Aupst 17, 1928 WILMETTB, LIFE 29. A Station a Second \. Model39A.--8Tubea-Completely ElM:trfc -Dynamic Speaker-years ahead in design but ready for delivery today. Equipped with ZeaithAutomaticTwalq. "Automatic Radio" Owaed and Controlled bf_ The Zenith Radio Corp., Chlca~rot..U. S. A., under the following ()&tenta: VauellilS8ll.f.S,Re-itMue 17002. Heath 1638734, Canada 2M39l, Gt. Britain 257138, France 607.f.36, O.lglum 33ll66. Alao under Marvin and other U. S. and foreign patent· pending. Press the button and there's your station The New Triumph of Y .... .. LO...§.f!IJ!;;;... OUR favorite station INSTANTLY-just by pressing a button! You can forget your log book, forget the drudgery of tuning-in, forget the noise that plagues your ears while hunting for another station. You yourself set the z~nith Automatic. in your own home, for your favorite stations-after that they come in clearly and exactly-ten, ~ .... -~· RAD I0 twenty or a thousand times-just by pressing the button. You can change the automatic stations at will-and you can still tune in all stations in the old-fashioned way with the dial. Come in and see the automatic "A Station a Second" demonstration. It has astonished the radio world. You will know why the Zenith Automatic is the biggest thing since All Electric Radio. PIERCE RADIO COMPANY 522 DAVIS STREET EVANSTON Open Evenings t·