Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1928, p. 50

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WILIIETTE LIFE EXPERT. YOUNG Aagust 17, 1928 CLOCKS BEPAffi£0 BY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ,._ -----· Not;,. Cla.uiAed a4ver1ilemuta .wm be cbatced CJDb' \.Jelln"~ ..,.. to raidents of tbe dUtrict from BvaDStoD to GLENCOE NEWS. Paul Dav~y, Jewerer-. u~ Wilmette Ave!Da~. Ph(')ne Wilme-tte &. Z3U4-tfc LOAllS Cti!lds ca]]ed f(.)r and delivered. hfJUSt:WfJTk. GtRL TO ASSIST WITH Prefer girl Jiving in Wfl· mf:ttf: Whf' can go home ntghts. Perman~nr.' place. Ph. Wil. 931-J. · 56IA7-ltc hr)uHI:Wf, rk, mu!it ~ g()()(} cook and undHtrta.nrl serving, no laundry. Ptl. \\til. r,:n ·.J. ~6L4.7-1tc C(J:\fPE'TENT ~fAID FOR GESERAL GJeDcoe IDdusrre- w-boee na.met~ appear m the ~oe- diftctory, or Who are· ncala.r .Rib!aiben to either WILMETTE LIFE, Wh~ TALK or ~traJ Ave... a Une fn Gille ~- Z5 c:eJlU a .l:iM In a.ny two papers. a tiDe In an three papen.. IDDIV. CBAJIGE it ce·u. Awnp of .We wvrda to the 1iDe.. No black taee type \JRd.. 1~ dbco1mt an cub with OTder actTenlteaJHI'· wileD bnMICbt to our omce at 1232 · ...,.. .- -- ·.a:Du 15 ce11ta Charles H. Breth old ltt and 2nd Koncacea Wilmette. &T SM Li:De&ID ATe-. Wbm~tka. 545 Ka1n St.. ~tte INSURANCE Tel 15 IOLlT-ttc WHITE GIRL, GEN. HS\VK., GOOD C()(Jk no laundry, perm. position, must llkf: ~: hlldrt:n. T el. Glencoe 1049. 56LT.S"7-ltc WANTED-2 WOli.E!'l, WHITE, SE'Tt!Nl , e;r;,ok, g~n. hswk.; nura4:, 2 children. Bert pay. Tel, Highland Park 4~47~ 56LT~4i-ltc . n--.o~·;... ~........ advel"tbe-ment.t ...W be aeto Wecmesday 5 o.'dock tor tbe WII..KETTE LIJ'E or an t.hne papen; Thunday 5 o'clock for tiM W'JNNE'!"'KA. TALK aDd Friday 5 o"dock for the GL.ENCUE SEWS. TeJ,ephoDes : Wilmette 4 or W'b'Jne-tka 2001. fot 1-......:.--__ Cta.uiAed '"'~· ._..,..~..---~ed up LADY WITH PRIVATE FUNDS wishes to make tint and second mortgages at very low commission. Straight or monthly payments. Phone WiL %108. 3~LTN46-4tp \YA~TED-~EAT, h swk. 187~. 'WHITE MA1D, GE~. Must llke children. Tel. Winn. 56LTN~7-ltc J'O& 8..U.1!-All'TOS YO& IA.LE-AUTOS MONEY TO LOAN McKENDRY REALTY CO. THE <GREAll [))EMANil)) FOR IE W Iffi UITCOCS HAB GREATLY I~ CREASED Ol~ STOCK OF Dodce ~ T on Panel Truck Dodce- :L.f. Ton Panel Truck Dodce ~. Too Panel Tnlck . . IH:.clce ~4 Ton Pane! Truck 2%5 Dodce % Tr.n Panel Trod; . . . . m Dod«e l Tr.n PaneJ Trnck . . . . . . . . i%S F (>nl ~ Ton Panel Trodt u;; Re() Dump lkldy _ 3~ Each On~ a P.eal Bay Bargains in Lsed Trucks \Vonderful v-alues OS FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates. quick, c:ourteoU.!, -xn.tldentlal aerrice. GIRL. EXP. , WlilTE, PROT. GEN. h srwk. Llkf: children, . tam. ot 4. Ph.. I !t5 au Onincton Ave., Evantton Unfv. 8383 Wlnn. t92. 5GLTN-f7-ltc 125 30LTN44-4tp GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. F.AlCLY OF . 165 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. ·ret Winn. 2ii89. 5GLTN47-ltc WASTED-SALESLADY. APPLY AT Patty Shop, 1153 Wllmette Ave. 56L47-ltc C. ~I. ~Ic DO · .,..~LD DODGE MOTOR CARS lfH!t Davis St., E-van..~on Wilmette 224 4LT:'i47-ltc WATCH REPAlRl:XG DO!'."E BY EX- .. SITUATIO~ WANTED-FEIA..LE BE SURE TO SEE THESE m-.-usuAL VALUES THAT -.K --.,.. LA iD --,.pert. Wa.tchs cleaned and adjusted. EXP-r:--n.IE'.··cED GER' .... ~~ WO' ..... u 0. ·""' _, ~!' A SEDA~. PURPaul Da'o-ey, Jeweler, 1165 WUmette ~:.o~. _, · ..u-"-..., ~, HAVE JUST BEES TR.ADcha.sd new 10 months agr.. In exAvenae. Phone Wilmette s. 43L3+-ttc desires position as housekeeper, or wilJ ED l:S OX THE NEW cellent cr,ndltion. Cnden>riced at $7i5. care for children evenings. Call lilY BLJ:CK. 1 YCP ..... "l'ACES VAClJUY CLEA~'"ED A.'\L> Helen Raabe , Central Hotel. Ph. Wil. lt21 Kaete:r Six 5--Pu& Bukk -" -" -" repaired. Al&) gas stoves cleaned and I 1080. 60LT47-ltp Coupe . . .. . . f1 ,4G4). 5L9 Da._"i.s St., Ew.n---ton t"niv. 21:!7 all kind .. ?! repairing. Phone .A. W . W A-'lTED _ BLANKETS CURTAlXS &: Very la.teat B1:Jtd[ Kode 47 Ka.ner Six 4LTi7-ltc o.. born , Wi lmette 1!136. th 1 d - k t d Will- - ' j f door Sectaa . . . fl.UO. =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 o er ann ry wor o o. o:u ln.t Kuter Six 4 dr. Sedan~ like ~-P.\SSE:XGE'R REO COf...-pE, IS EX- !iA lLl""'E B PLATP-iG \ and deL 886 Wlllow Rd. Ph. Wino. anr. Gold Seal Ga:ua.ntee, new eell.::r.t cr,ndltion. new Duct:>. new rob1!124. 60LTN34-tfc tins 1800. ~r a!'ld battery, $~.50. Prt._·ate ownH. SILVER PI:---\.Tl~G HAVE YOt"R ELDERLY L\DY DESIRES POSITIO~ lt2S ·'10'" . ChryslH Sedan . . . . . $730 153.5 E1mwo~ .-\.ve., Wilmette. gr~~ "'ld pt.c.L'....., r n w~~ ... 4L~47-ltp J·.,.~ d . ~"'"""' e e eu a t a r"'ason: a;, practical nurse or companion. U you w1D lea Ye your name aDd ----------------ah_le pn:::e. -~aul Da'lt:tY. Jew:elel", 116;) 1 r.u:- d home appreciated more than pboue n~ber and what atyle car WJln::.o::ttc .-\. ~cnuc. Phone Wtlmette 6. mr.n.-v Ph Wt ' ln::"-tte s·,) 60L·, -l p J'OU prefer, we wfll be Clad to RE:O ~EDAX, l!t:!n , GOOD C'OXDITtOX .t5A-L'H-ttc l . · . . ·"' ;).... , DOtity :roa when we cet .:>llf! fD.. hmughr:m ; 5 ~r)ljfi in~~. all acLIGHT COLOR ED WO:YAX i\-A~TS ~ ~5~.orito:~. Bargain. TeL Winn. 10~7. _.. LIBERAL TER.KS f;E~ERAL B£P.UR8 p.al:o:: in hom.:, cooking. X. S. ref. 4LT~ ·r;··l tp 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ·;t: . Drt:xd SfJ25. GOUi-ltp JEWELRY REPAIRl:XG A~"D REBOOKS m r;delmg by a cra!t.wman of rare abi- WAXTED-POSITIOX AS HOCSEiry. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wil- 1 keep.::r r;..r companion, good seamstress. WA.:s-T TO BCY l:~ED SET OF COliPrr...: te A t;-=nue. Phr, ne Wilmt: te 6. I Ph. W'lmt:ttt: o-... 60LTX4i-ltp r.tms and BnrJk.:ihip. Rea.srmable. Ph. 50L14-tfc Wllrnett>: ~li~l. 9L T'X-l7-ttc =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~-A.T. IXTELLIGE~T COL. MAID 1 o;;t'ar. .:: gen . hswk. Ph. Greenleaf 2541. WllfDOW 8JIA.Dil8 lttt DAVIS ST. EVA-~STON tl BnLDI~G A1fD CO:!'TJU.C'fHG ---------------60LT:S:-4";-ltp OPEN EVENINGS Garden &t Beach Umbrellu &~SUNDAYS Drapery Hardware illGH SCHOOL GIRL AS MOTI{ER'S CARPENTER AND GENERAL ~LTX-47-ltc Canopies Rented h t: lp.:- r. Ph. Wilmette 3304. CONTRACTOR 60LT4i-1tp A wnlng! &t Window Shad" o o ...n~J T'C) fl (f"Q- ; Cl SITCATIO~ W A~TED-li.A.LE 0 UDIOS ft HELP W A~TED-JIALE ii ----------------RADIO FOR SALE-TRYXA-~ 7(), WA~TEf>-PAIXTING lt. PLUMBING chas~.s with tubes, ne-ver been used, h ~~ Utul n ~rfect and reasonable. Ph. W inwork In f:XC ange for ~au '-"~Dnetka ll%!. -42LT!"H"':-ltc ~,1(: model P.adJo set, value up to $-450. Phr.~n(: for particulars, Winn.. 3142.. 57LTN47-ltc U UPA.I&I:.-G at JlEFDflSBI~G - a.-iD--U-------- F 'LCO'- 'IOTORS I I :\IID-SV:\1 )lER CL£_-\_ ·1:p IF Jf IHracker wn. GJ. BDE~t~G ALL C.ARS PPJCED TO SELL CUTrnlet &:dan Eaes CrJactle~ S!iO to Ford Cou~~ sl%~ tfi Stlldebake:r Big SL1: S<=:dan Pontiac C·)ach '25- Oakland Cr,a.~ h '%1 Oakland S-=dan '%4 Nuh Sedan '2S £Hex Coach '2S Foro Trock '%4 Studebaker Sedan ALL CARS RECOXDITIO ~TD Seree~rm Sam Qarac~PoTChee-Addftlou H C7) W1J. ~ oliJ)ll&lnl!Jll~. i EXP. · %~~:i:aAfm:J: j Waukegan Otftce 302 S. Genesee St. Waukegan 2087 Wilmew: 2955. 61L4i-ltc 51LTN%5-tfc 1 ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~ $350 ~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ ; u BOARD A~D ROOll $5~ ~.f LOT ..\~D FOC~D .----------------S~5 L.\RGE ROOli FOR 2 GEXTLE~. $!25 or.JG LrJST-D.ARK GP...A Y Pt:'P, lL\.LE. Available Sept. 1; with or without $1%5 lnng tail . carries ears erect- Reasonboard. Tel. Winn. 1286. 973 Willow. J!l.)() able reward. Ph. Wilmette 3llj. 63LT41-Uc 55L47-ltc FOB BENT-BOOliS Ha'lt-e your ~hrub and Ptrennial b"':d~ LOST-WlRE-H.J\.IRED FOX TERRIER 1016 Chlcagr.~ Ave. L'nl·;.-ermty 5!1 cleaned out and edged. Reward_ R. G. l!cKay, 823 Chestnut F1."RX!SHED ROO.ll FOR 2 ADULTS 4J,.T~47-ltc Tran.spla.nt any pel"ennia.ls not in he A\·.::.. Ph. Wilmette 2595. 55L47-ltc emplr lo-.ed: light and pleasant· not and proper location. col~ running water; garage' space if lt%7 BABY P..E:SALLT SPORT PH..-\E- Plan what shrubs and tnE:s you need .tC HELP W A~TED-FEXALE de-lrHi. Phone WH. 776-M. 66L35-tfp ton.. Complete equipment lndu. g df.!tk and where to plant them_ .----------------whee~ ; car painted canary yellow. Trim t:reu and ~throbs. ~-(J:\.tAX OF GOOD STA~"DIXG WHO THP..EE ROOY A~"D BATH HSKPG. . Thb! car brr. . ught ov r !mm ·Fran~ S apartment o r attracth·e room for busi· knrJws Wilmette with home phone, to moe. ago. Wonderful car ! or boy or Put 5ubsurtace watering in frJr your nt:ss man, Ea.Et side residence near all "P-':nd a few hours dail:y·. arranging tr~.s. 11.11 attending !!Cb()()t transp. Ref.s. Ph. Wil. 20~. SSL~i-ltp f·-J r app<"Jintment.s in the introduction Put blade soil over lawn and it wi 1 bf: ~·d. !_':~ial dec0rative a . r t !urnfture for Pier~-A.rr,)w i-Pas.. touring-an ideal ready ! o r seEd in Spring. the h0me. ~ o solicit.ing 0r selling re- 3 ~-mY-DECORATED ROOMS FOR ear tr_.r !lf'"JIJ:ef"me dl':!'lring a car for light housekeeping, partly furnish~ if 'lTlired. Addre - ~ Lif~: A.-101. Ya.cation PUrtY. to~. Priced right and desired. Ph. 'Wilmette 968-M. 51).!Ai-ltp tn exc llent conditi4')n. 66LT47-ltc L..o\.XDSC.APE COt:~SELORS I W.\~TED-GIRL OR W OliAX FOR A.ro-.~ CO~T'R.. -\C'TORS . tr:·rt:: work. Ste~dy pMition and goc...d CO:\.IFORT ABLE R~I. V. BLK. TO Greenlea! 2930 ' wag.::-:: o r)ne willing t0 work. Apply ~016 Central S~transp. 'i22 Elm St., 3rd floo r. 1 :!fiLT."f;'-ltc in p..:r::-·in. Th"= Wll~on Bakery, 116:! S-i8 Llncoln Ave. Ph. Wtnn. 3~% 66LTX4i -1tp ~~-~~---~---~~~-----~---~·~~-~-~--~ 1 \Vilm~tt: Av~. WiL 36L~~i-ttc PLE..-\.SA... 'lT ROO:.\I. ME..\LS IF DE· ~ WA~ "TED-.-\BOCT AL'G. :!:JTH. WHITE sired. 1023 :Yain St. Ph. Wil. 6:!1. ~.,... s::rirl ftir g.::nr:ral hrJU!.';ework, ~ in fam.. 66L4i-ltp ily, M ~ma.ll children. U ~. Ph. WilThis Oftict wiiJ 3CCtpt classifitd adVtrtUing tO be rOD l rr.<'-tt"' 1;' ' 7. :lfi LTX~"':-ltc FROXT ROOl! FOR REXT, GEXTLErnan pfd. TeL Winn. 2669. in THE EvANSTON REVIEW, rtacbing 1' 6. 000 famiWH[TE :\.LUD F OR GEXER..-\.L HOUSE66LT~H-tfc wr:.rk. :!3! liaple Hill Rd. Ph.. Glen lia.in Evanston. REVIEw copy mo.n be in by 5 p. m. cr,o:: :!n. ii6LT~·H·-ltc PLE.ASA.:s-T ROOM FOR 1 R 2 ADULTS, on TotSday. 731 lOth St., Wll. 66LTH-2tp WHTTE GIRL FOR G~~A.L HOUSE wnrk. 4 in family, adult!. Ph.. WiL FOR RE::ST LARGE, PLEASANT ::!4::!6. 56LT47-1tp front room. Wilmette 3206. 66IA7-ltp $!.!10 Ul5 s150 17~2 mpland Ave., E:Qert Cabtnet Work. Ph. Wll. 111C HOl"SE A.'\"D YARD MA.~. COL.; perm. ; for ref. call Winn. 287. 61LTXt"; -ltp · 11LTN24-tte !(· l."~t}. Si70 a.5 chauffeur and gardener~ - 'VllTE A:YERICAX Ph. EXP. $295 . !t IL ~ ~·\! m1 W'/ rc r: ~ Lake Shore .-\uto ales .n~ ----------------1 [))~ N~~~r " aaa Waat A.d lD Bvaaatoa, too I I Telrpbone Wilmette 43GO or Winnetka 2000

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