Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 12

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WILMETTE LIFE August 31, 1928 : Presbyterian Church Corner Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue We extend a cordial welcome to you to share with us all the services of the Wilmette Presbyterian. church. The Rev. Frank A. Hosmer .D. D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Greenwich, Conn., will preach in this church Sunday morning September 2 at llo'clock. Sermon topic: "Is Jesus Christ a Fact." John B. Miller, tenor, will be the soloist, Erma E. Rounds, organist. Methodist Church The service on Sunday morning w1II be In keeping with tl\e spirit of the season. The pastor will not forget that many are just home from vacat(on and that vacation experiences are still fresh In the minds of the congregation. Neither will he forget that the following Monday is Labor Day with lts great signitlcance for our American life. He Invites all who do not have other church homes In Wilmette to gather in this signitlcant service. The theme will be "Creating an Iqheritance." One year old August 31st -and we have grown ·rapidly in our first year in Wilmette. What better time than now to tell you your patronage has been sincerely appreciated and that we intend to continue to give quality and service to merit your patronage always! Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. Classes for all age-groups. Assembly worship service in the Sunday School auditorium. The adult Bible classes for men and women meet at the usual hour, 10 o'clock. Vacation time Is almost over and the fall work is beginning. We earnestly Invite all those who have returned to the Village to be present next Sunday. Telephone WILMETTE 450-452 BLUE GOOSE FRUIT MARKET 1160 Wilmette Avenue The Church school is looking forward to a year of increased activity and improved educational standards. A new Director of Rellgious Education comes to take charge on the tlrst of September. The initiation of new plans and new courses will take place Sunday, September 9. The month of September will be a month of preparation for the great work that Is to be done. With the exception of the Men's Bible Class, the Sunday morning, September 9, we will Church scho9l will be closed Sunday. have the observance of our regular Com- September second. munion service. The Rev. George B. The committee In charge of plans for Laird, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Coral Gables, Fla. will take the new building wlll hold its most charge of the communion service on that strategic meeting Tuesday night, Septemday. The Session will meet to receive ber 4. At that time bids for the new new members. Arrangements can be structure will be opened, and it is hoped made by calling the Clerk of the Ses- that contracts may be let very shortly sion, James W. Shedden or the church after that meeting. office. From 2 :30 to 5 o'clock Thursday, SepThe Women's society will have its first tember 6, the Woman's Exchange invites meeting of the season Tuesday, Septem- you to visit their new gift display. They ber 11. Spoke 12 will serve the luncheon. are adding many new and interesting arSpoke chairmen kindly make reserva- ticles to their stock. Tea will be served. tion with Mrs. Harry Barnhill, Wilmette Following a custom started last year, 1308. Sunday, September 9, . will be observed Spoke 6 was entertained last Wednes- as College Day in the. church. At that day by Mrs. A. L. Miller at her home, time those who are returning to college 106 Sixth street. The meeting was in and those who are going away to colthe form of a social gathering as the lege for the first time will be the guests business meetings have not been held of honor. The Church Chapel will be decorated with banners and pennants during the summer. from every college represented in the Ten girls from Rebecca Spoke spent church. The pastor's theme will be last week at the Lawrence Cottage at "Teachers and the Teacher." Saugatuck, Mich. They report a glorious Charles E. Lutton, the choir director , week of fishing, swimming, boating and is now busily at work recruiting the horse back riding. choru~ choir for next year. He is a diThe church office is open dafly, except rector of many years experience and Saturday, from 9 :30 to 11:30 A. M. Calls those who come under his leadership will for service of any kind. including pas- gain much in the way of musical educatoral service, can be furnished at all tion. The choir should, during this year, times by communicating with the church reach a total of forty voices. During the secretary, Mrs. Nellie S. Boltwood, month of September the quartet will sing at each service. phone Wilmette 1575 or Wilmette 688. The pastor has plans under way for a series of seven "Sanctuary Services" to begin the second Wednesday night in Sunday, Sptember 2, will be the October. These will be of such characThirteenth Sunday after Trinity. There ter that a very large share of the conwill be Holy Communion at 8 A.M. and gregation will wish to attend them. Holy Communion with Sermon at 11 A.M. The church welcomes to its staff this week the Rev. Emmett S. Johnson. For - oN ext Sunday, being the first Sunday the past four years he has been the Diof the month, will be Corporate Com- r ector of Religious Education at the munion Sunday for the Boys' and Girls' Centennary Methodist Church in Ch a tCommunicants' league. The rector ex- tanooga, Tennessee. · He is well trained pects to return to Wilmette next Wed- for his difficult task, both in technica l training of the schools and the equally nesday. necessary training of actual experience. H e has had wide dealing with young peoMrs. L. C. Pelott, 1103 Ashland ave- ple not only in his own church but in nue. entertained her luncheon and institutes and conferences and other places where they gather for training. 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS . We make loans for repairs, improvements, constraction, refinancing or purchast of improved rtsidential propeny. These loans can be upaid in coavenient monthly installmfnts in · 1, 2, or 3 years. Our rcprettntative will be pleased to give complete information. Office open until 8 o'clock Saturday evenings. St. Augustine's Church t WILSHORE BOND &: MORTGAGE CO. 1150 Wilmettr Ave·· Village Theatre ·Bldg. Phone Wil. 2181 . bridge club Tuesday of last week. The New Sparton The last Sunday in September will be recognized as Loyalty Sunday. · One of t~ e features of that day will be the r eceptwn of new members into the fellowship of the church. The Rock J;,=tiver Conference, to which this church belongs will hold 1ts annual sessions in Morgan' Park beginh~ng Wednesday, October 3. The pastor 1s now completi ng his annual report ~or that _assembly, Bishop Hughes, who 1s a . restde!lt of Wilmette, will preside a t thts sesswn of the conference. ~onnection EQUASONNE May Be Heard and Seen at Our New L·ocation . Baptist Church Sunday, September 2, the ReY. Ra'" Abrams of the Olivet Baptist church W estchester, Pa., will preach. . . There will be a midweek prayer meetmg Wednesday, September 5 in Children's hall at 8 o'clock. ' . Our regular Sunday program will begm Septef!Iber 9. Sunday school at 9 :30 and mormng worship and communion at 411 LINDEN AVE. Same Phone of Wilmette 4117 11. RADIO SERVICE and INSTALLATION 411 UNDEN AVE. September 9 we will have the first issue of the calendar. The church office is open daily from 9 to 12 and from- 1 to 5. Saturdays from 9 to 12. The Wilmette Baptist church is located at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues. PHONE WILME'I.I'E 4117 WILMETTE

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