Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1928, p. 12

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WILMETTE <:A»' YOU tT E A ECOND BAND COATI We laYe ~lt . . . LlFE September 7. 1928 J raeeee 1, a ~eala. · · h all4 _.., eoats tot ,.. -~ tall a Ia tnlde ··· wiD at a saertAee. lowa oa re' MIJ'. Au lor MBS. .J.\JIES. ft t JIILLI!a A CO., tit 8. ~· An., Clleaw ·tr· H·· Miss Cetelia Baldwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Baldwin of 622 Corn~r of Ninth street and Greenleaf Washington avenue, and Miss Dorothy avenue Gough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. }. Gough of 619 Maple avenue, ',['he First Presbyterian church extends will leave next Tuesday for Appleto..1, a cordial invitation to you to join us in Wis., where they 'will enter Lawrence our Sunday morning worship at 11 Wilmette Ba/'liJt Better Home Made Candies The opening of the social season ·in Evanston suggests Beach &. Geils candies, made to your order, for special events. Your guests, keen judges of the best, will appreciate them. W 1 thliwt twice aily ~h«· For &tttt in Ee1ennon Home Mw Ctmdit~ 567 Liacoln AYe. WinnetluJ 1633 O. r rington Ave. Eucn1ton NOW IT .COSTS SO LITTLE TO ENJOY OIL HEA TJ.NG TIM SILENT A U T 0 - Our morning sermons for September are 'selected from the opening chapters of the book of Jeremiah. Dr. Alllson has a faculty for making the Old Testament live again, and is In constant demand at Minister's Conferences for such interpretations as these. Sunday's theme il'! o'clock, September 9. The Rev. George "Fountains or Cisterns?" from Jeremiah, B. Laird, pastor of the First Presbyterian 2:13. church of Coral Gables, Fla., will have charge of the Communion service on that · "My house shall be flJled with music, day. Sermon topic : ..The Bread of Life." With song, with praise and prayer, New members received and baptism of And the burdens of life shall be lifted chiidren at that time ; arrangements can · For all who enter there." be made with the Clerk of the Session, This verse is f'Xempllfled every Wedne~ James W. Shedden, Wilmette 2884. day evening at 8 o'clock in the happy Catherine Bushouse, soprano, will be prayer meeting of our people. A cordial the soloist; Erma E. Rounds, organist. invitation is extended to all who would appreciate such an .Ltmosphere. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Classes All departments of our church school for all ages. The Adult Bible classes meet at 10 o'clock. Mrs. E. L. Schulz is reopen Sunday morning at 9 :30. 'rbere the leader of the women's class which are classes for all and new pupils will meets in the rear of the church audi- be heartilY' welcomed. Make yourself torium. We anticipate a large attendance known to the pastor and superintendent. at Sunday school next Sunday morning. People are returning from the summer The young people of thi 'i c.o ngregation vacations and we earnestly request every- and their friends will gather at 5 :30 Sunone in th~ homes to co-operate with us in day evening for tl\,eir fall fellowship securing the attendance of all those who campaign. The topic will be "Summershould be in Sunday school and also to time Experiences of Religion." All welendeavor to have them come on time. come. The Sunday ScJwol hour is 9 :30 a. m. If you are not a member of some other Thursday, Heptember 13, will be the first Sunday S(:hool come and join a class here. fall choir . rehearsal and will be held at o'clock. The Women's society will have its first The Wilmette Baptist church is located meeting of the season Tue~day, September 11, beginning at 10 o'clock. Special at Wilmette and Forest avenues. help with the sewing is to be given by Spoke 6, :\Irs. Tossell, Spoke chairman. the l·hur ·h in the secretary's room. Luncheon will be served at noon by Spoke 12. Spol_{e chairmen kindly make reserAnnual picnic of all the Young People vations with .Mrs. Harry Barnhill, Wilmette 1308. All members and their friends of Chicago Presbytery will be held Separe urgently requested to be present. tember 15, beginning at 3 p. m. at the There is much work to be done and a Rogers Park Bathing beach, Morse aveSwimming, games, clever stunts, complete attendance is desired for this nue. opening meeting to perfect plans for the camp fire singing and refreshments, to autumn. The ~Iissionary and business which all the young people are invited . meeting at 1:15 p. m. The Chairman of Reservations made for any who want to Home .Missions, ~Irs. Harriet Knowlton, attend by communicating with the church will have charge of the program. Topic: secretary, '\Vilmette 1575. "1928-1929 Candles Snuffed Oq.t." Dr. The church office is open daily, except Bronstein of Peniel Community Center Saturday, from 9 :30 to 11 :30 a. m. Calls will lead the devotional exercises. for service of any kind, including pastoral service, can be furnished at all times by · Fir~t mePting of the Girl Scouts Tues- communicating with the church secreday afternoon, September 11, at 3:45. All tary, Mrs. Nellie S. Boltwood, Phone of Troop 5 come for a reunion. Meet at Wilmette 15i5 or Wilmette 688. - MA TIC oil bumu seu a new swacbrd of !Hating tflicimcy for rbe whole industry- - i t is so ailtnt that it canDOt be btard in a room directly above your btatiag plant- -and it sella for $395tbe lowtst prict in history for a burner of ont aizt and om price, which will btat any room from a conagt ta a mansion. Continued Upon receipt . of several letters from our customers we have been forced to · extend our AUGUST FUR. SALE until September 20 . . . sot if · you haven't already purchased a new fur garment, you stiJl have time to buy at reduced August prices until SILE ften Is eal7 oue -&neat" C,.,Ur· with .,;,., eontroll. Tbar i~ wb! w! sav-.. Now ir costs so little to enjoy oil beating." For thia pnce .. reYolatioaaJ'7 AIDODir oth· aood oil bum··· Befort you bay ~ ton of coal, viair oar display room. Stt tbt SILENT AUTOMATIC tn opc1.ttion tbtre. Ask abqur the convenient terms. Tbtre ia oaly oae "Siltat" September 20 . . . and we will also give a Liberal Allowance for your old furs. Place your order now, a small depoait and we will hold the garment until you want it. THI NOISELESS OIL BU F\NE" aaaJq w1U be 1Dten8ted to llDOW u.a& dle 8Ueat A.atoaaUe Corpora· ProtpeeUYe parellaten Ia WI eo·· aJerv md OfMr· NomitNI inat.llctron coat· ~ Oft bfautrNnt COINitiOIM. oil att··l· ~~ end loc.J r.,.,.,ionl. U.et1 a u.n#lcrd by riM Uniuwriun' Wllolwtori... $395:~!·~ ,.... for M.7 aututn~~tic elal orpalaatloaa Ia tile eO buaer Uoa 11 oae of tile t&roapet ····· ladatti'J. No "81leat" wtU enr beeoae aa "onllaa." on Repairs-Remodeling-Relining Bring Your Coat in Now · SAVE 35% M anulacturing Furritr Et~anston Showroom 1620 SHERMAN AVE. Greenleaf 700 M. B. Okean Co· 567 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA Phone Winn. 2752 ....._ :A.RNINC-Maa)' Oil Baraen are beiaa placed oa tlae ......at . .._not beea teetecl aacl pro...d b)' tile UDd.writen' Labor-

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