Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1928, p. 39

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Au~us~ 24, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE . grease is forced out through the be given off. This nalurally finds its WIDE mGHWAYS CALLED the protecting washer and onto the drive way out of the exhaust pipe. , From that poi'nt it is throwr, We . SAFEST FOR MOTORISTS shaft. . the b_ottom of the car by the, A couple of pounds of tire underwhtrhng dnve shaft-which is bad. It inflation will result in somewhat harder ov~r Recoliriz~ · ,· · * Presidellt Hayes of Chicago Motor Club · Shows Faults of Narrow Roacla The slogan, "Wider Highways are Safer Highways," is finding much favor· amone motorists who h.~ve occasion to negotiate the present system of narrow road~ prevailing throughout the country, according to Charles M. Hayes, of Winnetka, President of the Chicago Motor Club, and ch<tirman of the National Wider Highways Committee of the American Automobile association. "Congestion is one of the greatest contributing causes to automobile accidents," say~ Mr. Hayes. "Narrow roads .can carry only two lanes of traffic. If there is a stop light where the road leads through a village, the flashing of the red light will back traffic up for miles on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. A slow-moving vehicle, whether it is a truck or someone 'breaking in' a new car, can hold up traffic for miles, causing great delay and irritation. "Anv driver wishing to pass another car must turn out into the path of vehicles coming from the opposite direction, and this is the cause of many seriou.; and fatal accidents. This is all dangerous, it is costly, it is neryeracking, f!_nd it is unnecessary. Incr~asing density of motor traffic is causing the COJ1SVUCtion of wider highways in all parts of the country. This is particularly true of main routes tapping metropolitan areas. Ex(lmples are the Bayshore Highway section being constructed by San ~rancisco within the city limits to a width of 125-feet with a 100-foot paved roadway: the Bayshore High way down the Peninsula with a 120foot right-of-way, now being graded to 60-feet width with a present paved portion of 40-feet; the recently . realigned section of the main coast route south from San Francico with an overall width of 80-feet, comisting of two 30-foot pavements with provision for 10-feet additional on each side; the 100-foot wide Great Highway in San Francisco, consisting of two 50foot sections; and the extension of Juniper Serra boulevard in the city at ·a 100-foot paved width. . ., The state of Michigan has an-avenue in Wayne county with a '204-foot righ~ of-wav for 16 miles between DetrOit and Pontiac. It con5ists of two 44.foot pavements separated by an electric railway. may work its way up into the lining steering, and, what is more important, of your parking brake, which is much e~en the small deficiency shortens the life of your tires. Check pressures worse. weekly and they will be in . shape for heavy driving. Don't worry if a few drops of water are blown out of the exhaust pipes 'as It isn't courteous to take corners the motor idles. That's entirely nat- swiftly, or swing wide, so that ural. It is nature's law that as a result approaching drivers especially women, of the explodi.n g of gasoline in your are forced to slow' down, or even be motor, a certam amount of water will . momentarily alarmed. and 'Accept u a put of. our responsibility to Nash owners the necessity of mainl.inin· .their cars ia condition 'to run u the Naala Motor Co. intended they should run when they built them. The New Nash ia a peat car. We'd like to show it to you. The New Nash 400 aeries PRICES completely equipped and deli,..ered are Advance Six 1Zl-inch wheelbase 5 paaa. 4 door sedan .... $1518 5 pus. Z door sedan. . . . 1~ 130-iDCh wheelbase a wee~ fora3()x3·f2 . OVERSIZE . GENERAl famous loq \7-mileage has always meant lower actual rn.udng tmpeJUJe than any other tire. Now the benefit of buying the beet in rubber is even p-eater--tirtt prieea have coine down 10 far that the actual money diHerenee for Top-Quality compared with even the cheapest grade tire is trivial .:.._ and the di«erenee in freedom from trouble is bigger than ever. Now, whlle tire prices are so low, let us show you what DualTread PrQper-Size Gen· erals wlll do. ~ENERAL'S 5 paaa. Ambuaador, aport sedan ........ , .. $1173 4 pass. convertible CCMipe · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1708 Z pus. coupe, rumble seat . . . . . . . . . . . 1823 7 paaa. sedan .. .. . .. . .. . Zl3l ·7 paaa. Imperial sedan . . ZZ13 Special Six 116-illch wheelbase 5 pass. 4 door sedan .... $1395 5 pass. Z door sedan . . . . 1311 Z pus. coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Z95 4 ,!)&11. convertible coupe ................. 1315 4 ·paaa. Victoria coupe. . . . 1315 Standard Six liZ-inch wheelbase 5 pass. 4 door sedan .... $ 917 5 pass. Z door sedan. . . . IZ7 5 pass. 4 door Landau sedan ................. 1037 4 pass. convertible coupe ................ . 917 Z pass. coupe- ........... . IZ7 we have a demand . for aood used cari. Our stock is low. . This puts us in a position to make you a aood allowance for your present car, in trade on a new Nuh ritrht now. HAVE TBB BEST-PAY OUT OP IHCOIIB · 76c a week for a 29x4.40 General 83c a week for a 30x4.50 General $1.00 a week for a 30x5.00 General All other sizes in· proportion. With tire prices at roek bottom and the added convenlenee of our famous G-T-A-C Payment Plan it's etuier to own Gen· erala than to buy ehort-~ved cheap-grade tiree. No incon· venienee--paymentl to suit you quickly arranged-then away to the most lu~uriou1 mileage at the lowest COlt·you've ever known. · I How .to Keep Car Fit_ l Rattles in the car are often mysterious. Put a wrench on the bolts on the ends of the bumpers and on the support~ which hold the bumpers. And by tightening down both the bumper and bumperette bolts, all the rattles may disappear. · Squeaks are annoyipg. If you have a "canary," put a little oil on the door hinges. Put a little grease on the track of the ventilating windshield "spreader." Put a little oil on your bumper connections. In short, see that every place where metal touches metal and friction might produce a squeak, receives a little lubrication. Universal joints are suposed to be one-third full of universal joint lubricant. However, perhaps you have just gone on the theory that if on~-t~ird full is plenty, completely full ts JUSt three times as good-but it isn't. Those universal joints move and flex, and ·. if thP.re is too much grease jn them, Evanston's Leading Tire Store QUA. L ITY ~ T.IRB Le~ntltd E. Stulul IBOP University .6272 1942 W. RAILROAD AVENUE E%d"'i"e DUtributor Evanston Nash Co~ D. I. t~ Vo~edln~, file GENERAL TIRE P. retl4ea& Blks. North of DaYle St. "L" 8&aUoa Cor. Ben.on Ave. A Clark St. Greenleaf 5510 It· tlae SECOND year tlaat make· the bff Jail.

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