WILMETT .E LIFE , August 24, 1928 ~acqu,erint Buyer of Nash Won't of Body ~~di~:.es their fitness .for use on car New and Vigorous Policy Wait for Delivery; Important Feature "Before entering th~ lacquering 4eGives Pierce-Arrow Boom · · · partment, every body ts smoothed wtth A · d · 1 1' · Takes a "Floor" Car ·n Bu·JJ mounted on flexible augurated new an vtgorous es po acy · · .·. ng Dodge· abrasive wheels recently hassaresulted inma shafts and washed with a volatile solvent which removes all oil and grease. The body is then conveyed through an oven which evaporates all traces of the solvent. To complete the cleaning, the bod..r is washed with an acid solution, rinsed with water and again oven dried. "Next the body is sprayed with a priming of red oxide which is baked on. Three coats of sand surfacer are applied, and each is dried in an oven temperature of 170 degrees. The body is then rubbed down with fine sandpaper. After being washed, driea and inspected, the sanded body is given 'three doubte coats of lacqti'er, each of which is dried by oven. After the third coat, the edges separating the colon are stra.ightened by hand brushing. The body is then rubbed down That lacquering processes on ,automobile bodies have kept pace with the car's mechanical improvements is evidenced by the care in ·selecting and applying lacquers, according to c~ Miles McDonald, Evanston and Wilmette dealer for Dodge cars. "No color is scheduled to enter production until it is thoroughly tested to withstand all kinds of weather conditions," said Mr. McDonald. "Sample colors are painted on slides fitted in a revolving wheel that turns continually, first 'e xposing the lacquers to a violet ray and next dipping them into a water trough, intensifying many times the atmospheric conditions a car encounters. The degree in which th~ colors break down under this test de- pronounced ex pans i 0 n of sales One of t 1e annoying things for thE throughout the country, according to purchaser uf an automobile is, to wait James G. Barber of Eva~ston, North for delivery, but "everything comes to · Shore dealer of Pierce Arrow. him who wait~" seems to be the optimistic attitude of north shore residents "Sales of our new Series 81 line of want to drive a Nash car of , the who cars have trippled and quadrupled in practically all of the important cen- "400" series. Woolley and Sp'r inger of ters throughout the United States," the North Suburban Nash c;,ompany of said Mr. Barber. "We are so con- Winnetka report that orders still confident that this expansion is permanent, tinue to come in, although delivery we are ordering large additional qua·n t- cannot be guaranteed· at any specified ities of materials for Series 81 pro- time. The sale5room of the Winnetka duction. company is ample evidence that it is with wet sandpaper to make the sur- hard for an unpurchased Nash "400" face absolutely smooth, after which it to remain that way. A week ago there is washed and inspected again. A mist were three shiny Na5h's on the floor. of luster coat fluid is then sprayed on Now there are only two and the salesto cover minute scratches on the lac- room presents a vacant aspect. Mr. Springer explained that the car, a four quered surface. door Sedan disappeared when a customer, weary of waiting for deliv~ry, took it away. One of the features of the new Nash which is being stressed is ease of riding, and in this connection a little ~tory is told. A north shore realtor who has two cars, one a Nash four years old and the other a high priced "eight," thought he"d like to try out the new "400." He was given the opportunity and the result was somewhat startling. He might have traded in the old Nash for one of the new models, but he didn't do that. He sold the high priced car and has an order for one of the "400" series. "That ought to convince anyone that the new Nash is -an easy rider" remarked Mr. Springer. When cars are parked and space is limited, the considerate motorist will give thought to those who will come after him, and will not park carelessly, so as to waste space. Delivered Prices · ID Wilmette to · · ············ 3 Seriu-16 Enclosed Models-4 Wheelbase Lengtlu Nothing more to buy! Fully Equipped Including Spare · Tire SEIBERLING ALL-TREADS are the tires you will buy if you just want to ride for miles and miles and miles and miles. · SUBURBAN NASH SALES Phone Winnetka 2707 547 Lincoln Avenue MARGERUM'S TIRE SHOP 60 5 Main Street WINNETKA ···· ··········