4· WILM.ETTE LIF·E Aupst 3, 1928 Eveninr Garden Cub , Stares Show Auguat 7 The · Evening Garden cl"b of :Wilmette, · of which Frank R. Eager is president, will hold its first flower show Tuesday evening, August 7, at t~ Woman's club. Ribbons will be awarded. As the club was organized primarily for the participation of men in its activity, a special 'emphasis will be laid on an exhibit that will be flower arrangement by men. Those in charge announce: "Anyone who is interested in seeing the display will be more than welcome. It is the desire of the club to be of service to the village of Wilmette and to work along civic lines. "August is the hardest month in the year for a flower show. However members are banded together to make it a success. We will be glad to have you as our guest." Mrs. Frederick Fisher, president of the ·Garden Club of Illinois, ' will be one of the judges. 600 Students End Summer Class Work Friday, August 10 Summer school at New Trier Township High school will close Friday, August 10, afte~ an eight we~k'~ session. Exactly one month wtll mtervene until the fall term opens on September 10. . Six hundred students were enrolled in the summer school this year. W esley L. Brown, director of the research department of New Trier during the regular term, was director of the summer session. He was assisted by twenty-two instructors. Classes were held from 8 o'clock until 12 :30 each morning from Monday to Friday. The summer school has been held for those who have fallen behind in their work during the regular school year and also for those who wish to .complete their high school course in less than four years. The list of summer school graduates will be announced later. PASTOR ON VACATION The work that any home washing machine can do is only equivalent to our Wet Wash Service, which costs but ·five cents a pound. You couldn't begin to do the laundry· at home for such a figure, could you? Dr. William D. · Schermerhorn of· INJURED IN ACCIDENT Garrett Biblical Institute will preach at Miss Helen 5topka, of 1536 Lake the Wilmette Parish Methodist church avenue, receiv.e d injuries on her right each Sunday morning during the arm last Thursday evening when her month of August. Dr. Horace G. car collided with another driven by Smith, pastor of the church, is enjoy- Mrs. William W. Rumsey, 2421 Marcy ing his summer vacation d.u ring this avenue, Evanston, at McDaniel avenue month. and Payne streets in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Rivett have Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. Stiles of 1019 just returned from a six weeks' trip Sixth street, are leaving this weekto California to their apartment in the end for a two weeks' vacation at Trout Linden Crest. Lake, Wis. THE WASHINGTON LAUNDRY Wilmette 145 Close-Out All Summer Frocks Every summer Frock in our Shop will be marked down for immediate close-out sale. We must make room for Fall muchandise; therefore. it will pay anyone to buy now-as you will have at least two months' wear. Close-out Prices, lJTOMATIC Oli·Gas ls the Cbeapes Kaowa Method ol Aatolll8de Beatlag The principle of burning oil -gas and flame placementis the thing that makes silent. automatic. clean, dependable !Mating, the very thing you are looking for. Do not becomt confwtd. We arr being imitated, but not IUCCIUfullfJ. Your assurance lies in placing your order now with this strong and financially sound compan·y. If you have an idea that our method is tiM cause of smoke or lOOt we will assurr you in a guarantet that your home will be as clean with silent, automatic beat as it is daring a period whfn you baYt ao ira of any kind. $10.75 to $19.75 ALL MILLINERY will be placed on sale-many Hats can be worn well into the Fall seao;on. Your chance to buy one or more. THE NOISE ESS OIL BUP.NEA. Close-out Prices, $1.95 to $5.00 ·2004. UN IV. C:CMTRAL ST. ·z.ose EVANSTON OtHn Saturday Evening· Plastering ContraCtor Plain and Ornamental Plastering - Exterior . Stucco WotkaSpecialty E.ltUton · Showroom 1620 SHERMAN AVE. Chas. E. Weiter Greenleaf 700 115 Fifteenth St. Phone Wil. 2151