Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 49

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August 31, 1928. WILMETTE LIFE = 928 ell :he no to NOTICE Notice is .hereby given that a Special Election will be held in the Village of Wilmette on Tuesday, September 25th, 1928 for the purpose of voting on the foUowing question: Sball bonds or obligations for the purpose of obtaining funds wherewith to purchase land for a site for an incinerating plant and to purchase, construct, erect and install on said site when acquired an incinerating · plant with the appurtenances for the use of the inhabitants of the Village of Wilmette to bum, consume and dispose of garbage, refuse, and waste materials for the better protection of the health of the inhabitants of said Village, in the sums of $50,000.00 be issued by the Village of Wilmette? · ,lly >n- rse is a :he he !nt VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION wetit through the main entrance to the north building on school property, to center line of Tenth Street, thence south along center line of Tenth Street to center llne of Greenleaf Avenue thence east along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center of Eighth Stn~et, thence north along the center Une of Eighth Street to the center llne of Central A venue ; thence east along the center line of Central A venue to the center lim· of Sheridan Road ; thence southeasterly along the center line of Sheridan Road; to the center of North Shore Channel, thence northeasterly along the North Shore channel to the flhore of Lake Michigan; thence . northwesterly along the shore to the place of beginning. 2, no ed nt. !W sts es. ve nd ttrer ng Polling Place: Byron Stolp School, No. 718 Tenth Street. Precinct No. 5: Beginning at the shore line of Lake Michigan and the center line of the North Shore Channel, thence southweHterly along the center line of the North Shore Channel to 'the center line of Sheridan Road ; thenc<> northwesterly along the center line· of Sheridan Road lo the center line of Central A venue ; thence west along the center line of Central Avenue to the center line of Fifth Street; thence south along the center line of Fifth Street tn the south line of the Village; thence east along the south line of the VIllage to the shore of La.ke Michigan; thence northweHterly along the shore to the place of beginning. he lm to rd tly o- !ft ny Polling Place: The atore room No. 415 Fourth Street. he m ed .d. to The following question of public policy will also be voted on at said special election. · Sball moving picture theaters in the village of Wilmette, County of Cook, and State of Illinois be pennitted to operate on Sunday after noon? ar Precinct No. 6: Beginning at the Intersection of Fifth Str~et and Central A venue, thence we~:~t along the center llne of Central A venue to the center line of Eighth Street, thence south along the center line of Eighth Street and Woodbine Avenue to the center line of IHabella Street, thence east along the center line of Isabella. Street to the center line of Fifth Street, thence north along the center line of Fifth Street to the center line of Central A venue, the place of beginning. Polling Place: The Laurel Avenue School, No. 700 Laurel Avenue. for the purpose of holding said special electiolf the Village of Wilmette shall be divided into twelve precints as follows: Precfnct No. 1: Beginning at the intersection of the Chicago Northwestern Railroad right of way and center line of Twelfth Street, produced south; thence northwesterly along the railroad to Its intersection with the north limits of the Village of Wilmette ; thence east along said north limits to the east line of Section 28 ; thence north along the east line of Section 28 to the east and west center line of Section 27 ; thence east along said east and west center line of Section 27 to the center line of Twelfth Street In the Village of Wilmette, thence south along the center line of Twelfth Street and said Twelfth Street produced to the Chicago Northwestern Railroad the place of beginning. T~~t Precinct No. 7: Beginning at the Intersection of Eigth Street and Greenleaf Avenue, thence west along the center line of Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of Chicago Northwestern Railroad, thence southeasterly along the center line of Railroad to Routh llmltR of VIllage, thence caRt along the south llmitR to center llne of Woodbine Avenue, thence north along the center line of Woodbine Avenue and Eighth Street to center line of Greenl~'af Av~..;nne, the place of beginning. Polling Place: The store room No. 1135 Greenleaf Avenue. Precinct No. 8: A II that territory In the Village of Wilmette lying :-;outhwe:sterly and south of the center line or Wilmette A venue, and lJouncled on the {·ast by the westerly right of way line of the ChJ.c ago and Northwestern Hanroad and nn the weHt by the center line of Hidge Hoad. Polling Place: Village Hall. Precinct No. 2: Beginning at the north line or the VIllage of Wilmette and Tenth Street, thence west along the north line of the Village to the center line of Twelfth Street, thence south along the center line of Twelfth Street and Twelfth Street produced !'Iouth to the center line of Greenleaf Avenue, thence east along the center line of . Greenleaf Avenue to the center line of Tenth Street, thence north along the center line of Tenth Street to the north line of the Village, the '\)lace of beginning. . Polling Place: The atore "room No. 1217 Wilmette Avenue. Precinct No. 9: All that territory in the VIllage of Wlhnette lying south and southwesterly of the center line of WaHhlngton Avenue and bounded on the eal!lt by the westerly right of way line of the <'hi<·ago and Northwestern railroad, on the south by the center !lne of Wilmette A venue and on the west by the central line of Ridge Road . Polling Place: Logan School, No. 1406 Central Avenue. Polling Place: Village ~all. Precinct No. 3: Beginning at the ::;bore line of Lake Michigan and the north limits of the vlllage, thence west along the north limits of. the Village to the . center line of Tenth Street, thence south along the center line of Tenth Street to a point opposite tho main entrance to the building on school property, being the east and west center line of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 23, Village of Wilmette, S·tbdivislon, thence east on a line through the main entrance to the north building on the school property to the eenter line of Ninth Street, thence north along the center line of Ninth Street h~ the center . line of Forest Avenue thence east and northeasterly along the center line of Michigan A ven~e thence southeasterly along t.>hc center line of Michigan A venue to the c~nter II ne of Lake A venue, th('nce northl'asterly along the center line of Lake Avenue to the shor{'s of Lake Michigan, thence northwesterly. along the shore to the place f beginning. Precinct No. 10: All that territory in the VIllage of Wilmette lying westerly and southweMterly of the westerly right of way line of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and bounded on the nort!! by the north limits of said Village on the west by the center line of Ridge Road and on the south by the center line of Washington Avenue. P oiling Plaee: The Fire Station, No. 831 Main Street. Preclnet No. 11: All that territory In the Village of Wilmette lying wNlt of the center line of Ridge Road and bounded on the north by tht ~ north limits of the Village, on the we1:1t on the center Une or Twenty-third Street produced south to the Houth llmlhJ of the Village. Polling Place: Byron Stolp School, No. 718 Tenth Street. Precinct No. 4: Beginning at the shore line of Lake Ml<:hign.n and the Precinct No. 12: All that territory in the Village of Wilmette lying center line of Lake Avenue, thence ,.;outheasterly along the center llnh~ west of the center line nf 'fwenty-thlrd Street produced south to the of Lake Avenue to the center line of Michigan Avenue, thence nort westerly along the center line of Michigan AvPnun to the center line south limits of the Vlllage. of Forest Avenue, thence southwesterly alo~g the center line of Forest Avenue to the center line of Ninth Street, thence south along Polling Place: Thalman's St~re, ~outhweat corner of Lake Avenue the center line o! Ninth Street to a point oppol-lltc the center line of and IIUnoia Road. Lots Nine and Ten, Block 23, Vlllare of Wilmette ~:~ubdlvhdon; thence rning, and w 111 continue open until 5 :00 o'clock ln the afternoon of the same day. Which Election will be opened at 7:00 o'clock In the mo :I ,. Given t:nlier my hand at Wilmette, IlllnoiH, this 30th day ot August, A. D. 1928. LEA J. ORR, Vllla&'e Clerk. Polling Place: The former Gross Point Villa·e Hall on the weat aide of Ridge Road between W aahington Avenue and Hi.hland Avenue.

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