Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1928, p. 48

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WILMET :T E J;IPE 'tH FOB SALE-HSEBLD. GOODS August 24, t928 Classified Advertisements (Continued , from Page 47) 77 FOB SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE 8 PIECE .MAHOGANY dining rm. set ; extension table, 5 side chatrs and arm chair, cane backs, leather seats, and serving table. AU in exc. cond. Price reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1023. 100LTf8-ltc PORCH FURNITURE - HICKORY table, settee, swing, 3 chairs. Reasonable price if taken immediately. Call at 720 Lake St. Ph. ~lmette 2613. 100LTN48-ltc EAST WINNETKi\ 8 ROOM BRIC.t< HOUSE UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT tor owner, plans compel him to sell. 5 bdrms., 3 baths, slpg. pch., solarium., bkfst. rm., oil ht., 2 car gar., large grounds , close to lake, schools and FOR SALE-COMPLETE FURNISHtrans. $60,000. ings of fine home, very new., w111 sell !"e oarat e l~ 1111 Sheridan . Road. Ph. W~lmette 2635. 100LTN48-ltc Ph. Wlnn. 2032 566 Center St. 77LTN 48-1 tc ----·. FOR SALE-FEW PIECES OF HOUSEhold furniture, also battery and charger. 1008 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Wilmette 3030. 100LTN48-tfc 7 RM. RED BRICK VENEER, COLONIal de~ign, 4 bed rms., three baths, extra FOR SALE-f BURNER DETROIT Jewel, $5. Tel. Winn. 393. lavatory on 1st floor, 2 car garage, 100LTN48-1tc hot water heat, lot 73x200. Open for inspection all day Sunday, or for appointment call Gl~ncoe 1486-Winnetka FOR SALE-SUN ROOM SET WITH pillows and lamp, l'ce box, odd chairs. 1089-Northbrook 181. 77LTN48-1tc Ph. Wilmette 2871. 100L48-ltp FOR SALE 6 FT. SWING, REED stroller, brass bed, pictures, lamps, buffalo horns, complete castor, china, table, crib, curtains, etc. 1458 Lake Ave. 100L48-ltp ----------- · - - --- ECONOMY SHOP CALLS Please send us something to sell. We have very little at the shop to sell at this time and people are coming every day to look for clothing, furniture, dishes, etc., but go away empty handed. Somewhere in some attic, closet, pantry or · basement are all these articles waiting to be sent to the shop. I wish we could have them now instead of in the fall. We will send for them if it is not co~venient for you to bring them to the shop. Mrs. ]. B. Denman, Chairman. Note-Economy Shop is a charity and welfare fund enterprise sponsored by the Woman's Club of Wilmette. PRAISES 0. S. TEAM .....,..---. J"ug Wilaon Tella Coachiq About Olympic Camea Staff CROSBY & McKENDRY 731 GROVE ST. GLENCOE, ILLINOIS - - - - - - - - - - -- ·. . Mrs. Robert McArdle, 1246 Gregory avenue, has as her houseguest Mrs. H. G. J. Rudolph of Boston. Mrs. Rudolph is the daughter of Samuel Mc~atl., the war governgr of Massachusetts. --oMr. and Mrs. E. A. Raventos and f~milv of 426 Central avenue have re,turried from a week's motor· trip in ·northern Wisconsin. They spent most of the time at Essex Lodge, Clear Lake. - - - - -----· FOR SALE-FINE OYER 400 FEET WATER FRONTAGE with 12 rooms, frame Colonial house, JOt WTD. TO DUY-HSEHLD. GOODS being otrered at less than ground value. No brokers. Write Wilmette Lite WANTED TO BUY _ SECOND-HAND A-118. 77LTN-i8-ltc furniture and other household goods. NEW, ENGLISH 7 RM. BRICK, TWO Highest prices for same. Croat Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evbaths, oil burner, 2 car gar. Near high anston, Ill. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc school, trans. Kenilworth 3273. 77U8-1tc lOt FOB SALE-lUSC. NEW 7 RM. BRICK HOUSE, LARGE porch. On Happ rd. 1 mi. north of FOR SALE-$85 HOOVER CLEANER Northfield station. Tel. Wil. 895 Y 3. a nd attachments $25, and girl's bicycle 77LTN48-ltp (Fields) $20. Both in first class con---------------dition. Ph. Wilmette 3077. 102LTN48-ltc BRICK COLONIAL 6 RM. SLEEPING porch, oil burner, garage. Near schls., transp. Kenilworth 3273 77L48-ltc FOR SALE - NEW TAN FALL ENsemble , size 16, $15, also new genuine young cross-fox scarf. Ph. Wilmette 78 FOR SALE-VACANT 3617. 102LTN48-ltp CHOICE HOME SITES Central Park nr. Isabella 50x130 @ $70 ft. Isabella wooded 48x175 @ .... . . $110 ft. Isabella Cor. wooded 50x175 @ .... $120 ft. Linden Ave. Beautiful outlook and surroundings 100x154 @ . . ........ $250 ft. Washington St. near lh blk. to lake 82x15f @ ... .· ...... ... ......... $300 ft. Michigan Ave. looking onto park and lake must be sold to close estate 81x171 priced for quick sale. The above vacant properties are worth your consideration from an investment and future home building standpoint. We have many other desirable locations to offer. E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. 1108 Davis St., Univ. 8080 78LTN48-ltc 81 CEMETERY LOTS FOB SALE ALMOST bicycle. 103 NEW GIRL'S RANGER Only $15. Call 'Nil. 601. 1 "12LTN48-ltp FURNITURE IN excellent condition at reasonable price. Ph. Glencoe 64. 100LTN48-1tp -oMrs. William H. Evans and two daughters, Elizabeth and Eleanor, of 630 Greenleaf avenue have returned from a visit in Tole<lo, O-hio with Mrs. Evans' mother. -o-Miss Marjorie Smith of Wilmette, Miss Mary .Elea!lor WilhiteJ and Miss Lorraine Thoms of Winnetka motored to Lake Delavan ro .. spend last weekend. K. L. Wilson, athletic director at Northwestern university, and Mrs. Wilson returned t.9 Evanston this week following a tour of Europe. They attended the Olympic games at Amsterdam and journeyed throughout Eur<;>pe and Great Britai~.. ·. Upon his return to the c1ty Mr. Wilson spoke to the membe~s of the Northwestern university school which is now iti session. H.e praised the accomplishments of the United States Olympic team which, he said, won more points than any previous team. Mr. Wilson pointed out that the present method of sel~cting the team through the m~dium of the tryouts at Harvard must be changed in the future if America expects to retain its track and field suprem~cy. The -present method of bringing the athletes to the peak of their performance several weeks before the Olympic games has a tendency to permit the boys to fall a way from their best performances by the time the big test comes, Mr. Wilson stated. Mr. Wilson praised the work of Northwestern's two athletes who were on the team. Both. Bill Droegemueller in t.h.e pole vault and Wally Colbath in the diving event turned in excellent performances, he said. Open Bids on Tenth St. Paving Project Sept. 4 Sealed proposals for grading, pav ing, curbing, collstructing sidewalks and otherwise improving Tenth street from Chestnut avenue to the north line of the viilage will. be received by the Board of Local Improvements of Wilmette until 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday September 4, 'the date of the next reg ular meeting. At that time the pro posals will be opened publicJy and ex amined ·in the council chamber at the village hall. Specifications for the Tenth street improvement and blank proposals may be obtained at the of fice of the Board of Local Improve ments in the Village hall. -o- WANTED TO BUY-MISC. CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 1232 Central Ave., Wil103LTN48-tfc WANTED 10c per lb. mette. Charles S. Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Parker of 435 Tenth street, is returning today from St. Johns, where he has been attending summer school. -oMr. and Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball of Indian Hill have Mr. and Mrs. E. Donald Gray of Cleveland, Ohio, visiting them. The Grays will be here for several weeks. --o- lOti liiSCELLANEOlTS COMPLETE EQUIPPED SHOEshining parlor in Glencoe. W111 rent or sell with or without fixtures. Ph. Glencoe 1470. 105LT48-ltp Mrs. Hope Thompson of 1219 Ash Mrs. R. N. Baker of 518 Washington land avenue, has as her guests this avenue, had as her guests last week Miss Iva Scott and Mrs. R. Howig of week her two niece.s, Miss Hazel and Miss Bessie Chapman of M.ahomet, Des Moines, Iowa. Ill. -0- :XOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT For paving and otherwise improving the first alley south of Lake Avenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 234). Office of the Board of Local Improvements, Wilmette, Illinois, August 21, 1928. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the bids for paving and otherwise improving the first alley south of Lake Avenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street tn the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1928, and the Municipal Paving Company of Oak Park, Illinois, being the lowest responsible bidder., the contract was awarded to said Corporation on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bid Is for the work as a whole and Is as follows : 410 cubic yards of excavation @ 65c per yard ............ . . . $ 266.50 820 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement seven (7) inches .thick, all constructed In place, including the cost of labor and material, @ $2.35 per square yard . . . . $1,903.00 Total .... . ....... . ... .. .·. $2,169.50 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said alley wherein said work is to be done, may wlthin ten days from the date hereof, as provided by law, elect to take said' work and enter into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum less than the price at which same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNF.:R ERNEST C. CAZEL A. L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Lf8-1tc FOR SALE CEMETERY LOT IN Memorfal Park. Reasonable. Ph. Winn. 3174. 81LTN48-1tc 8t WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES RENT YOUR HOME BY LISTING IT Wl'rH THIS OFFICE. We have many requests for houses of good chara·c ter and location. Iffi&ibrcdl&W ~lfrnl<elf ~ llim~o FOUNDED 1855 Real Estate, Mortgages, Investments, Property Managers, Renting 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 89LTN48-ltc 5 OR 3 RM. DUPLEX, WlTH G,ARAGE1 or small 2 story house, near trans., 2 adults, 2 yr. lease, will pay $100 per mo. Write Wilmette Life A-116. 89LTN-ltp For paving and otherwise improving the first alley south of Walnut A venue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 236). Office of the Board of Local Improvements, Wilmette, Illinois, August 21, 1928. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the bids for paving and otherwise improving the first alley south of Walnut Avenue from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street in the Village of Wilmette, were opened on the 21st day of Augu~t. A. D. 1928, and the Municipal Paving Company of Oak Park, Illinois, being the .lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded to said Corporation on the 21st day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bid is for the work as a whole and is as follows : -o375 cubic yards of excavation @ 65c per yard . . .... .... . .. . .. . $ 282.50 Mrs. Ray C. Pearson and daughter; 760 square yards of Portland ceKatherine. of 117 Dupee place left last ment concrete pavement, seven Monday for Galena, Ill., where they (7) inches thick, all con~ill spend two weeks .. structed in place, including the cost of labor and material --o@ $2.35 per square yard . . .. $1,786.00 Mr. and Mrs. ]. N. Macalister of 918 , Total ...... .. .. . . .. .... . .. $2,008.50 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said alley wherein said work is to be done, may within ten days from the date hereof, as provided by law, elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum less than the pi-lee at which same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL A. L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON L48-ltc Glen \V. Gathercoal of the Wilmette Recreation board staff and athletic in structor in the Wilmette schools lef Sunday to motor west to Yellowstone park. -oLast Tuesday was women's golf guest day at Sunset Ridge Country club. Several of the women and their guests played bridge after the morning's golf. -oMr. and :Mrs. A. C. Wenban of 900 Lake avenue, have returned from a month's vacation in northern Wisconsin. " ANTIQUES EXTRA SPECIAL TWO WEEKS SALE OF ANTIQUES! Large shipments have crowded my borne--never before have I bad so rare and varied an assortment. Solid walnut cheats, beautifully refinished, at S35. Special low prices on chairs. Come early while selections are complete. 808 Washington St. ( 1 Block South of Main St., Evanston). 99LTN48-1tc AKBER PRISM LAMP, 6 BRASS footed diniDC" chairs. 1002 Greenleaf Ave. Ph. Wilmette 657. 99LTN.f8-1tc Ashland avenue have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Herbey of Indianapolis. -o-"Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Skinner of 1012 Greenwood avenue spent the . early part of this week at South Bend, Iml. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Triggs of 1040 Ashland avenue returned this week from a motor trip in Michigan. -oM r. and Mrs. Hugh of 212 Warwick road, Kenilworth, are spending the month of August at Mercer, Wis.

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