Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1928, p. 28

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28 . ' WILMETTE LIFE August . 24, 1928 · Lake Shore Clubs ·carry Activities to SeasonS Close Skokie Club to Heat . Y acbt Clubs, &acb Two Midsummer Brides Clubs Come to End Lyric Voice, Cellist of Season's Parties L----------~-----------at Fourth Musicale The season of yacht club activities A 'program of unsual interest has and beach club play days is about been arranged for the fourth Sunday over. There wilt be many nice days afternoon musicale, ~pich will l:.r in September and October, but the · given at 4:30 o'clock Sunday, at the weather wiJI not be' dependable. Cold davs discourage the parties by the Skokie Country club. Miss Helen lakeside, for there is no colder place Hedges, lyric ~opranq, and Richard than the lake shore on a cold day. Wagner 'cellist, !}ave selected numThe Sheridan Shore Yacht club bers. th~t have proven popular with stage4 an exciting race last Saturday just. such informal audiences as those ' between the wives and friends of :ts at Skokie. Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt members. Boats were borrowed for will accompany Miss Hedge$ at the the afternoon and the women were piano, and Charles Lurvey will accomth~ sailors. pany Mr. Wagner. Mrs. Earl de Moe won the race sailMiss Hedges studied in Chicago uning her husband's boat, "Dream Star." der Mary Peck Thompson and RichMrs. }. Corcoran sailed Com~qdore ard Hageman, and in Paris ~nder An Harold Elliott's boat, "Carol," taking dre Balbis. In Vichy, France, she second place. The third place was worked with Jean Dereske. She has won by Mrs. Wesley Bowman sailing appeared as soloist with the Detroit the "Stork," belonging to her brother, Symphony orchestra, the Mendelssohn Dr. Charles E. Galloway. Prizes were club, the Marshall Field chorus, and given to first and second place and a other leading musical groups. Mr. consolation prize to the last boat finWagner i~ the son of the note? :c~ll ishjng. ist, Franz Wagner, and before JOtmng the Chicago Sympho_ ny orchestra he Duri_ ng the afternoon, the guests was a member of the Minneapolis who were not sailing boats played Photo by Ray Symphony orchestra. He is also a bridge. The next bridi{e party will be Mra. E. H. Ber1luDd member Q{ the Gordon string quartet. Sat1,1_ rday afternoon, September 1. Two Miss Elizabeth ] eanne Curll beThe program Sunday will be as foldances are being .planned for the end lows.: of the month, one for this Saturday came the bride of Edmund Harry Berglund, August 11, in the home I night and on~ for the Saturday of Sepof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HerAndante, Third Concerto .... Goltermann tember l. Concert Polonaise ................ Popper bert Kifer Curlt of Wilmette. Mr. The Buccaneers' club, which finds · Mr. Wagner Berglund is the son of Mr. and Mrs. its home in the fampus "Port of MissII Henry ]. Berglund of Glencoe. Mr. ing Men," has .d one very little this Cantares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turina and Mrs. E. H. Berglund will reyear in the way of organized club soBeautiful, Art Thou My Love ...... Hyde Swans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kramer ial a~tivities. A large dance was side at 1710 Atkinson avenue, MilPhoto by DuBois Zueignung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strauss given early this month, but no others waukee. Mra. Philip A. May Las Locas por Amor ..... . . . ...... Turina have been planned for the rest of the Miss Hedges season. III . Miss Leah Kinne Plans Miss Mary O,Connor Instead, the activities that have been Arlette Oubliee . . ............... Debussy Minuet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rameau carried on are the many individual Wedding to E. A. Robson Weds Philip A. May EJegie .. . .......... ·. . . . . . . . Bran~oukoss parties given by the club members. Miss Leah Mildred Kinne, daughter Attired in an ivory satin dres5 Gavotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perrin The speed boats and sail boats have of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Kinne, 1324 Mr. Wagner been sailed in many informal races and Elmwood avenue, ha-5 chosen 8 :30 trimmed in lace from her grandmothIV the club has been the point .Qf depar- o'clock, September 15, at the Wil- er's wedding dress, Miss Mary Louise \t KamaUura . ..... . .... .. ..... . . . Dyer ture for many short cruises about the mette Methodist church as the time O'Connor was married Thursday night., Transformation . . ...... . . . . . ·..... Watts lake. The club has also been a favorite and place of her wedding to Edwin August 16, to Philip Arthur May in Ben Song, "Lakme" ......... . .. Delibes Miss Hedges place 't o hold swimming parties during A. Robson. Mr. Robson is the son St. Mary's church, Evanston. the hot summer. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. Robson Last Monday night Mr. and Mrs. of 6551 Laflin street, Chicago. The The bride is the daughter of Mr. Mi$s Edith Whitehill Godfrev Atkin of Indian Hill road, Rev. Horace G. Smith will perform and Mrs. John P. O'Conn.or of 718 Attends Final Affairs Winnetka, gave a party for Mrs. Ed- the ceremony. Elmwood 4_ven~e, Wilmette, and the Miss Edith B. Whitehill, daughter of ward Isom, a former resident of WinMiss Kinne has chosen her sister, netka who is now the houseguest of Miss Ruth Verle Kinne to be her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Whitehill of 719 Mrs. Robert Laird of Ridge avenue, maid of honor. Her bridesmaids will Philip E. May of 562 · Sherid.a n square, Tenth street, will become the bride of Edward Mayland Challinor, son of Mr. Winnetka. be Miss Dorothy Fuller and Miss Evanston. Her dress was in the popThe Club Vista del Lago is having Beatrice Pence of Wilmette, Mrs. ular style of uneven hemt.ines, and and Mrs. E. S. Chatlinor of 933 Elmwood street at 8 :30 o'clock tonight in its usual numbtr of members enter- Donald G. Healey and Mrs. Kenneth taining there. One party of interest Gordon of Chicago, and Miss Lydia old lace was used to make a cape-like the home of the bride's par..ents. Among bertha. Her veil was of tulle held to the parties recently given for the ~as given by Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Far- Sprenger of Kenilworth. bride is a personal shower given last ley oi 870 Bryant avenue, Winnetka. The best man . will be Kenneth S. her head with a coronet of real lace Saturday by Miss Miriam Whitehill, Forty guests w~re entertained at dinner on Tuesday night, August 14, f0r Gordon, and the ushers chosen will brought from Europe last spring by sister of the bride, and Miss Geraldine Mrs. Mrs. Farley's parents, Mr. and be Donald G. Healey, William Gil- the b.rige's mother. Her bouquet was Watts of 915 Chestnut avenue. The party was given in -the Watts' home. Mrs. Aaron Sydney Putney of Wau- lespie, Daniel T. Nagle, and Bernard of orchids and valley lilies. Wednesday night, August 22, Mrs. k~sha, Wis. The celebration was oc- S. Black. A reception will be held Miss Alice Slatt~ry of Chicago was Chatlinor, mother of the bridegroom, casiotled by the Putney's fiftieth wed- at Westmoreland Country club after the maid of honor and wore a dress gave a linen shower for the bride. Last the ceremony. ding anniversary. Two sons, Roy N. cut in the period style of orchid taf- night, a dinner for the bridal party Many parties have been given for feta and chiffon. She wore a Juliet cap Putnev of Waukesha and ~aron Syd· h Wh' h'll' h · d an old - f as h" tte 1 s orne. Miss Kinne beginning . with a party ney Putney, }_r. of Chicago were o f t u 11 e an d carne tone d was gtven at t e among the guests held early this summer by Mrs. Har- bouquet of flowers. Miss Margaret . vey Cole, formerly a resident of Wil- Spear of Evanston, dressed in a sim- Announce Marriage mette who has moved to Oklahoma. ilar costume in pink; Miss Dorothea A t h b ·Garden Enthusiasts Take She gave the party before leaving for Garvey of Chicago, in green; and h nnou~cemen J als 28eenf MmadeV.of Part in Other Exhibits her new home. On August 11 a per- Miss Grace Boyle of Chicago, in t. e. marrtage on u Y o rs. tr- gmta Vose of ~1 .C~ntral . avenue .to North Shore garden clubs are taking sonal shower was given by Miss peach were the bridesmaids ' · Charles W. Bratthwatte of Monrovta, part in som~ of the flower shows being Genevieve Cook in her home at 211 The best man was Dean Dodson of Cat. Mr. Braithwaite was a former held in near-by towns at this time. Broadway. Mrs. Hubert Sargent of One show is scheduled for August 29, Chicago entertained Tuesday night Chicago. 1he ush~rs were. ·W~Iter Wilmette resident. After the wedding, in Deerfield, Ill., by th~ Garden club with a bridge, and on last Saturday May, 'Edwm Berwtck, Curtis Gtbbs, Mr. and Mrs. Braithwaite took a short of Deerfield : and another show is to Mrs. Healy and Mrs. Gordon enter- John O'Co~nor, and .Theodore Streh- motor trip through northern Wisconbe on August 28, a~ Flossmoor, Itt. tained at the Dental Arts club of low. The Rev. Francts }. Magner read sin and then left for California They The Garden dub at Gurnee, near Lake Chicago with a luncheon and bridge. the_servi~e. LeR~y Wetz~l, director of are stopQing at Banff an·d take ·Louise the Pauhst ch01r of Cht.cago, played on their way. Bluff, had its flower show on W ednesMiss Frances Kendall will entertain the wedding march and the organ muday, August 22. next Wednesday afternoon in her sic during the s~rvice. home in Chicago. Miss Beatrice and Following the cer~q~ony, Mr. and Announce Engagement The North Shore group of the Miss Marjorie Pence witt entertain at Gamma Phi Beta Alumnae, met at the their home, 826 Forest avenue, Wil- Mrs. O'Connor received for the young Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hannah 256 home of Mrs. David T. Sanders of mette, with a luncheon on September couple at their residence in Wilmette. Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, an717 Virginia av~nue, Kenilworth, for 1. Mrs. Rohson wilt entertain with Mr. and Mrs. May wilt be at home nounce the engagement of their daughluncheon and bridg~ on Monday after- a oarty on September 6, and Miss aftet September 6 in Evanston. They ter, Elizabeth, to Mr. Louis B. Roeser l.eft after the reception for a motor of Boston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis noon. Fuller wilt entertain September 10. trip through Canada and the east. Roeser of New York City. I rI I

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