Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1928, p. 52

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WILMETTE LIFE ' WTD. TO BENT-HOU,SES 104 August EXCHANGE 17; 1928 ClaSsified I FOB 8ALE-BOU8E8 , 81 Advertisetnents (Continued from Page FOR SALE-IIOUSES 51) WINNETKA BARG ..~IN $2S,<XX> ~oM oJJ@lhum~tt(Q)liD&CC<O>o WILMETTE FAMILY MOVING TO country heme, offers a very attractive 6-room Kelastone- bungalow for sale. Hot water heat, lot 50x200, well wooded. 2-car garage. Bargain at $15,500, termR I WE · HAVE CLIENTS FOR HOUSES to rent furnished and unfurnished, for immediate or fall occupancy. List your property with us for quick action. tt::'1 TO) Pfr'OlL ..(Q>_ ~ Jf' o Wo llllll@mnlU ~ ~©o 743 Elm St. Winnetka 2850 89LTN47-ltc FOR EXCHANGE-NORTH YOUR OPPORTUNITY to obtain an lncome-b,earlng property .in exchange for your bungalow or small home. Owner of R. P. three-flat will trade his equity lri modern bldg., · best location with "L" transp., nr. lake, showing good return, for small home or bungalow in Evanston or Wilm~tte. ·wm take back 2nd mtg. Call Visk, Cochran & McCluer Co., 4613 Lincoln Ave. Long Beach 7890. 104L47-ltc APTS. 8 RM. DUTCH COL.-LIV. RM. 13x25, 340 Linden Ave. Wilmette 68 fireplace and book cases, large heated 77L47-ltc aun pch .· spacious kitchen and pantry, muter bednn. 13x26, and 2 other cheerful rma., sleeping pch & 1 bath 2nd ftr. 2 nice nns. and bath 3rd fir. House weather stripped, Pittsburgh tnst. beater, 2-car garage, over %. acre, conveni- KENILWORTH AND INDIAN HILL. ent to schools and transp. East side, $18,000 to $47,500, all within 3 blocks for appointment call of excellent transportation. 6 to 9 rooms each, 3 to 5 bedrooms, 1 to 3 tiled wall baths. Attached and detached garages. Landscaped . lots. Terms to suit. WINNETKA 1544 77L47-ltc SUMP4ER CLASSES END BY LISTING IT WITH THIS OFFICE. Northweatera'a · MidJ'ear SeuioD Has we have many requests for houses of I~ Laraeat Atteaclaace good character and location. --TO) o Summer classes at Northwestern uniJQ) ~lllf(Q!~ ~lflfil®lf p rffi~o versity which this year have seen the largest enrollment ever have reached FOUNDED 1855 Heal Estate, Mortgages, Investments, th.eir close this week in most of the schools. Final examinations are be Property Managers, Renting 528 Davis Street Gt·eenleaf 1855 ing held, starting Thursday, in the col 89LTN47-ltc lege of liberal arts, the graduate ~choo and the school of education, commerce 99 ANTIQUES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and journalism, and will be completed by Saturday. Music and Speech schools are al Have a new cons ignment of Antiques. Very large collection of furniture and ready closed and the McKinlock campus classes will be finished shortly old colored glass, etc. 808 WASHINGTON ST. Attendance, ·according to the lates 1 Block South of Main St. figures complied in the office of Dr EVANSTON 99LTN47-ltc Clyde L. Grose, director of the sum mer session, reached 2,362 during this ANTIQUE PIRATE TREASURE session, which is approximately an in " hest 36x18x 1S. Sturdily constructed, crease of 200 over last year. Allowing hand-hammered steel 8-latch lock. Just for duplication of registrations, that is the finishiJIK' tou(·h for your Spanish ()r French room. Valued at $1,500. in more than one school, and for with :;acrifice fnr $600. 4505 l-ferrimac Ave., drawals, the net attendance was 2,252 Chicago. Ph. Penl>acpla 2264. How greatly the · graduate schoo 99LTN47-ltp work has been increasing is shown by survey of the attendance records for ANTIQUE SALE STAl{TlXG AUG. 10, the past few years. In 1921 the at 4!l0 New Yorl< St., Aurol'a. Early Am. tenrlance was 115 and in succeeding bun·au, many other choice piecei'. 99LTN47-ltp years, 142, 182, 194, 250, 249 and 315 This year it reached a high mark o ANTIQUE SALE STARTING AUG. 10, 341. "This is significant of the pres 4~0 New York St., Aurora. Early Am. sure put upon teachers by state and bureau, many other· choice pieces. local boards to advance themselves to ,ll1Q)_W ll WINNETKA 1177 WIJmette A\·e. Wilmette 273 EAST LOCATION, 2 BLOCKS TO LAKE, 77L47-ltc largt> wooded lot. 8 room English tape-~try brick, unusually large living and dining rooms, breakfast room, butler's pantry, lavatory, large screened porch with aw11ings. House beautifully decorated on canvas walls. Imported FINE BHICK AND STUCCO I:ESlD. ftxtur·p~ and hardware. Oil burner, Splendid condition, 9 rmK, a baths, 2 l"rigidair4:'. l-ear heated garage. This !-ilp. pchs., oil heat, 75 ft. frontage. 3 is a b~a utiful home in a lovely locablocks fmm tmnsp. Priced \'ery low tion at Ut ,000. H.ea):onable terms can ;:~ t $32,500 on ea~y terms. be arrangt:tl. 666 Ct-nter Speciai ·A ntique Sale Crosby & lVlcKendry ~t. Winnetka 2032 77J. . Tl'\47-ltc Hfl Elm St. IHI©Jk&IID~@Iffi & JJ®Iffilk\~ \\·innt-tl<a DEEH.l:<.,IELD Winn. 1617 i7LTN-l7-ltc Liv?E IN DEERFIELD NF.\V FHA)IE HOUSE, 5 HOOl\IS AND WE OFFER I Al\J OFL<'EHJXG FOR SAL!':; l\1¥ H.E- poreh, built in tub and showt>r, e-xtra ttdlet in bft!-lement. Hot water heat, fireplace, oak floors throughout, gumwood tr·im. Entire house i::; insulated with balsam wool. Lot is 5fix150, ea!':t frontage and landscaped. Only three blocks to the station. Jnspe<.'lion will nveal this is an exeeptionally good buy for $12,500. Terms. ~un CF-ntly completed 5-room house with large sun room. Tile bath equipped with !-<hower. Living room is 121hx21, with fireplace and built-in bookcases. Oak floors and gumwood t1·im thr·oughout. 5 lat·ge closets. Hot water heat, latmdry tubs. Balsam wool insulation. Com·enient terms. John L. Vetter, own~r. Deerfield, Ill. 77LTN47-ltc .ft'OR SA LE-VAC ,\NT \ANT & SELIG REALTORS N. , "·aukegan Rd. Deerfield, Ill. 77LTN47-lt<: Exceptionally Choice THE ONLY VACANT ON THE SHORE with this beautiful outlook over park and lake.· Size 81x171. Well wooded GLENCOE HOUSE and surrounded by the most pretentious 7 HOOl\1 BHICK VENEER, COLONIAL hom e~ in the village. This J>r!.>per·ty i~ design, 3 baths and extra lavatory, on part of an estate and must be sold. heavily wooded lot 73x200; ~ot watet· Price i~ ri$ht. heat, 2-car garage, three blocks from · E. Stults Realty Co. station and shopping center in exclusive Glencoe residential neighbot·- 1108 DaYis St. University 8080 hoorl. A steal at $32,500 with only 78L47-ltc $5,000 cash down. · See E. Northbrook Realty Cotnpany SHERMER AVE. AT WAUKEGAN RD., NORTHBHOOK, ILLINOIS Or phone . Northbrook 181 ; Northbrook 156; Glencoe 1486 for inspection 77LTN47-ltc OWNER OF 300 FEET ON PRIVATE driveway in beautiful section of Winnetka plans to build home and to acceptable purchaser will sell 125 feet or more to be restricted to one house, or w111 sell lot and contract to build home at a considerable saving, according to your own designs, to cost not less than $20,000. Footage from $105.00 to $120.00 ~er foot, depending upon whiGh piece A REAL BUY Is selected. Address Winnetka Talk A-98. IN WILMETTE NEAR TRANSPORTA78LTN46-2tc tlon we offer a large 7 room stucco home having t bedrooms on 2nd floor, ACREAGE & ESTATES billiard room on 3rd floor; sleeping 48 LIVING ROOM FURNITURE IN porch and sun porch. Lot 75x184 with - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FINE excellent condition, for sale at reasonabundance of shrubs. Lot worth NEAR INDIAN HILL ESTATES. 1 TO able price. Phone Glencoe 64. . $12,000. This property must be sold, 15 A. tracts. 1 or 2 A. in Northbrook, 100LTN47-l.t p asking $22,000. Want offer. Terms to with· 6 rm. bungalow. Easy terms, or suiL · will rent. Write Wilmette Life A-110. ·. 79LTN47-ltp 100-LB. BOHN ICE BOX, $15; DOUBLE ----------------brass bed, $10; floor lamp, $5 ; small 1 ACRE LOT ON HAPP RD. JUST rocker, $2. Tel. Glencoe 1429. west of Winn., 5 blks. from Northfield 100LTN47-ltc 11 q~J Davis St. University 8080 station or N. S. Gas & elec. ln. Terms. 77L47-lte Tel. Morton Grove 153 before 7 P. M. ttl WTD. TO BUY- HSEHLD. GOODS 79LTN47-1tp higher degrees," states Dr. Grose . Every college in the university showed an increase this year. Follow ing are the enrollments: liberal arts 537 ,· graduate school, 341 ·, education 97; law, 110; music; 426; Evanston commerce, 104; Chica~ commerce, 316 journalism, 23; speech, 234; medical 120; dental, 40; engineering, 14 (only WICKER PORCH FURNITURE, IN- one course given). cluding swing, chairs & table; gas stove with Lorain regulator; refrigerator; bed & dresser: fireplace screen & coal Mr. and Mrs. George Balrlwin and basket. Tel. Glencoe 971 mornings. 100LT47-ltp daughter Marion of 1117 Greenleaf avenue and thejr guest, H. F. Parker $200 STOVE WITH \\<"ILCOLATOR have motored to Gun Lake, Mich. to oven control, $65. Solid mahogany c;pend the week- t!nd. Colonial dresser, $40. 4-post bed and -0other furniture. \Vii. 2871. 100L47-ltc Mrs. ]. A. Bqrritl of 812 Greenwood FOR SALE-COMPLETE FURNISHING avenue left Tuesdav of this week for of fine home, very new and complete. Grand Rapids, Mich. where she will Will sell separately. · Ph. Winn. 1460. ·spe~d several days visiting her sister. 100LTN47-ltp SALE-HSEHLU. GDS. ----------------· HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE, tn<·luding antique t\vin walnut bedH 100 years old. Also piano player. Shown mornings and even ings. 1008 Greenleaf Ave., Wilmette, III., 1st floor. Ph. Wilmette 3030. IOOLTN43-tfc 100 }~OR 99 ~~~~~~ -=~~~~~~ ~L4~S~·~lt~p -o- Dan Burrill. son of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Burrill, is_ leaving today for Evart, Mich:· where he will spend the remain der . of the summer. ... ... Mrs. R. N. Baker of 518 W~shington avenue, entertained at luncheon and two tables of bridge on Friday of last week. ,. --o- . ·-oMr. and Mrs. Howard E. Preston and . daughter Caroline· and son Dick, ar~ 'Spending two weeks' vacation at Tomabawk Lake, Wis. OVER 1-3 ACRE, 96 FOOT FRONTAGE, St SU:MMEB BESOBTS beautifully landscaped and an abund- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ance of priceless large oaks ; close to W A UNITA HOT SPRINGS an schools and transportation on quiet GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. street; very exclusive. 7 rooms, 2 baths, Hotel $S per d&J', American. Cottages for breakfast J)Orch, screened open porch. IIcht housekeeping, $36 per mo. Swim· Oil burner, 2-car garage. Can be mlncf golf, pool, rldln" hones, tennis, bought under $30,000. Very reasonable dane nl', picnics, ftsblng and hlktng. cash payment. Terms. L. P. Stitzer, Mgr. S!LTN 33·l4tp Crosby McKendry' WTD. TO BENT-HOUSES 81 666 Center St. Winnetka 2032 77LTNt7-ltc W .\ NTED TO RENT-WITH OPTION · 0 purchase, hse. in good cond. ; 3 or t bedrms., 2 baths; desirable restGLENCOE 6 RM. HOME, 3 BEDRMS.; dentlal district. Address Talk A-111. H. W. heat, lot 70x!6f, gar. $15,000. 89LT47 1t Owner leavlnl' city. 385 Milton Ave. · P .. Ph. Glencoe 889. 77LTN47-ltc S_M_A_L_L_5-O-R-6-R-M-._H_O_U_S_E_O_N_N_O_R_T_H JUNIOR ESTATE ~ - ~~~~ - . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND furniture · and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furnlture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc ·-o-- & ·'1 RK. HOUSE, GARAGE, BEAUTIFUL prden, near ecbools A transp. $15,000, terms, no broker8. Wil. 158!. 77L47-ltc 101 FOR SALE-Mit;C. Mr. and Mrs. ]. · P. Warble of 1315 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Central avenue, are motoring to Y el FOR · SALE-LADIES' RIDING HABIT and black riding boots, copper perco- lowston~ Park to be gone until school opens. ·· lator set, electric chafing dish complete, -onever been used. Ph. Wilmette 713-M. 102LTN47-ltc M rs. Edward CQ.nnelly of 716 Lake avenue, has just returned from a 111 , WANTED TO BUY-MISC. month's visit at the James Craig sum WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, mer home in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. -o10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave.~ Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp Mr. Harvev A. CraiR" and two sons, Shore, near schools and transp. Ph. James and Norman, of 716 Lake aveBeverly 0728 or Winn. 3067. DOG KENNEL IN GOOD CONDITION. nue. are on a fishing trip in northern 89L47-1tp Ph. Winn. 290. 103LTN47-1tc Michigan.

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