Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 18

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~the PuMuht-d wttklu bu tht achool chtldrtn of Wilmtttl undtr 1uperuision of Wilmette Plauvround and Recreatio, Board. 1 "--==To====ld=by=~ Pupils ' l · VOL. 1, NO. 30 \VILMETTE, ILLINOIS, AUGUST 10, 1928 Dramatize Story of "The Circus," at Village Green "The Circus." We surely have liked it. Last Thursday we dramatized it and how we did laugh at Big Jumbo, played by Margaret Hermes. Little Jumbo was Josephine Cos to; Jane Bell, the giraffe, uwha Said Nothing"; Ann Hoffman, camel; Randolph McCondlish, Billy Backstrom, keepers ; Bessie Costo, thin clown; Sylvia Kiel, fat clown_; Margaret Backstrom and Gertrude Pape, lion and lioness ; Rose Toscani, zebra; and Irene Boxen, manger of the circus· In the second act the lumbermen at camp were helped out hy big · Jumbo who ran away from the circus. He gets homesick and after doin~ some tricks for the men he runs away again and goes back to the circus. We surely had a lot of fun playing, "The Circus." ~ow we are reading a new story, uThe Circus Cotton Tails." It's reallv better than 11 The Circus." -t\nn Hoffman, Village Green play,g round ----~------------------------- 1 Frankie Masters He'a a Regular Fellow, Besides Being a Stellar Orchestra and Show [ ' Director ~~ Mrs. Fanckboner finished the story, Story Reading Popular Village Green Feature When the calJ comes, ~'She's goin~ to read," how we do rush for the bleacher seats at the Villa~e Green: for that is where Mrs· Fanckboner tells or reads us stories. You ought to hear her say, "Grandpa Grumbles grumbled, 'I'm a cross and lonesome bear. No one in the world to care.' " How we do laugh, when the circus cottontails oractise their tricks! -Vivian Miller, Village Green Laurel Scores 40 Runs in One lnn;'lf! to Win We · played Laurel last Saturday, August 2. The second inning surely was a hot one. Thev made 40 runs. I thou~ht we would lose to Laurel. And we did. The score was 59 to 70. Next time we will try better. -Rose Toscani, Village Green playground BOYS BEAT GIRLS The Junior boys beat the Junior girls in kick ball. The score was, boys, 20: and girls, 15. The day we had this game was on Friday, Jul:v 20. Those who were playing were: Edwin Krammer, Gilbert Hoffman, Dick Nilles, Donald Hoffman. Marcella Brauchhauser, Miss Skidmore, Evelyn Field, Virginia Marsh. Hitrlf"l?arde Voeller. Ellen Jones. George Nilles was umpire. Edwin Krammer, Vattman playground THE VILLAGE GREEN The Village Green Has a team And hov. it seems To run like a machine. Farh Monday at one Every single son To have scme fun .A 11 come on the run. Thev've played five games. But thev've not reached fame 1By winning the same Stitl they are not lame. e en - J osc:phine Cos to, VillaJTe Gr. playground The tryouts for the Village-wide contest was held at the Laurel playground Tuesday at 10 o'cla:ck. . Frankie Masters is just as nice off Nancy Butler won, reaching as far as stage as on. · threes in downcast and Katherine BurI knc:w because last Tuesday night, mingham, Florence Read and Mary July 31, I took my courage in hand and Finlayson tied for second and third· went to interview him at the Norshore They each had another chance and theater. Katherine won second place and Mary I entered the front door and asked third and Florence fourth. Katherine the usher if I might see the assistant could not be there so -Florence took manager. As I stood waiting for him her place. I felt an organ commonly known as The Village-wide co:ntest was held my heart start missing a few beats . Thursday, August Z, at the Laurel I was going to interview Frankie playground. Nancy was in the lead Masters I until nearly the end then Lucille HoffJust then the usher returned with man of V ~!tman park finished first. So the assistant manager, a blond yc.ung Boys Defeat Girls in Nancy received second .place and Kathman who was almost as good looking K· k . ball E t lyn ljolway, ajso from Vattman, reas Frankie. He took me up and down . lC ngagemen ceived third plact:. Miss Skidmore manv stairs and along manv aisles. Thts Monday, our bcys were to play ac ted as judge. whe~e we met groups of girls dressed t~e Beach team .. 'J\T e were ready by 2 -Grete vonRcinsperg, Laurel in various costumes .. In one · aisle we 1 o clock. \Ve watted but t~o team fr~m playground passed. I caught a ghmpse of a lovely. the Beach showed . up· Fmally ~t 2 .45 tall, black haired girl in a white bath- o'clock. Mrs. Fanckboner. satd .we ing suit-Miss Universe, whom I met would have a game anyway tf the gtrls Wanted: Members for tater c.n. v:ould b~ game enough to play the That Recreation Club F' 11 the assistant manager boys. Of course we wanted to play. Dear Girls and Boys: sto~~!d Yin front of a ,,·hitewashed S.o \ve ha~ a regular kickball game, the \Ve would like to have you join the · gtrls agamst the bovs. We played door, knocked, and entere d , te 11 mg me · · Of th b Recreation club. It meets every day to wait a- moment. After a few \~orcls s even mtnn~g · B t .tcourse t e f fys at the Village Green from 9 to 12 · the door was· again opened and I was won, 30 0 u 1 was a 10 0 un o'clock. We have great fun. ushered in. anyway. The most importaf!.t games are kick-Janet Hardt, Village Green The room was a low-ceilinged one ball and volley ball. We also play drop playground with two tinv windows. The · walls the handkerchief, ~urn the circle inside were whitewashed and had a few phc.out, in and out the window, New Y a:rk, tographs on them. Befor~ a dressing Vattman Drowns Beach and many other games. table that occupied one end of the Mrs. Fanckboner plans many inter·in Kickball Contest esting stories and games for us. We room and which was fi11ed with mysterious looking jars and bottles sat Saturday, July 28, the Vattman girls are always having some fun. Frankie Masters· nlaYecl the Beach in kickball. It was a - Yiola Weeks, Village Green ·playground Frankie was quite ta11 \\·ith brown ver-Y interesting game . The game ended hair and haze 1 eyes. He wore a brown with the score of 71 to 7, in Vattman's dressing gown and his face was marlr favor. I hope we win every other Lucille Hoffman Wins up for the stage and he had apparently ~ame. 011r .,!!iris lost only two; games in Jackstone Contest so far. Next week they play Laurel. l been removing the grease paint. Thursday afternoon we had our jackHe smiled and shc.ok hands with nH' hope we win the silvt:>r cup again this stone contest at the Laurel playground and as I sat down on the couch on one year. at 2 o'clock. Miss Skidmore acted as side of the room, he be~an to tell me -Gilbert Hoffman, Vattman · about his early experiences as a band playgroun(' judge. Lucille Hoffman won first, Nancy director. Butler won second and Kathlyn liu!"The first band I ever played in was way won third place. at the Indiana universitv where I was Looking for Fun?-Well, Lucille and Kathlyn were from Vatt"tudying music. After (finished school It's at Village Green man park and Nancy was from Laurel I took a five-piece orchestra to the Hurrah.! .Hurrah! for the Village playground. We all had lots of fun. Orient for abcut a year. Green. Many an haur my playmates -Lucille Hcdfman, Vattman park "After I came back I played in New and I have spent at the Village Green. York for awhile and then came to Chi- If vou want to know where to have WILLING TO HELP cago and joined Balaban and Katz. T ~on;e fun there's the place to go. We At Village Green, we have a nice olayed alternatelv at the Uptown and pla~· all day. We hop. skip, and run. time. There are nice games for small Ti~oli theaters f~r about a vear· Dur- And at home we'll say_, "Hurrah, Hur- children and the older children play ing that t=m~ I also made .Victor rec- rah for the Village Green." kickball. Mrs. Fanckhoner reads to us. ords, After that, as you know, I came -Viola Weeks, Village Green She is always willing to help if anyto the Norsh::>re when AI Kvale was playground thing happens. transfer.red to the Oriental!" -Rose Toscani, Village Green I asked Fr;~nkie which place he liked MAKES SAND SNAKE playground best. He said: ' The sand modeling contest drew near TOM, DICK AND HARRY "I like the Norshore hest. although and the Vattman playground children · the Cotown anri Tivoli were verv nice. practiced harder every day. We alJ Tom, Dick and Harry The !\.Tm:shore .is a p-ood house a~d has wanted to win first prize. The sand Are all jolly and merry a nice class of people. lt is more inti- boxes 'took very attractive these days At 9 A.M. you see them run mate and has more atmosohere than with all the boats, castles, snakes, To the Villa_ge Green to have SCJ1le fun. the c.ther houses. The cast .is also fine, birds, and ,many other things. I am and very co-operative." k' k lvr w· h h h They play till twelve Fra11kie told me that the choice of rna mg a sna e. tss Itc er t oug t Then come home to lunch I would be in it, so I tried harder. muc:ic is divided so the.v try to play Anl they're back again at one both classical and popular. He said Geraldine Hoffman, Vattman play- Every member of the bunch. that durin~ the school vear there are _ _ g_r_o_u_n_d___________________________ 1 so man:v hi~h school and. collej2'e people They play till four who attend the theater that they play him for the interview· The assistant Then you hear them at the door saying a great deal of popular music because manager theo took me out ~nd gave Tom, Dick and Harry thPv like it best. me a seat and I saw the show free of Are all jolly and merry. Finallv, it was time for Frankie to charge. -Alfre4a Weeks, Village Green go on the stage and I rose and thanked ] une Anderson playground There has been very much competition over the playground point contest. The prizes are gold, silver and bro~ze medals for first, · second, and thtrd places. You get fjve for fir:t, three secnnd, one for third for the followmg events: O'Learv, jump rope, horsesh9e, pet show, jackstones, and poster making. You also get 10 points for first. five points for second and two points for t~ird for winning a place .in the Village ~Tide Track Meet. -Colin Finlayson, Laurel playgrc.und Nancy Butler Wins Keen Competition Jackstones Tryout in Point Contests at Laurel Grounds at Our Playgrounds Jackstone tor + ·· I · · I

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