WI_ LM21"TB Lt:P.I! 15 Acres in Barrington Moderate in Price 44 Minutes from Chicago Affording· the Real Joys of Country Life Barrington is a nearby region you should know. For the city man who wants clean air, quiet, and exercise for himself and family, no better location can be imagined. It Is midway between · Chicago and the lake region. Lake Geneva is only 40 miles away to the northwest, and the city can be reached in 44 minutes. Paved roads, including the new County Line Road, lead direct to the city of Evanston. A 900 foot altitude gives Barrington a commanding .view of the picturesque country around. A flourishing shopping center supplies the homeowner's needst and evening amusement. I o to I oo acres on Northwest High- way at side road corner. Woodland and hills, also spring fed creek on property. Reduced to close out. Easy terms. Small cash payment. Make your selection. Golf Club or Estate combines As an investment, acreage in Barrington has sound possibilities. Prices are attractive and are steadily tending upward. Quinlan ~ Tyson have included Barrington in their activities as North Shore specialists, and can give you full information on the bright fut.ure of this community. beauty with convenient location and good transportation and at a low price. Wooded 12 5 acres more or less. and knolls with bills water courses, inviting varied and unusual hazards; excellent opportunity for ~ good lake project. A natural golf course in the heart of Chicago's most select estate development. Homesites as small as four acres, or as large as 300 acres, are available at Barrington. Ask about further advantages at our office, and plan soon to drive out for close inspection. ~ST ABLISHED 1884 .. . Chicago. 40 N.' Dearborn St:. Central 0227 Evanston. Fountain ·Sq., University 2600 J:nr Winnetka, 714 Elm Street. Winnetka 2199 Wilmette, 424 Linden Ave., Wilmette 460 44 yeara specialists in North ShC'tt residential 11nd busineu 1t1lea 4nd rent11la, Firat mortgtlge lOAnl 11nd inv11tment1-inaurance of 11U typea