Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1928, p. 44

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LIFE A~~~ li, 1928 -_ A PVRBAIR ~ .....f!W' .. ~,~-Itt Reviews At the.- North RIN - TIN - TIN S T A R S COOLING S'fS'l'DI and 18 Dow IDstalled ID this tb'eatre. A · t"o·tortable, plea s· lng t.mperat.re will be maiD· talned oD the warmest days evealnr~e Granada Will Show Fight Pictures and "The Cop" in ··No Man'· Ltmdd Sh«id·n ROIUl Between Wilmette IJIJd Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 MATINEES SATURDAY, SUNDAY SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY Ooon <>Pea 1 :30 Show Stal'tl 2 p. m., Coatiaaou Euminga During W Hi Door· Open 6 :JO Show Start· 7 p. m. · PROGRA)I STARTING AUG. 18 "iaturday, August 18 Barry Norton-Dorothy .Tanis ··neetwlag" "Tile Flreman"-Charlle Chaplin Patlle Review Fable Sunday, August 19 Glen Tryon "SIItk Sllt"kers"-Chrlst-le Comedy "Nature's Wlzardry"-oddlty Fox News, Dally News Mon., Tues., Aug. !0-!1 Dolort's Del Rio and Warner Baxter "Girls of Today"-Color Classle Parumount News Wtdnt'Sday, August 22 Mary Astor ll Lloyd Hughes "Thr Cbnst>r"-Harry Langdon "Goofy Blrds"-Bowers Comedy "Koko's (\tt('h"-Koli:o Fox News Thou., Fri., Aug. 28·24 Williams Halnrs The r.ecent fistic disagreement between Gene Tunn.e y and Tom Heeney, as recorded upon the fibns, be an Saturday, August 18 added attraction at the Granada thea- "Fleetwing" ........ . ...... . ...... Teatro ter startip~ this S~turday, Augu st 18. "The Cop" ..................... Granada ·The entire fight, including the sensa- "Steamboat Bill, Jr." ......... . Norshore ....................... Varsity tional tenth round, will be brought to "Ramona" Sundpy, August 19 the public in conjunction with "The - ..The Mysterious Lady" ...... Norshore Cop," William Boyd's late·s t screen ··Hot Heels" ..................... Teatro "The Cop" ..... . ..... ... ....... Granada success. Monday, August !0 In 44 The Cop" Boyd is said to exceed "The Wheel of Chance" . .. ..... Varsity his recent triumph in "The Skyscra- "The Mysterious Lady" ...... Norshore per," and the story itseH is an en- "The Cop" ..................... Granada gros·s ing one with a delightful twist, a "Ramona" ................ ... ..... Teatro August 11 liberal share of comedy, aJ)d a pretty "Rinty of TueHday, the Desert" Community House romance. Boyd (Pete Smith in the "The Wheel of Chance" ........ Varsity picture) isn't a cop when the story "Ramona" .......... .. ......... ... Teatro opens. He decides to be one to even "The Cop" ..... . ............... Granada Lady" ...... Norshore scores with a crook who had got the "The Mysterious Wednesday, August !! better of him. But Pete learns that "Heart to Heart" and "The Chaser" ..... . .................... .. .... Teatro being a policeman is more than wearing a uniform and a star. His chief, "The Mysterious Lady" .... . . N orshore Wheel of Chance" ........ Varsity Mather, pla_yed by Alan Hale, put~ "The "The Cop" .. .. . ... ............. Granada him through a stiff course of training. Thursday, August 23 Pete's campaign against the gang of "Hot News" .. .... .............. Varsity crooks is considerably complicated by "The Cop" ... . ... . .... . ........ Granada the World" ............. .. Teatro his interest in its girl member, Mary "Telling "The Mysterious Lady" . .... . Norshore Mon~s, played by Jacqueline Logan. J'rlday, August 24 There is plenty of action at the close "Fools for Luck" ... . . Community House of the picture when Pete goes after "Telling the World" .. ... .... .. .. Teatro "The · Mysterious Lady" ..... . Norshore the gang in earnest to avenge the kill- "The Cop" ..................... Granada ing of his friend. The romantic ele- "Hot News" ........ ... ·.· ........ Varsity ment isn't overshadowed by the more violent affa_ irs and the way is cleared · BARRYMORE A DETECTIVE? very nice)~ .for a happy ·ending, with Can you imagine Lionel Barrymore Mary a policeman's bride instead of a a detective? That's what he is to be gangman's little pal. in a new picture called "Alias Jimmy Valentine." It is said that William Ken Maynard is on the desert mak- Haines will play the cracksman in the ing scenes for "The Phanton City." picture, and that it will be a 44 talkie." Bill-o-Fare will Commuaity Houae Will Show Oae of 'Famous Doa'· Pictures, "Riaty of the Desert," Nest Tuesday MARI<..S' DR..o.r "An appealing and unusual dog story with the one and only 'Rin-TinTin ' "is one critic'·s summary of "Rinty of -the Desert," coming to the Community House next Tuesday night, August 14. It is the story of a desertbred dog who seeks his lost mate in the city, a story which successfully avoids the customary setting for dog pictures. Rin-Tin-Tin's work can be described only in sputtering superlatives. The Community House will also show next Tuesday a scenic picture entitled ustory of Our National Parks," and a Paramoun ~ cartoon. "Fools for Luck," to be shown at the Community House next Friday, is a riot of fun from start to fin~sh, and the laughs are made more enjoyable by being woven into an interesting story that has its full quota of thrills as well as a dash of intriguing romance. The picture shows W. C. Fields as a silver tongued promoter who can make people scramble for the opportunity to turn over good money for worthless paper. Chester Conklin is shown as the leading cthzen of a small town and an expert with a pool cue. The . pool game is only one of the many extremely amusing incidents which liven this comedy. There is a scene where Conklin, thinking he is getting into bed with his wife,· climbs in with Fields. And Conklin is the last man in the world Fields wants to see. An Edward Everett Horton comedy, uBehind the Counter," is also on the Community House bill for next Friday. RUTH ETTING BACK SHERIDAN AT DEVON Chicago is always glad to welcome horne its young men and women who have made good on the stage or screen. This time it is Ruth Etting, singing star, who is appearing in the loop this week. Miss Etting is to play an important part in the forthcoming Zieg· feld Follies revue. ··Bot Reels" .... uaamoaa" MAKE PLAY INTO PICTURE "The Admirable Crichton" by Sir James Barrie is to be made into a movie, according to reports from Hollywood. It is stated that Richard Dix and Florence Vidor will play the leads. "Beut to Beut" uwATERFRONT" The famous San Francisco bay will _furnish , background for "Waterfront," a storr of the docks with Dorothy Mackalll and Jack Mulhall in the leading roles. "Patience" will be Belle Bennett's next starring vehicle. . Gary Cooper will be· featured next m an adaptation of "Wolf Song." "Telllag the World" "'l'ht>lr Port·lt> Jlomt>nt"LnurPI & Jlardle J>aranwunt :Xt·ws Saturday, August 2:i Fred Thom1u·on "Xewly\\·ed's Annh·ersory":St>l\' lyWf'd's ('omt·tly "sh .. rloc'k Holmt's"-Jo't'llx Cat Patht' Rnlrw, }'able.XEXT WEEK Roadhoutw, Jlot :Se,u, The ""ht>t>l of ( ' hancf', Bringing t'p Father. ··Kit Caraon" BIG FILM ATTRACTION "Kor kar len" T~e Strokt of Midnight at Winnetka Communitv House 62o Lincoln Ave., Winnetka Saturday, Aug. 18, at 8 P. M. Music and vocal numbers by a wdlknown soloist Coming Soon Tht' Stntot Angt>l. Sunrl!lr, XIng of Klngfol, Stf'antboot Bill Jr., l.dae Tlmt. Scenery _ from Stockholm Admission 50 Cents Children 2. 5 Cents I ·' ,. ~

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