Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1928, p. 50

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JO WILMETTE LIFE · I Augujt 31, 1929 CLA&SIFIEJ) ADVERTI&EMENT& GENUINE SHETLAND sale. Ph. Wilmette 4092. Gm«al N otia- ~u:!~~n:Sv:f:l:=-&u.-:" ~ ~:_~on!! · ,..war Oleacoe lnclualve ·Whoee nam.. appear In the telephone cUrecto17. or who are nbecrlben to either WILMBTTB Lll'll. WINNETKA TALK or OLBNCOE NEWS. · WE HAVE POSITIONS FOR IMmediate placement in the lollowing BA.DIOS lines : Maids, waitresses, nurses, stenographers, couples, etc. Come in and see FOR SALE - ERA RADIO SET AND us for a posltlon. horn. $25. Call Sheridan delicatessen, Wil. 2628. f2LTN 48-3tc REPAIRING .t . RE~INISHING PONY FOR 39LTNf9-1tc HELP N. S. Emp. Club fl 1618 Sherman · Ratel-30 J6 c~~ta a line In one paper. 16 cents a line In any two papf,ra. cents a line In all three papera. ·rnKUK 'CBA.BGB H eeat1. advertisements will be acto Wednellday 6 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 6 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephone·: Wilmette f300 or Winnetka %008-2001. Ave., Evanston Univ. 934 58LTN49-ltc Averap of ftve worda to the Une. No black f..,ce type used. 10~ diBCOUDt on all cash with order advertlaementa when broqht to our oftlce at 1231 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 684 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for In·ertio~cepted Classified up ·~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,. BY EXadjusted. WANTED - , WEN AND WOMEN TO take orders for best line Christmas Wilmette Greeting Cards $50 to · $75 weekly 43L34-ltfc easily earned. Part or full time. Percy Brine, 330 So. Wells St. Chicago, Ill. UA SILVER PLATING 58LTN49-ltc SILVER PLATING - HAVE YOUR good old pieces. renewed at a reason- WANT REAL ESTATE SALESMAN OR sales lady. Also extra help on Sunable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 days. See Paul Schroeder. Phone 698. Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 58L49-ltc 45A-L34-tfc GENERAL REPAIRS tO WATCH REPAIRING 'DONE pert. Watches cleaned and Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165' A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. SITUATION WANTED-FEI\IALE FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS FOH w~ AIIDIID©1IDIID<e~ ttlln~ ({})JP)®IrillliiD! SALE .C HRYSLER 70-1927 f:oupe with rumble seat. Car looks and runs like new, cheap $985. H. A. Workman, Ph. Glencoe 102. 4LTN49-ltc BOOKS JEWELRY REPAIRING AND REmodeJing by a craftsman of rare ability. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 50L34-tfc WINDOW SBA.DBS Garden & Beach Umbrellaa Drapery Hardware Canoplea Rented A wnJngs A: Window Shades WANTED IN N. S. SUBURB. MAID work only, ·no cooking or laundry. Five years in last place. Not Incumbered, middle aged. Ref. req. and furnished. $20 wk. board and room. Write: Ada Van Wey, Rockport, Ill. 60L49-ltp COLLEGE WOMAN OF PRACTICAL experience desires position as tea room or home manager. Fond of childFen and enjoys work. Ref. exchanged. Write Wilmette Life A-130. 60LT49-2tp WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY work. Refs. Tel. Winn. 2978. 60LTN49-1tc 9 BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ; 528 Davis St. Room 8. Greenleaf 3734 before 9 A. M. 9L49-ltp al BUILDING A.ND CONTBA.CTINQ CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRACTOR (Q)jf <a), UJ~ce<dl CC&lf §&llce~ ~(Q)@mnl Screens--Storm Sub Gara.rea-Porcbee-A.ddltlone Expert Cabinet Work. 1752 High land Ave., Wll. Ph. WIL 1171 ttLTNh-tfe 11 IFo Jo IHiacker CLUB MEMBERSHIP &tt li (0)~ 0 IDJ <&wn~ §ttlfceceit IN RECOGNITION OF THIS EVENT WE ARE OFFERING SOME VERY UNUSUAL VALUES IN HIGH GRADE USED CARS. VISIT THIS NEW SALESROO:&I AND PICK OUT WHAT YOU WANT. THE PRICE WILL BE RIGHT. BE SURE TO SEE THE SPECIALS LISTED BELOW. 1928, 5 passenger Buick coupe, driven leRs than 9,000 miles. Priced to sell. 192R, 4 door Master Six Buick sedan. Driven less than 5.000 miles. 90 day guarantee. Priced to sell. New! Chryst r 70 d · e se an · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 725 1925 Chandler f door sedan .. . . . .. . $400 Wills-Ste. Claire roadster, rumble seat. painted battle ship gray .. .... . .. . $350 U26, 7 pass. Buick sedan, Gold Seal guarantee .... . .. . . . . . ... .. ...... . $725 1926 5 p{lss Buick sedan · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 775 1926 Chevrolet Roadster. . .. . . . ... ... $250 Most of our cars carry 90 day Gold Seal guarantee. 40% DOWN BALANCE IN 1 YEAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~c WANTED-COLORED COOK, MUST BE 17 DRESSMAKING ---------------DRESSMAKER AND DESIGNER IN Your home · Snappy gowns· D 0 a 11 ki n d s of remodeling $6 per day. Miss Kingsrod. Ph. University 7929· l7LTN 49 -1tP :!O GABDENIN~ FOR SALE MEMBERSHIP WILmette Golf Club-$200. 1928 Dues paid. Phone evenings WiJmette 2434. " 16LTN49 tt Z8 Prouty Annex WANTED WORK BY THE DAY Winnetka 11%& cleaning or laundry work. Ph. WilWaukegan Oftlce mette 2398. 60L49-ltp 302 S. Genesee St. Waukegan !087 HSWK. BY DAY OR WEEK OR 51LTN29-tfc nursemaid. Best N.S. refs. Tel. Drexel 6930. 60LTN49-ltp ;tl HELP WANTED-FEMALE WANTED - BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEand del. 886 WlJlow Rd. Ph. Winn. work, no laundry, must like children. 1924. 60LTN34-tfC' Wlnn. 105. 56LTN49-ltc Mixed lrt"s & Peont"es N~TO) PfFJIHI ~ ~ l1 t.J) ~IHI~ ltD~ ~ ~~ JSllJll(C~ (C(Q):Mllf»AJN')f AT THE NURSERY, WAUKEGAN RD., SOUTH OF DEERFIELD, ILL. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED BY WIIRIS . dower with 2 children. Small home. 934 Divisions . . ...... . .... . . . ...... . ... . 12c Glencoe Rd. Glencoe 1056. 56LT49-ltp Small Clumps ........... . ......... . 25c Large Clumps ... . ..... . .. .... ...... 50c WANTED- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. PEONIES hswk. Good wages, ref. req. Tel. Glen. Divisions, 2 eyes . .. ........ ...... . 30c 1235. 56LTN49-ltc Small Plants . . . . . ... .... . .. . . .. . . . . SOc Large Plants .. .... .. .. . ...... ... . $1.00 WANTED ~ WHITE GIRL, COOKING Other Varieties of Perennials at & downstairs. City or N. S. ref. 5 in Low Prices family. $18-$22. Tel. Winn. 429. ~ JO)_ .Jl 56LTN49-1tc 'UJ!1$'~ ~ EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL LANDSCAPE COUNSELORS housework ; must be good cook and unAND CONTRACTORS derstand serving. Prefer one who can 2016 Central st. Evanston Greenleaf 2930 go home nights.. Ph. Wilmette 931-J. 49 56L49-ltc :es ELECTRICAL _W_A_N_T_E_D ___ E_X_P_E_R_I_E_N_C,E-D--W-H-IT_E_ COMPETENT LAUNDRESS WISHES work by day. Also cleaning. Refs. 1st-class & middle aged. Tel. Winn. Univ. 9548. · 60LT49-ltp 1090, 319 Sheridan Rd., Winn. 56LTN49-ltc WASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE home, wlll call for and deliver. Ph. WHITE WOMAN, GENERAL HOUSEwork . afternoons and Sunday morning. Wilmette 765-W. 60LT49-ltc Electric washer. 2037 Highland Ave. WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF CHILPh. Wilmette 4267. 56L49-ltc dren by the hour evenings or part of WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. NO each day. Ph. WiJmette 969-W. 60L 49 -1tc washing. Tel. Winn. 1305. 56LTN49-ltc GENERAL HSWK. BY DAY OR WEEK. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Best refs. Tel. Winn. 3096. 60LTN49-ltp white, good cook, refs. Go home nights; teJ. Winn. 2766. 56LT49-ltc ct SITUATION WANTED-MALE BARITONE WITH INTERNATIONAL reputation Is available as church soloist or director of choir, N.S. district. 7 yrs. soloist In Oak Park church. J.B. Rigg, 199 Sheridan rd. Tel. Winn. 3094. 61LTN 49-2tc YOUNG MARRIED MAN LOOKING for position as gardener & hseman. on priv. estate. Good exp. & ref. Address Talk A-128. 61LTN49-ltp tl SIT. WTD.-MALE .t FEMALE COUPLE - MAN AND WIFE DESIRES position in private family. Man as butler and houseman, can .drive any make of car. Woman splendid cook, good ref. Ph. Gr. 6287. 62LT49-ltp JJ (Q)lf{ill&lffi BEP~:~:N -1tc t:SED CAR DEPARTMENT CLOCKS REPAIRED maid for gen. hswk. good wages 1027 Davis St. Wilmette 3760 BY EXPERT. f · d N0 1 ' OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Clocks called for and delivered. Paul ~ierentckes 1 ~e q mre · aundry. Ph. 6 5 49 Davey, .Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avenne a ... · SGLTN ·1tc 4LTN 49 _1tc nue. · Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc NY.JAT. WHITE MAI,D FOR GEN. HSWK. Good cook, must like children. Tel. LOANS Winn. 1879. 56LTN49-ltc THESE CARS ARE MAID, GEN, HSWK., NO LAUNDRY. ALL READY TO GO '~6 Dodge Coupe, new tires . . . . $95 down , SmaJl family. Tel. Winn. 1941. Brethold Nash sedan, beautiful car .... $140 down 56LTN49-ltc 1st and 2nd Mortgages Ef!BeX coach, nice paint job ... . $40 down 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 '25 Oakland coach, new tires .. $160 down WTD. MAID, WHITE, PROTESTANT Haynes tour., winter encl: .. . . $50 down 25 to 35 yrs. 7 rms.; 3 in family. Ref: For rent-7 rm. apt., H. W. Ht., 2 '26 Chevrolet sedan, new tires . . $98 down req. Ph. Glencoe 613. 56LTN49-ltc baths, close to trans. ~~ roadster ... . ... ....... .... $65 cash Hupmoblle touring, new paint . . $50 cash WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE30L17-tfc work, no laundry. Ph. Winnetka 1790. '27 Dodge sedan, driven little . . $195 down Jordan touring, winter encl. .. . . $80 down 56LTN 49 _1tc Buick roadster ... ... .. .. . .. . . . . $50 cash LADY WITH PRIVATE FUNDS Hudson sedan . ...... . . .. . . ... . $70 down wishes to make first and second EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID, GEN'JI Studebaker sedan, big six . . $275 down . mortgages at very low commlBBion. eral housework, no laundry. Protestant. Dort touring, good condition .... $50 cash Straight or monthly payments. Phone Ph. Glencoe 879. 56LTN49-ttc '26 Oakland sedan .. . .. . ...... $200 down Wll. ·!li)8. 80LTN46-4tp 61 HELP WANTED-MALE 18 PAINTING AND DECOBA.TING 1010 Chicago Ave. Evanston Univ. 59 ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN OVER 18 4LTN49-ltc yrs., under 21 · as apprentice to painter, some exp. pref. Union Job. Apply POR SALE WILLYS-KNIGHT TOUR- FURNITURE, BASEMENTS, AND by letter for appointment. State if iDa car. 610 Lake Ave., Ph. Wil. 3069. stucco spraying, etc. Specialized men exp. Talk A-123. 67L49-ltp for each job. 4LTN49-ltc MUTUAL DECORATING CO. FOR SALE - 1 TON FORD TRUCK, 406 Jefferson Ave. Glencoe WANTED GEN. HOUSE . CLEANING window washing, floor polishing, lawn Cloeed body, for t86. Ph. Wilmette !6!8. Phone Glen~oe !80 work and odd jobs. Ph. Wilmette 3428. fLTNft-lte 38LTN49-2tp 67LT49-tfc LABOR DAY SALE ·· wayne Employment Agency 1000 C~icago Ave. Ev. Ph. Univ. 4889. 62Lf9-ltp ·· FOB BENT-BOOMS COUPLES AND DAY WORKERS OF all natlonalltles, rellable help furnished. References investigated, prompt attenUon given. Charles H. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM IN private home $5. Ph. Wilmette 710-J. 66L49-ltc PLEASANT ROOM, MEALS sired. 1023 Main ~t. IF DE66L49-1tc Lake Shore Auto Sales THREE ROOM AND BATH HSKPG. apartment or attractive room for bu~tness man. East side residence near all transp. Refs. Ph. Wil. 204. 66L49-ltc FOR RENT-NICE LARGE BEDROOM suitable for couple men or business couple. Refs. required Ph. Wil. 3587. 88L49-ltc FURNISHED ROOM FOR ADULTS employed; Ught and pleasant; hot and cold running water : ararace space if desired. Phone Wil. 778-M. 66L36-tfp Decorating & Painting z I ·

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