Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1928, p. 41

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August 10, 1928 WILMETTE LIP! -- 41 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Bids will be received . at the offtce of C. C. Schultz, Superintendent of Public Works at the Vlllage Hall in Wilmette, Illinois, until 8 P. M. August 21st, 1928, by the Village of Wilmette for the following: ITEM 5 : Installing Pumping Units, Electrical Equipment and Piping at Sanitary . District of Chicago Pumping Station at Sheridan Road and North Shore Channel. Plans, specifications and proposal forms for this work may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works in' the Village Hall, Wilmette, Illinois, or at the office of the consulting engineers, Consoer, Older & Quinlan, 205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinoll!l. . Bids will be received for each of the above items separately in combination or for the work as a whole, as the President and Board of Trustees may elect. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified check equal in amount to 10% of the bid, payable to Village of Wilmette . Payments will be made in cash by the Village of Wilmette, Illinois, upon estimates of the engineers. Bidders will be required to furnish a surety bond for the satisfactory completion of the Work in accordance with the plans and specifications, equal in amount to the bid. The right is reserved by the Village Board to reject any and all bids. C. C. SCHULTZ Supt. Public Works L46-ltc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE PROPOSALS For grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving the first alley south of 'Valnut Avenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street. (Wilmette Spedal Assessment No. 236) Wilmette, Illinois, August 7, 1928. Sealed proposals for the improvement of the first alley south of Walnut Avenue from the west curb line of Fifteenth Street to the east line of Sixteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving the same, in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance and specifications for said improvement will be r eceived by the Board of Local Improvements of said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 21st. day of August, A. D. 1928, at whi "h time said proposals will be publici} opened, examined ar i declared by said Board of Local Imprv 1 rements in the Council Chamber in the Village Hall. The specifications for said improvements and blank proposals will be furnished a t the office of said Board of Local Improvements in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnish ed by said Board of Local Improvements and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, and endorsed "Proposals for the improvement of the first alley south of Walnut A Yenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street," and all proposals must be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than t en (10) per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when collP.Ctf>d in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law, which bonds will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum. The contractor to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local Improvements, In a sum equal to fifty (50) per centum of the contract price, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract. Proposals will be received for the construction of said improvement as a whole ; and said Board of Local Improvem(>nts reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON L46-ltc VILLAGE OF WIL~IETTE 1 PROPOSALS For grading, draining and paving with concrete the central eighteen (18) feet of the ·first alley south of Laurel Avenue paraffin oll at least once eve- seven de Triomphe, where it is gQarded by from Fifth Street to Seventh Street. days. ··' (Wilmette Special Assessment No~ 232) (e) Cleaning and keeping suftlclently a flame of fire. Wilmette, Illinois, August 7, 1928. f We spent a day visiting Chateau Sealed proposals for the improvement ree of vegetable growth and other obof the central eighteen (18 ) feet of the structions, and stocking with mosquito- Thierry, coming back by way of Rheims, for the cathedral. But the ' first alley south of Laurel Avenue ex- destroying fish. tending from the west line of Fifth Street (f) Filling or draining to the satlsfac- hills round about are very peaceful to the east line of Seventh Street, (ex- tion of the said Commissioner of Health. now, covered with grass and lovely cept across Sixth Street which is already (g) Proper disposal, by removal or paved) by grading, draining and paving destruction, Of tin cans, tin boxes, broken poppies ; it is almost imp9~sible to with concrete and otherwise improving or empty bottles, and similar articles imagine that here, ten years ago, men the sam(>, in the Village of Wilmette, likely to hold wat(>r. wer~ dying by th9usands. It , gave us Cook County, Illinois, in accordance with SECTION 5: -In case the person, firm Americans a thrill to see the flag flythe ordinance and specifications for said or corporation responsible for the condi- ing over Belleau Wood, where our lmprovement will be received by the tion of premises on which mosquitoes Board of Local Improvements of said breed or are likely to breed fails or troops gained their first decisive vicVillage of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock refuses to take necessary measures to tory. P. M. on Tuesday, the 21st day of Au- prevent their breeding within ten days B~st of the short trips out of Paris gust, A. D. 1928, at which time said pro- after notice in writing has been given posals will be publicly opened, examined him, her or it, by the said Commissioner were Versailles and Malmaison, the and declared by said Board of Local Im- of Health, or wjthin such longer time first vividly assQciated with Marie Anprovements in the Council Chamber in after such notice as may be specfiied in toinette ancl · th~ other with Josephine. the Village Hall. the notice, the said person, firm or The specifications for said improve- corporation responsible ·shall be deemed The ghosts of gC\,Y and arrog~nt aristoments and blank proposals will be furn- guilty of a violation of this ordi9ance; crats still haunt the lovely old rooms ished at the office of said Board of Local and for each day after the expiration of and garden paths. How beautifully ten days from the day on which notice Improvements in said Village Hall. is giv(>n him, her or it, or for each day they lived-on the s~rface-th.ose exProposals must be made out on blanks after th~ expiration of the time specified quisites, so many of them going the furnished by said Board of Local Im- in the notice, as the case may be, that way of the guillotine at last. Fountainprovements and . must be addressed to the persons, firm or corporation rethe Board of Local Improvements of the · sponsible fails or refuses to . take such bleau is so enormous that you can't Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, measures, the said person, firm or possibly see it all in a day, or a week. and endorsed "Proposals for the improve- corporation responsible shall be deemed You feel in the very air the pompous ment ·of the central eighteen (18) feet of guilty of a separate violation of this. tyranny of the old days, sa out of the first alley south of Laurel Avenue ordinance; and in case of such failure from Fifth Street to Seventh Street," and or refusal of the person, firm or corpora- tune with the spirit of our time. all proposals must be accompanied by tion responsible the said Commissioner of Rather an amusing, incongruous pic· cash, or a certified check payable to the Health is authorized to take the neces- ture is the spectacle of these hordes order of the President of the Board of sary measures to prevent the breeding of earneSt tourists, in little groups, Local Improvements of the Village of of mosquitoes on such premises, and all Wilmette, for a sum of not less than ten necessary costs and expenses incurred by each headed by a guide, tramping (10) per centum of the aggregate of the the said Commissioner of Health for that through rooms where once kings held proposal and no proposal will be con- purpose shall be a charge against the their ~ourt. sidered unless accompanied by ·such check neu;on, firm or corporation responsible. Service at Notre Dame or cash. ~ECTION 6 : Any persons, firm or We wandered into Notre Dame just The cont ractor will be paid in bonds corporation found guilty of a violation and vouchers payable solely out of the of this ordinance, as described in section in time to hear a fine service in honor assessment for said improvement, when Five (5) hereof, shall be puntshed by a of the Allie~. The Cardinal was there collected in accordance with the provi- fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) sions of the ordinance therefor, and in nor more than twenty-five dollars $(25.00) magnificent in his red robes. There was a full choir and an orchestra in the manner prescribed by law, which for each such violation. bonds will bear interest at the rate of SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be addition to the splendid organ. AI six (6) per centum per annum. in full force and effect from and after together, it was an unforgettable in The contractor to whom the contract its passage, approval and publication. troduction to the noble old building may be awarded will be required to furnish a bond to the satisfaction and PASSED by the President and Board which has seen so much ·of bloody approval of said Board of Local Improve- of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, strife, yet stands, staunch and firm ments, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per on the 7th day of August, A. D. 1928, and centum of the contract price, conditioned deposited and filed in the office of the stilt serving the . people of the city for the faithful performance of the con- Village Clerk of said Village this 7th and in3piring the hundreds of visitors tract. day of August, A. D. 1928. · who pass through its doors each ~ay Proposals will be received for the conLEA J . ORR, Last week I went to a concert g1ven struction of said improvement as a Village Clerk. APPROYED by the President of the bv the Consen·atoire prize winners whol e ; and sa id Board of Local Improvements resenes the right to reject any nllage of Wilmette, thi s 7th day of e;1joying the novelty of it immensely and all bids. August, A . D. 1928. It was given, like everything else Board of Local Improvements of EARL E . ORNER. the Village of Wilmett e. President of the Villa ge French. with the utmost finish. but " ·hat struck me a3 rather comical was EARL E . ORNER of Wilmette. ERNEST C. CAZEL the attempt at stage setting when part ATTEST: . ALBERT L. GRIN:\'ELL LEA J . ORR, of "La Boheme" was sung by one of PAUL A. HOFF~IAN' Yillage Clerk. L46-ltc the students. Before the number was C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG ----------------- ~ given. two stage hands came out GORDO~ '\' ILSOX " .E HAYE SOLD THE VILLAGE INN solemnlv, l?lace? a c~air. a table. and L_4_6_-_H_ c and will not be r esponsibl e for debts a candlesttck !11 thetr proper p_lace~ contracted by same. Fulponi & Grandi. The singer then cax:ne out and dtd hts ORDI~ A:XCE XO. t;;H scene . Of course we shopped a bit and A:N ORDI~ AXCE soon found that prices · are higher than proYiding for the preYention of mo squito at home ... ,Dr else they. add a franc ur propagation. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIt\-\'o when thev see an American com DENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF BY VA~ONA BREWER ing. Th~ir _ryoliteness often fails them, THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: in their greed for the dotlars. One SECTION 1: That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to EDITOR'S NOTE: H erewith the second of characteristic of the.;e people which have, keep, maintain, cause or permit a. series of letters written exclusively for e ndears them to me is· their warm within the corporate limits of the · Village 'VILMETTE LIFE by Mrs. Valona Brewer, of Wilmette any collection of standing or well-known Winnetka violinist, who is kindliness to animals. The dogs look You s.e e flowing water in which mosquitoes breed engaged upon a tour of European coun- so happy and contented. or are likely to breed, unless such collec- tries. Other letters will appear at fre- them on the busiest streets beside tion of water is treated so as effectually quent intervals. They represent the im- their owners. They are exceedingly · to prevent such breeding. pressions of a keen observer and promise clever, too. about going throug-h the SECTION 2: Collections of water in delightful reading. Don't miss the which mosquitoes breed or are likely to "Rambles Abroad" feature. heavv traffic, though I really believe breed arc those contained in ditches, a driver would wreck hi3 car rather ponds, pools, excavations, holes, depressions, open cess-pools, privy vaults, Paris, I find, can be just as red hot than harm one. One dav. while wait fountains, cisterns, tanks, shallow wells, in mid-July as any American city. It ing- for a taxi. the traffic policeman's barrels, troughs (except horse troughs in horse sidled gently up to me, touched frequent use,) urns, cans, boxes, bottles, ts a blistering hot day, too hot for my coat pocket with his nose. then tubs, buckets, defective house roof gut- sigh.tseeing or anything else, except ters, tanks of flush closets, or other sitting quietly in the gard~n of our looked at me with a twinkle in hi~ similar water containers. eye as plainlv as though he had used SECTION 3 : The natural presence of little pension where there is a foun- the w0rds. "Haven't you any sugar mosquito larvae in standing or running tain solashing to give an illusion of water shall be evidence that mosquitoes coolness. We leave tomorrow for for me?" are breeding in such water. Tomorrow ,,.e sav g-oodbye to the SECTION 4: Collections of wate1· in Geneva in the hope that the Alps will g-ay boulevards and journev toward send down some cool breezes. -which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed sh~tll be treated by such one or Since our arrival two weeks ago, the mounains of Switzerland. more of the following methods as shall we've - had many interesting advenbe approved by the Commissioner of Mr. and Mrs. E. B . Raub, Jr. and tures ; Paris is bewildering m its Health. (a) Screening with wire netting of at many-sidedness. By far the most in- daug-hter. Marlyn. of Indianapolis are least sixteen (16) meshes to the inch each teresting side to me, is connected with spending- a month with Mrs. Raub's way, or any other material which will effectually prevent the ingress or egress of its past, the marvelous old places, c:ister, Mrs. A. C. Hammond, of 500 glorjous Notre Dame Cath~drale, the Gregory avenue. mosquitoes. (b) Complete emptying at least every living legend of Napoleon. Far more -oseve_n (7) days of unscreened containers, compellingly does that imperial perMr. and Mrs. F. B. Crossley af 600 together with their thorough drying or sonality dominate the city than any Washington avenue have returned cleaning. (c) Using a larvicide approved and ap- connected with the late war. With from their summer place in northern plied under the direction of said Com- her usual dramatic instinct . France Wisconsin. T ean and Martha Cross missioner of Health. (d) Covering completely the surface of ha~ placed the grave of her Unknown ley are remaining for the rest of the the water with kerosene, petroleum, or Soldi~r under Napoleon's great Arc summer. _______________ Rambles Abroad

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