Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 11

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August 31, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE 11 IN· CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS Miss Estelle Swigart, 'cellist, George Wilmette· and Park avenues, Wilmette Swigart, violinist, of Wilmette, and . Herman W. Meyer M. · A . pastor Mrs. Helen Hawk Carli5le, pianist, will 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396. · Church telephone 3111. pre5ent a series of chamber music concerts at the North Shore hotel in EvServices anston from 8 to 9 o'clock every Sun13th Sunday after Trinity. 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible day evening until December. Last classes Sunday, Mrs. Hawk and Mr. Swigart 9:30 A. M. Confessional service ~or gave a joint recital at the hotel. communicants 9 :45 A. M. First service and Holy Communio'n, 11 A. M. Second service and sermon. Sermon: "Faithfulness in Little." St. John's Lutheran Faith Burge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burge of 924~ Forest avenue, has returned from camp at Lake Meetings Geneva. Alison Burge also returned Thursday, September 6, at 7:45: Senior recently from the Camp Fire Girls' Walther league. Friday, September 7, at 7 :45: Junior camp at South Haven, Mich. Walther league. AnnounCement We take pleasure in announcing that the Wilmette Food Shop will move about. the fitst of September to -o- The Lord's Supper will be ce lebrated during the first service Sunday morning next. The confessional or preparatory service communi cants will begin at !l :30 and the regular service at 9 :45 o'clock. All those who wish to receive the Sacrament are requested to make this known to the pastor on Friday afternoon or evening at the parspnage. While our Sunday school has continu ed its regular sessions all-through the summer many of the pupils and teachers have been awar for a period of vacationing. · We are to have a special RALLY DAY Sunday morning, September 9, at which time we expc·ct to have all the teachers and pupils back at the Sunday school. A specia l service will be h'eld both in the Sunday school and in the church. The first is being given for the Sunday school in particular, while the S(;!cond service is being given for both parents and children. Since this is the time at which ma.u:r parents will begin to St:>nd their small chi ldren to the Sunday school for the first time, St. John's sends out a co rdi a l invitation to s uch parents as are without any church affiliation to send their chi ldren to its Sunday school. The Young People's societies are having their meeting·s next week, the Seniors on Thursday and the Juniors on !1'riday at 7 :45. The regular devotional, edu cationa l, business and social features will mark the meetings. Since the Young· People are a lso to make preparations for the com ing anniversary services all members of the Seniors and Juniors should attend this nex"t meeting. The classes for the Chri stian education of ch ildren which have been conducted every :Monday and Friday at St. John's for the past twelve years, will be resumed Monday, October 1, at 4 o'clock. In the meantime pttpil!i for these classes will be enrolled. The attention of parents is called to this fine opportunity for indoctrinating the children thoroughly by a course of Bible study over a period of several years. We invite not only the ch ildren of our church, but also the children of parents not connected with the church. These classes are free to all. Miss C. Mueller will again ha\e charge of the primary division for children between the ages of seve n and eleven, while the pastor will teach the advanced class of children between tw elve and fifte en. The books necessary for the course are the Bible, the Lutheran Catechism, and a Biblical Hostory all of which may be procured at the church. M iss Emily Clagett, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Claget of 425 Lake avenue, has returned home after a visit in Virginia and Maryland with relatives. She has been away since the close of school in June. 413 LIN.D EN· AVE. We .also wish to take this opportunity Baby to express our appreciation to our many 1 CLIPPED LAMB CO ~A friet?ds and patrons. Their loyal sup- T· s port has made it possible for us to move into larger quarters with the most ·modern equipment and facilities 'that will enable us to give even better sert?ice than before. Two-tone shade $6S.OO· Others to $245 Choice of Camel Hair Muskrat Caracul Bonded Seal $125 JAP WEASEL FUR COATS Fine Mink Shade -new model. ;tecial, I $250 on all Remo1lellng an1l Repairing dur· , lng August. A 35% Discount NOW it costs so little to enjoy oil beating The SILENT A U T 0 MA TIC oil burner sets a new standard of heating efficiency for ,the whole in. dustry-it is so silent that it cannot be heard in a room directly above your heating plant-and it sells for S3 95the lowest price in history for a butner of one aize and one price, which will beat any room from a cottage tG a mansion. That is why we say- 14Now it costs so little to enjoy oil heating." For this price is revolutionary among other good oil burners. Before you buy a ton of coal, visit our display room. See the SILENT AUTOMATIC in operation thtre. Ask about the convenient terms. There is only one "Silent" Small deposit holds your coat. M. B. Okean Co. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS ·;.---·---------------------=The New Frocks and Hats FOR FALL Opulent beauty of Autumn colorings-exquisite fabrics of caressing texture-are the charming examples of Fall Frocks and Millinery-the trend of the mode in fabric and color. Shapes and styles new, flattering, invested with the subtle sophistication that the smart woman of today demands. You ·2004_ UN IV. ·a ose are invited to CCHTRAL ST. see them. ] ane Josephine Triggs of Wilmette and Virginia Herem of 1254 'Lake Shore drive, Chicago, motored to Peoria, Ill., on Thursday. They are attencJing a house party given by Miss Betty Cooley, a Wellesley classmate. 15 yeats on tbe North. Sbote 569 LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA 2752 lJTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BUF\NEP. Prospective purchasers In this eom· munlt;r wW be lntere1ted to know that tile Silent Automatic Corpora· tfon Is oae of the strongest ftnan· elal orranlzatlona ·!n the on burner lndnstl'J. No "Silent" wiD eTer beeome an "onhan." ,There Is only one "Silent" $J95 One size burner · at one Pl'lee · · for any home. Complete with automatic safety and oper· ating controls. Nominal installation coati depend on basement condition~, oil storage equipment and local regulations. Listed as standard b11 the Underwriter~' Laboratoriea. Evanston Showroom 1620 SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf 700

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