RENT-AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, UNl SUAL BUY. NEW 7 ROOM BRICK . house with tile · roof, attached garage, summer or longer. Complete hotel 2 baths, Ia vatory on h:t floor, 4 large service. Ice and electricity free. b('droom:-:. Many new features seldom Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call found in h ouse'-' nnder $30,000. Choice hotel (University 8700) or tenant evewooded lot do::.~ to schools and transnings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. portation. Price $22,500. Ve ry easy 68LTN38-tfp t E' rms. FOH. RENT- 3 Rl\1. FURNISHED 'APT .. $60. Ph. Winnetka 112. 68LT45-2tc 418 Linden A ,·e. Wilmette 698 ~-.~.~F~ ~O~R=R=E~"~ '"' T=~S~T~O~R=E~S=P.=O~F~F~I~C~E~S=~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77_L_4_5_-_l_tc 4,, ..~.., a ----------------- ·IN WINNETKA WANTED HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY IN WINnetka. I need at least 6 bedrooms, 3 or 4 ' bath rooms. Must be well located. Will pay from $50,000 to $75,000 for place that suits. Write Wilmette Life A-90. 96LTN45-ltc 6 TO 8 ROOM HOUSE BY RELIABLE CROSBY &· l\1cKENDRY HUBBARD \\T OODS professional man with family. No down payment. $500 yearly prepayment beginning July 1, 1929. Able to pay substantial monthly payment. Owner to keep title to property until reasonable amount has been pald. References given. Address Wihl}_ e tte Life A-89. 96LT45-1tc ' PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. FOR P- te. or 39 tp §mm<ellf1t & (G©ll®®~ llllll~o 1564 Sherman Avenue University 285 67LTN45-ltc £DEAL ST illE FOR CLEANER AND dyer. No eompetition in this section. FOR HENT T\\·0 an d three room apts. Neat· New Trier High School. L L tll h. t<' &. 111 JMin~Iffin~~IffiolL®® AJP)lt~o £vans ton 460 Winne tka AYe. ·winnetka 1800 73LTN 45-1 tc ln. .fc _;; ___-·_·o_n_~_A_I~_"E_._H_o_u_s... _~s_·___ !Y ·f. lp 'S 'le tp R tp G ty tc bXCLUSIVE APARTMENT HOMES. Located in the quiet charm of Evanston's unsurpassed residential section. Excellent conveniences and appointments, Sl.BSTAKTIAL 6 ROOl\1 STU CO RESIincluding wood-burning fireplaces. denct, 2% blocks to d e pot. Wooded 5 rooms with 2 baths, $150 to $170 lot, garage, $12,000. 6 rooms with 2 baths, (3 master AttractiYe 10 room home in best N. E. chambers) . . . . . . . . . , ..... $235 :·H'tion, larg(' li\'ing, room, sun room, 2 7 rooms with 3 baths, maste r bedrooms and lmth on 1st floor; all outside rooms ..... . .... $285 4 master bedrooms, 2 ·Ieeping porches, Constructed to meet the requirements of 2 baths on 2nd floor; s ... rvants' quarters the discriminating. with bath, garage, 100 foot wooded lot. Electrical refrigeration and gas InOwner mu!-:t sell. Reduced to $37,500. cluded in the rent. Located a~ the southwest corner of Michigan Ave. and Lee St. Representative on premi8es. 340 Linden AYe. Wilmette 68 77LTN45-ltc N f- Iffi&nJrcdl&W &lfiiD®If 9 llml~o AGENTS 528 Davis St. Greenleaf 1855 67LTN45-1tc tc ~ N OS iltc rT p. P- tp ... THIS BRAND NEW ENGLISH BRICK on tile. 4 large bedrooms, 3 baths, attached heated garage. Permanent, unREALTORS obstructed view. The best buy in modLinden Ave., Just North of Tower Rd. Excl. Agts. erate sized residences in Winnetka. APARTMENTS AND SHOPS 720 Elm St., ·winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 $27,000, easy terms. Open for inspec3 and 4 rooms with 1 and 2 chambers, 78LTN45-ltc tion Sunday from 2 to 6. "Furnished or Unfurnished." The 3 FOR "ALE-2 FT. I'· I PROVED BU~Iroom apts. comprise living, dining and 5 " J.l' bedrooms, · tile bath with shower and n<>ss lot 4511 Diversey Ave., Chicago. Winnetka 2850 743 Elm St. Pullman- kitchen. Ph. 'Vilmette 3227. 78LTN45-ltn 77LTN45-ltc The 4 room apts. have living, dining and 2 bedrooms, tile baths with shower 79 ACREAGE & ESTATES and Pullman kitchen. All equipped with electric refrigeration. 1 ACRE \~ACANT ON HAPP RD. NR. All outside rooms. Agent on premises. \Villf.w. Terms. Call Morton Grove $70 to $85. !53 before 6 P. M. 79LTN44-2tp WOODED CORNER LOT 100x200 FEET. 7 room brick, 4 bedrooms, large living 82 SUMl\IER RESOR'fS room 14x28, large dining room, kitchen, 898-900 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods butler's pantry, refrigeration room, full WAUNITA HOT SPR~NGS Winnetka 1949 basement, H. W. heat, garage. You GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. 67LTN45-tfc can sell the rear 82 feet at $6,000 ~nd Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for r etain the home for $12,500. YOU light housekeeping, $35 per mo. SwimSHOULD SEE IT. ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis. dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. 0 L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 82LTN33-14tp Winnetka 2032 566 Center St. 77LTN45-1tc POR RENT- 7 ROOM COTTAGE ON Lake Marie from Aug. 4th to 18th. Everything furnished but bedding. Ph. EACH APARTMENT WITH TILE BATH Wilmette 867. ' 82L45-ltc & electric refrigeration; conv. to school, Catholic church & trun!;p. WT 0. TO RENT-HOUSES Living room, chamber, bath, kitchenette, SMALL CASH PAYMENT WILL BUY $75. c0mfortable 6 rm. home surrounded by Living room, chamber, bath, dining room, 1:.-l.~ shade trees. Sip. pch., garage, oil kitchen, $90. h eat. Conv. to everything. $1_8, 000. WE HAVE CLIENTS FOR UNFURnished hom~es for fall occupancy, from Living room, 2 chambers, bath, dining Open for inspection today.-3 to 5. $100 to $350 per month. List your room, kitchen, $105. houses for rent with u~ for quick action. Immediate Possession New Building Tower Court i\partments Hubbard Woods RESPONSIBLE PARTY WISHES TO buy a six room house on North Shore between Evanston and Winnetka. Will pay $2,000 to $3,000 down. House must be a bargain at between $12,000 and $13,500. No brokers. Phone Rogers Fark 6658 96LTR45-1tc. AM REPRESENTING SEVERAL FAMilies who wish to locate on the North Shore. If you have moderate priced 5 S~-\LE tn 7 room homes for sale or rent write Wilmette Life A-94. 96L45-ltc TK OXE OF . THE FIKf<~ST LOCATIONS in \\'inn etka with rer-:pect to neighborANTIQUES hood and proximity to .transp., schools 99 and ('hurch~·R. S room house with 2 bath:-:, large porc h and H. W. oil heat, for $21,000. Call owner at 'W innetka A HOUSE FULL TO CHOOSE FROM. 2849. 77LT45-ltc Bring y0ur summer guests and see my collection. Visitors welcome. 808 Fl'H S.I\LF:-JX XEW DEVELOPMENT Washington St., Evanston, 1 blk. S. of nea r Glencoe. New G room brick home, Main, east of Ridge. 99LTN45-ltc des ir.able for c·hildren. $14,500. Call Mr. l1khards, 'W innt-tka 21~18. ANTIQUE PINE DAY BED, $18. OLD 77LTN45-2tc Cuban locket, $15. Double size Paisley shawl, fine condition. Tel. Winn. 1474 99LTN45-1tc 6 ROOM HOUSE - SUN AND SLPG. pchs. ; extra lav. on 1st ftr. ; good loc. 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GDS. in Winnetka. H. W. heat ; 2-car gar., small down payment, bal. like rent. GIVING UP HOUSEKEEPING AND have sold most of our effects, but still Priced at $13,000 for quick sale direct have antique oak dining rm. table & from owner. Tel. Winn. 1430 or 2300. 10 chairs, all of unusual merit; carved 77LTN45-ltc antique oak chest; old linen chest ; oak table & leather seated chairs, suitable for library or office ; 3 large Oriental ROOMS, 2 BATHS, H. W. HEAT OIL rugs & runners; several other chairs & 8 burner, near schools, transportation other articles. Tel. Winn. 1252. 1123 and lake. Fine lot surrounded by beauChatfield road. 100LTN45-ltc tiful homes. Price $21,000, easy terms. For inspection call Winnetka 156. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE, 77LTN45-ltc including antique twin walnut beda 10(1 years old. Also plano player. T~ ~ORTHFlELD ON NORTH SHORE, Shvwn mornings and evenings. 1008 n"'w 7 room, t baths, brick home. SpeGreenleaf Ave., Wllmette, Ill., 1st floor. eial. Call Mr. Richards, Winnetka Ph. Wilmette 3030. 100LTN43-tfc 219X. 77LTN45-2tc FOR SALE-WILL SACRIFICE COM FOR SALE-VA CANT 78 plete set of walnut bedrm. furniture almost new. Ph. Glencoe 883. FOR SALE-LAST LOT FOR SALE ON 100L45-1tp beautiful Prospect A venue; highest point in Winnetka; 85 feet superb front- REFRIGERATOR, NEARLY NEW age adjoining w(Htderful homes. white enamel bed. springs, mattres8. :\05 Poplar St., Wlnn. 100LT45-ltp -------------------1 ANTIQUE SALE A GOOD BUY Choice East Location HEINS EN REALTY CO. FURNIT'CRE AND CURTAINS. WICK er stroller. Phone Giencoe 889. 100LTN45-ltc FOR ~ALE-DINING ROOM TABLE and chairs. Ph. Wilmette 1776. 100U5-ltc 101 WTD. TO BUY- HSEHLD. GOODS Fred'k B. Thomas & Co. Inspect This Home at $18,500 To\ver Court Building . WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furnlture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc 102 FOR SALE-1\IISC. ILn Till cdl®Im JMI &rrn@wIffi n cdl g CROSBY & .McKENDR.Y BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-EXCLU sive children's shop in N. S. suburb. Might consider partner. Address Talk A-93. 102LTN45-ltp F OR S ALE-HOOVER eleaner, in good condition. 342R. Linden Ave. at Merrill Ave. Hubbard Woods VACUUM. Phone Wil. 102LT45-ltc GIRL'S SPEED BIKE; Tel. Winn. 2361. FINE COND. 102LTN45-lto \\rANTED LARGE TRAILER-EXCELLENT CONdition. Tel. Winn: 3213. 102LTN45-ltc -----=--------------WANTED - FOR CASH - SECONDhand coupe, not older than '27 model, for person::tl use. Must be in good condition. Ref. req. Phone Wil. 1174. 103LTN45-ltc WANTED CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp 10:1 WTD. TO BUY-ltiiSC. 11cGUIRE & ORR 641 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 672 746 gJm St. 67LTN45-ltc Winnetka Winn. 1617 418 Linden Ave. 77LTN45-ltc & CO · I:JAUL SCHROEDER ~ Wilmette 698 89LTN45-ltc FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc Winnetka Bungalow · $13,000 CHAR:\flNG 7 ROOM BUNGALOW with huge living room and fireplace. H. W. heat, garage, 75 foot lot. Inquire at 877 Elm Street. Phone Winnetka 16S!J. 77LTN45-ltc \"'VANTED M e, ~2. In fc 5 MODERN RMB., INCLUD. SUN PARlor; garage ; nice garden ; reas. rent. C'all at 325 Washington Ave., Glencoe after 6:30 P. M. 67LTN45-ltc TO LEASE, BY FAMILY OF 3 ADULTS, privilege of purchase, small house of 104 EXCHA~GE :1 or 4 b<>drms., sleeping porch. Prefer location mile or so from Lake. Have EXCHANGE CHICAGO APT. EQUITY fine reRidential lot 120x320 feet in choice of $10,000 for Wilmette home or vaGlencoe location for sale or exchange. cant. Write Wilmette Life A-85. Write Wilmette Life A-86. 89LTN45-ltc 104L45-ltc

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