Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 30

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·WILM~ E TTE ·· LIFE August 31, 1928 · Close of Opera, Labor Day, and Golf Events Draw Society Wane of Season September 5, now are being given. Last Friday Mrs. Harry Gardiner of Picking up the strands of news lost Kenilworth and Mrs. Edwin Cole of because of several , weeks of absence Highland Park were hostesses at a luncheon and bridge for Miss Macfrom the north shore is taking us Lean and Mrs. Robert Lewis (Helen quite a few days. But we have been Bruch). Tuesday afternoon Mrs. here long enough to be certain of three Louis Bruch and her daughter, Miss activities compelling the interest of Marcia, were hostesses at a bridge hundreds of north shore residents the luncheon at the Bruch home in Evend of this week and on into next, the anston. Mr. and Mrs. John Albert splendid finale of the Ravinia Opera MacLean, parents of the bride-elect, season, the Labor day dinner dances will give an informal tea Sunday eveat our country dubs, and the striving ning at their home, 924 Greenwood for titles among women golfers as avenue. Mrs. James Martin of Chithey play.. in club championship rounds. cago (Virginia Smith) will entertain Everyone who knows Ravinia and the bridal party at the theater Mon who reads of its closing programs, day evening and Tuesday Mrs. Wit, knows what these last few opera days liam Palmer Winslow (Virginia Beywill mean, beautiful music, the occamer of Evanston) will be hostess at sion of dinner and box parties, the ata luncheon and shower. That evening tendance of society. Mr. and Mrs. MacLean will give the Each country club has its own way bridal dinner at the Edgewater Beach of celebrating the coming holiday, but hotel. the Saturday dinner and dance seems The ceremony will be read at 8 :30 the most popular social diversion, · o'clock at the Congregational church, leaving Monday entirely free for golf the · Rev. Vere V. Loper officiating, asactivity. Many groups, both large and sisted by · the Rev. William E. McCor· '11 small, will be found among the diners The engagement of Eugenia Jones, mack, and the reception f o11 owmg WI the first day of September. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hilton Ira be held in the Kenilworth club. As to golf, we are finding reports Jones, 1538 Forest avenue, Wilmette, of the Woman's Western champion- to Clyde Edwin Peaster, son of Mrs. ship matches still echoing on the north Henry J. Peaster, 853 Vernon avenue, Margaret Wilson Guest shore. It was the largest women's golf Glencoe, was announced Thursday at Pre-Nuptial Affairs event · of the ye.a r. Other north shore afternoon at a bridge tea given in the During the week preceding her clubs and their players qelped Indian Jones' home. Hill to make the event a gala one. Miss Jones has attended Lake For- marriage on Thursday evening, SepEven in a lodge secluded in the woods est college, where she was a member tember 6, when Miss Margaret Wilson of northern Wisconsin, interest in the of Kappa Kappa Chi. and Kappa will become the"bride of Ernest Smith tournament was outstanding, the open- Alpha, honorary activity sorority. Mr. Humphrys, Jr. of La Grange, several ing of one-QX late papers in the noon Peaster attended Armour institute and affairs will be given in her honor. Sunmail always bringing the query from lately has been prominent with the day evening Mrs. Charles Bixby will be hostess at a tea for the bridal party. golfers, some of whom were from the Threshold Players in Glencoe. Tuesday, Mrs. Harry Bertram Wilson, north shore, 11 Who leads today?" One mother of the bride, will give a lunchGlenview player was there to rejoice in eon for the bridesmaids and their Jessie Booth Chooses the outcome. mothers, and that evening Miss ElizaFollowing as an event next in imAttendants for Wedding beth Date of Evanston will entertain portance was the Woman's Western Miss Jessie Louise Booth, daughter the bridal party at a supper dance at Open day at Skokie on Friday, Auof Mr. and Mrs. John Peele Booth. the Drake hotel. Wednesday · evening gust 24, which attracted a most unusual and interesting field of good 521 Sixth street. has chosen Miss Amy Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will give the golfers. Mrs. Harry Pressler of San Hagen of Glencoe, sister of the bride- bridal dinner at their home, 611 Laurel Gabriel, Cal., champion, and Miss Vir- groom, and Miss Alverdah Helming avenue. Owing to a recent illness Miss Wilginia Wilson of Glenview, runner-up, of Lake Bluff, her cousin, to be her were playing. Many states were repre- attendants when she marries Fred son found it necessary to cancel a Ellis Hagen of Hubbard Woods Satnumber of affairs arranged in her honsented. One golfer came from Texas, or. among which were the · tuncheons one from Tulsa, Okla .. and. four motor- urday, September 8. in her ~orne. The groomsmen will be the brother planned by Miss · Virginia · Bixby and ed from Milwaukee. Seven prizes were given all carrying out a color scheme of the bride, Jack Booth, and the Miss Florence Branson of Wilmette, of green or yellow. Mrs. John Arends brother of the bridegroom, Jack the luncheon at the Chicago Athletic won first low gross; Mrs. Kennedy, .Hagen. The dinner. for the bridal party club and a matinee p~rty following, at first low net; Mrs. Orr, third low net; will be · next Thursday evening in th ~ which Miss Elizabeth Hoffman was to have been hostess, and · the afternoon Miss Virginia Wilson of Glenview, Edgewater Beach hotel. fifth low net; Mrs. Staples, seventh The Rev. Harold C. Case of the bridge Miss Ruth Shellman and Miss low net; Miss Virginia Ingram, choic ~? ~orth Shore Methodist church of Ruth Bowers were to have given. blind holes, and Mrs. Rein, putts on Glencoe will read the service. The reeighteen holes. We are unable as we ception will be held in the Booth home Jean acLeisb Selects go to press to gather more definite in- after the service. formation about some of these player5. Assistants for Debut Late August and September are the Miss · Jean MacLeish, daughter of Dinner Dance Hostess months deciding the holders of the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish, 85 Miss Dorothy Darling. daughter of Wentworth avenue, Glencoe. has anwoman's golf championships ~t north shore clubs, and bring several special the Ira C. Darlings of 256 Kenilworth nounced her assistants for her debut avenue, Kenilworth, entertained a tea, which is to be on Saturday afterevents at the close of the season. The end of this week will see the number of guests at the dinner dance noon, September 15, at the lovely early finals of the club championship at at Indian Hill club last Saturday eve- American residence of the MacLeish Westmoreland, and scheduled events ning. family, "Birken Craig." wUl continue throughout September, The assistants will be Louise Badwfth the last Friday of the month championship prizes. The women will gerow, Elizabeth Knode, Betty Frey. Guest day. · . give their annual golf party for men Louise Lackner and Antoinette LackTuesday was the occasion of the on September 11. The third Tuesday ner of Winnetka, Charlotte Picher of qualifying round of the club cham- of the month will be Guest day. The Glencoe, Jean Stevens, Eleanor Durpionship at North Shore, with eighteen last Tuesd~y. the "grand finale" of bin and Helen Haseltine. of Chicago. holes of medal play and the players the year, will be the occasion of the and Elizabeth Warren of Evanston. with the eight best scores in each class giving of the season's prizes, which are Following her debut Miss MacLeish to qualify. A prize was given for the donations as well as club gifts. will begin her sophomore year at Welbest gross score in each class. The Indian Hitl will commence its wom- lesley. first round, with match play, was on an's championship with the qualifying Wednesday, the semi-finals on Thurs- round Tuesday, September 4, with Saturday, September 1, is an occaday and today the finals will be played three flights completed during the sion of two-fold interest to members off, with match play for all flights. week. One more Wednesday of wom- of the Sheridan Shore Yacht club and Tuesday, September 4, will be medal en's golf events will fotlow the tourna- their guests. The afternoon is to be play with fu_ll ho:ndicap for classes A. ment, with blind bogey the event given over to bridge, the evening to B. and C.. with the distribution of scheduled. dancing. BY JEAN . TEN BROECK . Brings Flare in Social' Activ~ty I Garden Club Stages ' for Bride and Attendants Flower Exhibit First _ f · The last of the affairs in honor of ·p riday in September ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . : Miss Margaret MacLean, a bride of The Wilmette Garden club Flower show will be held at 2:30 o'clock the afternoon of September 7, . at the home of Mrs. Fr~nk Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue. The exhibits must be ready and entered by 1 :30 o'clock in the afternoon, the committee announces. At the club meeting which will be held there, Mr. Von Owen of the Naperville nurseries will speak on "Shrubbery Borders." Mrs. C. N~ Hurlbut is chairman of the flower show and Mrs. William Evans of the Evanston Garden club will be chairman of the judges. All children have been invited to take part in one exhibit especially for them, the best arranged flowers by children. The show will be open to the public between 5 and 8 o'clock. The classification for entries are as follows: Class A. Artistic Arrangement. Exhibit I. Garden flowers in vase or ba:~eiarge effect _ b. Small effect Exhibit II. Wild flowers, or leaves, or sprays of wild berries, or all combined, from the woods, in vase or basket Exhibit III. Miniature rock garden Exhibit IV. Garden tea table laid for two, (Entrants are to bring own tab!e and notify committee if entered in th1s exhibit.) Exhibit v. Breakfast tray for one Exhibit VI. Artistic arrangement of fruit Exhibit VII. Best arrangement of flowers by children Class B. Flower Perfection (At least three blossoms in each entry. Entrants are to bring a glass container for each exhibit in Class B) Exhibit I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asters Exhibit II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zinnias !!!xhibit III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendulas Exhibit IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salpiglossis Exhibit V . ..... . ... . .......... Verbenas Exhibit VI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candytuft Exhibit VII. . . . .. . ............... Cosmos Exhibit VIII. ............ . .... . Larkspur Exhibit IX. . ............... . Nasturtiums Exhibit X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicotiana Exhibit XI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petunias Exhibit XII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helenlum Exhibit XIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clarkia Exhibit XIV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Euphorbia Exhibit XV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snay-dragons Exhibit XVI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phlox Exhibit XVII. . . ........ ... ...... Boltonia Exhibit XVIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Artemesia Exhibit XIX . . .......... ... . Physostegia Exhibit XX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centurea Exhibit XXI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lilies Exhibit XXII. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gladioli Exhibit XXIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dahlias Exhibit XXIV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cannas Exhibit XXV. Browallia raised from club's seed · Exhibit XXVI. . . Any not listed above Exhibit XXVII. A plant from the garden . Betrothed j Entertaining Continuing Makes Debut Next Month Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniel Frey will present their daughter, Elizabeth, to society at a tea to be given in the gardens of the home they are occupying for the summer at 80 Locust road, Winnetka on the afternoon of September 15. . Miss Frey has asked si~ of her friends to receive with her · from 4 until 7. They are Laura Jacoby, Mary Elizabeth Johnson, Jeannette Peterkin. Lillian Dudley, l;leanor · Durbin and Jean Purcell. \Vithin a few days after her debut Miss Frey will leave for the East to continue .her studies at Vassar and her family will return to their home at 1435 North State street, Chicago. M Dinner for ·Aatumn Buds Miss Charlotte Picher, daughter of lfr. and Mrs. Oliver Picher of 226 Sheridan road, Winnetka, whose debut will take place late in November, is to be hostess at a large dinner dance at Indian Hill Wednesday evening, Sep~ember · 12. Th~ affair is to be given m honor of Mtss Jean MacLeish and Miss Elizabeth Knode whose debuts will be September events.

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